| Port Pel COMMUNITY BUYI Through the co-operation of the Busindss MGWHSISd below, we will reprodice a series of educational cles endear bring about a better business relationship between resident and werhant tu the tows, aud thaw bring shou are) community in which to live. A. J. DAVES * DRUGS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING Telephone 49 Residence 134 BROCK & SON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. WALL WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Telephone 43 "W. R. WILLAN THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure Telephone 456 Morrison' 5 Drug Store KODAKS, FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 L. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are Equal to' Anywhere EYES TESTED FREE. J. F. McClintock DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY, FLOUR; FEED. Telephone 36 E. H. GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone 32. Port Perry Lumber & Milling COMPANY ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. Telephone 26. CHANGE OF ADDRESS _ Tort ene re of Ui Babi wi oe wt ath tothe Ferguson Block, East of the Post Office. You are invited to call at our premises, where we shall have every facility for serving you. The Royal Bank of Canada PORT PERRY BRANCH B. D. HENRY, Manager WHEN MISFORTUNE BECKONS The wheel of misfortune sometimes turns against us and we meet with reverses. At these times everything goes wrong. One affliction follows another and we are down and out. Probably sickness is the cause. At any rate dark clouds obscure the horizon of the future. However, no matter how dark the days are, ourselves and our families need clothing and food to keep body and soul to- gether. Who comes to your aid in those dismal periods and supplies your wants until success again shines, The mer- chant in the city outside Port Perry knows little about your circumstances and cares less, although it may have been him who received your support a few months ago. He will not come to your assistance now and tide you over the rough waters of misfortune. No, it is the merchant who probably lives on your own street who will come to your aid. "Why certainly Fred, you can have whatever you need un- til this trouble is over. You've had a tough break, Old Man, and don't be afraid to come here and get what you want." Charity ? No! Just the storekeeper's community spirit as- serting itself. He knows that you have always lived in the community and that your honesty is established. Mingled with his community spirit is a certain amount of pride in brotherly love.He knows you better than you know him. Do not wait for misfortune to find out how much confi- dence your merchant has in you. Do it now. Give him your trade and you will both profit thereby. W. L. Parrish Willard & Co. HARDWARE General Merchants TINWARE GROCERIES, DRYGOODS PLUMBING, and HEATING FRUITS, VEGETABLES. Telephone 46 r 2. Telephone 55. The Canadian Bank of Commerce This Bank has served this district for over thirty years their present manager-- Mr. H. G. Hutcheson-- has been connegted with local banking service for over forty years, we feel that we are in close touch with the financial require- Jugnts of our customers and in a strong position to serve them. Make this your Bank. Get a Book-Bank for your boy and 'he will soon have a Bank-Book. Now on sole, 26¢. We hold the key. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH Equipped for service--Following the Amalgamation of the two local brnches, increased facilities to serve the public have been introduced. MAKE THIS YOUR BANK E. B. Walker, Associate Manager. H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Furnace Work. _. HARDWARE :: PLUMBING :: FURNACES Ladies' Millinery; Men's Clothing and Furnishings; Dressgoods and Dress Essentials; Ladies' Un- derwear and Hosiery; Staple Goods; Draperies--all in your Home Town. Phone 246 Bert MacGregor FOR QUALITY MEATS CANNED GOODS BUTTER AND EGGS Teleplione T2r2 McKEE & SON GENTS FURNISHINGS BOOTS & SHOES = GROCERIES & FRUITS FLOUR & FEEDS Telephone 162, Hall's Restaurant "A Good Place to EAT" ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY "W. T. RODMAN MERCHANT TAILOR Made-to-Measure Clothes Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing W. A. BEATTY HARNESS, LEATHER GOODS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS TRUNKS, ROBES; RUGS BLANKETS, BELLS AND WHIPS BEARE BROS. McLAUGHLIN AND CHEVROLET MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 130 W, A. L. McDermott FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Telephone. 128 w. House 128 J 'CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No where can you Beat Our Prices. Buy your BATTERY in our town. Phone 61 Standard Garage DURANT CARS AND TRUCKS "Service is our Motto" Telephone 74 W. T1929 FALL. FAIR DATES Agincourt = Bancroft Belleville Bowmanville Campbell ford Coldwater .....v.... September 17-18 '| baby boy. SONYA Mr. and Mrs. R. Hallet and family spent Sunday in Stouffville. Mr. Thos. Watson of Toronto, visit- ing friends here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Martin on the birth of a Rev. J. H, and Mrs. Douglas and children are taking their holidays. Mr. Colin Ross and daughter, Miss PRINCE ALBERT Mr. Ernest Till' and friend of Greenbank visited his grandfather, Mr. Geo. Bond on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs Childs of Toronto have Mr. Ben Smith's house rented for a { short. time. Mrs. Foley spent a week-end with her niece, Mrs. Taylor at their sum- mer cottage at the lake recently. Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Rundle and | tamity and Mr. Norman Rundle of |" n'| Bowmanville, visited | i Mas and Mrs. E, Philp. MYRTLE Mr, John Lawrence and son, Andrew visi the former's son in Lindsay last week Mrs. E. T. Semis ot Ptiava lak . and | holidaying with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Wm, "Hoar, RE A slight es earthquake x about six-thirty Monday morning. . The patrons of the Brooklin Créam- loss " that, quisitions for 1929 as follows; S. 8. No. 1--3.1 mills; No. 2--3.2; No. 8} 1.8; No. 4-- ;No. p--4.; No. 62.7; No. 7--28; No. 9--3.4; No. 10-2; Neo. 11--4; No, 12--2.6; No. 13--1.5; No. 14--2.95; No. 16--28; No. 16-3; No. 19--38.5. Also a by-law to assess the town- , x 20 in, 896. pr: and silk a) ship for the County, Township and General Educational purposes; mills, for Township purposes, 5.8 mills for General School mills. =" The following adcounts were passed for expenses incurred in the several Road Divisions: Thos. Brown, truck- a "40 imx 18in,, "pr Towel come th nice patterns and re. 8 good welght, " Klingtite ing Sofa fof men) t in V-Neck Sweaters and Coat All wool wool in a good: Cr Small sizes $2.25 MEN'S FANCY SWEATERS, fom $435 up, in & args abt 'ment of new goods. : purposes 4.76 | MEN'S 3 Sirs. 31.59, some with i¥o aE et - iractive patterns ing gravel, road 2, div. 9 $169.20, road LADIES' BATHING SHOES in Red and Green, 11, div. 86 $76.00, road 14, div.47 $16, road 16, div. 11 $161.40, road-19, div. § CHILDREN'S BATHING SHORS:.. ads n $42.20. Elgin' White, work, div. '3 $62.20, F?'Sandison, work, Geo. Aird, work, div, 18 $182.06, Abe 'Wallace, div. 24 $184.60, Frank Mill- man, div. 35 425.15, Stanley Wand, div 81 $168.24, Clifford Ward, div. 83 $27.70, Ben. Forsyth, div. 36 $53.50, W: H. Walker, div. 80-424.80, J. W. Gregg, div. 42 $172.80, S. Reynolds, div. 49 $41.60, A. D. Christie, div. 28 $90.90, James Swinson, div. 28 $34.28, Chas. Wells, div. 30 $13.95, F. H. Webb, div. 26 $8515, Juno. Kay, div.| 58 $82.26, Arthur Sleep, div. 38 $9.00 Jas. Lee, div. 46 $10.25, J. Holdershaw div. 48 $8.50, Wm. Stabback, div. 21 $4.00, C.'Whitter, div. 87, $3.00, R, J. 50 $22.00, A. Bryant, div. 11 $66.50, Jas. Bowles, div. Walker, div. 17 16 $74.80, Wm. 1 Lansing bonus wi $18.00, L. Coates bonus w.f. $11.70, Walter Hawi to sheep by dogs, $60.00, 1 Myrtle Station div, 9150, | me MERCHAN : in Sri Ra. 10 WEARURE 'CLOTHING Brown, div, 48 $4.80, Frank Welsh div| He will 4 visiting. at. Chas. Pilkey's. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Roswell of Toronto were Sunday visitors at J. | Birketts, Miss Olive Harrison spent the week: end in Whitby. © Mrs, RB. Long 'spent a fow days} thie week with her daughter in Seb wishes to antiounce to his 'many customers it Port § now pre, tl » samples. Cleaning, airing Men's 4 Eines St. N., OSHAWA, Usstaits, Boo Room 5. ---- REASRSEL EE Arai Pe CER