Don't fofget the I. 0. D. E. Skating] Party, 'March 1st. ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER Friday, March the 15th is the day of the St. Patrick's Supper andCon- John's Presbyterian Church. Re- member the date of this popular event en () Qe: Miss Alma Blight is spending a few days in Toronto. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gordon, Saintfield, on February 7th, 1929, Jack and Jean, twins. Mrs. Gordon is with her mother, Mrs, A. Goode, Port Perry. Miss Bessie Crozier, who has been livifg in New York for the past few months, is spending some holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Crozier. At the conclusion of her stay in town Miss Crozier will take up residence in Toronto. About fifteen of the local bank boys and their friends were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hutcheson at a theatre party on Tuesday evening last week. In the earlier part of the even- ing the party motored to Oshawa and went to the Regent Theatre. On their return from there the the evening was pleasantly concluded with dancing and a dainty lunch at the Hutch residence. Mr. Grant Rundle, a former Port Perry boy, underwent an operation last week. We understand he is get- ting along as well as can be expected Mr. Samuel Farmer, the Editor of this paper, is back on the job again, after having been ill for several days last week: Mr. A. M. Roberts of Otterville, was visiting his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. Roberts. We are pleased to know that Mrs. J. Wagner, who has been quite ill, is improving in health, QU On Wednesday, February 13th, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowerman and Mr. Thomas Bowerman, of Port Perry, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McMullen;, of Toronto, and with them and friends attended, the Occident Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons' dinner and dance, held at the Palais Royale, Sunnyside Beach, Toronto. ----0 0 DOING NICELY Mr. William Willard's many friends will be. pleased to know that he has been able to be up a bit since his re- cent serious illness. We shall be very glad to see him able to be about again. We regret to learn that his daughter, Mrs. Harper was compelled to leave for home last week owing to the fact that her husband was taken ill in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs, Harper left for Edmonton on Wednesday and would probably be home on Sunday. nein TAX NOTICE ° All parties in arrear for taxes are hereby notified that all tax accounts not paid by March 15th, will be-placed in the Bailiff's hands for collection. By order of the Council, E. H. Purdy, Clerk. mn) (He "STAR DUST" In looking over this relatively idea of Einstein's, we have come to the conclusion that lack of relations is synonymous: with--"nobody"s darling." BR Ia yl "ti NOTICE The W. C. T. U. will meet at three o'clock on Wednesday, 27th inst at the home of Mrs. Samuel Baird. All ladies interested are welcome. A social half hour will be spent after the program. FIREOA PY The band will furnish 'that good music', at the 1.0.D.E. Skating Party. RRL Pn Le The whole Dominion is talking of the great improvement in the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. "At $1 a year or three years for $2 it is the farmer's highest dividend pay- ing investment, and the family circle gets with it the best of all magazines free REV. GEO E MORLEY, BA." be COMING TO PORT PERRY The Ladies' Aid of Port Perry United Church have made afrange- ments for Rev. George E. Morley fo visit us on Sunday and Monday even- ings. On Sunday he will speak twice, tion of that great story " Tale of the Christ. Press 'notices and ciiisatan from ministers are very plentiful re- garding Rev. Mr. Morley's service as a preacher and entertainer. Herewith Smily. "Rev. George E. Morley has made a decided step brings a gifted orator--a distinguished elocu- tionist--a reader of great charm-- and a preacher of intense force--not only powerful but with a great per- sonal appeal--He has a refined man- ner and striking personality--The people are loud in their praises--ap- preciation was heard on every hand-- and he left them wanting him back-- He held the audience spellbound with oratory of the kind that moves--His influence is felt long after he is gone --and his is an influence for good--He is blazing a new trail with unlifting messages--masterpieces of oratory and superb poems nobly rendered-- He was obliged to give many encores --He properly draws the distinction between h and 1 His was an altogether unusual program-- He is a preacher, an orator, a literary interppeter--and is rendering a fine service to his day and generation. ie (ms The second is as follows: "The sermon in the morning was a direct challenge to our people for larger service. In the evening he pre- sented '"Ben-Hur--A Tale of the Christ" to a capacity audience. It was a tr d appeal, especially to the young men and women, who filled the galleries. Monday evening a miscellaneous program . that easily demonstrated not only his re- markable versatility, but also carried his audience with him in such spon- taneity of sympathy that he was re- called time and again. There will be a great welcome for him in old George Street whenever he returns to us." REV. J. E. TODD, B.A., Peterboro. inf is HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The public is invited, b ythe Liter- ary Society, to the assembly hall, on Thursday, March 7th, at 7.30 p.m., to see the 103 colored slides, "Canada from Coast to Coast," which have been loaned by the Canadian National Railways. There will also be several musical numbers. The Glee Club are putting on a concert on the evening of March 12th. under the leadership of Mr. Arthur Lynde. Admission 26e. if On Friday, February 8th, an all Canadian program was held at the meeting of the Literary Society. T he program consisted of a pageant, in which all the Provinces were repre- sented. Dorothea Nasmith, Annie Farmer, and Hugh Nind all gave talks on some Canadian topic. The School paper was enjoyed by:students and visitors alike. Anybody is quite wel- come to come to the Literary meetings --we promise you samething "alive and snappy" every time. Furniture Sale Postponed. Coulter Bros." Fur- niture Sale has been postponed until 1.30 on Saturday, Feb. 23rd. This applies to furniture only ---- Sp-- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH February 24th.-- Special services under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. = 11 a.m.--Rew. Geo. E. Morley, B.A. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. '7 pm--Mr. Morley will give a dramatic recital of "Ben Hur". The H , Rev. Geo. E. Morley, ! pocorn fue Admission his evening subject being a presenta- : are two such. The first by Owen} x f : offers the people of this district good service in three distinct lines--as a local newspaper; ' supplying good printing;| we you buy from us soup . always be sure of getting the} gazine subscription|bet sre of tue. letter. year. agency. Li THE STAR is growing in favor, and| mg PA frequently sent to friends away from home, often taking the place of a The subscription price is only $1.50 per If you are not a regular sub- scriber, we shall be pleased to place your name on our list, or to enter the name of your friend to whom you so frequently send it. NOTE--Any subscriber whose subscription - is not paid up will help the wheels to run more smoothly by attending to this matter as soon as' possible. = : PRINTING We know that we can pljsaze you ini mpounded Gallagher your Printing Jobs. size, the work will receive prompt matter as to orchestra will assist in the evening service. e our money." reasonable. Sie in THE STAR. investment. trouble and money. - been servi trict, and and careful attention; and, as a man said of our work to-day, 'we '"'earn|s:w Our prices are very|: Advertising Hundreds of people take advantage of|orreriNG opp LOTS OF THE STAR for advertising pe. »9| CHINA AT 50c. ON FRIDAY - The charge is small and the results are good, because people read the|, oon CHOICE OF FRESH Steady, live advertising is a paying iar 30: 1b for 2c: Magazine Agency Let us send in your magazine and news- paper subscriptions. 'We save you|BLoNG BLOCK { £ - SERVICE For over twenty-one years we Jae 'the people in 1 we ask is AND COKE wh full supuiy of Gos, Coke, PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office 238. REAL ESTATE ' PROPERTIES FOR SALE Joos hardwood floors. 50 acres, good buildings, close to good town. $1,000 buys 10 acres, barn 80x40. $3000 buys five acres, electric lights, This is a good home. Ideal chicken farm. Other good properties in and d ix Xomed house, electric} 0 acres, good buildings, electric,| BANE OF 'COMMERCE Gn STANDARD BANK O CANADA CAWKER Bl OS: FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH BEST QUALITY RED SALMON OYSTERS suk BABY BEEF YOUNG PORK LAMB ---- VEAL -- . BELL PHONE 29w Mn BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDES Buisman SY Port Perry. ; WESLEY BOYNTON, PORT PERRY She offers her healing herbé. to stop suff: are a nT a Te rets and "NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings. See these goods for yourself and let us 'quote prices. "They are right. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'We have a choice range' of ready-to-wear Overcoats at - very low prices. We feel that these coats are worthy of your-inspection. We have them because we Xnow they 'are right in price and quality. It Pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Let us do it. : W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR . PORT PERRY , hus helped many a sufferer rom This fine, time-proved re remedy, from the, heart of Nature, heals and cleanses kidneys. Quickly stops back- ache, dizziness and other kidney and bladder ailments. ! oi P. G. MORRISON. PORT PERRY VARIETY STORE THE VARIETY STORE- IS AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY - 22nd and Gum Drop, regular 26¢ Ib for 22¢. Jelly Beans, regular 26c 1b for 22c Butteretts, regular 40c 1b for 83c. Chocolate Creams, reg 85¢ Ib for 28. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. R. H. PIERRE Propeistor Sugar Creams, reg. 25¢ Ib for 2%. a PL Perry Dominion Store™ WEEK END SPECIALS IN WINTER GOODS Ladies' Sport Goloshes, P9200 coi Sale price $1.98 Ladies' Four Buckle Overshoes, regular $2.9! 5117 Se prc S100 Mrs Riphers, seedy Sadp s price $2.66 1 Boys' Rubbers, regular $2.49, sizes 1to 5....... price $1.98 Ladies' Flannel Duesses. Regular $5.30, for $2.98 Ladies' all wool stockings, Regular 75c., for 38¢. A lot of Flannels to clear at HALF PRICE. A lot of Men's, Ladies' and 's Underwear, Winter Weight, to clear at PRICE. All Winter Stock reduced to 1; Price PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE : AUCTION SALE TOR SALE CHEAT... Rn rd Leask Bros. will sell.a number of comfo six roomed cottage half sere of ground. Good barn and aod Horses, Shep, and Registre Short driving shed. First class hen house mn e at their phemises, lot 17, and run-way. Apply S. E. Embury, | 00: 12, Reach Tp., on Wednesday, the Port Perry. FR mar. i. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. oe = EEE uote In Accordance With Our 8 New Cash Plan 6th day of March. Sale at 1230 pita,