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Port Perry Star, 25 Apr 1929, p. 3

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~ ot all allegiances; in the second it is {only 'economic conquests which. usual- ly occur without political reactions, | but which may pave the way for new territorial boundaries. 'We in Can-| 'ada know something of this. We |are more and more penetrated by the American dollar. American invest ments in our countty are calculated at four billion dollars. And the pecially if he barks much, can lure dozens of other dogs out. It you cam | induce other owners in the vicinity to keep their pets at home, each ani mal will be less apt to leave his own 'yard. 'Learning the cause for your dog's "excursions" usually simplifies correc- | tion. Siyly watch him some night | And see where he goes. Often it will Rates $4 and $7 and up 2iphur of ntratior . one gallon to -ort ygallons of water to one gallon to +: hundred gallons of , Water, These observations are report- Jed by Mr. H. T. Gussow, the Dominion : repartyfor 220, pubs (8 3 Iture at] En | ture. The report gives interesting in- formation about the cost of the various sprays. It was observed in this sur vey that growers with more than ten 2 acres paid much more attention to spraying and durti: + than their neigh-| bors with smaller orchards. Arms "Dick is all right if you know how to take him." "I hate people whe have to be labelled like a bottle of 1] . 2 P RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good annual growth is exceedingly rapid. A In 1910 American capital Invested Starvation Salaries Classified Advertisements abroad did not exceed 500 million dol-| Le Monde Ouvrier (Ind): Surprise| TT LAnv CHICKS. WB HATCH lars; whilst to-day it 1s estimated that | is: sometimes expressed at the gloomy | / -1 (ABY. CHICKS, os HATCH it amounts to 30,000 millions. China |condition of trade; landlords are al-| Write for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, and. South' America are, with us, the| ways complaining' tha tthelr tenants | memeon OUATI0. Souniries mogt invadeq » ie spirst do not pay their rent, and the grocer| * INTERNATIONAL MOVERS of economic conquest, In Germany, | at the corner, compelled to give credit, | 33 est £ OM METH. Ralys Role, great fadustslal firms | finds himself in his turn charging B Os. Uniform situin load vriden which have become American Drop-| much more than the market price for |All Eo0ds Insured. We more ¥ oh erties are already very numerous. his goods, thus making the one pay now. Woreer distance movers... Agents 5 x rr pe ee 2 1 n necipal es as' n * or the other, This situation ought | H Mo i a In the Foothills KEEP YOUR B ABY not to surprise us, when a father of Toronto. ii} he Maver, Hamilton en be found that some particular hen-| * . a family earns an average salary of TTB GAUSE OF PILES AND HOW house or garbage can 1s his destination. Of the Himalayas from $600 to $700 a year, that is to I lo treat them. _ Send for pamphlet Pgg-sucking is common among dogs. ---- HAPPY AND WELL say about $12 to $15 i week, How | bk BR, Labarat gles, The owner of the chickens will gladly| The bungalow-built house stood on can you expect him to pay his rent, ate with you, and an egg can | the slope of one of "the hills." Those -- his grocer, his doctor, etc? He can: REPRESENTATIVES WANVED be 80 "loaded" (with pepper or some | Himalayan foothills, toward which the Every mother wishes her child or| not pay out more than he receives; B STILL HAVE A FEW EXCLU- other disagreeable substance) as to| dweller in the dry hot plains lifts up children to be well and happy; to be he does not live, he can only merely | VY SIVE territories open for FeRisy cure Touser sharply and permanent-| his eyes for refreshment and inspira. bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked boys and |exist. Instead of making the wheels | JU 00 Hired products of a Canadian ly. tion. The great mountain ranges were | girls. No mother, though, can expect | of industry and commerce turn, this industrial corporation. Fersenal asiat, Do nat tie the dog up; it only makes | not visible from the hill station, only |her children to escape all the {lls of |is a brake on general prosperity. And ey Experience not necessary. Lib- him worse when he is liberated. Be-|from distant points higher up the |babyhood and childhood, but she can |yet we talk of bringing back to thls eral J Sommisslon and ermanency | ta sides, it spoils his disposition. ~ Do hills, Sometimes, on special occa-|do much to help them fight the battle | country some 200,000 of our fellow- a, 1003 ent Building, Toronto, not whip him; unless you do so at the | sions, there would be day excursions | for health. citizens from the United States! Are | Ontario. ) time he is starting. Any reproof| to these heights; when a procession| All prudent mothe: constantly | we going to offer them 20 to 25 cents | mmm A given hours after the offense does no | of "dandies," or carrying chairs, borne | keep at hand - the means of alding|an hour, after killing the fatted calf| young Wife (after their first squab- good, for your pet will not know its|on the shoulders of the family "jom- their little ones when sickness comes [to celebrate the return of all our|ple)--*I regret 1 ever married youl" reason, Such only makes him afraid | ponies," would set out for a day's suddenly--as it generally does in the | prodigal sons? Brute of a Husband--"So you should! of you and more desirous of running | climb, right up beyond the hill station. | case of chillren. In every home where semester memes You did some nice girl out of a jolly away. If you can so plan it as to| These were days of rare delight and there are 'afants and young children| The I'm Alone Incident [good husband!" catch bim 'in the act of running off, | wonder. The agile servants, clad in| Baby's On Tablets should be found.} yo york Sun. There is no ques- mild switching then will help. Ac-|the gay livery of the family, perhaps|Read whi: Mrs, Mary Hill, Centre| ; Ge tng character of tho vessel that company it with orders (always in the | a bright red trimmed with golden yel-| Dummer, Ont., says concerning these Coo ori hy the Coast Guard. There game words) to stay home; and lead |low, would carry the Europeans up | Tablets: -- | am the mother of six}. yg 5 question whether she was him back every time. Do this re-|the winding roads into the wild hills. | children and would not be without inside the twelve-mile limit when first n-- ~ : n " 'NEGLECTED 'ORCHARDS °* peatedly, being particularly good to| Unforgettable was the luxuriant Baby's Own "ablets. They are 8 Wo | cyageq by the patrol boat Wolcott. medicine, A MENACE him at other times, and he will catch | jungle growth; the magnificent rhodo- | derful me. ie for litile ones, There may be a question whether the Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and pursuit, first by the Wolcott and then by the 'Dexter, was hot. But assuming that Secretary Mellon is right in his . > . on. Never under any circumstances |dendrons, large as giant oak trees and | Corporations and Campaign kick or beat your: dog. If you lose [resplendent with deep crimson blos. 5 your temper, let him entirely alone |soms, the ground beneath them car- Funds anti] next day.--Lester Banks, in "Our peted with falle.. blooy:, the tangles | thus break up colds and simple fever, | ;i,toment that the patrol officers are The of rich bushes festooned with Sower.| Danish constipation and Indigestion | orect n both these respects, the ing creepers; and mighty fern-tassel.|2nd allay the irritation accompanying | got yemains that the British Govern led trees in whose branches merry | Re cnting of teeth. They are abso-| wont never abandoned the principle little brown monkeys, -and solemn. |lutely safe and are pleasant to take. | oe the three-mile limit and never ac A survey of 'orchard land in the ~ iProvince of Nova Scotia, conducted. y the Dominion 3otanist, revealed the fact that scab is the main apple dis-| Quebec Evenement (Cons.): ease in that province; It was foutid| Ferguson Government has passed a| Dumb Animals." on every one of the hundreds of farms | jaw prohibiting Ontario companies reese per visited and in. all proportions, vary-| from subscribing to campaign funds,| My. Borah Back to Normal ing in intensity ftom two per cent. to| undef pain of heavy penalties for one hundred per cent. of the fruit. This survey revealed very clearly the influence of adjacent 'poorly sprayed orchards on the control of pests. Growers living close to neglected orch- ards were found to complain that not only insects such as budnioth, canker worm, aphis, apple sucker, and green apple bug spread from neglected orch- a y each infringement of the law. ... The law will probably be difficult to apply. ... It would have been a better plan to follow the example of the United States, where the law. permits all sub: scriptions to campaign funds, on con- dition that the mames of the sub- scribers are published and the details of the way in which their money has but evidence was secured that|yeen spent. The most serious diffi apple Joob- 3preadé a fonsiderable op culty in the Ontario law is that it will these poor bh h didat ithout Naira ottoh It ed, 11 unjustly discredit candidates withon! the above report revealed a diff: culty in timing the spraying.and dust- "APPROVED DAIRY HERD SIRES. ing by .the growing side by side of varieties of apples of varying earli- ness, Many of the growers listen ten varieties or more. Of the many var- feties discovered, tho five most favored of fifty-three listed were set down as King, Boldwin, Gravenstein, Ribstone; and Golden Russett, It was found to becoming more a 1 more the of better orchardis:s, when setting out trees, to arcange their orchards in blocks or rews of the same variety, which not only assists in spraying op- srations but also in harvesting. {Owners of dairy herds looking for sires bred from high producing stock would find great assistance in locat-| ing suitable animals in the Reports of the Canadian Record of Performance for Pure-bred Dairy Cattle. This pub-|-} lication, issued each year by the Live Btock 'Branch: of the Department of 'Agriculture at Ottawa, gives the rec- ords of the hundreds of cows tested . duri year that reach the stand law is not likely to produce amy individual 'fortunes. It will be pre: sumed that they are supported by shady people, thus giving an advant- age to candidates who are in a posi- tion to pay their own expences in the campaign. Mr. Ferguson has been too quick in-aeting this time, and his practical results . Detroit Free Press: Announcement that Senator Borah intends to fight American adherence to the World Court, on the basis of the new plan proposed by Mr. Root, is no news, The widespread prevalence of the feeling that the condjtions of that plan are reasonable and practical, was almost a guarantee that the Senator would go into a state of opposition. It is against the mature of Mr. Borah to agree with anybody except himself it he can avold doing so; and the re- ]ative harmony which has existed be; tween him and Presidents Coolidge and Hoover for the last few months, unquesttionably has been a strain up- on his temperament. He was bound to seek relief somewhere, somehow, pooner or later. The revival of the World Court proposal provides a na- tural avenue of outlet. * mst eran Bob--Taking Miss Bute out last night must have cost a lot of money: Jack--Only six dollars. Bob--Is that all? Jack--Yes, she hadn't any more with her. faced gray baboons, frolicked and The Tablets are sold by all medicine leapt from bough to bough, while brizht green paraq"~ts fluttered in the branches. As - traveler went higher, rare flowers and ferns appear- ed, and he might nick the tall "Juli" lilies (Madonna lillies), the rich vel vet-petaled gloxinias, the tall pink saxifrage, and the delicate black-stem- | T' med maidenhair fern, fr dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box Brockville, Ont. ments are divided Then, to0,| and Scandinavians, om The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, tft The National Origins Law New York Times: The foreign ele- 21 on this subject. hose which, like the Germans, Irish will have their thera stralght stalks! were those pretty Himalayan |quotas cut by the new system oppose primulas which grew in profusion on the ground, their dainty mauve blos- soms set demurely on the top of their| be enlarged, favour it. The arguments The little white ever-| used against it are much the same as it strongly. Others, like the Russians, Italians and Poles, whose quotas will be sent home to England, there to|ti brighten the grayness of a great north- ern industrial city. alayas themselves were visible. of a M: her, who led one .long the fern-covered path at the top of theh|C layan ranges are familiarly called, and tald: "Look well at them. will want to remember them always!" These outings far afield were high home. as a large. In India the garden is known "compound" last! z8 were picked in handfuls, to|those used in 1924 against the selec wooded ravine, to gaze o- that superb | great mass of Americans unaffiliated panorama of mighty, distant --snow-| With any foreign racial groups. Un- clad peaks, the "snows," as the Hima- less Congress acts gefore June 30, the national origins system will come in- You | to force as the law of the land. meee Minard's Liniment prevents Flu. lights, among happy days spent at| . and is generally | extract from a loveletter written The front of one compound |home to his wife by an ex-soldier on was & wood, where lilies of the valley | active service will evoke tender mem- grew wild, and through which ran the | ories in thousands of former service drive up to the house, its shady veran-| men: dah gay with large tubs of hydran-| ging letters, Lettle. They don't do no geas Flower and vegetable gardens, | good, on of the 1890 census as the basis The foreign elements op- ongress. But against them is a -- rrr eer. The following preciously preserved "Don't send me po more nag- Pm three thousand miles away defend the ceded to the application of the right of hot pursuit in a ¢23a begun outside the tb..emile line. If the British Government has decided not to press this case, it undoubtedly is because of the notorious charactar of the I'm Alone and not because Lo don re- treats from her old contention. At that, it would be well for the two gov- ernments to look calmly into the facts, possibly making it cer'~in that no such incident, with its unpleasant re- actions on both sides of the Atlantic, shall occur again. reel tment The most pressing intellectual need {s such poise as comes from a genu- ine coordination of the great subdl- for computing the immigration quotas, | Many of those who now denounce 0 o SDousht- President James The views grew more wonderful as|Datlonal origins clause 5ge a's the path wound upward, until at last |1890 census, which five years ago they the place was reached where the Him-|attacked. How | posing the national origins system are grateful one is for the loving wisdom |strong in certain sections of the coun- try and will find sturdy champions in SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST JOHN, N.B., TORONTO B ATENTS List _of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent ¥ ee on Request, Y CO. Dept. W. 273 Bank St. Ottawa, Ont. Li ee TRL LLL Gl ie dey for FREE CHIC nN SCHWEGLER'S WATCATRY re Ae 226 Northe Buffalo NY Bo: E75 BRIDGEBURG, ONT. CAN. Bos N75. BEIDGEAYAG: ONT, UAL ampto! IVT TTTT Cuticura Soap Shampoos Cleanse the scalp and hair of dandrufl and dust snd assic: in the healthy growth of hair. Y ou will be delighied with their {ragrance and efficiency. Send for tral outfit Soap and Ointment to *Cuticuta," Box 2616, Montreal, Canada mbdbadbedindintniidbihiotidisin ddd siliidodis ddd A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you get the INFLUENZA = stables, tennis court and asphalt play-| trom home, and I US ard xegistgation. The breeds thus ; ground, and another wood where 100g | war in phy 54 Twat. to enloy ig . E "a. tested include the Ayrshire, the Brown tern-like moss grew in quantities, brid di y { were all included in that home do-| «gay, why don't you nar S niman ' get a car with . main. Perhaps the best heloved EDO | a self-starter?" said a ystander to an At the first sign of it. Its Healing wag the orchard with its pear and |ejderly negro who was wearily crank- Qualtiies. are Amazing. THE LL dren Cry comfort when Baby 18 "Ipick them off, shaping them fnto dolls always children were allowed to climb them freely. : Walks were frequent along the side cherry trees, for, since the monkeys| starting his car. appropriated the fruit, the sng pe wonderin' all de time it she would be a-startin' when Ah didn't want her to." "Well, you see, Boss, of the lake, reached by i through the bazaar, Ome could gaze|- at the goods displayed on open stalls, at gay toys, brass and copper ware, jewels, Indian sweetmeats! A dear Ayah would sometimes bring home goodies tied up in knots in the ends of her chuddah or sticks of juicy sugarcane, In the hot weather, the| tar on the roof of the house would melt and drip from the eaves . like black icicles, and the children would and figures in thelr 5, In the rains the compound would be traver- ged by streams and rivers ideal for whilst the rocks on the lake and hill e would blossom' : 5 pink and 'whi ii SAG, DT i the navigation of toy boats and ships, | and food sours. which the What many people call indigestion Jess alkall fn water will neutralize in- very often means excesd acid in the|stantly many times as much acld, stomach. The stomach nerves ha the symptoms disappear at once. will 'sever use crude mothods once you learn the efficiency' of Go get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the ge Phillips' of Magnesia prescribed by physi tions--any d a Ee ae A det spoantal of this hawiless, taste- py drugstore. ~ OLD RELIABLE TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS WOMAN BENEFITED Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Asbestos Mines, Quebec.--"After the birth of my second child, I was galways fi tired,

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