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Port Perry Star, 31 Oct 1929, p. 6

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* On Thursday evening last Mr. a © presented them with a purse of silver Mrs. John Wright, Mr bert Wright and Ji Carl Wright Osmond oH 8 mily, and Camp and Merle, man Holmes, of Oshawa, and in memory of their 25th wedding an- niversary, the presentation the remainder of the evening was spent in a happy social time and refresh- Mrs. Holmes was formerly Miss Hattie Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, of Blackstock. Mrs, J. H, Wagner leaves next week to spend the winter with her son in Warrentown, North Carolina. Mr, and Mrs, W, H. McCaw are leaving next week for St. Petersburg, Florida where they will spend the winter, ame ii I 0. D. E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter of the I.O.D.E. will be held in the rooms of the Order, on Monday, November 4th, at 3 p.m. ms) (pt-- Be sure to attend the Conceft- Recital in the United Church, on No¥. 6th, under the auspices of the Sunday School Orchestra. The first part of the program will be given by young violinists between the ages of 7rand 11 years. * : ' URSA PPA. A real treat is in store for those that attend the 'Concert-Recital in the United Church, on November 6th. Mr. V. P. Stouffer, Master Geo. Stone, the Sunday School Orchestra, and "other local musicians will furnish an \ % A of 2 1 +H, 8. El POSITION WANTED A respectable person desires a posi- tion for general house work, Apply A. Howard, R.R.2 Nestleton nov 14. ---------- Deans CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, November 3rd.-- 11 a.m--Holy Communion, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Monday--A.Y.P.A. at 8 pm. Friday, November 1st-- Annual Hallowe'en Supper and Bazaar. Supper from 5.30 p.m. All are welcome. Useful and fancy articles for sale. esr) () (Prmeesee PLEASANT EVENING SPENT WITH MR. AND MRS. J. F. MeCLINTOCK A very interesting parlor meeting was held at the home of Mrs. John McClintock, on October 26th, when about forty ladies and gentlemen weve present. The meeting was held under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. The devotional exercises were con- ducted by Mrs. Farmer, and opened with singing, and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison, and Scripture reading by Mrs. Geo. Davey. After the reading of the minutes by the secretary, Mr, Barton McTaggart, of Toronto, took charge of the program and introduced his friends who were to take part in the entertainment of the evening--Miss Harris, Pianiste; Miss Isaacs, elocutionist; Mr. Staples, violinist; Mr, McTaggart, soloist. Those present showed their apprecia- tion of these entertainers, as they were encored many times, At inter- mission, Mrs. Geo. Jackson, County - Pregident, gave a most interesting and |. comprehensive report of the Provincial Convention held in Central United Church, Windsor, which was listened to with much interest by all present. At the end of the program the enter- tainers were given a hearty vote of thanks, The meeting closed with prayer by the president. Ea 8th THE LUCK OF THE IRISH An Irish fireman, rescuing a woman at a blaze, lost his hold near the bot- tom of the ladder and landed heavily with the woman on top of him. A doctor hastily summoned pronounuced Pat sound, though badly bruised. - "You are a brave gentleman," said he home of Mr. and Mrs. | ast of the Oshawa. Men's Fur work, A card will bring him to THREE MONTHS' SPECIAL COURSE, NOV, 26-FEB 20 5 Young People in Ontario County are to be given the opportunity of taking twelve weeks special education this Winter at Uxbridge. The courses which are for girls and hoys are to be free except for a small monthly fee of fifty cents. Both classes will receive instruction in English and Music together. The girls' Course will include instruction in, Foods and Cookery, Household Ad- ministration, Laundrying, and House Planning and Decoration. The Boys' Course will cqver # variety of subjects pertaining to Agri- culture, such as Live Stock Judging, Poultry and Field Husbandry, Horti- culture, Economic Entomology, Me- chanics, Gas Engines and Tractors; Soils and Fertilizers, ete. Diplomés will be awarded to those successfully completing the the course, Prizes will also be awarded for. ef- ficiency and progress. Very comfortable and commodious quarters are being provided by the Uxbridge Board of Education in the new High School, Hours will be 9 to 12 o'clock and 1.30 to 4 p.m. Opportunity will be given for enter- tainment and athletics. This is the first course of the kind ever held in Ontario County. It is designed especially for girls and boys who have left school and other wise might not have the opportunity of further education. already been arranged for. Applications and further particulars can be had by applying to W. M. CROSKERY, Dept. of Agriculture, Uxbridge, Ont. 000~ COUNTY JUDGING COMPETITION TO BE HELD AT BROOKLIN ON NOVEMBER 1st. Ontario County young farmers will have a chance to try their skill in judging Live Stock, Poultry, Grain November 1st. The Competition will start at 9 a.m, sharp. Contestants will be required to judge four entries ings on cards which will be supplied. Young men from all parts of Ontario County up to twenty-five years of age are eligible. To the ten high boys between six- teen and twenty-one pears of age will be awarded a four-day trip to the Royal Winter Fair all expenses paid. Three beautiful silver cups have been donated as follows. For highest donated by E. L. Ruddy; Dairy Cattle, donated by Douglas Thompson, Brook- lin; Sheep, donated by R. Ray Me- Laughlin, Oshawa. : Cash prizes will also be given and the three high boys in the whole com- petition will be given the honor of representing Ontario County in the Inter-County Judging Competition at the Guelph and Royal Winter Fairs. No appli are vy; boys intending to take part will simply be on hand at Brooklin Hotel at 8.30 a.m, on Friday, November 1st. and is doing a Simon pure Tailoring business, as he did in Port Perry. All custom work made in He also sells TOP-NOTCH SPECIAL. ORDER SUITS, from $25.00 up. Will look after A splendid staff of instructors has} and Roots at Brooklin on "Friday, Other Ontario County men who in each class and hand in their plac-' standing in judging, Heavy Horses, H DOUBT has Moved tof 1 BOND ST., EAST, OSHAWA Royal Bank your door. CONCERT-RECITAL Do not fail to atte the' concerts | i recital in the auditorium of the United Church, Port Perry, on November 6th. | A full musical programme is assured, | consisting of violin solos, duets and | string trios, by the pupils of V. P. Stouffer, orchestra numbers by tie "Sunday School Orch sponsoring the entertainment, and Miss Jean Graham, soprono, assisting artist, -of Toronto. Procure your tickets from orchestra members. Proceeds in aid of orchestra supplies. IGE a HALLOWE'EN BAZAAR The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual sale of work and supper in the Parish Hall, 'on Friday, November 1st. Supper will be served from 5 p.m. Adults 50c., children 80c. ' CHICKEN PIE SUPPER A GREENBANK | Arrangements are being made for, a Chick Pie 8 at G bank Monday--Y. P. 8. Thursday--Midwek Service. UTICA-- * ee Service at 2.30 pm. ; tra, who arel' "about 'the 81st day of August, 1929, . THE EYES IN MODERN LIFE By C. H, Tuck, Opt. D. I call 'attention to the above state ud in know ing 9g his 1 wish So, Bate 4 ; of affairs because I wish to state that themselves some day and ask them if many feflecx disorders of the human jo. 04 yore to their own individual system are detected through weak- - le nesses of the eye and its appendages welfare to as completely as. possib ud OOO thing with rheumatism as a cause. detail the symptoms of their condition : that if relief is not reached they will _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS _| not fel that they in any way neglect- BE ATE or oun FAR od to explain their trouble as they flt ' i - afflicted by it. Be Township of Reach, in the County of" when we find that the three most NOTICE is hereby given that all ' common things for which thildren are pr gn sn Pd 5, SP, Si Estate of John Farquahar McKercher,! 1% 3 ibe pleased to assist in seeking a Jute of the Towhnbe i » 9 Beach, in he remedy for the headache and believe that some 'of the other troubles would, United Church - on Thanksgiving, November 11. Watch for particulars. a 1 § SE mA FOR SALE Upright Weber Piano in good con- dition. Apply at Star Office, rag its " FOR SALE S. C. Whte: Leghorn Hens. Apply to V. H. Willis, corner 8th concession and Provincial Highway--R, R. 1, Port Perry. ; 1 000 v ONTARIO COUNTY PLOWMEN DO WELL AT KINGSTON The Ontario County Junior Farmers Plowing Team consisting of George Janson, Greenbank; Charlie Clark, Uxbridge and Earl McCuaig, Game- bridge, won third in the Inter-County Kingston, being just eighteen marks behind Waterloo County, which stood first. Geo. Ianson was high man on the Ontario County Team, The Boys were all under twenty-one years of age. brought honor to their Cougly were | Dave Tran, Atha; Stanley Thompson, Atha; and Norman Smith, Sandford. OO O------ The Royal Winter Fair is to be opened on Monday evening, November 25th, by Hon. James A. Robb, Minister of Finance. The Governor-General to be in attendance. - AN SAIANS SONS OF ENGLAND All members of Old England are re- quested to attend the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, November 5th. Supreme Lodge officers will be pre- sent. Social hour after business. i ga PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 3rd-- 11L.a.m. Morning Worship followed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 3 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. PRINCE ALBERT-- 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Worship Service followed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. : g : The Re Meet at the International Match at | are required to forward these claims, not be so great, duly proven, to the undersigned Ex-| . ecutors, on or before the 81st day of October, 1920. ola And notice is further given Be a a ena and Foreign: Bible Society has just : onl such issued its Ropular Report for the cur- thoaats, ving Y 10 auch | rent year will. be_ welcomed by 'all TR Sree fo To Ss mr NEIL SINCLAIR MacDONALD' réading from year to year, in story Executors, Estate of late John form, the report of the work of the BE RL A GOLDEN MILESTONE The announcement that the British Port Perry, Ontario. ~~. | record of the kind in the world which Dated at Uxbridge this 14th day of !Presents in such a fascinating way a October, 1929, . oet.81 survey of Christian missionary enter- Tend AE ADR ; prise, 'or gives with greater insight THANK OFFERING SERVICES AT. 'he religious conditions of the work in "MANCHESTER - «i: , "ch brief and atractive form. Special Thank Offering Services will This year the Report is entitled be held at Manchester United Church "Another Milestone", and this a very on Sunday nexh, ber 8rd. At sppopriate title as 12 marks ita 2 hy . Mr. Mitchell b , around ii dy and Utica a "Will idea of the "Golden Milestone" erected 'assist with the mueis, at 7.p.m. Rev, in the Forum at Rome centuries ago, Mr. Richards, of Port Perry will be from which all distances in the Roman the preach, and Columbus choir will Empire were measured, the Editor, 'furnish the music. A special collec- Rev: E. W. Smith, bird the story of tion will be taken at both services, | the Society's activities in translation, REE OR in circulation, and in the Sexclopment < and progress of the t 25 years. YOUNG PEOPLE NAME OFFICERS 'Tne chapter titles: ® ue for therm Peterboro, Oct. 27--Mr. J. E. Dick-| gelyes--tA backward glance o'er tra- son, of Belleville, was elected Presi-' vell'd. roads," "Along the road"; dent of the Bay of Quinte Young «)Meeting the Mileage." It is surely People's Conference of the United an achievement "to have issued '397 Church of Canada, yesterday. Carroll million portions of the Bible in 125 "Residence Phone--222J _ Farquahar McKercher, R.R. 1,| Society. There ig perhaps mo other | R. 8. 0. 1927, Estate of Edwin Letcher, All persons having claims against Possession any time. Apply Mrs. Follick, Port Perry. ; © 'nove the estate of Edwin Letcher, late of the Village .of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on or about the Twenty-sixth day of July A.D., 1929, are hereby notified to file with the undersigned on or before the First day of December A.D. 1929, full partticu- lars of their claims Immediately after said date the assets of the de- ceased will 'be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to claims so filed. =~ | _.| Dated at Port Perry this 24th day of October A.D., 1929. is nove : , m---- QO ---- RUIN STALKS IN OSHAWA; , $15,000,000 LOST HERE AS i by (Oshawa Daily Times). i _Ruin--utter and absolute ruin-- faces many people in Oshawa and this district to-day. They have been wiped out in the terrific selling orgy on the stock exchange. Fifteen millions of dollars were lost in the last five days by residents of Oshawa and district. This was de- scribed by those who know as a "con« servative estimate," $15,000,000, a 'sum equal to thé entire assessment of this city; a sum therefore equal to 40 per cent. and more of the entire value of all real estate in Oshawa. A loss of $600 for every man, woman and child in thigcity. Tremendous, al- most unbelieveable. Yet it is true. Tight-lipped, with strained faces, hundreds 'of citizens of Oshawa clus- 'tered around the tape in the local brokerage offices as it ground out the story of stocks that were going down, down, down. There seemed to be no 'limit. - The tape was hours behind. It Anderson of Oshawa, is Vice Presi- | years; to. have" been responsible .for dent; Miss Susie VanCamp, of Black-'jtq translation in 618 differant tongues, stock, secretary; 'and R. Kiefober, of and to have circulated it by means of Oshawa, Treasurer. The conveners, Churches. and Missionary Societies, of committees are: W. C. Robb, of' Bible Houses and Colportéurs, over Peterboro, Christian Fellowship; Miss' practically the known' "1999 Mona Immel, of Grafton, Missionary; | was the "Golden Miles 'G. W. Dunlop, Almonte, Literary and' jseue for that year. was « Recreation; and Stephen Saywell, of! tizenship, 1 Oshawa, Christian Ci ORTHOGON LENSES} Conserve your' vision and afford. 1 the greatest comfort, because, "Unmask with Orthogon" I: F.E.LUKE | "was impossible to know how the market stood at any given time. If they 'sold--they knew not at what price. If they decided that the market had reached the bottom and wanted to | buy--they didn't know but that others had gotten the same notion two hours| before, and the market might be up} 'ten points by now in New York. Un- certainty -- indecision -- loss -- ruin, stalked all around. As +... STOCK PRICES CRASH.| * One old man walked into the office; | the At the last meeting of the Tof > Council a By-law was passed that coal sold to the citizens of Port Perry, must be weighed on the Town Scales, to take effect on the 15th of October. The charge made by the Town for this official weighing will be 10c for each load. This amount will be charged by us to our customers.in addition to the price of the, coal delivered. |... PORT PERRY COAL YARD. MISS PATRICA COONEY a. Over Superior Stores, Port Perry. The Creamery IS PAYING 42, 4lc., and 88c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK A carload of B. C. Shingles--bx, 8x and 2x. Also cedar and fir lumber-- grade cedar and fir for

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