ot Cn Bill of ed rom hi wits, Irene Mans nice orce| We will pay highest market $1.25; 3 Fancy A . F. E. LUKE Optometrists i 163-167 Yonge. St, TORONTO 2 § TI: GENTLEMAN is busy "talking tele- phones to death"--which is merely a way of saying that he is testing their transmission qualities, He is a worker in the telephone research laboratories. He has a rack of telephone trans- mitters and a phonograph. He "talks them to death" by means of the phonograph to see whether the transmitters give satisfactory results, . : : ony, ty There have been 95 different types pt frets, going into the furni;... mitters and 64 different receivers to obtain the 3 oy 108] th instrument you are using today, And men are mee variety of ties; x e Viele at work now to find one still better. gloves, spats, dress Cv he Phol re . 9 Ze and our line of men's tn the best makes in Cang ue: JAS. McKEBE 21 of King Felsal, clined to do on the follq "All good. Kurds of § the City 0 Oshawa, in, the County prices. 3 Hd ; rounds of adultery 0, ion the Give usa trial. : a : a a A a. | THE_LAKE scugog ff. === vrem rus ---- RoE ANCA. FUR FARMS PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBES OO North half of lot 18, con. 10, Reach, : oe CHRISTMAS. TREE AT _R. R. 1, Seagrave, Ont. For Pastry, or Lily White for Bread. The MANCHESTER of users is Jrowin daily, Our cus : The annual Christmas Entertain-| 'The Creamery Messsd vi our flour, Try fi: be ment in connection with the United |: 45c., 4dc., and 41c. £ r. William Causley, recently with the (fF, hurt Sunday Schoo! at Manchester Butter Bat You san wave aber Milling Company, Y Sesion. 'to have the spe on 20. Evershody or | and make more money by send- house wives of Port Perry and district to come. Admission 25c and 16c. decld PORT PERRY Coe AMERY use his flour, Good Mixed wood for sale. Tueeday, Thursday, fl me A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors : : and Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. and by |. Arthur W, Lynde | or. a murray ee -- OFFIGE IN FURDY BLOCK TAPE TEACHER OF SINGING DENTIST ' rm ------ | sn : : - -_ : » §| SPECIAL Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H. Dee Systane in Somnard Blok ° Ld Slay H C 0 M I N G ! ; gifts ! Stone. Phone 77 Friday Afternoons | PORT PERRY ONTARIO ~ y : : Shi . : work. - th Family ShoeStore|:: sar] Ho moan, : hy { F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 § emstitched Towels with blue or pink be fn '| # Yonge St. Toronto, to be at his § Stamped Night Gowns, made of good - 9 . : it store, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. : 2 rs i It's just a matter of days in "Suen ras §| Stamped Pilow Cases, st $135 yer pais. 5 : yf i Stamped Vanity Sets, at 50c. and 75e, and Christmas will be here. |i Stamped Buffet Sets, at dfe. fo 76. a Corticella Boil-Proof Stranded, 8 skeins for 10e. | At the Family Shoe Store|! CL -- you can can get suitable and "W. A. Sangster | Veek End Prices for Groceries . of : : £3 Dangsier |. 710 bs for 60c. | Bee Hive Syrup..........5 Is $0 appropriate gifts. ~ QpRENTAL SURGEON ~~ "8¥s for 25. 30 the te . . . L aXr Moke. ulk Dates +. b8 for 25¢.| Comfort and P. & G. Soa - Our Holeproof line of Hosiery with pi AD re] Pag tw tot le, fancy individual boxes make a nice rn Huron ToF 7, § ea a l i Py Tne's Corn Stareh, ..per 10c. . gift. We have them for $1.00 & $1.25 RTLE Jes Popring Conn lis toe iw MI IONS and full-fashioned at $1.50 & $1.95 in A & } | A Ey L : L ; all the latest shades. ELEVATOR a We have a splendid assortment of nO, 1hEED OF ALL KINDS, fancy slippers that make suitable gifts, |, > o0 Toe rs op also smart shoes in patent; black & or ar Sian Jou grat) brown kid. We have the lagi oment| ".v..0 cain' company. line in goloshes. = 3 | Phone Shu Pile, tn hares In men's wear we +' "ff dually | s---------- | B THE NEXT ROOM another man {is using an apparatus which rubs a piece of telephone cord back and forth until it frays. He is seeking a better cord. He is the man who found that the brown cord in your tele- phone today wears better than the green cord you used to have. You may not have noticed the change from green to brown but it has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars for telephone users. That is the business of these gentlemen--to make a better telephone and save money in doing it. I ERE ARE NEARLY five thousand of them at work in the Bell Telephone Laboratories -- the largest telephone resarch laboratories in the world -- and the Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada owns a contract giving access to all the work they do. That is why your telephone system now has the ingenious device known as the "loading coil" which transmits messages over wires fine as human hair. It used to be necessary to have heavy wires, increasing in size with distance, The heavy wires were costly. The loading coil has saved millions in telephone costs. The underground cables developed in recent years are another of a score of similar benefits, They have wires to-carry a vastly greater num. ber of messages than they used to, but they are so compact and so efficient that they can be pulled through the original underground ducts, If cables and ducts had to be increased in size with the vast new traffic the costs of telephon- ing would climb sky-high. T= NEW CABLES, like the brown cord and the loading coil, mean millions of dollars saved. These dollars are dollars in your pocket. Your telephone is being connected with thousands of new telephones across the country every week yet increased value does not cost you more because costs are suc- "cessfully offset by the economies which re- _ search accomplishes, ° The gentlomin testing the transmitter and the J Jive ousand working in the laboratories with NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of George David Prentice, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others claims against the estate of George David Prentice, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, who died on or about the 25th day of October A.D. 1928 are, on or before the 8rd day of January A.D. 1929 to send by Joa, gropaid to Harris & Harris, Port erry, it, solicitors for Eleanor May Brown, administratrix of the estate of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, ad es and descrip- tions, the full particulars of their ims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of securities (if any) held by thea, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Eleanor May proceed to distribute the * the simpy 5 this 4th ARRIS, LOR' boy A black, tan and whit din vicinity of Greenbank. AMhyone hav- NT & ing same please notify J. Matthews, " 75 Yonge St. Oshawa. All kinds of Dry Cle done. Ladies' fine ghly cleaned by our : g at very moderate ' T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry It Is composed to the last ounce of Keep BLATCHFORD'S Evg Mas Mash before your hens all 58 Mash THEN COLLECT THE EGGS. Sold and Recommended By . F. McClintock, Dealer, Port Perry e Toronto Saw 8 GMY-on in the Toronto Farm Equi line. s when you're in town, or write to me for literat -ORR SHUNEK, _ AGENT, SONYA, ONT. REMAINS A SHORT TIME TO COMPLETE THE Ng WILLARD'S STORE NEWS WITH CHRISTMAS JUST AROUND THE- GORNER THE PARATIONS. OUR FRUITS ARE EXCEPTION Sunday School Anniversary YEAR THAT WE MUST BE EXCUSED IF WER oe by AGAIN. OUR STOCK IS AGAIN COMPLETE IF ALREADY MADE YOUR MINCE MEAT, B CALL OR PHONE AND WE Wj » (PHONE ¢ RE ONLY