ABLETS for colds in the head, § i _ EASTMAN'S KODAKS AND FILMS, : 'MOIR'S CHOCOLATES ALLENS TOFFEE. § Morrison's Drug Store «Port Perry RES sts es Ontario . WE SERVE TO PLEASE Try our Bread, Buns, and Confectionery, and you will be pleased. - E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. Ring up Phone 72. 1 co , County Master, of Guardian of the ro. C. Dev reo i extended the appreciation {1 0. B. A, D ion init t Thi tal event a success, The are devoted to e purchase uirements for t! Soming 12th of J ¥.. ater Crawford, W.M. made the p tation of the prizes. Re- freshments were served. This lod, meets 1st Friday in the Orange Hall. - N COUNTY ORANGE LODGE MEETS AT PORT PERRY Lodge of South | showin | crease in membership | with her parents, CLOVER SEED We are prepared to pay highest market price for Red Clover Seed again this season. If you have any to offer bring in a sample. A MOLASSINE MEAL: aL We have have a quantity of Molassine Meal left. . Those Who have "used-it are greatly pleased with the results. Try a bag. - Lael i : vex DISHES IN SETS _ If you need a set of dishes we have some nice designs to offer in finest English semi-porcelean: All open oi ; GROCERIES . Our stock of Groceries is always fresh. next order. \ 3 ¥ J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. "Let ts have your Yler's The County Orange 'Ontario held its annual meeting in the Orange Hall, Port Perry, Satur- day, February 2. or. Co. Master. H. M. Bateman, occupied the chair. Officers elected for the ensuing year are Gillespie, Whitby, unty Master; R. J. Andrews, Sr., Oshawa, D.CM.; G. A. Young, Oshawa, Chap- lain; G. J. Morrish, Port Perry, Rec. Sec.; W, S. McKinley, Port Perry, Fin. Sec.; J. A. Moore, Oshawa, Treasurer; Jno. McCullough, Courtice, Marshall; John Short, Oshawa, Lect.; John B. Gray, Oshawa, Dep. Lect.; H. B. Mc- Prince Albert, Comm; R..J. Andrews, Jrs Oshawa,-and H. J.-Johnsten, Osh. awa, Auditors. 3 The new county master started something when he offered a cup valued at $15.00 to the Orange or Young Briton lodgé in the county the greatest proportionate in- thin the pre- gent year. This in addition to the high principles which Orangeism espouses, should result in a greatly increased membership. The County Lodge will meet again at Utica, May 11, at 8 o'clock stand- ard time. dx RTA . MYRTLE (Too late for last week) - Mrs. Clarence Harrison - attended the Convention of the Oshawa Presby- terial of the W. M. 8. of the United Church, which was held in Oshawa on Friday. Mr, J. E. Beacock and Rev. R. J. Merriam, are attending the Presby- tery in Oshawa this week. ; r. R. Clark, who has been Faving Mr, and Mrs. Tarvis; during their illness has re: turned to her home in Cleveland. Miss «Effie Graham has been spend- ing a few days with her grandparents in Claremont. Some of the young people from here attended the dance which was held in the Community Hall, Brooklin, on Friday night. Miss Ruby Cook was a recent guest of her sistér Mrs. Beadle, Toronto. Mrs. T. Banner, is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Leury have been visiting Toronto friends for a few days. Arrangements were made on Sun- day to hold the annual congregational meeting in the church basement on or about the 20th of February, when the annual business will be transacted and church reports given, after which a rogramme will be given and the fades will serve refreshments. The Ladies' Aid are holding their Valentine Social on Wednesday even- ing, February 13th, when the special menu will be pan cakes. PEE 1 | a] RAGLAN NEWS "Miss Hazel Grose was visiting at the home of her parents, Grose, has returned to Toronto. We are glad to report that Mrs. W. Bright, is much improved in health since the last report. We hope this may continue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland and family spent Sun with the form- ) Stor, Mrs. is Bs Brent. 'A Box Social and concert will be held in the Town Hall on the evening ebruary 22nd. Ladies bringing boxes will be admitted free. Admis- sion 26c & 16c. W. Maw, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. J. Bray, of Prospect, Tetehily visited Miss Suste Bray. guest of the Misses E. and G. Brawn, on Sunday. ° ; Mrs. J. Thompson has been removed to the Oshawa Hospital where she is to und on. Her many daughter, Mrs. B. recovery. 5. W ington spent with their daughter Mrs. of Oshawa, i re attended the ice carnival at Brooklin last week. 'Mr, C. wn was elected a dele- te to the Presbytery at Oshawa on 1 . A Mrs. Wm. Luke has returned home after spending a fev days with her of T a A lia Kercher, Utica, Dep. Lect Ww. drew W. L. Parrish, seconded Mr, and Mrs. | iss Jean Miller, of Utica was af, Vol. LXV ES ---- Subeription price $1.50 in advance on our illiams | The monthl nual bazaar and pie con- test "afternoon, Feb- ruary 20th, at o'clock, at the home of Mrs, Sinclair Robertson. The attendance of all. rs is request- ed. Everybody welcome. PINE GROVE CEMETERY CO. The annual meeting of the Pine Grove Cemetery Company was held Sages: Front nf Mr, John effrey, ent, in the chair, The report of :the rs for 1928 was received and on motion of Mr. A.! W. Allin, seconded by: Robt. Walker, | was adopted. 1 Moved and seconded that no work, by the caretaker be done, on lots on which arrearages of? 'payment for| caretaking are due. Moved y J. T. Dobson, that Geo. A. Rose, be authorized | bond Company. J The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President--John Jeffrey Sec'y-Treas.--T. J. Widden. Caretaker--L. Bond.' House and Grounds Com. W. L. Parrish, A. W. Allinj T. Dobson. Auditors--E. H. Purdy and Geo. A. ose. re- eee Ptr MANCHESTER NEWS The regular monthly meeting of the Manchester W. M. 8. will be held at th home of Mrs. E. Barrett, on Fri- day, February 15th, 1929, at 3 o'clock. A congregational meeting will be held in our church at 8 p.m. on Friday, February 20th. The. following organ- izations will each give two numbers on the program, followed by their secretary's report of the work done for the past year: Official Board, the Sunday School, Ladies' Aid, and the W. M. S. Lunch will be served by .|the Ladies and a silver, collection will be taken to help defray eXpenses: All members and friends are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crosier had the pleasure of a visit from the lat- ter's cousin Mr. Frank Orchard, of Create, Sask. Messrs. Bruce and Lorne Clark, and Messrs. Smith and Crosley, all of To- ronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Walker. Since the heavy snow fall on the icy roads, the snow plow has been making a daily trip along the high- way. Mrs. Frank Crosier spent a few days last week visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs, Putsey, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Day and family, of Port Perry, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munro, one evening last week. : x Very sorry to report that Mr. A. Roach is ill again, and confined to his home for the past two weeks. We hope for a speedy recovery. Some of his many friends from Oshawa have called to see him. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Johnson were in Greenwood recently. Miss Blanche Reesor spent the week end at her home in Stouffville. Many of our men are busy drawing wood from the wods since the snow came and the sleighing good. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. W. D. Munro, on Wed., Feb. 6, and was well attended. The meeting was opened with the usual devotional exercises. . One new.. member was added. The election of officers re- sulted as follows: President, Mrs. W. F. Walker; Vice Pres., Mrs. William Thompson; Secretary, Mrs. W. F. Crosier; asst Sec'y, Mrs. Spencer; Treasurer, Miss A. Thompson, Visit- ing Com., Mrs. C. E. Lamb, Miss A. Thompson, Mrs. M. Barrett," Mrs. W, unro, Mrs. E. Spencer. Parsonage Com,, Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Thompson, and Mrs, Barrett.. Mr. John Johnson was appointed to get some metal put on the back of the seats in front of the stove in the church, to protect the paint. Miss Blanche Ressor and Miss A. Barrett were. appointed as the pro- gram committee for March. After planning for places to meet during the next few months, the > seting closed. Lunch was then served. We are pleased to-report Mrs. T. Johnson improved in health. We were pleased to see Mr. and Mrs Chas. Ww and family, of Prospect, n Sunday. © © GREENBANK orn to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leask, lebruary ter. th, a daughter. with her aunt in Oshawa for a to at church o y sMessrs. Percy and Jimmie London, are each sporting a new Durant Sedan - Jimmie purchased his very re- cently, a atl to Port Perry. Just coming as he road kept open from: Manchester Port Perry for the bus during the ter, as it is such a convenience and | such good ec far to "February 8th. l 1a t! Ten 1Cl 0 to proeure a bond of $1000 for investment on behalf of the ope ge, ot dy fie Gordon Cherrie and at Mark have secured posi unity Mr. A. E. Rog SEAGRAVE 4 meeting of the Girls' Quadrata Clul iss Grace Reynolds, on Friday night, The meeting open with hymn 165, after which thé Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison.' Th pture reading was 1st John 5: 1- read by iss Vera Tanner membexs responded to the roll call, Two motions were carried. One. | to donate $10 to the S. S. Library, and to! 2nd, that $10 be granted to the M. & . Fund. A presentation of a necklace of pean ads was made to Miss Lillian ickard, who is leaving with her par- "| ents this month for their new home in Utica. The following address was read by Miss Velma McMillan and the resentation was made by Miss G. ynolds. ' Dear Lillian:--It is with deep re- et that we, the members of the nadrata Club, have learned that you are about to leave us. We therefore | take this opportunity of expressing to you that of regret, and that of appre- ciation of how you have attended our meetings, and have done anything you could to help us. We sadden at the thought of how we will miss you at these meeting, but-we know that our loss will be other's gain. Will you kindly accept this gift, not for its real value, but as a token of remem- brance from the girls of the Quadrata lub. Whenever you can renew old acquaintances, you may be assured of a hearty welcome. We wish you every success and hap- piness for the future, with long life and God's richest blessings. Miss Pickard gave a very appre- ciative reply: - The boys of the Nelson Bible Class, with their teacher Mra. Howard Leask, were then entertained by the Girls' Club. Each person was given a heart | on which was written a prophecy for ree -rhim. or. her... Then followed games-- The Empty Hand, Won't you be my i Valentine, Pinning dart and an ob- | servation contest. After getting partners by matching broken hearts, an oyster and tomato soup supper was served. All seemed to enjoy them- selves." Thirty four were present. A string of beads was also sent to Miss ; Lois King recently moved to Oshawa. The best of wishes follow these young ladies in their new homes. The attendance at our Sunday School exceeded the century mark on Sunday last Sunday. $20 was grant- ed for new books for the library, The interest manifest. in this work is de- cidedly encouraging to the officers and teachers of the S. S. Mrs. Thomas Laffin and baby of Sunderland, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, Harding. Mr. John Mark attended tHE funéral of his cousin, Mrs. Geo. Lyle, in Osh- awa, on Monday. Mr. Roy Scott spent the week end in. Peterboro, while there he attended a convention of the use of fertilizer. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Irwin visited in Oakwood on Wednesday. Miss Mabel Rennie spent the week- end in Wick, the guest of her mother. Miss Myrtle Cookman attended a skating party on Friday evening. -- CN Yserinrs Don't forget the I.O.D.E. Skating Party, Friday, March 1st. 25e. 000s "Sent the audience into paroxysms of laughter." Brantford Expositor. Church, Port Perry, Sunday and Mon- day, February 24 and 25, eens OY) Oita CLEARING AUCTION SALE of pure bred and high grade Shorthorn Cattle, Horses, implements and furni- ture, the property of Coulter Bros., Port Perry, on Friday, February 22, 1920. See large bills for list and terms. Sale at 11.30 am. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers 000 SCUGOG The people of the Foot Appoint- mont had a successful wood bee last week and now have a supply of wood for their church. Mr. Elford, Mr. Ray Milner, Mrs. J. Joblin, Mrs. Milner, and Mrs. Pettitt, all had a pleasant trip to Oshawa last Tuesday. ! : Our young skaters are disappointed now that there is so much snow on the pond. The Y. P. Society had a very sue- cessful meeting at the home of Mr. Geo. Sweetman. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Sydney Chandler and the topic was taken by Mrs. Joblin. Mr. Glen Elford was home with his parents last week. Mr. J. Joblin was in Oshawa on Tuesday last attending the funeral of his cousin, Miss Aileen Sweetman was the the guest of Miss Grace Mark on Sunday. Mr, Saves; of Toronto, has rented Mr. J. Cherrie's farm and is now get- ting things ready for his family who are coming in the spring. . There will not be any Y. P. 8. this at the Port Perry rink. "Miss Marjorie Jeffrey was in Osh- awa for a few day recently. © Mr. W. Dodsley and Mr. Alymer Ploughman are busy cutting ice for to oe § Miss Ila Reader is home from To- ronto where she has been for some time. 3 : daughter Emma, 'of Port Perry, were rE GH le fe to lose a valu Mr. Alton 'positions in Osh- son was in T 4 Reader has secured ~position with Mr. A. R. Rev. Geo. E. Morley, B.A,,"at United } ; ti ay hockey . Week. The boys ate tn Play EY wii to the heavy condition of the; . ythev ave planning Mr. and Mrs, Wilton McKinley and. : horse last gular m ¢ horse last gular me and a Rrooklin, of 4 -- Seven Mile Island, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Ploughma: met at the home of and baby were the guests of Mrs, W.| North Bruce, Port Perry, on Sunda; Mr. J. O'Brien and Mr, spent the week end in Bethany. = that the Port Pi erry T much local news, home of Mrs. D. Cherri February 19th. All are L. clark, I heard a lady from Salem say, now Star, hed s0 she is thinking of subscribing. We are glad that we are doing eur bit- to help the home paper. ue The Union Ladies' Ald 4 ects 4 the abou Tuesday, | with nn. Gan, gs Bell Tele, Q : of men are wor for the phone Co.. on the Montreal- Bay line. About 100 men are working on In death Bu Wm. Tarvis, rs. Wm. who passed away at her home here last week. in her 73rd y : - muriity" has suffered the loss of a kindly va faithful church worker, and one who as an entertainer was hard to beat. The deceased had suffered from an attack of the flu t Ch time which left her heart affection. But her family H.-Fralick is able to again after her recent il Mrs. Geo . trai is + We are pleased to report that Mrs. and phy held out every ho) her recovery until W. Y e Pe af and around when she suffered a heart attack never rallied. She leaves to mourn her 1 at her home each Monday night. We in the near future. with Mr. Oliver Williams, on Sunday. position with the Telephone gang, on the new line from Oshawa to North Pery and Raglan at present. It is no easy task hunting up new, but we enjoy it. Let us have what is worth telling. Bs SERS LH REPORT OF 8.8. NO 5, REACH Sr, IV--Muriel McKercher 72, Ed- Mervin Ross, unclassified, Jr. IV---Hazel Ballard Miller, 67. Sr. III--Elmore Wagg 658, Jack Butson 52. Hanford Wagg, Delza Lakey, Merrell Ross, unclassified. 1, Skerratt 48 Sr. 1I--Mary Wayne 66, Mitchell 59, Alfred Wayne 27. Jr, 1I--Muriel Grace Mitchell 59. Sr. I--Dick Steer 66 Jr. I---Aileen Harper, 78, Mildred Lakey 71. Sr. Pr.--Rose Steer 80, Audrey Miller 80, Helen Wayne 74, Robert Sutherland 73, Jr. Pr.--Bert Mitchell, Lloyd Ross, -- -------- UTICA NEWS Mrs. Jno. Sutherland in Whitby at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Stevenson, mother of Mrs. F. Sonley, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy and daughter of Prince Albert, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Butson. The sympathy of the community oes out to Mrs. Frank Hortop in the oss of her sister Mrs. Geo. Liyle, of Oshawa. Sunday. Migs Dorothy Medd visiting her sister' Mrs. Russéll Lane, Toronto. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church are holding a social evening in the basement of the church of Tues- day evening, February 26th. Every- body come. Admission 25¢ and 15c. Fach member is supposed to contrib- vet something toward the concert or vay a fine, Mr. and Mrs. Wagg with his parents at Prince Albert one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, at Epsom, on Sunday. 3 Mrs, Jas. E. Mitchell and children with Mr. and Mrs. H, Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gilbert with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer on Sun- ay. The Presbyterian Church members are having an oyster supper in the church in the near future and the members of Chalk Lake Dramatic Club are presenting their play en titled "Yimmy Yohnson's Yob." Look for particulars later. Miss P. Jones is in Toronto. We are pleased to see the splendid attendance at the United Sunday Schonl lately. The attendance for the last three Sundays has been around 86 with a generous collection, Pleased to report Mrs. A. Simpson is able to leave the hospital, but she is not able to get home #s yet. Miss Aileen Harper spent a day or two with Mrs, Robt. Clark last week. About 25 men attended the wood bee at the United Church last Friday. The members wish to thank those so ably assisted. the week end Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross and family at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell's on Sunday. a Valentine Party for the scholars and their mothers on Friday afternoon at the school. BE AE MYRTLE Mr. Marshall Ballard, of Medicine Hat, Alta., spent a few days last week with his cousin Mr. Edward Mole. The highwav snow plow has made several trips along the pavement since the recent snow storm. Rev. Mr. Merriam experienced con- lan appointment on Sundav afternoon roads. Mr, Oscar H. Miller cattle sale. The young .ronta last week atte night and it was s . ne~v future. ed from a visit with Toronto friends The W.MS. are holding their report HH in Oshawa wil be Mrs. R. Loge ts visi 10% Li gt Ww visited their son a class of boys in singing. They meet her husband, four da: are looking forward to a good choir Regina, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweetman and. ra: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham, visited being with her at times Mr. Gordon Mark has secured a' Bay. They are working between Port ward Mitchell 70, Geo. Skerratt, 57, Bruce Jr, III--Dennis Steer 53, Robert Kerry 67, Willie Wayne 65, Helen Butson 64, Verna Miss Jean Miller was in Reglan on! from the Presbyterian Church, who Miss Vivian McKercher at home for Paper on Mies Jean Miller, teacher, is holding | !siderable difficulty reaching his Rag-| Downey was in To- ople held a dance in Mr. W. J. Cook's hall last Wednesday header, Friday ev ng the Dryden- rp. a success that will be Oshawa for another in the Bank of Commerce, Mr, and Mrs. D Leury have return- ve- lh t Sivan. : ng her sister night and the tou up Rodd, of = "he Mr. Ivan 3%. from the fi cirele ter, Jno, of Whitby; Mrs. Sonley of Dr. Clark of Cleveland and Mrs. Flett of Cherrywood, and Mur- y of Cherrywood. All the family during her except Mrs, Sonley. The funeral which was held' on Saturday afternoon was co by Rev. Mr. Merriam, who spoke very feelingly on her life, and very com- fortingly to the bereaved family. The floral tributes spoke in a silent way of the respect that was held for her. | The pall bearers were her two sons, two sons-in-law, a grandson and a nephew. Interemnt was made in the family plot at Ashburn cemetery. The community extends deepest sym- pathy to the sorrowing family. LLL PROSPECT NEWS Messrs. Geo. Smith and W. Holtby motored to Toronto on Thursday to attend the Holstein meeting and Bo yuet, which. was held .in the Prince George Hotel. Mr. Heron, of Ashburn is pressing ay in our vicinity, Mrs. Wallace with friends in Raglan recently. A good game of hockey was played on Niddery's pond, on Saturday after- noon between Myrtle and spect which ended in a tie, 8-8. A skat party was held on Saturday night an all report a good time. Mr. Thos. Risebrough visited with friends in Brooklin on Sunday. f Mr. Chas. Wilson has moved ,on | Mrs, Stephen Smith's farm. We wish | them success in their new home. ! -- Qe BLACKSTOCK | Mrs. John: Byers, of Ottawa, ia | sisiting with friends and relatives in 'our village and vicinity. { Mr. Oliver McCulloch and sister Ida of Enfield, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith motored to Lindsay on Wednes- day of last week. i r, and Mrs. Clarence Marlow were ost EL hostess to a number of { frien on - y "evening last. Mr. Earl Dorrell spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. r. and Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt, Harold and Marjorie, visited at the home of | Smith Bros. recently. The result of the hockey match be- tween Blackstock and Nestleton, on | Thursday night was 6-4 in favor of | Blackstock. Mrs. Griffin, of Omemee, is the | guest of her sister Mrs, Jas. Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs | F. Werry, spent Sunday with Mr. and | Mrs. A. Bailey. Mrs. Harry Graham of Toronto is with her mother Mrs. H. Mountjoy, who has been under the doctor's care for the past week. | Misses Margaret Proutt, Crystal ! Fallis, Frances Mountjoy, Messrs, H. Swain, G. McCutcheon, and Lawrence Mountjoy, spent Sunday with the Misses Susie and Olive VanCamp. The February meeting of the Vie- torian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Powell on Wednes- day afternoon of last week with a splendid attendanse of 656 members and visitors. Among those present from out of town were Mrs. John Byers, Miss Maud Hooey, Winnipeg; and Mrs. Griffin of Omemee. roll call was agswered with a "Valen- tine Greeting". A bale of clothing valued at $37.60 was reported sent to ithe Rainy River District. Arrange- ments were made for a social evening and progressive euchre to be held in the town hall on Friday, 15th. Prizes given and lunch served. Admission | 25c. Miss Kathleen Phoenix gave a "The Rainy River District" { where she formerly taught. Mrs. John Byers, a former member, gave a splendid talk on the method and work of the institute. Lunch was served. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Forder, on Thursday evening, Feb. 21st, | Miss Myrtle Brunt, of Enniskillen, , spent the week end with Mr. and Mra. ' Austin Larmer and Mr.- and Mrs. Russell Larmer. y Continuation School report willap- pear next week. i RR Sy i HOCKEY TOURNA! TO COM- MENCE ON FRIDAY, FEB. 15th. Large Entry Received including, : Oshawa. Toronto, Lindsay. The hockey tournament postponed i from last week, will be held on Fri- day, Monday, Tuesday and Th y, February 15th, 18th, 19th and The first of the series is a double at 8 o'clock that it a onto; Duke . mee Wi v 5 mes will probably riba. pore peer he route) and nan- The semi final will be on Webster, ! illness and at the funeral | Teams in with the The pala on Tickets for