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Port Perry Star, 5 Sep 1929, p. 1

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The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. IT you want it geod BERT 'MacGREGOR | wil do the rest. C Ring up Phone 72. td | date--Tuesd 7 Teusivid o every likelihood that t this your for Trials pleased with the track on Civic Holiday that there is y number of entries of ere will be 'fast horses. This will be made onl le by the fact that the Fair any local Fair, 1y, September 17--does not clash with the date of The Girls' Softball tournament should be a lively affair. Five teams have promises to take part--Blackstock, Scugog, Coli 'Greenbank and Prospect. umbus, Mr, J. O. Scott is in charge of this 'évent. The big prize is the Durant Silver Cup, valued at $50.00, through courtedy of the are also to be awarded. Standard Garage. Other prizes Horseshoe Pitching will have a prominent place. Mr. I. R. ba is giving a very handsome trophy for annual competition, Geo. Hall is putting up 100 cigars for prizes, and other handsome =| prizes are offered for competiti ion among stockmen--the Bank of Commerce Cup for best herd of cattle, the Royal Bank Cup for 21 best' team of horses; and the T. Eaton Co. cabinet of silver for highest points in stock. The Robert Simpson Co. have remem- bered the ladies and are giving a "the best ten pounds of butter. Peel Bros. prize for poultry will also interest the ladies. Silver Cup to the n showing Mr. Kent's prize for flowers a e South Ontario Beekeepers' Association are offering specials for honey, rade' on on Oivis Holiday showed that our people know how to re ha a parade. and includes two fifteen pound hams (courtesy of 'Gregor), a side of bacon (courte #1.0f Moir's chocolates (courtesy of 'See the bills and get-in the parade. In the Town Hall at 8 p.m,, The prize list for the Fair Parade is good, Bert, Mac- dy of Gawker Bros), a large box Geo. Hal) 2 and ather good, Prizes. Burt Lloyd and 'his Gompatiy will put on a first class concert. There will be some rush seats, at 35c and reserved seats at 50c. The | Drugstore. | Membership tickets on sale plan of the hall will be at Davis' at the Star Office or from any of the Directors. They cost $1.00, and give the holder three ad- missions to the Fair, and the right to exhibit. - OO MYRTLE Rev. Mr. Merriam and family re. turned on Saturday from a pleasant month's vacation at their summer cottage, Rice Lake, a "School re-opened on Tuesday with Miss: Vance, of Bancroft, as teacher for the ensuing year.' "A number of beginners were present as well as a goodly. i enrolment of the former pupils. Considerable repairing was done to the school during the vacation, and it is now in splendid shape. ' Misses Jean Parker, May, Eva and Rob Merriam, and Messrs. Allin and Ray Downey, are attending the Whitby High School this year. Regular church service was .held last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Next Sunday: service will be held at sever and from now on the services will run regularly. "Mr. John Mole, son and daughter, 'and Miss Dudley, who are ona motor trip from Essex, spent the earlier part of the week with the former's brother, Mr. E.-E, Mole. September came in unseasonably warm, A good heavy rain is needed to freshen up things generally. A number from here are attending the C. N. E. this year and report a number of new attractions. A gang of men have been busy the south of the village on the 8th .con- césion to réplace those that were washed out by the flood in the early Mr. and Mis. Fred Willet, Medina, a. were 'week end visitors at He past few days putting in new culverts} Windrum, of Lindsay, Mr, 'and Mrs, Wilmot Walker spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Harvey Real, at Greenbank. Mrs. Skill, who has been visiting with her sister Miss Annie Rees for the past month has returned to To- ronto. jy Mr. Taylor is still convaleselng ot his home here, but is improving in health nicely. : Miss Helen Crosier has returned from Toronto, after enjoying a few days with friends. Miss Blanche Reesor has commenced her duties at the school here, after en- joying a most pleasant summer holi- day, including a trip to Lake Superior. Master David Richardson, of Birch Cliff, is spending two weeks with his aunt Miss A. Rees, Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Munro, Mr. and Mrs, Spencer and their families, en- joyed a picnic recently at Port Bolster, Miss Dorothy Roper has returned after two weeks vacation with re- latives in Toronto. Mrs. Munro and daughter, of Ux- bridge, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Munro, Former friends here of Mrs, Fred McKenzie, (nee Jessie Fitchette) con- gratulate her on her recent marriage 'to Mr. Jas. McKenzie, of Raglan: ~Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, of Toronto, were callers last' week in the village. Woman's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Frank Crosier, on Thursday last, with a good attendance. The meeting opened with devotional exercises, two interesting readings were given and business discussed. After. the closing exercises, lunch and ice cream were Miss Hazel Gregg (teacher) and Mr. Franklin Lamb, have returned to Lind- say, after Spending a good Share of ret (YY we oo LA SEAWAY RTAIN T0 com WRENCE ; Th AlN E Mr. and bg ATT Mrs. Mark and daughter, Mrs. Pri- dom and son Kenneth, of Toronto, Earl and Allen Martin, of Prince Albert, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark, last week. Mrs. J. Shunk attended the funeral of Mr. T. Boynton, at Prince Albert, on Monday afternoon. Mr. Adam Wallace, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives. Mr. Grant Orchard spent several days in Toronto, taking in the Ex- hibition while there. The monthly meeting of the Women's Association will be held at| the home of Mrs. A. L. Orchard on Wednesday afternoon, September 11. All members requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding, accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs, S. Wooldridge, spent Thursday last in Toronto, at the Exhibition. Mr, and Mrs. J. Short visited with relatives at Oakwod on Sunday. Miss Dora Orchard left on Monday afternoon for Stouffville, where she will resume her school duties for an- other year, 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. Snyder and Mr, and Mrs. H. Lamb, of Toronto," were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Shunk. Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards and fam- ily, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, over the week end. Myr. Austin Mitchell left on Monday for Toronto where he is on the teach- ing staff, Mrs. A. Sleep and daughter Una visited with relatives at Purple Hill, on Sunday. Mr. A. Wells, Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wells, and sister, Mrs. C. W. Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins, of Toronto, visited the former's sister, 'Mrs. H. Eagleson, last week, Miss Sarah Byers, of- Burketon, is vigiting her sister, Mrs. 'Wanamaker. Miss Bennett, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Brockel and daughter Margaret and friends of Ingersoll, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fleury, of Toronto, were the guests at the home of Mrs. W. Mark, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Collins, of Oshawa, visited friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, of Toronto, spent the week end with Me: and Mrs, 0. Stone. Miss Vera Tanner is holidaying at Oshawa and other points. Mrs. Blight left last week for To- ronto, where she will visit with her family for some time. Mr. Garfield Stone, of Toronto, spent a couple of days last week at his home here. * . Mrs. Audrey Mark is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. M. Sleep spent the week end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs, Orval Boe and family of Bowmanville, visited last week with relatives here. Mr. T. Spence, of Hartley, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan. Mrs. W. Mark and daughter Lottie, visited friends in Oshawa, on Sunday, and were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Fleury, of Toronto. ~ | Mr. and Mrs. 8. McCoy and family spent Sunday at Oshawa the guests of friends. Mrs. A, Wallace and three children, who have spent the past month with Bor savosen, N= and Mrs. C. W. Moon, returned to their home in Toronto, on ren (Yee AUTO SERVICE COMPANIES Warning One of the commonest membership - plans promoted in recent years is that followed by the so-called "Automobile Service Companies." Many, of those *} overating in Canada, it is- believed, have been driven out of the United States by the Better Business Bureau and judging from complaints received by Canadian Bureaus, this fleld is a profitable one. Many representations which have been made as to the actual benefits to be derived from member- ship in these "Service Companies" have been misleading. Usually 'im- plication is made that the service- contract includes a completé insurance policy indemnifying the holders a- gainst all liability, property damage loss from fire, theft, etc, and that discounts can be obtained on purchases of accessories, gas and oil. State- ments concerning legal services furn- ished by certain of the companies to members have led many prospects to believe that the company would be re- sponsible for all damage caused by the contract-halder's car. The fact is that the policy given to members usually consists of a personal accident policy of very limited coverage, which does not protect the holder against liability, property damage or loss by fire or theft. - The legal service-gen- erally represent that legal advice and assistance will begiven, but usually do not cover the contract holder in the event of a suit for damages caused by his car. Although the contract sold by these organizations includes as a general rule, towing service and a dis- count on accessories, these services and discount are not obtainable at all garages and filling stations, but can be obtained only from those with which the service companies have such an agreement. In many instances the number of such garages and filling stations have been very limited 'and there has often been actual misrepre- sentation regarding the stations giv- ing such service. Sales agents of some of these com- panies represent that they render "Automobile Club" service. This statement might be construed as in- dicating a connection with a recog- nized orgainzation. These service companies are as a rule jn no.way connected with such organizations and are purely and simply commercial pro- jects for the profit of those at the head. The Toronto Better Business Bureau urges all persons who are solicited to join these service companies, to read their contract carefully. This will safeguard against misunderstanding as to what service they may expect to derive by paying the membership fee. The Better Business Bureau at 45 Richmond Street West, Toronto, will be glad to furnish the facts regarding membership schemes of this nature. 500 Entries Already in Oshawa Fair Judging from the number of entries already received and the interest be- ing taken by exhibitors, the 1929 Osh- awa Fair will undoubtedly, be one of the most successful ever held, secre- tary C. P. Davis said. ' Already approximately 500 entries have been received by the secretary, and exhibitors have until September 6 to submit their entries. This is con- siderably ahead of the number of en- tries received at this date last year, said Mr. Davis. Interest seems to be strong in practically every de- partment of the fair, and this year's show should be the most comprehen- sive yet held here. The complete program of horse racing for the fair this year has been announced, and is given below. Pur- | if their names appear ou same, _ E. H. PURDY Ducks, Syeu : Geese, Brant, or Jack-snipe, Tai of French and Mattawa Rivers, but including any portion of the Georgian Bay waters. (This includes Lake Scugog.) September 15 to December TaN ouend; , September 15 to Nov 15. ere is a closed season throughout the year in Ontario on hepughout Swans, Cranes, Curlew, Willets, God- wits; Upland Plover, Blackbellied and Golden Plover, Great and Lesser Yellow-legs, Avocets, Dowitchers, Knots, Oyster-catchers, Phalaropes, Stilts, Surf-birds, Turnstones, and all the shore birds not provided with an open season in above schedule. No person shall kill, hunt, capture take or molest migratory game birds during the close season. Sale of these birds is forbidden. The possession of legall taken migratory game birds is ud until March 31st, following the open sea- son. In Ontario it is an offence to kill any migratory game bird between sunset and sunrise, Bag Limits Ducks 28, but not more than 200 in a season; Geese 16, Brant 15, Rails 26, Wilson's Snipe 25, Woodeock 8, but not more than 125 Woodcock in ong season. Guns and Appliances The use of automatic, swivel, of machine guns, or battery, or any gun larger than number 10 guage is pro- hibited, and the use of any aerpplane, powerboat, sailboat, or night light, and shooting from any horse-drawn or motor vehicle is forbidden, Penalty Every person who violates any provision of this Act or any Regu- lation shall, for each offence, be liable upon summary conviction to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars and not less than ten dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceed- ing six months, or to both fine and imprisonment. Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jeffrey and daughter Helen, of Weston, have been visiting Mrs. Worden and Mr. and Mrs, John Jeffrey. They have just returned from a visit to Mrs, Kleffman | of York, Penn. Mrs. M. Miller, of Toronto is the guest of her sister Mrs. A. Shunk, Mr. Thos. Dobson has been visiting his son in Oshawa this week, Miss Hooper, R.N., of Victoria Cor- ners, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. Philp. Misses Emma and Hannah Prout, of Markham, are visiting at Mr. P. Raymer's. Mrs. Wagg and Miss Alice are the guests of Mrs. Wagg's daughter, Mrs. G. Hammond, of Newcastle this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartry have moved to Pickering where they in- tend to locate. Mr. and Mrs. John Warren, the Misses Tewkesbury, the Misses Prout and Mr. Raymer, were guests of Mrs. Roach, of Manchester, on Sunday. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. A. Shunk, on the loss of their brother, Mr, Thos. Boynton. Messrs. Luther Heard, of Oshawa, and Wesley Heard, of Whitby, former Prince Albert boys, attended the fun- eral of Mr. T. Boynton, on Tuesday. A large number of Prince Albert residents have been and are attending the Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto. Many others are enjoying the music and the swim over the radio. Major-General Jas. McBrien made a "flying" visit to his mother on Sun- day, taking his little daughter Miss Louise McBrien, who has been holi- daying with her grandmother, home with him, ----() ses. NOTICE up in my office a copy of the 1929 Voters' List for the Corporation of | Port Perry, on September 8rd. All parties intevested are called up- on to examine said List and ascertain Clerk, I hereby certify that I have posted

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