3) 'C. W. Houck and family, visiting with Mr. J. W. Allin and Mr, M. W st week. i Mrs. Chas. Rundle and family moved to Toronto this week. Mrs. Malcolm Thorburn, Bothwell, is spending a few weeks with her sister,Mrs. Albert Hall. Mr. Gordon Martin, of Hamilton, spent the holiday at home. The Port Perry High and Public Schools opened on Tuesday with a full attendance. Five new teachers are on the staff--Mr. Gale, as prin- cipal of the High School; Miss Read, Miss Mace, i Mr as teacher of Latin, and as teacher of Di tins 'Werner, is taking Mr. McLean's place who found it necessary to retire on account of ill health. Mr. Statton is the new teacher for the Third Book, in the We welcome these teachers to our town and hope as Public School Principal, place of Mr. Mitchell. they may have a successful year, Mr. A. W. Allin has returned from his trip to Vancouver, where he at- tended the meeting of the Supreme Lodge of the Sons of England. He reports a splendid trip and is very enthusiastic of the scenery along the route of the Canadian National Rail- ways and of Vancouver. Mr. Sidney Ashton, of Coldwater, is visiting his father, Mr, Jos Ashton, is Mr. Alfred Higgs, visiting in town. . Belleville, Miss Annie F'1 mer left this week for Toronto, where she will attend Technical School. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Christie have re- turned home after an enjoyable motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal and the Thousand Islands. Miss Alma Blight left on Monday for Fitchburg, Mass., were she will spend a short holiday with relatives there. Mr. M. L. Ingram, of Montreal, is visiting with his mother. ---------- FOR SALE 6 roomed house on Rosa Street. Stable and hen house with one acre of land. All kinds of small fruit and Quantity of furniture for apples. sale. Will sell privately. Jas. Gallagher mn BUSINESS NOTICE Miss Tracey will continue Dress- making in the store recently vacated by Mr. Corbman, (fizst store west of Prentice's Barber Shop. oct corr nes ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stuart, 1145 Belmont Ave. South Bend, Indiana, announce the marriage of their young- est daughter, Flora to Henry J. Ort, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ort, Ironwood Road. Rev. A. E. Monyer performing the ceremony in the chapel of the First M. E. Church. Only attendants being present. ete essen DIED At the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, August 23, 1929, Harry John Lush, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lush (nee Mary Lamb) aged 3 months. sin} Oem MILLINERY ANNOUNCEMENT The Rite Hat Shoppe announce their early Fall Millinery Opening for Monday, and Tuesday, September 9th and 10th and following days. sree (Jp peep SCOUTS ALERT! 1st Port Perry Troop, Boy Scouts, will hold the first regular meeting since camp in the Town Hall Park, at 7.30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 10. All those in uniform please wear complete outfits. Alfred N. Andrus, 8. Mc Sapo on APPLES First-class Duchess, ready for cooking purposes. Ripe for table use in a few weeks or more. 50c. basket, $1.25 bushel, $3.00 barrel. Delivered in town. H, C. Nasmith, phone 22. em (YQ A Mrs, L. R. Knight, of Lindsay, spent | the week end with Mrs. Annie Downer OF THE ASCENSION | 8th : i : He loved his home stood for, great to make that home the best he could make it, and he loved to be at home. The Agricultural Society was for many years a centre for his ac- tivity, and his help and advice were appreciated. Mr. Real was thoroughly interested in the affairs of the country and for many years was a leader in the political battles that were fought with such sincerity and spirit. For some time he was Returning Officer in On- tario County. In this work as with all other duties undertaken by him he was thorough. By means of such offices as these and by his natural in- terest in his friends and neighbors, Mr. Real gained a very wide circle of acquaintance. Wherever he was known he was respected. Mr, Real was born at Greenbank, 76 years ago, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Real. He spent most of his life on the farm which was his birthplace, and was thorough- ly successful farmer in the days when physical industry was a great factor in that success. He made farming pay in spite of all the drawbacks of the time, chiefly by intelligent, steady application to his duties. When a young man of twenty-six years, Mr. Real married Annie Dob- son, of Manchester. Their married life lasted eleven years, and during that time there were born to them three children--Minnie, who died in infancy; Irvel, who fought in the Great War and was killed at Vimy Ridge; and Elgin, who lives at Gains- Borough, Sask. Later, some years after the death of his first wife, Mr. Real mafricd Minnie Ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ham, of Scugog Island. That was thirty-three years ago. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Real by this marriage--Grant and Marjory, both of whom are at home with their mother. Eleven years ago Mr. and Mrs, Real moved to Port Perry, and Mr. Real has taken an active interest in all that pertained to the welfare of the town, For two years he was town assessor, The funeral which was conducted by Rev. Wesley Elliott, assisted by Rev. William Higgs, was very largely attended. Among those who were present, were a number of young men, former members of Mr. Real's Biblé Class at Grenbank, a class that had been a source of great pleasure fo both teacher and scholars. The sympathy of many friends is extended to the bereaved family. They have many happy memories to console them, as they think of this life well lived. eee en DIED BOYNTON--In Reach Township, Lot 17, Concession 4, on Saturday, August 31, 1929, Thomas C. Boynton, in his 66th year. ' MOASE -- At Private Pavillion, "of poo) the later part of his al was ever industrious 2 took a most i ,| hay struck by FROM the big, In 'ear ile 10 the lant neu. rate little detail o six-cylinder engine . . every feature of the Chevrolet Six is a ity feature, and built for hard, a «+ for long, trouble-free service : o « for real et economy. - Go over the Chevrolet, point by point. See how well it's built. You'll marvel that such a car can be bought at such amazingly low price. Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plas WeOutstanding Maple Creek, Sagk, on Friday Sept. 6, at the farm of Harvey Davidson, half mile east of Janetville. See bills. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. en ran MISS PATRICA COONEY HAIR CUTTING MARCELLING *SHAMPOOING FINGER WAVING, ete. Over Superior Stores, Port Perry. Phone 148 rere Yee. } WORK WANTED Farm or other work wanted. Year- ly or monthly employment. Apply at Star Office. 4 fii Myrtle Station Mr, and Mrs. W. Christie and daughter of Oshawa, spent the week end at Mr. Roy Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Pilkey and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, motored to Muskoka last week and took a boat trip on the lakes. Misses Electa, Bernice and Eileen Birkett are holidaying at Claremont. Mrs. Hyman, of Jacksonville, Mich., - Mr. and Mrs. J. Dymond, of Toronto, 'and Mr, Sykes, of Greenwood, were Mr. Nelson Gilroy C24-8-290 BEARE BROS. - LOCAL OEALERS Iii BETTER DBRCAUSHE _ IT: AUCTION SALE OF HORSES The property of Duncan Loggie, of The Creamery Clerk's Notice of First Posting of being the 24th day of September, 1929. t guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. G. stack of, as lightaing" and burned - Rev. F. W. Newell, B.A, B.D,, Pastor during an electric storm which passed Services Bth-- : IS PAYING 42c., 41c., and 88¢c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors 000 TOWNSHIP OF REACH Voters' List. Voters' Lists, 1929, Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office, at' Manchester, on the 8rd day of September, 1929, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. : : A ~~ And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal © Dated at Manchester, Ont., this 4th day of September, 1929. Hg : W. F. DOBSON, Clerk 5 of the Township of Reach. nnn YP rit. - 'CARTWRIGHT CIRCUIT NEWS | LANGUAGE, MATHEMATICS AND THE THREE FUNDAMENTALS-- Schools of the great City should pos- sess when they leave such institutions. He puts it so well that I borrow from him some of his statements: nt 3 "An understanding and appreciation of the best prose and poetry included in the syllabus, : A "Knowledge of the most important facts of the history and progress of the country and of the function of the city, province and national govern- ments." © These ents are in the On- tario Public School curriculum but my contention is that insufficient attention is given tothe pupils in groundings of, elementary : 'and spell in proper manner.' =A8 reasonable rapidity, perform the func) operations. PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUS * SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th THE BIG BRITISH AIR SPECTACLE The Flight Commander putting two. years of High Seheol| Mike your date for "The Divine Lady"--September 13 and 14. work in the Public Schools and two J = ny years of University work' in the Col- EN legiate Institutes is mot to be com- <i x pulsory, clears the air. It is quite; women oS I an i ed EN asl SE probable a large majority of thef "TU x | | A carload of B. C. Shingles--8x, 8x schools of the Province will carry on] Suffe : {and 2x. Also cedar and fir lumber-- as they have been doing in the past. Why Ter | especially high grade cedar and fir for With this intimation, it. is | house finish, boat building, ete. Periodic Pain? 'GL VICKERY. © of more effective sstvice. You are || NILENE wil relieve bse aware, as well as most of the Urban h f 2 Trustees of the Province, that I stand | | JO rhb op ons wi Ww. A. Sangster for an intensive course of study in the | few women are en free. A won- DENTAL SURGEON Public Schools, the aim being to lay | derful reconstructive Nerve Tonic. Office Hours--9 a.m. to § p.m. a foundation of strength in the ele- || NILENE can be obtained in either | moo ver McKee's Shoe Store. mentary subjects upon which a super- a ma or. Sables form at. $1.00. per ' structure of merit can be reared. NILENE LABORATORIES, LIMITED Superintendent O'Shea, of the New 126 Wolllaglon SL. Wast Drs. Jeffrey & Rennie York City Schools, recently set down TORONTO 2, ONT., CANADA ; : ! x : his conclusions in the matter of the fools 4 Medicine - Surgery » X-Ray - knowledge which pupils of the Public Sold Exclusively. by PORT 'PERRY, ONT. Phone 12W = P. G. MORRISON, Druggist Port Perry, Ontario CAWKER BROS. for Choice Meats BABY BEEF YOUNG PORK LAMB : ---- VEAL ----r : BELL PHONE 29w ; WE BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDE | ABLACK BUSINESS sr---- Every Two Years " Every two years is not too often to have your eyes examined, for there is a slow but constant change taking place in all organs + of the body including your eyes. F. E. LUKE Optometrists Taman adn of the J oS nk