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Port Perry Star, 12 Sep 1929, p. 5

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Phone--222 3 Frio "The PREMIER 3 masTETON = BLACKSTOUN TE ly LINDSAY CENTRAL FAIR "September 18 - 19 - 20 - 21, 1929 The GREAT BOYD & SULLIVAN MIDWAY ttt, A Ee pce pf ¢ PORT PERRY fit you. Let us show ¥ some of out wondertl vargas in ioc In order to make room for our Fall goods due to arrive, we , 3, Al ummer lines. of Women's, Misses and Children' s Sandals and Sport Shoes, Running Shoes, will be sold 'regardless of cost. In 'Men's and Boys' Shoes we sell the best lines manufactured in anada at close prices. In Women's, Misses" and Children's, we can give you it, style and comfort." hy is a 'pleasure for us to v EXPOSITION Jas. McKee & Son SUPERIOR STORE - Port Perry MERCHANT TAILOR Going Out of Business We have decided to close out our business, and in order to clear out our stock of Suitings and Overcoatings, the prices will be reduced so low that it will pay you to buy NOW. We are making a special on Men's Trousers-- Values you cannot beat--$10.00 Trousers for $7.00. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE _ W.R WILLAN PORT PERRY Children's Coats Children's fall and winter coats, fur collars, good styles all sizes up to 14 yéars from $5.00 to $11,50 Men's Shirts A quantity of men's and boys' shirts, areal bargain while they last 79¢ FLANNEL BLANKETS Best quality Ibex blankets 11/4, white and grey $2.28 per pair Large Turkish Wash Cloths Two for 25c. Stamped Goods Stamped Pillow Cases, made of good quality cot- ton, hemstitched 42 in.; pretty designs all ready to work. $1.35 per pair Luncheon Setts | Newest designs $1.29 $1.59 Buffet Setts See finished model for these Buffet Setts . 39c. each APRONS Good quality cotton, pretty patterns 29¢., and 39c. ea. Ladies Silk Hosiery 98c. pair ~Monarch Hosiery, specially made for service and durability at the low price of 98e, Men's Ties A good assortment of men's ties in three lots -- 50c., 75¢c., and $1.00 Pepperil Downnap Blankets Satin bindings suit- able for bed covers or motor rugs. $2.98 Feeding Bibs Childrens, good girl and good boy feeding bibs. 19¢. SR Fair this week' sting as judge on ki | ~ 2 dthe - any local The Girls' Softball tournamen "Greenbank and are also to be awarded. of Commerce Cup highest - Peel Bros. prize how to get up a parade. gad fue ogst 3 udes two fifteen pound ), 8 ip of bacon (courtes a oir's chocolates (courtesy of _SCUGOG 'will be held as usual on y. tse i : ge a rs. "taki tople. We oye to:s00°s Port Perry Fair Tuesday, September 17th Considerably more money is being spent this year for Trials speed and the horsemen were so well pleased with the track treatment they received on Civic Holiday that there is every likelihood that there will be a goodly number of entries of fast horses. This will be made possible by the fact that the Fair date--Tuesday, September 17--does not clash with the date of teams have promises to take part--Blackstock, Scugog, Columbus, Prospect. Mr. J. event. The big prize is the Durant Silver Cup, valued at $50.00, given through courtesy of the Standard Garage. Horseshoe Pitching will have a prominent place. . Bentley is giving a very handsome trophy for annual competition, J Geo. Hall is putting up 100 cigars for prizes, and other handsome Sy are offered for competition among stockmen--the Bank for best team of horses the Royal Bank Cup for "best herd of Cattle; and the .T Eaton Co. cabinet of silver for points in stock. The Robert Simpson Co. have remem- bered the ladies and are giving a Silver Cup to the person showing the best-ten pounds of butter. Mr. Kent's prize for flowers and ; for poultry will also interest the ladies. South Ontario Beekeepers' Association are offering _specials for hone on Civic Holiday showed that our people know Te parade rhs prize list for the Fair parade is good, See the bills and get in the parade. Aldred, on Sunday. t should be a lively affair. Five O. Scott is in charge of this Other prizes Mr. I. R. The hams (courtesy of Bert. Mac- of Cawker Bros,), a large box . Hall) and other good prizes. Mr, w. Mark, of Valentia, was the guest of his brother, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt and little girls returned to their home in Moose Jaw, last week, 'Mr. Ralph and Miss Ivah Milner, Miss Jean Hood and Mr. Douglas) Crozier, did some splendid singing at the School Fair. Mr. Victor Aldred, | Mr. Gordon Hood, Miss Marie Hood, did some fine speaking. Mr, and Mrs. J. Morrish, of Toronto, | were the guests of her brother, Mr, 3 Mrs. Geo. Schell, of Oshawa, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Pettitt. Mr. Shortridge, of Detroit, visited . Beacock, f d fruits and pickles. "She has been acting in this capacity for a number of years, Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Marshall and family were recent visitors at "Westhaven Farm," the home of Mrs, Marshall's brother, Mr. H. R. Bright. Preparations are being made to hold the annual Free Will Offering service in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Rosswell Dobson ,of Oshawa, spent the week end at the latter's home here. Mrs. Harry Hooke, Toronto, spent the earlier part of the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Hahn. The Ladies' Aid held their Sept. pecting at 'the home of Mrs, T. R. though the ther was unt bly rice, on Thursday, of last week. Al -- -. . - -- Guessi her of stitches in:a piece of fancy work was won by Mrs. W. Graham. At the close lunch was served on the lawn, and the gathering broke up feeling much indebted to their hostess for the afternoon's en- tertainment, CLERK'S NOTICE OF "FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1929, Municipality eof Scugog, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Scugog, on the 4th day of September, 1929, the list: of all persons entitled to vote in. the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and for members of Parliament and that such List remains there for. in- tion and I hereby eall upon all warm there was a good attendance and a good time spent. The president Mrs, Wilfred Graham presided and several amusing contests were put on. The first was tossing balls through a hoop, the winner of the first prize for i voters to take immediate proceedings | to have any errors or omissions cor- | rected according to law. The last day for appealing being the 25th day of September, 1929, Dated at Scugog this 4th day of this was Mrs, R. Chishol G September, 1929. THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. beans in jar was won by Mrs. Devitt. | ---- "THE GREATEST TIRE He WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN" The Royal Master was built without regard for cost. Beis She Sta i chu cf ppl. ed SL new 'carcass is ~~ extra plies of web fabric. Side-walls | Plan to be an exhibitor. GEO. F. ANNIS, President. THIS IS EXPANSION YEAR AT BowmanvilleFair Friday and Saturday, Sept, 13 & 14 Horse Racing 2.18 Trot or Pace, and Free-for-All Old Time Fiddlers' Contest. Children's Musical Contest. Junior Farmers' Section Music by Ont. Regt. Band 'Horseshoe Pitching Contest $40. Extra Prizes in Shorthorns Big Agricultural Exhibition ADMISSION--25c. Be sure to be a spectator. C. H. MASON, Secretary MANCHESTER Mrs: Grant Christie and Mrs. Frank Crosier were recent visitors to To- ronto. Miss Annie Dewell and Mr. Clifford Martin, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sun- day and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lamb. Capt. Griffith, of Wales, was a re- | cent visitor of Mr. Alwyn Owen. i Mr. Arnold Roach has gone to To- Toronto, where he has secured a position in an office. Don't miss the famous pictures, en titled "The Divine Lady" at the Port Perry Picture House, on Sept. 13-14, Mrs, Bruce of Port Perry, was a visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Dobson, on Thursday, of last week. Mr. Gordon Bruce has rented the house and lot in Prince Albert be- | longing to Mr. Chas. Fintcham, and with his mother and daughter intends moving there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe and two children, of Sutton, were recent visit- spraining his ankle. 1 Mrs. Moore i visiting at the home [ors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. James. out again after his misfortune of We are pleased to see Mr. Taylor of her daughter Mrs. Ralph Butt, of Ohawa. Congratulationsto-Mr.-and Mrs: R: Butt on the birth of a son. Nurse Hooper, of New York, is visiting her aunt Mrs. J. Lakey. We are pleased to report that the paving between Manchester and Port Perry will be completed in a few days. Miss Annie Dewell, Miss G. Ettey, Mr. Fred Lamb, and Mr. Cliff. Martin, motored to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Norine Croxall, of Uxbridge, neice of Mr. Wilmot Walker, received the gold medal at the C.N.E. for girls under 16 in the singing class. Prince Albert Messrs, Arthur and Howard Jeffrey, of Millbrook, and Mr. Wm. Jeffrey, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr." and Mrs. John Jeffrey. Miss Ross, of Westboro and Miss Ross, of Ottawa, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Murphy. . Mr. Chas. Ward, Stratford, visited his brother, Mr. F. Ward, recently. Mr. R. W. Strong, of Holland, Man., at Exhibiti ¢ Na a Saturday night stole r. Frank Crosier's truck, and for- 1 uh A week and aks visited the stock yards. 'morning while 'Ellwood his milk route' | he found the truck near Whitby, un- Mr. Jas. McLennan, of ten the a Mr. and Mrs. H. Hope attended the last : 'Maskbain} mother Mrs. Rawlinson, cant Mr. and Mrs. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. G. Bartley and daughter, of To- ronto, visited with Mrs, D. L. Williams on Sunday last. Misses Mary and Flora Holman have returned to Toronto after spend- ing their holidays at their home here. Mr. Chas. Bond has returned to Toronto after spending some weeks with his brother Mr. Geo. Bond. «-Miss M. Hiseox, is, we are pleased to report is convalescing from her recent illness. Dr. John McBrien and Mr. Nelson McBrien; of St. Louis, Missouri; ealled on their aunt Mrs. Jas. McBrien, re- cently. Mrs. Jeffrey, Toronto, and Mrs, Philp, Utica, spent the week end with, Mrs. Greaves. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, Toronto, and Mrs. Van Epps, St. Johns, Mich., were the guets of the Misses Tewkes- bury on Sunday. Mrs. Fowlie, who has been under the doctor's care is much improved in health. Miss Mildred Hooper of Shirley is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Philp and attending Port Perry High School. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and children, of Toronto, are holidaying at the home of Mr. Geo. Bond. Somewhat of a family reunion was held at the home of Mrs. James Me- Brien recently, only two members of the family being absent, namely Mrs. Dr. Bates, of Batavia, N. Y., and S. McBrien, of California. Those present were Mr, and Mrs, Howden and children, of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Young and Miss Isabel, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mec- Brien and children, of Toronto; Mrs. I. Y. Spurr, Borelia; Miss Julia, at home, and General Jas. McBrien and his two children, Miss Louise and Master Michall, of Ottawa, 2 SPECIAL PRICES 'MENS SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are eX atly reduced-- With the arrivel ol woods. ---- n enrly. Al inde Over Tel Ottice Port | Dry Claaning and

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