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Port Perry Star, 23 May 1929, p. 5

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BEARE BROS. Port Perry - A aa i Fie - Suit. You will be pleased ma We also The regular meeting of the Troop ~ + was held last Thursday night. with a ~{'good attendance. A re-organization took place.. - The senior scouts, who have been acting as temporary Patrol '| Leaders in the Junior Patrols, 'were promoted to the senior patrol and the Juniors chose their own patrol leaders. The signalling class was bigger than ever. The Scouts are very interested in it and under Mr. Densham's capable | instructions are progressing quickly. A sprinkling of uniforms was already seen at last meeting and it promises to develop into a shower. HE or * Troop meeting this week on Thurs- day at 7.30 sharp. - * % A softball tournament has been started among the junior teams. The | first games were played Friday night. i LS Se ' \ Oh, you cyclists! Don't forget that | hike on Friday. worn Cs * A number of 'Scouts were at the Scout rooms on Saturday afternobn "| helping to clean up, The Troop are | very fortunate, in, their. lpcatian and intend to do all they. can to make and kep it slipshape. © ~~ . ' A Ti A couple of Scouts. haye announced their intention of taking up tracking " '| in order to kéep traek of Troop Treas, | William T. 'Harris. It appears how- | ever that the money is quite safe in | his capable hand. A short statement I read at the last meeting revealed a very healthy condition in the finances. + "I the "famous" John HOW ABOUT A SUMMER TT SUIT? Now that the weather is warmer, you will need a lighter when you see or showing of terials and we can made you a fit you will be proud of. have a nice line of staple Blues, Blacks and Greys. DRY CLAENING AN * ~ W. R. WILLAN PRESSING DONE PORT PERRY FOR SALE Silver Cornet, Coal-oil ~ Heater, | Xitchen and ofher Tables, Baby's Cot and other beds, wood and iron pull fhe market for the. money; Stone dash churn, - See sour ssupply of 'iron; and Trin wood pumps 'and suppies. Phone 234 A. D. Peters, John St, Port Perry. © | TO RENT REASONABLE 15 acres of real good pasture for sheep good fence, shade:and water. Apply to Eddie Abbott, Box 10;<Port Perry. 1, DeLaval Agent Wanted Live Man wanted to sell DeLaval Cream Separators, Milkers and Engines in Port Perry and vicinity. Apply to A. R. McCONNELL : DeLaval Stockman Orillia, Ont. EGGS FOR HATCHING " Barred Rock, bred: to lay 0.A.C. strain, 18 for boc. Apply to Mrs. Frank Franklin, Port Petry = may23 gO ASPARAGUS ROOTS Mary Washington Asparagus' roots for sale --$2.00 per hundred. for two, year 'old plants. Apply R. G. Heayn, 'phone 117 r-4; Prince Albert. . il 000 ' : FOR SALE ea Bred-to-lay Rock Baby Chicks, als custom hatching. 2 Fred Raines, Phone 189 r 4, Port Perry may28 NOT "F. 0. B" 25 we The motor-bus stopped, and the con- nd double breasted styles, and lined with serviceable that give lasting wear. The staple suit that never loses the favor of fashion. Sizes 36 to 44. = SPECIALY PRICED AT $25.00 SPECIALS Men's Overalls Men's Overalls, extra strong blue denim, striped cottonade, well made, good and roomy garments that will give ex- cellent wear. All gizes on sale at . $1.95 | Stick-ma-tight Roofing, Cement. x . ,1 number of new Wheelbarrows, best on " " - BLAGKSTOEK + : The United Church Anniversary will ZV} bé Welds ou 'Friday, 24th sand Sunday 24th. On Friday there will be a pro- gram of sports on the fair grounds. 'At 5 o'clock supper will be served and at 8.16 a concert will be given in the armouries. The program will consist of a play "Between the Acts" by the, Ebenezer Young People, together with a quartettes, solos and readings. On 'Sunday the 26th, services will be held at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Special preach- er for the day will be the Rev. W. P. 'Fletcher, of Oshawa. There will be special music by the choir assisted by Miss Reta Swain, of Toronto. Mr. W. A. VanCamp made a busi- ness trip to Toronto last week. | A meeting of the Athletic Associa- tion was held on Friday night to make final arrangements for the sports to be held on the 24th in connection with the United Church anniversary. Mr. Thos. Smith and Mr. Luther Mountjoy were in Toronto on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, DeMill and family and Mrs. A. Rham and family visited with. Mr; and Mrs. Russell Clark in Oshawa on Saturday. A special summer meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute will be held in the United Church School Room on Tuesday afternoon, May 28, when Miss E: Guest; will be the Gov- "| ernment speaker: Miss Elizabeth Collett and Mr. W. Slute visited with Mr, and Mrs, A. Hubbard, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Bailey and Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp and family were the guests of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Frances "Werry; of ductor looked earnestly up the steps,! Enniskillen, on Sunday. but no one descended, and at last he, '| stalked up impatiently.- : ] | "'Ere, you," he said to. a man ong day evening of last top. . "don't you want: Westminister Abbey? cin : "Yes" was thereply, = 7 "Well" retored the _eonducter,' "come down for it. I can't bring it on the "bus for you. : "The dramatic club of the United church held a farewell party on Thurs- week in honour of one of their members, Mr. John Ven- ning of the Bank staff, who is trans- ferred to the Brooklin branch. The "young people will be sorry to lose John out of their community life in draperies of all kinds. colorings to choose from at Printed Scrim Printed Scrim--just the thing for bedroom or kitchen cur- n Pretty patterns-in shades of blue, rose; mauve, pink, on white ground at the low price of Plain Scrim «+ Plain Scrim in dotted and cross-bar. patterns, in white and "tream shades at . tains, | scugor Curtains and Draperies Marquisette Curtains : : Lovely. Marquesette Curtains, eream ground, with frillings ¢ in contrasting shades of Rose, Blue, Mauve and Green. " Moderately priced at per pair $3.79 Cdngétvatory of Music, is Visiting her relatives here. vo snd a r. and Mrs. Harold Werry' ahd fumily of London, were recent guests of the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Werry. . We are very sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. Albert Werry, but hope she may soon be well again. SCUGOG NEWS ! The result of the recent examination held in the Scugog Centre School, were very gratifying to the teachers and parents of the pupils. The ques- tions were sent in a sealed envelope from the Religious Education Dept. of the United Church, The pupils who wrote on these examinations complied with rules similar to those which regulate any school examination, The papers were returned to Frank C. Langford, Toronto, for marking. The following pupils obtained diplomas: Marguerite Sweetman 84, Edward Dear 83, Luzerne Sweetman 82, Ray Milner 75, Sydney Chandler 73, Mar- jorfe Milner 72, Ivah Milner 70, Geo. Low 68, Grace Mark 60, Della Lee 659, Nellie Lee 58. . We think this system very stimulat- ing to the interest; of the school. All are now preparing for the next ex- amination. which will be held in the month of October. : Mrs. Geo, Samells had charge of the League meeting last week and it was quite a success. Mr. Maurice Fralick has charge on Thursday of this week. 'Owing to 'the rain on Tuesday last, the Ladies' Aid meeting was not very well attended. However, those that attended enjoyed the talk'of Mr. John Joblin and the reports of Mrs. Joblin. Mrs. G, Sweetman acted as president. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker and sons of Seagrave, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Demera on Sunday. Misses Blanche and Olive Schell, of Oshawa, spent the wek end with their grandmother, Mrs. Pettitt. Myr. and Mrs, Dunetts, of Canning- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn.' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow were guests of Mrs. Wanamaker on Sunday. Glad to report Mrs. Stanley Gerrow is improving in health. Mrs. Peel, of Toronto, is visiting for a few weeks with her sister Mrs. O. Reader. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn and family spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. T. Johnston, of Cresswell. A number of Mrs, A. Leighton's gog friends spent an enjoyable evening with her last week at her home in. Mrs. Wanamaker, Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hood, Mr. Mrs. W. Heron, were guests of J. Collins, on Sunday. 'Stewart Flowered Silk Rayon Beautiful flowered silk rayon, suitable for side curtains and Good quality and a splendid range of Per yard 49c. Per yard 12Y;¢ Per yard 36¢. Sweetman, one day last week. rs, Orr Jeffrey, of Enniskillen, at- tended the .fuperal of. the late Miss B. Pearce, on Saturday. :., 4 Mr, Walter -Hood visited with. Mr. Milton Demera on Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Milner spent 'a couple "of days in Toronto recently. a Glad to report that 'Miss Dokis Clark, who has been quite sick is im- proving in health. ; fie Mr. Sam Sanguine, who has been visiting his neice Mrs. J. C. Hardy has returned to his home in Manilla. Mr.. and Mrs. Edward Fines and family have returned from the North and are at present staying with their aunt Mrs. Iden. Mrs, Leighton, of Cartwright, was a viisitors on the Island last week. On Thursday, May 16th, after an illness of several months, there passed away at the residence of her brother, Miss Bessie Pearce, at the age of 54 years. Miss Peace managed the home farm, with the help of her brother and family. That she had many friends was seen in the large attendance at the funeral, which took place on, the 18th inst. Services were conducted by her pastor Rev. Jas, Elford. In- terment ' took place at Pine: Grove Cemetery. ion FREE WILL OFFERING AT 3 MANCHESTER The free will offering in connection with the Sunday: School will be held in the church on Sunday, June 2nd. The services will be conducted by Rev. Geo. Nickle, of Toronto, at 2,30 and 7.30 p.m. Music will be rendered by the Prospect choir. Everybody wel- come. Come and bring your friends. may 80 -- 0 Or---- GATHERED HERE AND THERE By M. E. H, Thursday will be Empire Day throughout the British part of the world. A day in which the scholars of the Empire schools, receive special lessons in British History and other branches of the varied curriculum. One lesson, 'the writer hopes, will be taught and that is the sacrifices 'that have been made by true and worthy | citizens to bring about the great free- dom that is the Empire's. Greater freedom. is still coming when we as citizens: are ready. 2 > 0" The secret of success is to know what one wants and to let nothing stand in one's way, until it has been achieved. La There is still romance in manual work, To some men work is some- thing to live for, something to con- tribute to the ng up of the com- munity. a Pe With most men it is merely some- thing to earn money at between nine o'clock in the morning and six o'elock 775 Thomas Timex:

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