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Port Perry Star, 29 Aug 1929, p. 2

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ot Million Dollar 446 feet In length and 204 feet in| depth. It will be constructed of nal Exhib er rR Arena and furnish much pleasure and many thrills each afterrioon and evening to the vast crowds in atten: dance. J (i Poultry Classes to Encourage Juveniles and Egg Exhibits The Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Show will be held on the uper floor of the eastern annex and the most modern cooping equipment is being provided to accommodate an entry of at least 6,000 exhibits. A special fea- ture that makes this show attractive to breeders is the guarantee of single cooping of all birds entered at a nominal fee of only 76c per indivi- dual exhibit. This is of great benefit to breeders of glhh quality stock, ior when birds are cooped together, in ne cage--as they are under the dou-| ble cooping system--sesious injuuy inside walls. Masjestic stone pillars will extend to the roof at the mez- _| nual exposition has again arranged a To reverybody. Canadian National Eahibition, in con. junction with the Wrigley interests, of sports evets, afloat and ashore, calculated to provide enough thrills For the third year in succession the See our Exhibit under the G stand at Exhibition--See the wil hold the ramous Efeot championship Wrigley swim mara. thon. The course will agal nbe im- mediately In front of Exhibition | Park, the women's event of ten miles on Friday, August 23rd, opening day, and the men's swim on Wednesday, | electric ot When on Yonge St. Connor Washer Stores, St, or 1654 St, and see these strated. Nothing in the way of attracting and encouraging = breeders of a classes of stock-has been o Jodked : by the management, and a record eh- August 28th, at a distance of fifteen miles. It has been stipulated that the water shall"be at a temperature of 68 degrees or warmer at the hour WHEN IN TORONTO SEE OUR try in all sections in recognition of the painstaking efforts made is confi dently anticipated. The Canadian National Exhibition stone, steel and brick with concrete zanine floor and artistic lighting ar flooring on the main and mezzanine! rangements have been made to blend floors. The ground will have 95,000 harmoniously with the color effects Motor Salon to a valuable specimen often results. Boy and girl poultry breeders are be- ing catered to on quite an extensive set for the start. I nthe event of this condition not being met, the "blg splash" will be postponed to the fol- management has accomplished many § wonderful achievements. in the past ~ . Bicycles and What unquestionably will be the, feet of display space with the re-| of the automobile models, finest building In America devoted maining 25,000 feet on the mezzanine. | lighting will prevent glare n the high- exclusively to the purposes of auto-| Passenger models and busses will oc-|ly finished cars. motive display will be opened in the cupy 60,000 feet, trucks will be al-| beautiful park of the Canadian Na- | lotted 35,000 feet and 25,000 feet will i qows with Spanish iron grilling tional Exhibition at Toronto this summer. The palatial new structure parts. Stalrs leading to the mezzan- T 11 L will occupy a prominent place over- ine will be at each of the four en-! touch ae > i ding, will be aso au. looking Lake Ontario, immediately | trances and the wide stairways will y y " 2 Exhibition fall motor show and the across the boulevard from the new Engineering and Electrical Building. The latter was opened last year at a cost of $660,000. The great automo-| entrances will be of cut and east yp ien swings open its gates on the | | be available for =accessorier amd be flanked with ornamental wrought iron balustrades. The pillars and facings of the building at the main tive salon 'will cost $1,000,229, that|stone with artificial stone and wrought | being the figure embodied in the ac-| fron decorations. cepted tenders. The two-storey structure will be plaster with joints sawn will form the ' motor show ever held in this country. Stone-colored crystalline stucco Indirect | geale, twelve sections being provid: ed for juvenile competitors. By way of encouragement the Hon. John 8.) Martin, Ontario Minister of Agricul- ture, offers a silver trophy for the "Best Young Pair Shown, r new additions this year are Fanciers Egg Classes and Sales Display Pens. a Trotting Program The 1929 renewal of the trotting and pacing program annually sponsored by the Canadian National Exhibition has announced and is being acclaimed by horsemen as the most important Amber glass will be used in all inside and out to give a decorative National Motor Show of Canada in the winter. The opening in August when the world's greatest annual éx- 23rd, will provide the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition with the greatest Edwin Franko Goldman Band Maintains High Standard Set in Previous Years THE EDWIN FRANKO GOLDMAN BAND This internationally famous organization will be heard Other noted bands will appear as usual. this year, of Great Britain, France, Mexico, the United States and elsewhere have ap- WHEN IN TORONTO EAT AND SLEEP AT SCHOLES HOTEL 40c Lunch or Supper a Specialty YONGE 8T. Opposite Eaton's "Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and Up FOR SALE BEAUTY PARLOR BARBER SHOP EQUIPMENT BIG SAVING ON USED EQ DURING EXHIBITION. dryers. basins, permanent waving mu chines, barber chairs and fixtures, sitting chairs, hairdressing chairs, dresserettes, mirrors, manicure tables, sterilizers, cabinets, signs, etc., must sold regard. less of cost. Everything will carry a money back guarantee. Apply at our Head Office: JONES BROS. OF CANADA, LIMITED : MASON RISCH UIPMENT Large halr Famous military and concert bands peared In former years at the Cana-! dian National Exhibition. The bigh' standard has been maintained this year by the engagement of the great, Edwin Franko Goldman organization! of New York, sixty musicians, and re-| garded as the leading ensemble of its kind in the United States. | The accompanying illustration shows the new seating arrangement ' of the Edwin Franko Goldman band. ! The reed instruments stretch across the front of the stage. At the left of the conductor are the first clarinets and immediately to the right are two, oboes, behind which are the second! and third clarinets. The flutes, | saxophones and bassoons are direct-' ly In front of the conductor. It will be noticed that all the brass instru-| ments have thelr bells pointing direct- | ly at the audience. In the centre to-! a- | ward the rear, four bell front basses will be noticed together with wo) string basses. Toward the left in the rear is the battery section show- ing a complete paraphernalia includ- ing tympani, bass drum, small drum, tom-tom, chimes, gong, fire bell, fire siren; ete: T rr This new and novel seating ar- t was adopted after much experimenting and it is Mr. Goldman's | contention that the fine tonal effect obtained by his organization is large- | ly due to the arrangement of instru- menfs. Mr. Goldman adopted a new geating arrangement some years ago! which has sinee been approved by many of the concert bands through- out the world. It became known as, the "Goldman Seating Plan" and is, now used almost everywhere, especlal-| ly for radio broad The new, ra invite you to see and hear the new MASON & RISCH and HENRY HERBERT PIANOS including the famous and later arrangement shown in the, illustration is a decided improve- ment upon Mr. Goldman's former, plan. This band will appear dally; at the Canadian National Exhibition! from August 23rd to Sept. 7th. Many other fine military and concert bands will appear also and as a further offering to musiclovers, the Cana- dian National Exhibition Chorus of two thousand voices will appear dur-, ing the period of the fair under the daily throughout the Canadian National Exhibition | for its "EMPIRE YEAR" Celebration. {It 1s safe to say that the spectacle 'tray "The Agricultural D 1g race meeting of its kind in Canada this season. Offering an aggregate of $8,500 in purses, its outstanding features are the two futurity races in- augurate dby the Canadian Standard- bred Society and having respective guarantee dvalues of $3,000 and §2,000. The two futurities, one for three-year- old trotters and the other for three- yea-old pacers, will be contested on Wednesday, September 5th, with the 2.10 pace, thus making a feature of- fering that will be witnessed at no other 'race meeting in Canada this year. Th ebalance of the program is de- voted to class races of uniform value of $500 ad provides for trotters and pacers whose eligibility range from the 2.30 class down to the 2.10 pacers. The entire program is. being raced under the rules of the Dominion Har- ness Horse Association and the elig- ibility of horses intended for racing at this meeting may be obtained from Mr. Charles Snow, 331 Brock Avenue, Toronto. 'The most liberal conditions to be found at any meeting in Can- ada are included in this program, in- cluding a three-per-cent. entrance fee with absolutely no deductions from money winners. Entries positively close on August 17th when a cash payment of $15 (the entire entry fee) must be forwarded with the entry, to- gether with the name and description |of the horse. The usual money di- visions prevail and trotters are given a four second allowance in all pacing classes. The Complete Program follows: Tuesday, September 3rd 2.30 Trot. Purse, 2.30 Pace. Purse, Wednesday, September 4th 2.16 Trot. Purse, $500 2.16 Pace. Purse, 500 Thursday, September bth ' 2.10 Pace. Purse, $500 The Futurity for three-year-old pac- ers, owned, foaled and trained in Can- ada: Purse, $2,000 and Silver Cup don- ated by the Dominion Harness Horse Association. The Futurity for three-year-old are a novelty which are expected to prove a sensation at the Canadian National Exhibition as they have out. doors elsewhere. * Bd ~ Exhibition Notes Agricultural Resume The Canadian National Exhibition,' now recognized as the greatest agri- cultural institution in the world, has to its credit the glorious record of fifty-one consecutive years of unabated effort to advance the interests of our Nation's basic industry. The pres- ent year sees the management of this great organization planning and pre- paring a more iteresting and educa- tioal agricultural program tham ever $600 600 From end to end of the sixteen and one-half acres of buildings under one continuous roof, the very finest live stock in the land will have the most modern and sanitary exhibiting facill- ties, judging arenas and show rooms. to he presented will faithfully por- Other | lowing day. Natatorial stars from all over the"World have already forwarded their entries. Sea Fleas Big Feature - Outboard motor races, for which cash prizes of $8,000 have been pro- vided, have attracted drivers of in- 36 Queen St. East or write for Catalogue, delivery charges on Bicycles. Motorcycles We prepay in their pre-show publications but the prize list compiled for "Empire Year," 1929, overshadows all previous efforts. It ip indeed of high quality and at- tractive from cover to cover, ard re- flects considerable credit upo@ those directly responsible for its issuance, - \ ternational fame and the spectacular little "sea fleas" will be a dally fea- ture on the -water front. Lake On- tarlo at this point {is particularly suited to the purpose. Novelt yevents for these ubiquitous little flyers have also been arranged. The Lake Yacht Racing Association will bring international competition to the Canadian National Exhibition. Speedy, graceful racing craft from many points on Lakes Ontario and Erie in Canada and the United States will compete, Hariiess racing enthusiasts will see their favorite sport at its best. IIn- cluded In the program are $5,000 Futurities. Track athletes of both sexes who represented their countries at the Olympic Game sin Amsterdam 'last year will be seen in the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition meet which ante- dates even the Canadian champion- ships. The stars of Europe and Amer: ica have been seen in former years at this gathering of spiked shoe expon- ents and the sport's luminaries will again be in competition. Bicycle rac- ing, having emerged from its lethargy Fare to Toronto , $5.50. Permanent Waving By Experts fall to have one of our of $5.50. With or without appointment. of Permanent Waving. who care.) ROBERTSON'S of a Shur Wave Permanent Wave. a prominent feature. Carnival of the Clouds are being laid for some racing events. prises for Exhibition visitors. Save the Price of Your When you visit! the Exhibition don't Per: 8, . 89, hy manent Waves at the Reduced Rate Juvenile (large fowl) and sellg Specialists ih the Shur Wave Method 288 YONGE STREET, TORONTO | Write for Booklet "W2" on the care of the past year or two, will again be geores of planes and other aircraft {ot various classes and designs will at- {tend the Canadian National Bxhibi- Aviation is being stressed for this tion. An international carnival of the Empire Year Celebration and plans clouds will present some startling sur United States should not miss secur- ing a copy of this handsome book. It contains the fulles tinformation re- garding entries, cooping accommoda- tion and conditions of exhibiting. Twenty-four judges have been ap- pointed to place the awards. That they are men of high standing and acknowledged ability will be seen by the list appended. Judges Plymouth Rocks, Barred and White --Cleve Stout, Deerfield, Ill. Plymouth Rocks, Buff €elumbian and A.V.0. Orpington White, Susses, Ch +. 1, Dorki: 1 11. classes (large fowl)--Prof. W. Graham, Guelph, Ont. Partridge Plymouth Rocks, Bra. = R. (For ladies hams, Cochins, Anconas, Red' Cape, | Cornish and Langshans--Geo. Robert | son, Ottawa, Ont. All Wyandottes--Geo,-M. Wilkinson, ' Blairsville, Pa. Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites and Andalusians--Frederick 'H. Stillwagen, Bethlehem, Pa. ki = All Leghorns--Willlam = Cadman, =. London, Ont. Polish, Hamburgs, French, Minor- eas, Campines and Buttercups--W. ©, Carter, Londeshoro, Ont. LARGEST EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE Rd FUR SALE New Models For 1929-30 To Select From | 20% to 30% OFF BUY NOW -- PAY LATER G trotters; -owned; foaled and in Canada: Purse, $3,000 and Silver Cup donated by the Toronto Driving Club, of a Nation.' Heralding the show the annual premium list went through the mall some weeks ago to a host of patrons in all provinces throughout Canada and the many States of the union. The list for 1020 is the 'most- at- tractive and comprehensive ever is- sued by the C. N, H. Association. It contains one hundred and fifty-eight pages and is replete with information relative , to agriculture embracing every division of live stock. Through the many sections listed revisions Eat at MUMBY'S1 West End of Grand Stand Excellent Meals in 50¢ : CAFETERIA IN CONNECTION Visit Our Spacious Showrooms While in Toronto SELLERS GOUGH FUR i All Orpingtons (except White) Jer sey Black Glants, Spanish and Jayas --W. J. Roberts, Hamilton, Ont. Game and Game Bantams, including Selling and Juvenile Clasges--Dan Rooke, Prescott, Ont, Ornamental Bantams, including Sell dng' and Juvenils Classes--W. P, Carter, Toronto, Ont. 5S y Turkeys, geese and ducks--Charles H. Coursey, Lucan, Ont. Pigeons--H, Rawnsley, Toronto, Ont; C. F. Wagner, St. Louis, Mo.; Fred Eldridge, Toronto, Ont.; W. Newman, Ottawa, Ont.; 8. T. Avent, Toronto, Ont.; W, H. Rands, Toronto, Ont.; R. G. Keddie, Toronto, Ont. Cage Birds--Alex. Craigle, Toronto, Ont.; Geo. Watson, Toronto, Ont. ' Rabbits and Cavies--Len Parker, Toroutes Ont.; W. Smallpage, Toronto, - nt," : Miscellaneous--Prof. T. B. Kurata, Toronto, Ont. -------------------------------------- for the E dings. Pure Food at Moderate Prices No Waiting -- Over 1,000 Seats 28 Years on Grounds J. A. MUMBY Manager good of 'breed and breeder are notice: able, ; Increased Entries In' Horse Events In 'the breeding horse section, classes have been added for young horses, and the "Junior breeders" | USED CAR When in Toronto, be sure to see our stock of Selected Cars i

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