io | otk mt the Sa ace , | Weelcend bills" for specials. »] Reindeer Flour ...$4 Bran, Shorts, Cracked Corn, Mixed Chop, Crushed Oats, Mixed Scratch Feed, always in stock. Aiken'& Burns well known Poultry Feeds--Ia; mash, Baby Chick Feed. you use these special lines {| you get results. When My Lady Shops-- \ there are certain features she demands: Reliability as to style; beauty and dependabil- of goods, good range for selection. We offer all these in our Ready-to-Wear and Dress Goods Departments. ' ' HATS Chic styles that complete the Spring costume. We invite your inspection. You will be pleased. Oakland Six, Olympic Series, is a youthful car. ~~ A car for people young in years and spirits! Investigate it closely. Its Fisher Bodies of new and distinctive style. Its countless touches of individuality. = Its big, powerful six. engine. Every rotating part accurately for h Newly designed carb with fuel pump. Noiseless, dirt-and-weather- proof four-wheel brakes. Lovejoy Shock Absorb- ers. Everything that makes for comfort, smartness and performance iv there. It's easy to see where Oakland gets its youthful charm and vivacity. It's easy to see why it lind stands alone, in its price class--why more and more people are finding new motoring enjoy- ment in Olympic § J X Series H.R. Archer Motor Sales wr PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED |Jas. McKee & Son "SUPERIOR STORE. New Spring Suitings and | Overcoatings We now have p full range of Spring Suitings and Over- coatings that we would like to show you. They are up-to-date -and we can made you a suit or overcoat that will fit you, and our prices are in the reach of all. Give us a trial. W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY - - From Generation to Generation TRY OUR LILY WHITE | FLOUR for BREAD Our customers are pleased with it. "A trial will convince and please you. PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER C0. 'S_ STORE ACK of every industry--back of every busi- ness--back of every individual from gene- generation stands the Bank--a Es oi t of credit and p money, an agent of credit and an ally of progress of a nation and its people. In all the branches of this Bank--in city, town and village--from sea to sea in Canada-- and beyond, you will find a helpfulness, a willingness to guard and foster your interests. You will like banking at the Royal The Royal Bank of Canada Port Perry Branch B. D. Henry, Manager 1161 FARM FOR SALE balance at 5% interest. NEWS _ c for young and old--Canned Tomatoes have been declared by Epon. AL Star Touri 1925, fai ule for young and old--Canned Tomatoes have bee by 4 nat pon aA ar Tourin air habe otha fo prods, foie vont fe ot BR eo B, Joan: ih ------ - suply Box 279, Port Perry. Ford Tudor, 1926, priced low SE Am Alfred G.Clar has opened his Implement s premises Port Perry SR ROR RR T1668 acres, price $11,000. $2.000 cash, For par- ticulars apply to Box 279, Port Perry. may 2 nnouncement SCARFS They are exceptional value and new. They come in various popular colors. 98¢c. Each RUGS (extra value) Clipped Wool Rugs 2 x 4 ft., good looking, practical, in blue, rose, and taupe. $1.98 Each HOSIERY These are a broken line of hosiery, and consist of Cashmere, Lisle, and Silk. Your choice 49c. Pair MEN'S WEAR--Overcoats, Suits, Hats. Smaller, but just as important to the well dressed man: Neckwear, Gloves, etc. Nice stock carried. Buy Your Guaranteed USED CARS from US Cars that are dependable and right SPECIALS for the next 10 days and priced low Pontiac Coupe, late 1926, like new Overland Coupe, good condition x A+ u 1 Ui A pl Ford Fordor, 1925, reconditioned Ford Coupe, 1926, priced low for cash Ford Touring, 1925, splendid buy EASY TERMS IF DESIRED ~ Carnégie-Day Motors 2 FORD SALES AND SERVICE Phone 2 Port Perr k Re