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Port Perry Star, 6 Mar 1930, p. 3

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'ent. Cologne supplied Ham! self a all the regional groups of 000,000--with another 2,000,000 prac- and what I saw made the week or £0 Germany, Cologne the main foc of lines for the Contin- in the one direction and Frankfurt, Stutt- gart, Munich, Switzerland and Italy in the other. From Berlin, Eastern Europe, Poland and Scandin- avia were supplied. In Germany it t rebroadcast the proceedings. Information from Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yu goslavia, Poland, Latvia, Finland, Den- mark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland shows that in many of these countries South- |. as well as» good deal of direct listen- ing to the B.B.C. "In all, it ls esti mated that between 270 and 280 sta- tions were in action. \ The organization and execution of this relay of the King's speech to all parts of the world were significant of the great potential value of broadcast: ing as an ald to civilization In its struggle against both war and ignor- ance. Chinese Famine Toll May Reach . 4 Million in 30 2,000,000 Natives of Shensi Province Died Last Year; No Harvest Since 1927 Tailyuan, Shensi.--The main, cen- Aral section of Shensi Province--the 'Wel River Valley, centering around Bian--is in the midst of the most ap- pallingly disastrous famine which has affected any part of Chigg since the catastrophe of 1876.77. Estimates made from the best posible sources indicate that those dead from starva- tion during 1929 number at least 2, tically certain to die from the same 'eatiSe before tiie next harvest. The total population of this region before the famine was about 6,000,000. 1 just completed a'trip of investiga- tion through a part of the Shensi area in Shensi a continuous ghastly night- mare of past, present and prospective human misery. Practically every one man, woman and child--on the streets and on the roads looked as though he was just about ready to drop from starvation. They were mot cowed so -much as dazed to the point of utter apathy by long continued lack of food. Record of Harvests What has caused this condition? For one thing, this is the record of "harvests: Spring, 1927--Excellent. Autumn, 1927--Practically nothing. Spring, 1928--Practically nothing. Autumn, 1928--Practically nothing. Spring, 1929--Practically nothing. Autumn, 1929--A millet crop about 1 per cent. of normal. And the prospects? Spring, 1930-- under the best possible conditions, mot more than 10 per cent. Drought last antumn made it possible to plant only about 20 per cent, of the normal amount of wheat. Of that only about half germinated. There have been good snows, and the prospects are ex- cellent for what wheat did get a start before the cold weather. But only 10 per cent. of a normal crop got a start. Human causes 'unquestionably con- tributed to an important degree to making the famine as serious as it is. But natural causes were the primary cause of the famine, as is demon- strated by the fact that famine also came in southwestern Chensi, where the drought conditions were substan- tially the same and where the human elements all contributed to relieve rather than intensify the effects of the successive crop failures, In any tase, the appalling famine conditions are there. ee Ontario Drink Bill Set at $56.486,514 Increase of $8,534,396 is Shown Over Figures for 1928 Toronto.--Ontario's total drink bill for 1929 was set at $56,486,514.81, by Hon. W. H. Price, attorney-general, in answering a question in the Legisla- ture. This represented an increase of $8,534,396 over 1928 figures: In ad- dition, wine valued at $1,168,258 was produced in Ontario and sold to vesi- - dents of other provinces, and $69,721 worth to purchasers outside of Can- ada. : The amount of spirituous liquor sold Louis Coatelen With Kaye Don Famous French-Born Engi- neer and Expert Builder ing automotive engineers of the world and designer of the car in which Kaye 3 able tribute paid to Sir Arthur Currie of Racing Cars by Major-General J. E. B. Seely, Com- y mander of the Canadian Cavalry SEGRAVE S TEACHER Brigade during the War, in his auto- Louis Coatelen, one of the outstand- | blography-just issued from thé press. RUSSIAN ber of the religious sect. ,Of the 13,000 Mennonites who tried to leave Russia, one gucceeded and will eventually reach Canada. BEAUTY thousand only Here is shown younger mem- o 2 . A Tribute to Currie | Canadians of "every class will read with keen satisfaction the remark- No man was in a better position than the Major-General to know what was Don will seek to establish a new world's speed record at Daytona Beach, Fla, will accompany .the Bri- tish race driver to the United States, it 1s announced by the American Automobile Association. The governing body of racing, which will supervise"and time the attack. on the existing record, "says that Mr. Coatelen, with Kaye Don and mem- bers of their party, will sail for Ameri- ca on the steamship Berengaria, February 26th, arriving in New York on March 4th. Interest of the engineer in Mr. Don't attempt to shatter the record of 231 miles per hour made last year by Sir H. 0. D. Segrave will be intensified by reason of the fact that he also de- signed the "Mystery 8," in which Sir Henry established the first world's re cord in excess of 200 miles per hour, Britisher Since 1901 Coatelen is a Frenchman, 51 years of age, though he has spent. half of his lite in England, He obtained his first automotive experience in the drafting rooms of the DeDion-Bouton works in France, going from there to Clemént and the Panhard. He mi- grated to England in 1901, because of the greater opportunities there for young men. His first employment was with the Humber Ct y. In 1907 going on at headquarters. He was in Sir Arthur's confidencce, and he speaks with the authority of a man | whose word must carry weight with | an impartial people. Major-General Seely testifies that Sir Arthur bad almost a fanatical hatred of unnecessary casualties, and his further statement that again and again the General nearly brought his military career to an end by "bluntly refusing to do things he was certain would result in great loss of life with out compensating advantages" will come as a welcome corroboration to those who know Sir Arthur best. They will realize that this is quite in keep- ing with the charagter of the man. His men's }ives were to him a sacred trust, and he would not wantonly fling them away. It Is a good thing, and a pleasant thing, to find a brother officer who knows what he is talking about pay this spontaneous and un- gought tribute to the humanity of the man who guided the Canadian Army to victory and npon Whose shoulders tell the brunt of a burden few could dave borne unaided as he did.--Mont- real Star. J an J) The "Empire Crusade" } Nation and Athenaeum (London): The "Empire Crusaders" have not yet he entered into partnership with Hill man in the production of the Hillman- Coatelen car. In 1908 he accepted the invitation of the Sunbeam Motor Car Company, Ltd., of Wolverhampton, to join it, and the first products of his designing figured in competition on the race courses in 1909. His con- cerns -- Sunbeam-Talbot-Duracq, have been the leading figures in competi- May Outdo, Pupils The Golden Arrow, present record holder, was designed by Captain Irv- ing, in conjunction with Sir Henry Se- grave, who drove the car to its re markable record of 231 miles per hour on March 11, 1929, Incidentally, both Segrave and Irv- ing at one time, when the "Mystery S" was built, were attaches of the Sunbeam Company. Wil the great Coatelen be able to outdo his former pupils? by the Liquor Control Ci during 1929, was §$32,368,503.91, wine $3,237,844.50 and beer $2,120,430.80, Wine sold by wineries direct to On- - fario consumers was $1,126,945. Beer sold from Commission warehouses _yect from the bre question to the fore in the racing fratermity throughout the world. This is the| thought out their policy, and they are putting Protection before the country in a crude™form than any which has been produced since the days of Adam Smith, There is, therefore, no danger of its adoption, in is present form, The danger is that the Tories, who never cease from hankering after Pro- tection, will seek to take advantake of the touch of real enthusiasm in Lord Beaverbrook's propaganda to Canada's Pools World's Greatest Western Farmers Have Or- ganized the Biggest Thing of its Kind Ever Attempted Ottawa--There are four Wheat Pools in Western Capada, the Mani. toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta "Canadian Wheat Pool." The thres pools of Manitoba, Sas- katchewan and Alberta are now oper- ating on their second five-year con- tract period. These have a total membership of approximately 140,000 farmers in the world's greatest non-profit producers' co-operative marketing association. In less than six years the Canadian Wheat Pool has become the leading marketing agency for Canadian wheat, handling more than half of all the wheat sold by Canadian farmers, The Canadian Wheat Pool organiza- tion is an evolution rather than a re- volution in the grain marketing sys- tem of Canada. The pioneer farm- ers of our Canadian West, after they had found out by a long series of ex- periments on their farms and at the Dominion experimental farms, the var- feties of wheat which would give a satisfactory yield of high quality wheat, were faced with the neces- sity of Improving marketing methods if the grain grower was to have any margin above the bare cost of produc: tion for his crop. For more than thirty years the wheat farmers of the West were en- gaged in a continuous struggle for some measure of control over the mar- keting of their grain, In the report of the Royal Grain Inquiry, 1925, it is stated that: "Between the year 1897 and the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, thirteen Investigations into various departments of the grain trade were held by Royal commis. sions, in some cases appointed by Federal, and other cases, by Prov- incial authority, All of these Investigations were At . J Eth Woman Eyes 'wo Mon : London.--As a result of a visit to Canada which lasted two months, Mary Locke discusses co-education of boys and girls in this contribution to the Daily Mail: 2 "Once I believed that co-education must produce a saner attitude towards sex than our present system of segre- gation. The two or three of my young the financial year 1928-29," says the Bank for Russian Trade Reylew. "Or- ders placed by the Soviet trading or- ganizations during October-December, 1929, amounted to £4,770,228, as com- pared with £1,693,962 in October-De- cember, 1928. The following table shows the amount 'of Soviet orders each month ling: acquaintances who have been so edu- ju-gonkds sterling 1928 1929 gated have a frank and friendly man-| goioper 657,864 2,994,022 ner towards rs of the opposite | november 537,470 1,693,591 sex that seems to me quite delightful, | neember ... 498,628 1,082,615 and when I visited Canada, where a a most of the boys and girls go to school t 1 4.770,22 fogether, I expected to find the same -- 8] ou Hot OA he area ing. " "Not.at all. The Canadian girls level in October, but declined some- what during November and December, which Is due mainly to seasonal fluc- tuations. "The work of the tractor service stations is of great importange in view of the attempt that is being made in the Soviet Union to improve agricul ture. These stations were organized in connection with the existing collec- tive farms in order to utilize the avail- able. tractors and agricultural ma- chinery for the cultivation of private peasant farms in exchange for a cer- tain portion of the crop. The first sta- tion was establisheg@® near Odessa, in the Ukraine, less than two years ago, and by the end of September last there were more than a hundred, while the estimates of the current fin- ancial year provide for the establish- ment of another hundred stations dur- ing the period. "In addition to supplying tractors and agricultural machinery and teach- ing the peasants to work them, the tractor stations give the peasants se- 'lected seeds in exchange for their own. For all the services rendered the station receives from 25 to 30 per cent. of the crops. "The number of tractor service sta. tions is to be increased by October 1, whom I met, either in their own homes or in hotels, seemed to me to have the same attitude towards men as the magazine heroines of the 'nine- ties, "They talked about their 'beaux,' and were not only most artlessly anxi- ous to get married but apparently regarded marriage as the only satls- factory career. They lapped up the most incredibly sentimental films and songs with frank delight and exclama- tions of 'Isn't it darling? "If by any chance they were con- versing intelligently (as they were very well able to do to one of their own sex) and a man entered the room they instantly became arch and allur- ing, and seemed quite incapable of talking to him without soniehow intro- ducing a sort of 'tete-a-tetel' atmos- phere, "This sort of thing, I gather, starts quite early in life, I am told they have 'petting' (otherwise 'necking') parties long before they leave school and continue them with unabated fevour throughout their college life. One exceptionally austere young science student whom my brother and I invited to a picnic flatly refused to come until we pledged him our word SR x Prison Sentence For Abusing Boy In Peach District Niagara Peninsula Agog Over Reports of Ore Dis- coveries Beamsville--All the farmers in the Niagara peninsula will be dropping their pruning knives for miners' picks and replacing their pitchforks with diamond drills if the increasingly op- Immigrant Youth Receives Terrible Injuries When Thrown Against Revol- ving Wood-saw have looked over the property and surface assays and advised commence- ment of diamond drilling. Two drills will be brought 'Willlam Pealling, 2 British {mmi- grant boy, received terrible injuries when he was thrown against a re- volving wood-saw allegedly by South down United for Peace ~~ -_---- By An Internationalist I When we look back over the lash eleven years, it is perhaps no wonder - that there are thousands of men who would be ready to answer the call for, recrults if a new war broke out to- morrow, You will find such men in every, country. But for every man willing to fight again, there are half a dozen who would refuse to bear arms themselves and who would throw thelr whole welght into the scales against eny move in the direction of war. In other words, while there may be a number of people who either want war, or who would accept it, they are in the min- ority. The great majority of people to-day are of another mind. Not only that, but they have the power to en- force their point of view. They can do so, first of all, by meang:of the ballot-hox. There was a time when questions of foreign policy, were left to professional diplomat, and were hardly mentioned at all at elections, This is no longer the case --foreign affairs are now better un- derstood by the electors than ever he- fore, and a Government whose policy, seemed likely to lead to war would have no chance of survival at the polls, The women's vote has made that doubly sure. Strikes to Stop War This safeguard, however, may not be sufficient. A Government which decides to go to war doesn't hold a general election to see whether the majority of the nation agrees with it. Suppose that, between two general elections, a Government is faced with some unforeseen contingency and can see no way out but war. In these cir- cumstances would it matter that the majority of the people didn't want war? 1 feel pretty sure that it would. There might be a million or so men, unemployed or in intermitten employ- ment, who would think that they, couldn't be much worse off in war time, and might be a bit better. But they would not be in"a position to af- fect the course of events. Those who could do that would be the men employed in key industries such as transport, Suppose they said: that it was not giong to be a necking 1933, to 575, The estimated grain pro-| «pig war js being forced on the na- party. duction of the fats Wali by the tion against its will. We refuse to be "I do mot say this is not all quite| Stations. in 1333 is 22 million 100% 14 party to it. We will not move natura) in the young. Perhaps it is|Dalf of Which quantity is te be maiiet-} yroops, or supplies, or munitions of even as well to get the sentimental | 2P'€ EVAR war." Suppose that other groups of stage over early. Neither do I imag- mtn 4 workers said: "We shall not make ine that 1 can judge of the effect of Ld guns, or shells, or bombs, or areo- co-education in @ two-months' visit," | Zinc the Leader planes." Action of this kind would, of course, be treason. But could any Govern- ment, in face of such a temper at home, take the rigk of going to war with another nation? % The question, then, boils down to this: Would the organized working. class, in the event of a threat of war, be likely to take actlon of this kind? In my opinion they would, unless jn the very improbable contingency of a direct and unprovoked attack on this Regina, Sask.--A prison term bas| timistic reports ¢ ying ont of Lincoln country or the Dominions. just been meted out to a Saskatch-| County persist. Such etrikes in essential services ewan farmer who was found guilty Already prosvects of unearthing might be counters), 29 in 626. by of. crippling a young immigrant lad.| lead, zinc ' ! silver in paying quanti.| Yolunteers from the middie classes : 4 + , taking the places of those who had Alex. South was sentenced by Mr.| ties in (.iuton Township, between dow 15. ¥ \ M1 Justice Bigelow In the King's Bench| Smit! .le and Beamsville, have Sowiey 100 3 But there wou e at court at Prince Albert for a one-year) Proved rosy enough to Interest the Sst a ay oF 1¥0 of £ontusion, of term. H. A. South, his father, was| Treadwell-Yukon Mining Company. Ne ox SQryices, . oh.the. dil ways, fined by the Court. Engineers of this and other concerns wi e the manufacture of mui LC might be held up for weeks, The Power of the Purse And would the middie gpond to the call as they did in 1 ? Clinsse was set at $4, 1308545 328 sd 3 a question put by 50 South Huron, igh ¥ 'This snowshoe club initiates AN ANCIENT CUSTO ", during the rites primed he the fraternity. RS OF THE TRAIL 5 "pb Janketing" ny. Here ls shown a member "sky- ¥ herent in State trading ought not to be overlooked. Every time there was a rise In the price of bread a tornado of abuse would break over the head of the Government of the day. And if a deal were put through by the Control Board with, for example, the Argen- tine, for an exchange of wheat and manufactured articles, it would cer- tainly be represented as a serious blow to Canadian farmers, and could not fall to jeopardize the cause of Im- perial economic co-operation, and, in- deed, of Imperial unity in every sphere. There is, however, a grow- ing disposition on the part of mem- bers of the present House of Commons to consider Mr, Wise's schemes on its merits, 88 a business rather than = political propoition. ------ A suspect when searched was found to have the following articles attach- ed to his underclothing: fish-hooks, scissors, knife, nibs, spoon, keys, shoe- horn, razor-blades, coathanger, ink- stand, and petrolJighter. this time of year. Heavy win- ter underclothing feels just like that tion ever since. folst an ordinary protective tariff upon | prompted by complaints emanating and his son. from Treadwell's property in Sudbury | In many ways the he people wha Alded Royal Alr Force the electorate From a party point of | from the producers of grain and they] Pealling had a deep grash half way within two weeks, according to pre-| have lost most a ult of t st Long before the war he became in-| ylew we could wish for nothing bet- all resulted in the bringing about off around his head. Other injuries per-| sent plans. Those connected with the | war. They ave | t y terested in aviation, and bought alter; but there are bigger issues at at least some beneficial changes in manently disabled his right hand. He investigation are visualizing & rush of | year in income ta kno t Farman airplane. He then studied | stake. « the conditions about which there were| was in the hospital for months and he | prospectors, promoters and develop-| another war would uw 1 er aircraft so assiduously that when the RS complaints. ae a Be re deh ment aperatote into the district Ti taxation, Of all peo y ° un oatelen Said Soo Smee pm-- d r , the lad was em-| ready they can see property values| perhaps most to lose and le ) dre 3 ohio ones Least mest Mended Who Eats the Butter ployed on the South farm. Another] soaring and eager feet trampling down gain in the event of war. of British manufacture, in big produc- Winaiyeg THivuse ad, Sos) Fd Halitax Chronicle (Lib.): Two ves immigrant boy and the Souths were the sturdy peach trees and lssome| It may be urged that, w cal error in prin I" pH v 8. v Vi v hic rer oMiv Bl Pres ii + PDE tt , tion, which had sufficient power to i gh vbis Wi a. IE av sol wuniy 4 short the have. be sing wood. fs Siviee' Bails who vines which cover the property at pre-| generation grows up 's fly British seaplanes. Sunbeam- Coat- g ' h sent being tested. nothing of {he horrors of war e- parley, an Irish newspaper has His | tween them landed 15,000,000 pounds | was brought back from the State of| A. J. Byles, of Toronto, a prospector | 1ihood of a strong : slen_airerart engines Were in the Majesty calling for "early reduction |of New Zealand butter at Halifax, It,| Maine to testify In the case, South who art tnearihed races op eid on tis ih 5 fit . . planes tht gave the mews of the en | MaJSeY Cen "IL, CUR, (Eig | of course, does mot stay here, but | ana his son hit Pealling and Kmock-| now contrals 3000 acres in the section | population will lessen tcl emy's disposition in the battle of Jut-| To 0 Bt Chat on lished, it would | comes to Halifax for distribution all [ed him against the saw after they| which he acquired St egppira Cl ing on land; that dropped Jood i Kv: when pot merely reduce armaments, but|over Canada. This Is a very larg®| had grown angry at the way the! from $40 to $100 an on ® nee En Hy : yo Y ] - r General Townshend's force Was be would bring the millenium, 2 amount of butter, but side by elde| youth was handling saw-logs. Engineers are confi Yent tev can d peace. : Ge J a sleged, and played & consistently im- BR I SI with it place this fact, that into Can- The accused pair denied that there | yvelopsthe property BL cob ey hy 3 re T. are ; oe oo ®, \ > portant part in aviation throughout Anyway, that royal wedding has|ada came last year 15,000,100 people | haa been @ fight or an assault, They | ip a HE a e Wale and ath 5 hes Hy {Bs war. . | served to remind the world that Italy |as tourists. That huge amount would | gaia that Pealling had stumbled over i e xn! ang smpie, taught sof . 3 he The two huge motors used in Don's stil has a royal family. make a pound each for the tourists. !g log an dbad fallen against the saw. % wi " : record challenger are the products of emphag Coatelen's engineering genius. They State Purchases of Wheat elope are designed, It Is und d, for i " 7 Spectator (London): (The bulk puy-| Ad democracy, work on super-airplanes, which ac- Snow Shoers Still Hold Huge Meets chaste of raw commodities by the S of comfort and general 11 counts for their great power. } bas been proposed in the Br At the same time, travel, wireless, House of Commons). The dangers in.| the cinema ere all broadening our minds, giving us wid a fuller understand sympat tions. Ana the more we undersia the other fellow's point of view, less ihood there is of war, 1 great wars of the past were only sible because each'of the nation volved thought that it was abs in the right and its enemy completely in the wrong. ? There 18 another factor making for permanent peace, the increasing power of international finance. Money knows no frontiers, and to-day the investments of a single country will cover the whole world, ol Seat industries in one land will be linked up with several others, All this means that, from the point of view of the banker, the financier, the great industrialist, war is bad business. Bo it is going to be very dificult in any future war for the bel- ligerents to get the money they re quire to carry on. The strongess forces in our nation, and im practically #1] nations--finance, the middle class gs, the working ciasse--are thus de finitely arrayed against war. Can any Government afford to defy them} % 3 % 9

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