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Port Perry Star, 12 Sep 1929, p. 4

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ing a month with friends in" New Brunswick. . returning to Beachburg this week now Deputy he still has a warm place in his heart for Port Perry. Miss Marguerite Jackson is spend- Mrs. Pugh, of Bradford, Pennsyl vania, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crosier, on Sunday. Rev. William and Mrs. Higgs, are + holid at after spending a pl their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peel have re- turned home from their motor trip to British Columbia. Mr. Hugh Lucas was in town this week enjoying a holiday. Mr, Wesley Hadley of Whitby, was in town for the week end. tienen) rami BLACKSTOCK . On Monday evening, the Induction service for Rev. P. G. Powell, formerly of Blackstock, was held in the Angli- can Church, Uxbridge, and was con- ducted by His Lordship Bishop} Sweeney and Archdeacon Warren, of |. Toronto, assisted by clergy of the Deanery. Areception was held later in the parish hall. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lambe, of Lind- say, visited on Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. T. Smith, Miss Florrie Parr is visiting with | {friends in Toronto. After four years of faithful service as clerk in the Superior Store, Miss] Margaret Proutt, has resigned her position in favour of Miss Gertrude Henry. While we shall miss Mar-}. garet's happy little smile and bright and obliging ways, we wish Miss Henry every success. Mrs. John Barton and Douglas, of Enniskillen, called on friends in our village last week. Mrs. Royal Whitfield is visiting with friends in St. Catharines. We are glad to welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy from their trip to Vancouver, B.C. The September meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon last at the home of Mrs, Leith Byers, with an at- tendance of 42. The meeting opened with the "Institute Ode" followed by Bible reading by Mrs. (Rev.) Milton Sanderson, and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The meeting was in charge of group 4 with Mrs. Leith Byers as convenor. At the close of the business session the following program was given: a paper on "Tact" by Mrs. R. Stinson; piano solo by Miss Mabel Argue; reading by Miss Olive Van- Camp; recitation by Miss Lola Stin- son. The meeting closed with "God Save the King." Lunch was served. Our School Fair will be held on Wednesday next, the 18th. In the evening a play entitled "Star Bright" will be put on in the town hall by the Salem Dramatic Club under the au- spices of the Young People of the United Church League. Mrs. A. Roadhouse of Vancouver, B.C., called on Mrs. M, Smith, on Mon- day last to renew old friendships. Mrs. Roadhouse has been in the West for the past forty years. We are pleased to know that Miss Esther Strong is progressing nicely after her recent accident. Services in St. John's Church on Sunday last were taken by Rev. Mr. Warren, of Toronto, who we under- stand was preaching for a call, --e 4 bam The School Fair Port Perry School Fair is over for this year. It came early in the season, and considering the very brief time for preparation since school started, the children made a very good show- ing. This was particularly true re- garding drill. The scholars had & fine smart appearance, and under the tuition of Mr. Statton, are showing a proper precision of movement. The exhibits were not numerous; but were of good quality. The display of flow- ers was excellent. If Port Perry tried it could make a name for itself in this UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ORCHESTRA 18 ENTERTAINED The Port Perry United Church S. 8. Orchestra was entertained at the home of Mrs, Howard Stone, on the evening of Wednesday last, All the th a special practice being held in preparation for the fall After rehearsal, a pleasant social hour was enjoyed, musical numbers being rendered by Misses Mary and Grace, and Master George Stone. Re- freshments were served by Mrs, Stone. Suitable remarks were made by the chairman of the organization, thanking Mrs, Stone for her kind interest in the orchestra and a hearty vote of thanks was given by all of the members. erenmesea (emenee PRIZE WINNERS Following is a list of prize winner in the Principal's room of the Public School for the year ending, June 80, 1929: (1) Donated by the Board of Edu- cation, for highest standing on the Term examinations--Mary Smallman. (2) Donated by the Board of Edu- cation, for highest standing on the Entrance Exams--Marion Cawker, (38) Donated by Mrs, T. W. McLean, 'for the highest standing in British and Canadian History--Norma Turner. (4) Donated by Mr. B. D. Henry, Manager of the Royal Bank, for the greatest improvement in writing-- Georgeen Hood. a -- MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of powers of Sale contained in a certain Bost- gage which will be Jreduced ak Afb the Lime of sale, there will be off ated for sale by William Maw, Auctioneer, a Public Auction, on Monday, the Sond day of September, 1929, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of David Bernard Jodoin, R.R.2, Seagrave, the following property, namely,-- All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and Premies, , situate, ving and being in 'ownship of Reach, in the County and Province of Ontario, and being com of the Eastern fifty acres of Northern three quarters of Lot Number Fifteen in the Tenth Concession of the said Township which said or tract of land may be desc as follows: Commencing at the an angle of said Lot 15, thence southerly along the easterly limit of said lot as defined by a fence 208 rods 15 feet more or less to a point; Thence west- erly about parallel with the northerly limit of said lot along a fence 38 rods 11 feet more or less to a point; Thence BortheH3 parallel to the easterly limit of said lot 208 rods 16 feet more or less to the northerly limit of the said lot; Thence easterly along the north- erly limit of the said Lot 89 1 feet more or less to the place of be- ginning, and subject to an easiment in favour of the Telephone Com- pany. On the said farm therp is said to be erected 8 dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. The Lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten reent. of the purchase money to down at the time of sale and the ance within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale Jie APPL te, to PAGE, East Bleek, Parliament Bldgs Toronto, On! aries Solicitor to the Dated at T! to this Twen! day of August, 19 sigs rn rere CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, September 15th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service 8 p.m.--Sunday School The Harvest Festival service will be held on Sunday, September 22nd. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept. 25th-- » 11 am.--Our Debt. - 2.30. p.m.--Sabbath School: 7 paa.--The Strands of Heaver's Cable. Prince Albert 2 p.m.--Sababth School 8 p.m.--Waorship service. [FROM the big, i a pressive six-cylinder Ay er feature of dr Chegroler gin Ia & po feature, strenuous usage rm « « for real Chevrolet economy. * Go over the Chevrolet, point by point. See how well it's built. You'll marvel that such a car cam be bought at such amazingly low price. Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan YeOutstanding CHEVROLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED C24-8-20C BEARE BROS. 4 LOCAL DEALERS BRC A 1X8 __BETTFR The Creamery IS PAYING 42c., 4lc, and 38c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors rrr Yr BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA, ANNIVERSARY Special services at 11 am, and 7 pm. on Sunday, September 15, with Rev. P. W. Maclnnes, as speaker. St. John's Choir, Port Perry will pro- vide music. On Monday, Sept. 16th, Supper will be served, followed by a concert given by Al and Bob Harvey, Miss Croxall, of Uxbridge, and Miss "| Marggret Pringle, Elocutionist, of Toronto. Myrtle Station Mrs. Ransier and Mrs. J. Devitt spent a few days last week in Port Perry, Mrs, D. Luery has returned home after spending last week in Toronto. The Woman's Missionary Society will meet at Mrs. L. Tordiff's on Wed- nesday afternoon, September 18th. A good Missionary program will be given. Rev. R. J. Merriam attended the Laymen's Convention held last week at the Whitby College. Mrs. W. Graham spent this week in Oshawa and was one of the judges at the Fair. Mr. Gordon Pilkey was in Toronto for the earlier part of the week. Mr, and Mrs, Rosswell Dobson, of - = er I mm [ Oshawa, were at L. Tordiff's for he FOR SALE 'week end. = . Tomatoes, Corn, Thimbleberries, ---- (Oa fruits and vegetables. Prices . FOR SALE Atwater-Kent five tube table model ss TS ___CANADIAN country. Others have attempted to ita desig, ut no sabaiute is as good Besides, all ofl ae pinta you fire-proof, comes in big handy sheets, easy to lay; has seven ribs to take nails; no other roofing gives such security; fits weather tight; improves the awl adds dollaxs 46 he Talus of appearance and the property. Top mmmn I the bat features of Rib Bprmatiiecatsiy rt po Rb : el bois Water Anniversary sexvices ot 11 am. | and 7 pm. Rev. P. W. Mac- * Innes, Leaskdale, speaker. 'EYESIGHT ' SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Lite Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health - Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 PHONE Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post. Office) re (Yr TOWNSHIP OF REACH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List. Voters' Lists, 1929, Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters" List Act, and that I have posted up at my office, at Manchester, on the 3rd day of September, 1929, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the sai Municipality at municipal elections | and that such list remains thére for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have | any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap] being the 24th day of September, 19! Dated at Manchester, Ont., this ith day of September, 1929. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of the Township of Reac! - ee pe me REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WANTED --two houses in Oshawa for small farm. Houses are five roomed, one brick and one frame. Good farm and buildings required. For particulars, address W. Starr, 194 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, Ont. 1 Rib-Roll was first put on the market Aad PRESTON W it caused favorable favorable comment all over the LED-HED NAILS - Friday & Saturday, "The Divi + Friday at 8 p.m. Adults 35¢. - Women Why Suffer Periodic Pain? 'NILENE 'will: Folleve; -- pain, headaches, backaches, weakness, nauses, siéeplessness, irritability, and many other ailments from which féw women are entirely free. A won- derful reconstructive Nerve Tonic. "NILENE can be obtained in either liquid or tablet form at $1.00 per bottle or box. * NILENE LABORATORIES, LIMITED 126 Wolllagion St. West TORONTO 2, ONT., CANADA Sold Exclusively by P. G. MORRISON, Druggist PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE" AT LAST "September 13-14 ne Lady" See the Battle of the Nile . and the Bane of Trafalgar Saturday at 1 & 9.15 p.m. hildren 25¢. TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK A carload of B. C. Shingles--5x, 8x and 2x. Also cedar and fir lumber-- especially high grade cedar and fir for house finish, boat building, ete. , + OL VICKERY. Ww. A. Stier DENTAL SURGEON Office Houvs--9 a.m. to § Office over McKee's Shoe Drs. Jeffrey & Rennie Medicine - Surgery » X-Ray PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 12W Port Perry, Ontario BABY BEEF CAWKER BROS. for Choice Meats YOUNG PORK LAMB AL ---- BELL PHONE 29w WE BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDES PO Every Two Years! Every two years is not too often to have your eyes examined, for there is a slow but constant change taking place in all organs of the body including your eyes. F. E. LUKE : Optometsists 163-167 Yonge Si enssan rn J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 3 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto - _ Phone Hargrave 0990. : IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 258 arses fans nsession rn i pe rt» ABLACK BUSINESS IG. W PVAT wir YOUR BIN NOW. A FULL. SUPPLY ON HAND OF ALL SIZES. | HARD COAL AND COKE, STEAM COAL, CANNEL COAL, and WOOD.

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