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Port Perry Star, 23 May 1929, p. 7

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direction. "The smaller of the galleys is still - sompletely under water, * Evil Emperor : Gafus Caesar, the Emperor, a called Caligula as a boy, ; Fhatvend 10. run 'abaut tu' litle beots made after the pattern of the boots of boss never asks you to worry and fret, 'That's your own idea, A Triend is one who can forgive you for everything except climbing above his level 'When a man is born people say: "Poor mother", When he marries they say: "Poor bride". When he ales they say: "Poor widow." | Houseowner (looking over fence): "Is this your ball? Anxious Golfer: "Ereny windows DeMIHams PINK PILLS Golfer: "That'symy ball, then." Trade Discrimination Anybody ean make a 'houso but it fakes a woman, a baby and a puppy Vancouver Sun (Ld.): It the Bri to make » Rome. tish peoplé are sincere in thelr ef- -- forts to promote bustiicss between the] Ruth. "I noticed your Dushand was various units they frothing at the mouth this morning. accomplish of Es a y san He must have a terrible temper." Winfe: "It's not that, I fed him effective way than by the display and, rux this morning by mistake, Instead the common soldiers. Though he was Macted Emperor of Rome as a result a popular uprising, he soon disap. pointed all the hopes of the peole, In the course of a life of no more than 29 years, he established a reputation for extravagance, cruelty, profligacy ] and profanity that has been unequal 5s "led in history. He Increased his Coke wealth by. numerous murders of the wealthy and acquired the habit of murder for murder's sake. He made a priest and magistrate of his horse Incitatus, had it fed from a manger of ivofy and made it drink from a golden goblet. He was assassinated for his fnsolerice in 31 AD, and his death #iust lave been regretted by mo one but his horse. = With Humans in Psychological Test a . Be Apes are able to rank with human beings on- psy tests, declares Bdgar James Swift, head of the de- : at Washington Es i 3 deny. But x comprehension ) 'successfully "ie aillerence ostentation of 'a cut-and-dried shop-iof corn flakes." ping week. They could, for. instance, be Te #4 { preverit--the vecurrence of suc p-- ""YWhen you say Bill can't stand {dents as happened in Vancouver this| Prosperity, you mean he is spending { week when a British ship, brought in.| money the way you would if you had {to a Vancouver drydock for an $80,000 it- ! f Lon- EPR og ® i Aes A Jrdars trom Lene Smiles pay dividends on thé dullest {for these rephirs. And this happened days. 'in spite of the fact that the tender of r-- the Vancouver drydock was appreci- A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD ably lower than any others. How A fittle child had faith in me does Britain expect Canadians to en-, And trusted me when others scoffed, ter, with any degree of enthusiasts, How soft his little hand In mine "Into a celebration to promote inter-| What music when he laughed! 4 B ' Lost rich Tons re ie Could I destroy that faithful trust, OF ever bear his scorn to see? dian Institutions in favor of AMMO uy make me over, God," I erled, "0 make hinv proud of me." He: Let me kiss you under the mistletoe. She: Say, 1 wouldn't let you kiss me under an anaesthetic. BE Woman Plowing She being married to the Soil Bo loiig, has never known A lover whow wold give her bread To eat, instead of stone. Day after day she wonders, as She plows with low-bowed head, Why furrows make an endless grave ¥or all her dreams, born dead. O she would gladly lle with Death And yield him blood and bone-- But he'd return her to the Sofl, | Forever as his own. ~--Robert Liddell Lowe in" The World To-morrow. The old-time an was usually a clinging vine. The modern girl is usually a rambler -- Louisville Times. CT -- -- Americans touring Brasil = were thated by some wild men who sang, 'shouted and danced. Has the Florida real-estate boom moved farther | soyth1--Kay Features. -- health circles, where it is com. pted that the p tem of taking care of public health in rural communities especially, is, in the words of one eminent authority, "an- tiquated and inadequate." This new Saskatchewan unit 1s expected to achieve the same results as have been od in several communities by similar "county health units," while at the same time much sickness has been prevented. Saskatchewan already has the low- est death rate in the British Empire, and it is felt that this forward step will be but the first of many to be taken in the near future. Under the Public Health Act passed in 1928 the municipalities served by these units are to bear one half of the cost, while the other half, for the time being, is being divided between the provincial government and the Rock- feller Foundation. It is estimated that the cost to the taxpayers for this first-class health protection will be only thirty-five cents per person per year! Not For Sale Victoria Times (Lib): Oneg again & member Parliament at Ottawa' has suggested that Canada'should an- nex the West Indies, There was a suggestion some time ago that the British West Indies might be traded off to the United States as part pay- ment of Great Britain's debt to the republic. ... . People who talk about annexing and trading countries which do not belong to them seem to forget an important point, They leave out of the question the feelings of the peo- ple who would have to be included in the transaction. When the people of the West Indies ask to be annexed by Canada or sold to the United States it will be time enough to consider the proposal seriously. ° Simplicity Purity and simplicity hold converse, at every moment, with their Creator. "Before accepting you, ought to tell you one of my parents is in prison." "Oh, that's all right. Both of mine ought to be." = BABYS OWN TABLETS edicai| Once a Mother Has Used Them EE -------- or be Tarif | 0 MEDICINE LIKE She Will Use Nothing Else. To once use Baby's Own Tablets is to use them continually--that is as long as there are young children in pre the home, given us by mothers from all parts That is the testimouy of Canada. They all say that they know of nothing to equal the Tablets, that they find them safe and effi- clent and at the same time pleasant to take. Mrs, John Hollinworth, Maidstone, Ont, writes:--"I have three children, the eldest fourteen and the youngest nine months old, I have always used Baby's Own Tablets for them and have found no other medicipe to equal the Tablets as a relief for the many ailments of childhood." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach. They drive out constipation and indi gestion, break up colds and simple fevers and make the cutting of teeth easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. William's Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. Ceyon Jungle To Raise Food As Farm Colony Employment for Middle-Class Islanders to Be Found on Land Colombo, Ceylon--The leasing out of blocks from 5 to 25 acres, partly with a permanent crop, probably goCoanut, partly with yams and other short-life crops, as a means of pro- viding employment for the middle classes in the country districts of Ceylon, has been arranged by the Forest Department. The land re- leased for the purposes is low-lying Jungle land in the Kalutara district. The growing of gingil, chillies, mus- tard and other condiments, and of papaya and plaintain will be encour- aged. In the larger allotments prin. cipal attention will be given to the growing of lucerne and fodder grasses. The Department of Agriculture hopes to supply the required stock of superior quality and to supervise rearing conditions In all stages of growth and marketing. Middle-class farm settlers will be given 1 in the most modern methods of poultry farming adapted to local conditions. Literature and instruction will also be available on such subjects as the preservation of products of milk, butter and cheese. Cottage Industries, suitable for wo- man and children, will have the neces- sary attention at the rural agricul: tural school of each colony. It Is expected to draw 10 per cent. of the return in cash or kind of all allotments, which yleld beyond a cer- tain meausre, as an interest upon the tocks and seeds supplied free of cost y the Department of Agriculture. Wheré necessary, the taxed produce will be sold at the market of the col- ony and a reserve fund created for the establishment of a crop and _ |'stook insurance scheme, which will be run in conjunction with a eo- operative credit society. In the manner described above, it is hoped to establish, in the healthier parts of the island, self-contained loni of middle-cl folk who | would otherwise be unemployed. a_i 1,000 Death Toll Feared In Persian Askhabad, Russlan Turkstan-- Bartbquakes which shook the vast stretches west of Samarkand, once the capital of Tamerlane's Oriental em: wer believed to have taken a ) of life and property. Unconfirmed Téports Aue 1,000 ns perished orsian INGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN 53 Baby nick ured Co pi produ: June 12¢, July and August 10e. mere Poultr; me oultry Farm, Stratford, Ontario. It has cleared, and the sun is shin. ing with a luminous warmth that makes the whole island glisten with es and sky with a radiance of blue I have come out to lie on the rocks where I have the black edge of the north island in front of me, Galway Bay, too blue almost to look at, on my right, the Atlantic on my left, a per pendicular cliff under my ankles, and over me innumerable gulls that chase each other in a white circus of wings. A nest of hooded crows Is some- where near me, and one of the old birds is trying to drive me away by letting itself fall like a stone every few moments, from about forty yards above me to with!n reach of my hand. As I lie here hour after hour, I seem to enter into the wild pastimes of the cliff, and to become a companion of the cormorants and crows. Many of the birds display themselves before me with the vanity of barbarians, performing In strange evolutions as long as I am In sight, and returning to their ledge of rock when [ am gone. Some are wonderfully expert, and cut, graceful figures for an inconceivable time without a flap of their wings, growing so absorbed in thelr own dex- a that they often collide with one anothéran 15olr fight, an incident al: ways followed by & Wild, outburst of abuse. Their language 18 eABTOM wis x Gaelic, and I seem to understand the Sater part of thelr cries, though I am not able to answer.--J, M, Synge, in "The Aran Islands." Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruises ee) -- Expectations It is very difficult to know just how much we ought to expect from our fel- low-men, but it is far better to err on the side of expecting too little than too much. It is so easy to make too little allowance for deficient training for unfavorable circumstances, for incapacity, for inexperience. What Will you do When your Children Cry for It There is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never without ft. It there are children in your family, there's almost dally need of {ts comfort. And any night may find u very thankful there's a bottle in house. Just a few drops, and that colle or constipation is relieved; or dfahhrea checked. A vegetable pro- duct ;a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castorls is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors ad- vise giving to infants. Stronger oh es are dangerous fo a tiny baby, or ess be to oA Fememb ond Ry HI the splendor of a gem, and fills the | | =] BABY CHICKS. te me ur Sanat Granton, Ontario, gus, INTERNATIONAL MOVENS B= EQUIPMENT, LATEST METH. ODS, uniform return load All goods insured. We move you wi you want to move. Make your enguiri now. Pioneer distance movers. Agents n principal cities of eastern States and Canada. HII The Mover, Hamliton and 8 Toronto. PEDIGREED HOGS. AKEWOOD BEACH FARMS HAVE A few fine grade and registered Poland China sows bred to our LAKE- WOOD SUNRAY, son of SUNRAY, the world's champion sire of 4 double-ton litters, assisted by ONTARIO KING, who is also ah imported hog of excellent breeding and quality. ur Prices are right. Farms located 43 miles south and east of Amherstburg. Address all correspgndence te LAKEWOOD BEACH FARMS, 530 Buhl Bldg. Detroit, Mich- igan, or call Amherstburg 617 Ring 1% RATIS~(LITTLE FRIEND TO either sex) malled in plain envel- ope. Paris Specialty Co. Casier 2423, Montreal, Que. 1 ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN 4 and light sewing at home, whole or spore time, Good pay. Work sent any distance, charges pa'd. Send stamp for particolars. National Menifacturing Qo,, Montreal, Marrying an heiress is almost as ineatisfactory as any other get-rich- quick echeme. Schwegla gs THOR O BRED" QU tvedon ws beet fo beh r White, Peovn snd Ray 2 lo: HT75. BRIDGEBU! Protect your skin, scalp and hair from infection and assist the pores in the elimination of waste by daily use of Cuticura Soap ec. Everywhere Aching Feet Swollen and sore from a day's strenuous work can be relieved by Minard's. . . Bathe in warm water solu- tion, Was In Bed All Summer "I have to work in the store and do my own housework, too, and I got nervous and run-downand wasin bed nearly all summer. The least noise would make me nervous. I was told -- sen SX ' Ct Sa Ree Re Aa oe 3 hy Sykes SS pn a yt Am

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