3. ~ nr 6 8, scarlet runner beans, sweet Dolichos Lablabh or hyacinth which will grow rapidly, provid and flowers to cover any- to," Sweet 'can only be n gs or fences, as they will not grow much over five feet, but the others named will run up to twenty feet, the hyacinth bean do- this easily and providing.an abun. dant show of white, purple andd lilac wer spikes as well. . For a standing 'screen, such as is necessary in front of a poultry fence or between gardens where there Is no fence, sunflowers, 'tosmos, African marigolds, larkspur, dahlias and glant hollyhocks may be used. To thicken up some of the elimbers, such as the scarlet runner beans, use climbing nasturtiums, which will benefit from some support. Hints On Pruning This is the month for pruning in the small garden and larger place too, All of the dead canes should be removed from the raspberry patch as well as the spindly ones among the new growth. Some of the older wood should 'be cut away from the goose- berries and currants. Grapes must be pruned early to avoid ive bleed: Jug, These vines should be cut back to a mere skeleton as the fruit is borne on the wood grown this year. Fruit trees, should be opened up to Jet in sunlight and air In pruning Josep, one 'should remember that or- - fiinarily the flowers are borne on theh new wood of the season. It should be the aim, therefore, to secure strong shoots for flower bearing, and not to. 'many per plant; otherwise small, weak stems and inferior flowers will result. Pruning of the hybrid perpet- nals 'should -be done early in the Br-i+ just before the new growth is wppeariig. Cut each cane back to »ix or eight bu's from the ground, al ys cutting pust ab~ve a bud point- Mig outward. The weaker growing hybrid teas are pruned more severely. Jt size and high quality of flowers are sought, al but five shoots are cut to the base, and each of these remaining five is cut back to thres or four buds. All dead ood or weak shoots, or « branches that cross each other, should be re 1cved in any case. Advantages of Vegetable: Garden ' Perhaps ft may be more economical to buy fresh vegetables in the market if one figures hig time on the basis of his daily income, but in this case with those vegetables which lose not buy quality in corn, for. instance; to get it at its best, it must come out of the garden right at the door. The same is true of young carrots, peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, and in fact that grows early in the year. Then there is an- So often ome forgets to order: some vegetabls at the .store, particularly almost every vegetable onions, or sometl needed for flavoring, The kitchen garden will supply Why 'want in this connection. with young children, have found that they need more fresh vegetables. | . There 18 no secret of producing these. Tho main thing needed is a well pre- pared garden, preferably with' open yoil, and a sunny position. Plant the weed at the time advised in the cata. ~jogues, apply some quickly available fertilizer, like nitrate of soda,' culti- ~ wats well, water when necessary, and' » supply of fresh vegetables 18 aw- -- Ontario's Mineral Output their crispness and flavour in a few hours there is a big disadvantage. One can- Ontario is the chief mineral.produc- province of the Dominion. On- illiams' Pink Pills for her and she gained in weight and strength. She is now the pic ture of health." 'Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all druggists dealers in medicine or, *'A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 54 COUNTRIES" Low Salaries La Patrie (Cons): Why do our rulers exert themselves in vain to settle this country by a vigorous immi- gration policy? Why do our com- patriots continue to cross the frontier into the United States? We can find the answer in the table of our imports. Immjgrants will pot stay here, and workers leave the country because there is no work for them in Canada. It is foreign factories which feed the market of local consuription, so that employment for our workers is outside our own borders. . . . At their last meeting tha Trades and Labor Coun- cit of Montreal called attention to the level of salaries which is below that of the-cost Of living, Why are salaries [so low? Simply because, as a result of the persistent deve'opment of our import trade, there 4s less and less is likely to last until the working class realizes its peril and revolts against a policy which deprives it of its daily bread. ~ - res fpr \ Physicians, as well as industrialists and bankers, often do not realize that men are not mere machines, while priests may forget that they possess bodiés.--Dr. Alexis Carrel. |e others never recover from them. and train of cars I gave you for Christ- mas?" asked father. "We have been playing 'government ownership." but it's grand if you live through it." We says so! more than anything else, but uses less of every day?" been the cry of women all through the ages, but the modern women are the first to wear. dt. 'demand for workers in Canada. This| you' the cop so fat?" ably too much traffic jam." who drive into society and pii-- Some folks learn from experiences "What has become of the locomotive "All smashed up," replied the boy. S---- "Kissing may be a dangerous habit, Bags: "What is it a flapper likes Knickers: "What?" Bags: "Clothes." s---------- t "l haven't a thing to wear," has The commuter was stalking in the drug store about his garden. He had spent the previous Sunday in prepar ing the asparagus bed for the spring crop and was proud of the fact that he kept the asparagus cut close dur- ing the bearing season; in fact, there was nothi to see on the bed but earth. The drug 'clerk 12marked: "So you grow asparagus?" "Yes," sald the commuter with pride, ! "You know,"replied the drug clerk, "I've always wanted to see a bed of asparagus in full bloom. It must be a wonderful sight." There's nothing quite so sure to bring on a freeze as window displays of straw hats and fishing tackle. OUTCLASSED Dear children, vou've heard of the Strawberry Mark,' 5 But pause and give ear unto me; Now 'twill probably lose all its pres- tige, for hark! They've discovered a strawberry tree. Just. as soon as Paris gives the order women will be completely ex- posed. i tne A n---- The Return to Canada Le Canada (Lib.): During the first eleven months of the fiscal year which terminates at the end of the present month 31,420 Canadians who were es- tablished in the neighboring republic have returned to Canada. ... There is nothing to be surprised at in this return movement of our people, for we know that. conditions with our neighbors are not as favorable as they wished us to believe a few years ago. + «wv Tt 1s "doubtless because of the particularly difficult conditions which exist in certain parts of the United States that thousands of Canadians prefer to return to Canada and estab- lish themselves in new and fertile territory, where industry is soon crowned with a decent competence. if meres This is Some Cow Charlie "Tuck, Oakville, Ont., quite a singer himself, sends in this clipping, taken from The Oakville Bugle: -- "Man wanted for gardening, also to take charge of ¢ow who can sing In the choir and blow the organ." imme iframes -Smith--"Are you getting a new car this year?* Jones--"Yes, 1 had before the one I've got now." output has annual mineral 'doubled in value in the last 15 years, in no part of the world bt Montreal. FOR MOTHERS OF thing which brings health and com- fort to their little ones--any medicine that will make the baby well and keep him well will always receive hearty recommendation from the mother, That is why Baby's Own Tablets are so popular. them for their own little ones but are always delighted to be able to recom- mend them to other mothers. sands of mothers have proved Baby's Own Tablets to be without an equal in relieving their little ones of any of the minor ailments which arise out of a der t bowels. ideal laxative--easy to take but thor- ough in action. pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; expel worms and make the teething. period easy. Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or That 1s, as soon as I've paid for the one that social swim have a hard| | ime keeping their heads above water.| J 'People wonder what you are, Up above the world so far, ~~ Heavenly thing, so free from dirt, Twinkle, twinkle, little skirt! "What a fight that fellow gave!" 1 the streams are o-open." Spring Song And s0 on, into the night. of several photographs published by the Tourist Department of the Canadian Pacific Rallway to remind the unhappy angler that "Spring has came--and Photographed near Lake Archambault, north of RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Newfoundland and Quebec Le Devoir (Ind): A Montreal paper, The Star, publishéd last Satur day a very interesting correspondence exchanged in 1924 between the Prime Minister of Newfoundland and the Premier of our own province on the subject of Labrador, whose frontiers were at that time the subject of de- bate between the two parties, debate This is one YOUNG CHILDREN Mothers are quick' to praise any- Thousands of mothers hroughout the country, not only use Thou- + h of the and Baby's Own Tablets are the They banish consti- The by mail at 256 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. County Health Units The following editorial, taken from the current issue of the Cana- dian Public Health Journal, supports the contentfon of responsible health officials all over Canada, that the present system of safeguarding health in rural and semiruralt communities is obsolete, ONTARIO, WHAT? There is no doubt that the county health units 'will provide the solution of the most pressing health needs of Canada. In the larger urban areas the benefits of a wellfinanced, fully organized, full-time health service have been obvious for many years. On the contrary, the high sickness and mortality rates in areas not so cared for have been a manfesf demonstra- tion of the need of trained full-time service, One could, without much difficulty, select various areas in Can- ada in which contracts of a most striking character are evident. In spite of some exceptions, generally the areas where part-time service is relied upon are characterized by neglect of many of the fundamentals which have come to be looked upon as essential if. sickness rates and death rates are to pursue a progres- sively downward course. The best work /is found in the places (until recently only in cities) in which a full-time, trained personnel has been made possible. In various parts of Canada, notably Quebec, the county health unit has proved to be eminently satisfactory. In other sections of the eountry such units would be established were It made financially possible. There is no doubt that, were a method evolved for lightening the burden which many the idea would spread very rapidly. tion of the coun son why that se glected. dians whatever province we live in, our assets--human life--is counties or similar areas may feel excessive under present conidtions, One cannot but feel that, in view of the proven fact that organization of the county health unit type will definitely save life, a determined effort should be made to make such organ- ization possible for the whole of Can- bere mmf---- ada. The relative poverty of any sec- should be no rea. should be ne- After all we are all Cana- and surely the part of the Dominion Government is to see that in every part of Canada the most valuable of cared for. finally settled by a decision of the Privy Council which gave Newfound- land a large area of territory which we claimed was our possession by vir- tue of ancient treaties." We read In this correspondence that Newfound: land first asked our province for a sum of $3,000,000 to renounce their claims. The sum appeared extrava- gant to Mr, Taschereaun. . .,. Later Newfoundland made another propo- sition. . . . which was scouted from the beginning. . . . The Government of Quebec and its advisers considered it a better plan to let the Privy Coun: cil decide between the parties in dis- pute. The wretched result for our province is well known to everyone. tt eminent J Minard"s Liniment for Grippe and Flu. The Assimilation of Settlers Three Rivers Nouvelliste (Cons.): Our neighbors to the South are com- plaining of the difficulty which they experience in assimilating their {mmi- grants and fusing them into the Am- erican nation. Many of thelr writers recognize frankly that the problem of assimilation is still to be solved by them and that it may very likely never reach a solution. Foreign groups con- tinue to stand together and a great J. C. STOBART, M.A. Education Director of the British Broadcasting Corporation who has been invited to take part in the fourth triennial conference of the national Council of Education to be held at Victoria and Vancouver April 5-13. Mr, Stobart Is the man responsible town like New York is far from being for the broadcasts to schools in Great ; . Britain every day of the weok to an American town despite all appear which 70.000 children listen. In the ances, If the United States find such fi tie broadcast t out difficulty in assimilating their immi- Svenines : ali Cage BE - grants, how much heavier will be the - b Re a ibe 0 bh a y Tr task of Canada which has seen the ohatt. : w ave. a contribution o great mass of her immigrants settle in the utmost value-to make before the IRs a the Wést? conference on 'Education and Leis- ure" which will be the principal topic at the Pacific Coast. ei er---- Teach Thrift As boys and girls advance in years it is a good plan to start them with a savings bank account. They may in this way acquire habits o thrift that will be of be.efit to them in later years. In dealing with their wards the various Children's Aid Societies have savings accounts totalling $86,- 555. These are individual bank ac- counts, and in cases where the amount is over $50 inte es is added. This morey is paid over to the children when they arrive at years of discretion and they are urged to add to the amount so that they can in time buy a home or start in business. At the same time, and quite in harmony with the savings idea, children should be a'lowed to have a little money in cash Lo thatthere may be no temptation to steal when they get the chance. This would almost certainly increase their self-respect and add greatly to their happiness. licen 1 have made no feuds. I have made many new friends--Calvin Coolidge. "6 BOYD'S 8) Bicrcres I AT LOWER PRICES Coaster Brakes cles. You can buy your mp plies from us at wholesale price s. Catalogue free. SON 376 Notre Dame St. W. MONTREAL TW. BOYD & mile Foreign Trade Quebec Soleil (Lib): Before the War, from the point of view of im- ports, we were only known in & very Noseander Mowers : tew countries. To-day our products popular Thars a Sully are distributed over the whole globe. Even in Asia the demand for Canadian goods is becoming greater every day. Japan and China are in a fair way Modoriol and Workmanship Guoronfebd "AT EVERY: HARDWARE STORE to becoming two of our best cus tomers, : Smid aime---- 1 hold that truth cannot grow among men who do not learn how to unlearn, and honestly put opinion be- neath them.--Isaac. Newton Vallfi ee eee Minard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds. Classified Advertisements -1 BABY CHICKS. WE HATCH four varieties, price 9c up. Write for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer. Granton, Ontario. INTERNATIONAL MOVERS EST EQUIPMENT, LATEST METH. ODS, uniform return load prices. All goods Insured. We move yoa when You want to move. Make your enquiries now. Ploneer distance movers. Agents in principal cities of eastern States and Canada. Hill The Mover, Hamilton and Toronto. Meow! There was a young fellow named Paty Who sat on his grandfather's cat! It scratched him so hem That he leapt quite a yard, And hastily asked for his hat. It the canibals jm you, they will eat you; but it you're their friend, they won't kill you.--~Dr, Lee S. Cran- dall. \ errr Af tn Grading oneself 1s often helpful in making the grade. etl BABIES GAIN BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD Doctors say, souring waste in baby's digestive trac' is usually back of any failure to gain weight according te schedule. And the best proof this is true, is the quick way, weak, fretful, puny babies improve when you cleanse their stomach and bowels and put them in order with a few doses of purely- vegetable, pleasant-tasting Fletcher's Castoria. This gentle, harmless prepa- ration is the doctor's first -hought te relieve those ills of babies and children, such as colic, gas, constipation, diarr- hoea, colds, ete. Just be sure you get genuine Castoria in the bottle that bears the Fletcher signature. Y SCHWERLER'S IIATAV RY 226 Northampton Ruffalo. NV Boi H75 BRIDGEBURG, ONT. CAN. Flashing Byes : Laughing Eyes 5% DowncastEyes ho? Eyes tell i Your Character Brown eyes for strength--DBlue for generosity--Gray eyes for jealousy--Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, and good health, too! Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow --indicating an out-of:sorts condition -- due to constipa- If so, you need far daily or a short| Tey course f wt period. Youreyes wil A Vegetable tell the story. Product »y Read about Character from the Eyes im future Beecham Advertisements Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited, Toronto Keep Your Health TO-NIGHT TRY hy less and tasteless and its action quick. You will never rely on cru continue to suffer, Minard's Linimant for that cold and tired feeling. Get Well--Keep Well. KILL FLU r | by using the OLD RELIABLE} Minard's Liniment Co.Ltd, Yarmouth, W.8 is