Ee nib ides Like ad lo bmi, bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and community in which to live. | "A. J. DAVIS {| DRUGS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING Telephone 49 Residence 134 BROCK & SON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. | " WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Telephone 43 W. R. WILLAN THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure Telephone 456 |Morrison's Drug Store KODAKS, FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are Equal to Anywhere EYES TESTED FREER. J. F. McClintock DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, .. BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED. Telephone 36 "E. H. GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone 32, ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. Telephone 26. The Port Perry Branch of this Bank will move next month to. en SE Re BA Ee CHANGE OF ADDRESS The Royal Bank of Canada PORT PERRY BRANCH BE A BOOSTER segs vo When a community becomes "dead" the fact is written all over it. Residents may try to conceal the true condition but to visitors they are quite apparent. And once a town he- somes "dead" it never stages a come-back, Its residents are never prosperous again, and those who possess foresight ove to another city where more possibilities are presented Port P. is a growing and prosperous community, It is for Ag oe this town to say whether or not this progress will continue. The merchants and business men are the backhone of its success. On their business depends fhe progress of the community. A prosperous community 8 the same as a successful, large corporation. The residents of Port Perry are the stockholders of the town. The mer- chants are the directors, If the business as operated by the directors, shows large profits, the residents will receive the benefits in dividends. A stockholder who does his personal business with another firm and buys his goods in cities out- side, acts in eppesition to his own interests. It would'be a foolish move in business. Residents of this town buy in other 8 because they do not realize the harm they are doing. 'Tell that you buy here and get better value for your money than they do in other places, Build up for increased civic dividends. Boost Port Perry and Port Perry merchants. W. L. Parrish Willard & Co. HARDWARE General Merchants PLONE. GROCERIES, DRYGOODS and HEATING FRUITS, VEGETABLES. Telephone 55. Telephone 46 r 2. I. R. BENTLEY Good taste is evidenced in all the buying of jewellery, novelties, and stationery, at the Bentley store. Yo u' can' walk in there at any time and pick up delightful gifts, gifts that show character and beauty--gifts that cost little but will 'mean much as: treasured remembrances of the giver. + There are also many staple artieles of jewellery, sil verware, etc, that are dependable values. Visit the Bentley Jewellery Store. There is always a pleasing variety to be seen. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH . Equipped for service--Following the tion of the two local brnches, increased facilities to serve the public have beén introduced. MAKE THIS YOUR BANK E. B. Walker, Associate Manager. CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Farnace Work. HARDWARE :: PLUMBING :: FURNACES H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. Telephone 72 r 2 McKEE & SON OUTS 8 DHORS ROC UITS SROLOUR & FEEDS Telephone 162. Hall's Restaurant "A Good Place to EAT" ICE CREAM 'and CONFECTIONERY +} - p= MEN'S FINE SHIRTS = Assortment of droadsloth Shirts with one Eerie i three JAH SOWELS a pair sch, marked down, 1h aD Oddments, much ; satin, velvet and dongola, with Ou # W. T. RODMAN fi W. A. BEATTY CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No where can you Beat Our Prices. Buy your BATTERY in our town. Phone 61 Messrs. John and Milton Holliday, of Toronte, were with their mother, here, for the week end. Mrs. Holliday is able to be out again. ' count of undergoing an operation for appendicitis, but was recommended year. Last year the five candidates wishes to announce to his many friends and am Etponcl Us i a shoe MERCHANT TAILOR BUSINESS in Special MADE-TO- E CLOTHING He wil gladly submit prices and samples. Cleaning, nd adie Clothing. 74 Simeoe St. N., OSHAWA, Upstairs, Room 3. - Evening Rates ~ Begin at 7 p.m.