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Port Perry Star, 23 May 1929, p. 6

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. Word has been received by the "Canadian Department of the Interior 'that W. H, B. Hoare, explorer of the 'Northwest territories and Yukon 'Branch, and Warden A. J. Knox, of Fort Smith, Northwest Territory, "have completed an examination and patrol of the southern portion of the Thelon game sanctuary east of Great Slave Lake. After a survey by dog team and canoe covering eight "months, they returned to their base near the site of old Fort Reliance on "December 13 and began preparations tor the immediate resumption of the work sod as to complete it-this year. The survey of the 15,000-square-mile game preserve was begun in April Jast year, and from that time until the 'receipt of the report, on.January 11, fio word had been received from the investigators, Police patrols and other parties passing through the areas were asked to keép watch for: the departmental party, but without results, the v/ireless message dated January 10 from Fort Stiith being the first intimation Head Office officials at Ottawa had of the movements of Hoare and Knox. Musk Ox Are Sighted Much valuable information was ob- tained by Mr. Hoare and his com- panion during their survey of the southern part of the Thelon sanctu- it is asked to entertain broader econ- omic theories. Rural credits have been tried out in sime of our prairie provinces, but with no satisfactory results, said pro- vinces, after accumulating a number of bad debts, being glad enough to shift the burden to Ottawa. Our rural credit scheme now has a Federal scope, but how it is working none' ean say, no report having come to hand so far of its benefits, or otherwise. 'We make a guess that the revolving fund of six hundred and fifty million dollars will be generously drawn upon and that the more rural credit is ex- tended the less will be done to the United States tariff, the revolving fund being a direct sort of charity and the tariff what one might call an oblique blessing. At all events, money is something everybody can under- stand and a farmer naturally things more of a dollar in hand than two dol- lars in the bush. President Hoover is a man of great courage and some day he may be bold enough to tell the farmer that the best sort of help is to help himself. But that will probably be some time after f H. 8. Harrls and J. D. Tom Mix Indicted rr ---------- DVRS FROM MIAMI:NEW YORK TRIP {IN FRAIL CRAFT d msey, Miami sportsmen, arriving at the Battery, New York, on last lap of 1,600-mile water journey In outhoard motorboat from Miami, Fla. The boat was equipped with two Lockwood motors, Dominion Assured to discrediting the work {Thetr few and generally | !clde with the street processions time. "Geneva has livened up a lot since wand which the Social Democrats are so fond. After the ring leaders have been arrested the disturbances subside and the countries of the world turn up to no more is heard of the party for some debate under League auspices such | week delegates and' experts from all subjects as calendar reform, the Vienna, in virtue of its central posi. | optum and white slave traffic, inter tion, is no doubt being made a centre ' national trade barriers and the bet. Sir A. Ewing's Splendid Work In "Room 40" Te ce camer an What, has' been "deseribed as "the best ~kept -secret of the war" was for some secret Communistic propa: ganda for the Balkans and elsewhere. The arrest of Bela Kun, the Hungar- fan Communist leader, who had been working for some time fn Vienns un- der a false name, drew attention to this activity: but, as it fs directed mainly toward other countries, it can- ndt affect the home position very much. ' Hungarians still talk of the three months "Red Republic" under 'Bela terment of the positio nof working classes. X At Agsembly time, of course, Geneva is filled to the bursting point with people of every race and color. You hear samples of most of the es on earth, and the points of view of every race and nation. VThe- Great Hall -of 'the: League. build ing gots. so full of deelgates: that a few members of the public can barely Squeeze {n, "There is an enormous ary. Musk ox .were seen along the Hanbury River and tracks of these rapidly disappearing big game animals were noted in the vicinity of the Thelon River. Large hérds of caribou were reported south of the sanctuary. Wolves were also numerous, but they proved wary of both trap and gun. Mr, Hoare left Ottawa for the north @arly in January, 1928, taking with him-aix Bafa Island huskies to form "Ms dog 'team 'during 'the* patrol. * Ha the revolving fund has been exhausted, ~--the farmer having helped himself to every last dollar of it--Montreal Standard. Court Asked to Give Ruling On Length of Stage Kisses By U.S. Grand Jury Charged With = Withholding $100,000 in Income Taxes Los Angeles--Tom Mix, whose west: ern films made him a millionaire, was indicted -by Federal Grand Jury on charges . of conspiring to withhold $100,000. in 'Government: ineome taxes: of Bright Future Sir Arthur Balfour Confident Dominion Will Forge Ahead London -- Promotion of Imperial trade through the medium of an Im- perial business conference was urged by: 8ir 'Arthur Balfour, who has just, returned fromaa visit to: Canada in' "began his overland tip to Fort-Smith "from" the "ehd of Btsel at' McMurray, Alberta, on January -28,"and coveréd the 500 mitles to Fort Smith by Febru: #ty 3. Here the 'equipment was gver- Radled "and "stipplies "ware secursd. Then, accompanied by Warden A. J. Knox, Mr. Hoare entered upon one of the most arduous stages of the trip-- the 500-mile journey vis Resolution to the exist eid of (Great Slave Lake, wherethe base camp was established. About the middle of April the party began its patrol of the sanctuary. Maps Ars Found Faulty it had been Arranged that the inves. tigators were to visit the "post of 'Baker Lake to receive and dispatch mail and to get supplies. This post ts situated at the western end of the lake of the same name which empties into Chesterfield Inlet, thus forming a navigable waterway to Hudson Bay. The route was through the Ford-Camp- bell.-Smart chain of lakes to the "Parls--~Thexguestion "How long: is a kiss?" "la perplexing therpolies «as the result-of:a'formal complaintifiled against the producer «and "author -of 'the: state production "Ros Royes." "The -oomplatnt, "AEA by-a 'well known architect, promises to raise the fssue of whether a kiss on thé stage should last as long or longer than an embrace in private hetween lovers, Naturally, gossip is wax- fng warm on the subject. The. question was raised after the architect and his wife attended a per- formance of the play, of which they had heard '& number of good reports concerning the amusing nature of the comedy. It is a satire on the lives; led by post-war wealthy persons in France. After the performance, the archi tect loft the theatre, which is situated on the Rue Mathurins, just off the Boulevards, and went to the 'nearest police sation, where he filed an in- formation against the producer and defeat payment. returned. of $41,149.57. In the second Berger. held over a period of two years. The grand jury asserted]y false returs. 'Fhe 'tengthy indictment, prepared. in "Washington, D.C. und gent here for vote, constainsd accusations 'that: the actor failed to pay part of: his' tax "for 'the years 1026, 1986, <aid 1927, and that he-attempted -to-evade and Two conspiracy indictments were In the first Mix was ac- cused, with Eugene J. Ford, his bro- ther-in-law, and J. Marjorie Berger, Hollywood income tax collector, of conspiracy to defraud the Government indictment those named with him were Jack Hill, his former publicity manager, and Miss The true bill 'charged that $70,964.64 in income taxes were with- also voted an fin- dictment against Miss Berger, charg: ing her with aiding and assisting, counselling and advising. Mix in his Miss Berger was Indicted recently for alleged fal "an interview recently. Fy "Hessafd he hdd been in: Canada 40 times 'but had ever returned «witha deeper conviction 'that' Cankda Is destined "finally " to -play a 1éading: part in' the -industrial » affairs of 'the world. "He dwelt on the "boundless" pos- sibilities of Canada, the optimism pre- valling fn the country, the extent to which industry in Canada was enlist ing the ald of the scientist, and Can- ada's need of population and capital. perial businessmen's conferente he sald such a development would be of the greatest value. The matter would require 'very: careful prepara. tion but he 'was convinced the Em- pire could be developed vigorously as an economic unit it only the lead- ers of industry in the Dominions and in the Mother Country could get together. With regard to the idea of an Im-| locked; until many years atter-hostill- 'Chancellor - of "EMaburgh University, who. has; just: beenspresented. with the freedom of Edinburgh. id] Bir » Alfred, who "1s 4, - retires vin) September. J : The secret is the story of what hap pened In "Room 40," the department of thie Admiralty which dealt with the solving of the enemy's wireless mes- sages in cipher intercepted by our sec- rot listening stations. Room 40 was wholly controlled by Sir Alfred Ewing. Scattered up and down' the east coast were wireless stations equipped with direction-finding apparatus, and a few minutés after a German warship had 'sent' Out a message to headquar- ters, that message was in the hands of the staff of Room 40 and the posi tion of the ship was picked off on the map. It was in this way that a close watch was kept on the German fleet, who could never solve how their plans ties) het. conned, "in" the brain ~of: Bir |" {dng in the natire of propaganda 'literature may come ifact that the very stringency of | dic "of Communism a real danger. | At the present moment Commiunism , would appear to be at its strouges . €zechoslovakia. - In 1925, at the general' election, the party. 983,711 votes. It has 41 deputies 20 senators in the present Parliament and. is "tius the second party in state, inferior in numbers only to Czech Agrarians. It is also the only party in the state which {includes Communtstiopub- Hications, ' Not--ohly<are ~these. spro- hibited in the country but the fro 'Kun' inthe: summer ol: 1919, and. wel- the mont.stringent police regu vont tia: passible recur: frence. "Hungary has--u6Communistio | fillows. representation on. either: national pro- Lvincial-of- munieipal: bodies. and noth-1 in the tatorship makes the recrudescence t in last the the nt: | oMciat fers are carefully watched, so that no confusion of -delegates, 'experts, vist "Bt .s0me- ; tha-planet. Anteresting: than the League's halls are the-hotels where the men. who matter get together over dinner and lunch, tables to grind axes, from abroad. The most disturbing fea: exchange views, réach understand ture in- the present situation is the Ings. You see the orator, Vivani, the very black delegate from Haiti try- ing his French on-the bland yellow representative of China, "Ranji". whe is 80 -often at Geneva on India's be- half, trying over a "friendly dinner table to get Prince Charoon, the delegate, to come round te 'his point of view abou toplum-grow- ing in Persia Truly, everyone who goes to Europe should visit Geneva. There they will go in being the beginnings of the first practical effost to bring universal members from all nationalities, Czéch, {| German, Magyar and Jewish. Its Thelon pnd down that river to Baker Jake. However, the investigators re- peace into the world and they can- were getting to English : : not but be impressed with the fact sification of income tax returns of other movie stars. Financial Worry author, He complained that the na-! port that these lakes are mot 'con: mocted as shown on the map, and, since the were unable to reach Baker Lake during the open season, it was decided to explore the southern part ture of the kisses which Saturnin Fabre, the leading man, administered to the alluring lips of the beautiful Mile. France Eilys, was such as to arouse improper sentiments in the minds of the younger members of the present time. apolis. Mix is not in motion pictures at the He is touring with a circus, and was sald to be in Minne- Disheartens Men Judge Pleads for Better Pro- vision for Pi rian ree pire Atlantic Flight Plans Captain Albin Ahrenberg, power, however, is not commensurate (with its numerical force. Its heavy Btockholm, Sweden--The Diam of polling at the last elections was rather wedish a mark of disapproval of the existing filor, for an Atlantic fight from Stock-' regime, - The party has mo record of that those who assemble there are going about the job in a whole-heatt- ed and business-like manner. eerie holm to New York early.in June were constructive work in Parliament, its sald to be. progressing 'favorably. tactics "being mainly obstructionist. The filer bas received word from During the'last twelve months Com of the park and later return to their bsae at Fort Reliance, Thoy reached that 'point in mid-De- esmber, and shortly afterward a Royal Canadian Mountsd Police patrol 'brought Hoare's report to Fort Smith from which post it was: tele- graphed to Ottawa. n---------- London-Cape Town Air Service to Be Longest In World Expected to Speed Growth of South Afrear-Gavorn: 3 ments to Help Pay Expenses : Cape Town, S.A--Rapid develop: audience. The complaint also charged that the kigses were prol d ily. The complaint, which was quite novel for Paris, gave the actor and actress cnsiderable concern. "We have acted the parts sincere: ly," they sald. "If we have forgot ten ourselves in the roles it was be- cause of our sincerity. We had no {des anyone could take offence at our manner of kissing." i -- A bandit entered a New York sup- per club the other night, and got away with $88. It is estimated that this was only about $27 less than he had when he went in. re, Canada and the West Indies Saint John Times-Democrat (ind.): R es 'of the Eastern Tele: graph Company are touring the West Indies in the interests of a larger and improved cable service... The press of the West Indies gets only the merest skeleton of daily news be] cause of the expensive cable rates, and days necessarily pass befors news by mail is received. Canada is very deeply interested in this matter, The 'West Indies press contains almost. no Canadian news, I! we are to have enlarged trade relations, then the people of the West Indies should be able to read in thelr newspapers much more about Canada. Ministers . Toronto--Deploring the fact that "good men" are leaving the church because their present stipends would not allow them 1a, phevige for thelr families, Mr. Jus porting & proposed pension fund scheme before the Toronto and King. ston Synod of the .Presbyterialter of _Church, declared ministers' salaries should be equal to the income of a good lawyer, or at least they should receive 'the salary 'of a headmaster of a school in & small town. He sald no. minister could put forth his best offorts unless he 'free: from fins- noted 'worries. The creation of a pension fund was the one way to save the church, he declared. Duke of Gloucester Invests Hirohito With Britain's Highest Order British _ Films Saskatoon StarPhoenix (Lib): Ar}. | tistle Jeadorship. in the film: world has definitely passed from America toly Europe. Germany is producing the 3 Grand ; "" {finest pictures 'of the day. t] . : he Britain is 1iftle behind in technical Chrysanthemum, Japan's highest de the cit | coration. - | max of a voyage halt way around the 'The two ceremonies were ment of South Africa is expected hére through the mew weekly alr service between London and this city, negotl- ations for which were recently com }| world for the young prince, or, as he... Duke of is more widely known, the ® | Gloucester, who was welcomed here when he arrived from his native land. hy 8 \ pleted between the British and Union of South Africa Governments. The new Imperial Ale Line will bring London within 13 days of Cape Mown and this abridgement of dlis- dance is expected to react SAvARIAEY: onsly upon trade and commerce, and od quickly : to encourage Increased colonization RT u 2 copied quickly 15 fp uhcorercd oso and tourist travel. 3 it ] J Pi : ne. ; : Vick we them attractive, henos "Working expenses of the new alr y : don). cases have more appealing to the appetite. ~~ tne will be shared between Britain 2 ; ; "are green vegetables "called and the governments of South Africa, tive foods : the Sudan, 'Kenya; Tanganyika and Vganda for a five-year period, and the br: government has given assur of full support and co-operation, The route from London to Cape Town-will be the longest comme: alr route in'the world. The The gorgeous ceremonial of the | garter 'bestowal took place. in the throne room of the imperial palace. rn lp et The Reason Why should green vegetables be i 5

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