----000------ Weekly Newspaper Convention | in London. The editor of the Star had the pleasure of attending the Con- | vention of publishers of weekly newspapers in London last week. Between two and three hundred delegates were present from all Pr pass th spape Betomes e years 8 the news| r business b more specialized, and it also becomes more business like, ing when payments for service were a When much of the advertising was free, these day, crowded out, because no longer is the publ time to pay for his supplies. i a - The old days when it was considered quite the proper thing to abuse the business rival, these days too have been crowded out, and courtesy and service have become the basis of the newspaper publishing business. . = Many of the men who were at that convention. represented | modern business methods well. Their printing plants are up to date, and the work they do is high class. The ncial returns are also large. No more does the editor receive. is pay for the DE ay dave osed to. sipport e ¢ y8 when the paper was suppe sthpport a cer- 3 through' thick and thin (and some of the e party were pretty thick and pre thin), those old days are gone, and scarcely a paper now makes ts main appeal through the political channel. e appeal now is service to the community. It is amazing what time and service these men give their communities rin and year out. : While in London, Mr. Anson Walker, who is on the staff of the Western University, as a lecturer in botany, took the editor through the University (a short course). The scientific equip- ment is very Somplete, and the buildings are excellent in type, splendidly situated in a broad expanse of beautifully undulating d well ed grounds. With the vision which the board of governors have for the future of this university, it should become Fone of the most famous of our Canadian seats of learning in the years to come. It is young as yet. 3 London is a most home like city, with beautiful homes and exceptionally wide streets. Springbank Park is a lovely place, and affords splendid facilities for the recreation of the of ns, _ "The Cha of Commerce, the municipal officers, the Ki- wanis Club, and various other public bodies did all they could to make the stay of the editors pleasant, and they su ed admir- ably. Thank you. ; politica acts oo ¢ 0-- MILK AND CREAM DISTRIBUTORS ORGANIZE N (Canadian Dairy and Ice Creamb Journal) Last month an important meeting was held in Toronto by re- tail milk and cream distributors from all parts of. Ontario, as widely separated as Windsor and Kingston, and from Fort Erie to Sault Ste Marie. Arising out of the meeting was the formation of the "Ontario Milk and Cream Distributors' Association," with the following officers: an *Président--G. A. Gillespie, Peterboro. 1st Vice President--J. H. Locke, Toronto. 2nd Vice President--H.: Duplan, London. Sec.-Treas.--A. 8. Thurston, Thornbury. Minister of ure, Speaks. ; During the course of last month's organization meeting Hon. J. 8. Martin addressed the gathering, and hinted that 'the govern- j nt. eenly alive to the situation which confronts the dairy || rma pias ef Mm sien gu 4 4-ton, visited with Mz. and Mrs. Hiram d| ents, on Sunday. x stock, where they attended the Orange al Eighty ¥a NR rr e During this week some eighty odd boys from Reach, Uxbridge and Scott townships, are enjoying a pleasant holiday camping at Stephenson's Point. The camp, which is a new and highly successful venture, is under the direction of Rev. C. R. Daniels, of Sunderland. It is interd inational and open Yo all trict. Seferal of took, advantage e camp, A very inte: and instructive course has been mapped out. The camp has been lucky in securing very capable instructors along various lines, Rev. H. Wolfrain, of Wilfred, and Rev. Mr, Owens, of Uxbridge, take Junior and Senior Bible study respectively. Ross Crosby, Uxbridge, gives both senior and junior instrue- tion in Camperaft. Mr. "Ted" Poole, Toronto, is swimming instructor and is also conducting a class in model plane building, First aid is taught by Mr. Owens and last but not least Rev. C. E. Dyer, Greenbank, gives a talk on musical appreciation, after each dinner and supper. The camp is kept spick and span' at all times. Every morning there is a clean-up period during which the whole campground is cleared of refuse and debris. The Star learned that Dr. Jeffrey, M.O.H. had inspected the camp and pronounced it sanitary and a model of neatness. | Every precaution has been taken to! insure the health and happiness of each boy. No one is allowed to go out in a boat until properly qualified as a boys of the dis- Port Perry boys swimmer, In the day's program there is a delightful compound. swimming, | of American tourists are. here--Florida, ' and many other States being represented. Boys of District are ~ Camping at Stephenson's Point. Merry Crowd Enjoy Holiday on i Scugog. softball, and instruction; and in the evening a council fire with singing stunts and an inspirational talk by| one of the leaders. The camp is very fortunate in its situation and lay out. The tents (19 of them) are grouped in a large horse- shoe losing gh room for two ball diamonds. A large marque is used for a dining tent and assembly hall. Four ladies, Mrs. Leask and Mrs. Case, of Uxbridge; Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Baker, Sunderland, very generously volunteerer to act as camp cooks, and according to the boys they take care of that department splen- didly. The recent installation of the hydro in the camp site lights the spot at nights and makes possible the use of a magic lantern which is a pleasant feature of the evening programs. In view of the success of the camp it is intended to make it an annual event, Next year it may last a fort- night, with a week each for boys and girls. Mr. Daniels and those who have 80 _effici asgisted him are to be congratula on such a splendid camp, Pageant Given On Wednesday night a feature of the campfire program was a pageant entitled "The Last of the Hurons" given by the boys of the camp. It was historical in nature and depicted the tinie in which the dwindling Huron 'tribe bury their treasures and are an- nihilated by the fierce Iroquois. Those fortunate enough to witness it de- clared it to be very interesting. Rev. Mr. Green, B.D, Inducted as Minister at Seagrave. Mrs. A. L. Orchard left on Monday evening for Toronto where she will spent the week with friends. Mrs. A, Tanner and daughter Vera were recent visitors to Orangeville. Miss Elliott, of Hamilton and Miss Hood, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone. Mr, J. Byers, of Toronto, Mr. Wm. Byers, and Mrs, Sanderson, of Burke- Wannamaker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding spent Mon- day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKague, Miss Norma Cameron and Miss Marion Mc- Eachern, of Grass Hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McMillan, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. F, Beudle, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's par- ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker and] family spent Sunday evening in Black- service. Both services were well at- tended. The epidemic of measles is about over and the children will be able to enjoy their holidays. * Miss Marjorie Harrison, of Toronto, and Miss Francis Harrison, of Latch- ford, were recent visitors of their aunt Mrs Roy Scott. Mr. and Mrs, John Mark were in Little Britain on' Monday where Mis, Mark is undergoing treatment from Dr. Hall: Miss Dora Orchard is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard. On Friday evening last a large number of the congregations of the three appointments of the United Church, attended the induction service of our. new pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, |: B.D. The services were in charge of Rev. Mr. Edmison, of Little Britain, President of the Lindsay Presbytery, Rev. Mr. Baird, Secretary, Lindsay Presbytery and Rev. Mr. Dyer, of 'Greenbank. Following the service, lunch was served and a. social time], spent and getting acquainted with Mr. Green. ¥ Mr. -Wannamaker's many triends; are pleaséd to hear. that he on writing his en- owing pupils were sue-. cessful on writing the entrance Sxaminations at Port Perry cen-. Balfour, Audrey Beare, George Bond, Leonard Cawker, Marion Conlin, Lauretta iff, Owen. er, Allan Demera, Milton Farmer, John Gilroy, Nora Hood, Georgeen Heayn, William Hooper, Mildred Lee, Della Lee, Elmer Lyle, Ralph Malyon, Alfred, (Hon.) Malyon, George (Hon.) Manns, Ruby McKercher, Muriel McMillan, Nora, (Hon.) Milner, Ivah Mitchell, Edward Montgomery, Wesley Nottingham, Roy Orde, Philip Phoenix, Franklin Real, Margaret ,(Hon.) Reaves, Katherine Sandison, Sarah Smallman, Sidney Smallman, Mary Symes; Elizabeth, (Hon.) Turner, Norma Taylor, Grant Wannamaker, Glenn Woods, Terrance. ren GO Ores REPORT OF CEDAR CREEK SCHOOL Result of the final examinations. Names in order of merit. SF. IV--Paul Mosiénko, (hon.) Ber: nice Gilroy, James Blain, Marjorie Martyn, rec. Sr, IIT--Bruce Gilroy, Wilmot Car- nochan, ree. Sr. II--Helen Mosienko, (hon.) Mau- rice Edgerton, Ellwood Martyn, Ellroy Martyn, Philip Martyn. I--Helen Robertson, (hon.) Emily Blain, (hon.) Sr. Pr.--Nellie Mosienko, (hon.) Jr. Pr--Willa Edgerton, Teddy Blain Vivien McKercher, Teacher. es | er MANCHESTER Public School Report Sr. IV--Jessie Walker, (Hon.) Doro- thy Roper, Mansel Gerrow, Mildred Crosier. Sr. III--Ann Taylor,. (Hon), Verna Masters, Harold Holtby. Jr. III--Robt. Walker (Hon.) Sr. II--Murray Holtby (Hon.), George Munro, L. G. Lamb, ree. Chas An- drews. Jr. II--Fred Christie, Harry Masters, Reta Munro, Ruth Mitchell, Alverta Mitchell, Roy Bobson. Sr. I--Donald Christie, Fred Andrews. Jr. I---Murray Wiilson, Keith Ouder- kirk, Robt. Ouderkirk, Roger Ouder- kirk. , Jr. Pr.--Rose Masters, June Mitehell "A"--Keith Wilson, Remember the Myrtle Garden Party July 18 at home of W. R. Bright. BLACKSTOCK The following is the Report of the Blackstock Public School of the June Final Examinations: To Sr. IY--Marion Stinson, Hazel Wright, Leslie Beacock. To. Jr. IV--Jean Wright, (Hon.), Eva Graham, Anson Taylor, Vera Po- well, Lulu Wright, (rec.) To. Sr, III--Thelma Miles, (Hon.), Orval Stinson, Ross Lansing, Ray Graham. To Jr. III--Mabel VanCamp, Lorna Trewin, Betty Powell, (rec.), Elmer Archer, (rec.), Frank Wright (fid.) Vincent Archer, (fid.), Frank Wood~ ard (id) as To Il--Ronald Trewin (Hon), Edith I--Roger Dorrell (Hon) Harold Craw- ford (Hon), Percy Powell, Kathleen Taylor, Ross Bailey, Roy Werry,