Pee PERSONAL : Mrs. E. H. Purdy wil not receive again this season. The World Day of Prayer will be observed here under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Societies of the three churches of the town, on Friday afternoon of this week in the schoal-room of the United Church, at 3 p.m. The universal programme has been prepared by Miss Helen Kim, of Korea--the theme throughout the service being--"That Jesus may be Lifted Up." All the ladies of the town are cordially invited. Mrs. Cecil Beare will not receive again this season. Mr. Lorne McAlpine, of Vancouver, with friends in town. Mrs. Walter Ripley, of Calgary, spent last week, the guest of her aunt Mrs. F. C. Taggart. Mrs. Taggart accompanied her niece to Toronto and spent the week end there. The many friends of Mrs. Ney will be pleased to hear that she has re- covered sufficiently from her opera- tion to be able to leave the hospital and return to her home. rr QU PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 9th-- 11 a.m.--The Glory of Self Sacrifice. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Series on Respectable Sins b5--Disloyalty. Prince Albert-- 1.45--Sabbath School 3 p.m.--Worship Service. ssn) ems DIED In Oshawa, on Mohday, March 3rd, 1930, William George Mackie, in his 68th year. ----()Q Pree. PORT PERRY 5, SUNDERLAND 2 On Monday evening the Port Perry Public School registered another game of hockey in their win column when they defeated the Sunderland Con- tinuation School 65-2 at Port Perry Arena. The game was closely con- tested and cleanly played--not a pen- alty being handed out. The score by periods being 1-1, 3-1, 5-2. The goals. were scored by Naple, Ewers, Beare, DeShane, B. Oke, Sam Naple scored the goal which was perhaps the fea- ture play of the evening. The boys have done well not having lost a game all season and won six. The line up for Port Perry is as follows: Goal, Dowson; defence, Naple and Wakeford; wings, Ewers, Oke, centre, L. Beare; subs, B. Cawker, H. De- Shane, B. Carnegie, R. Oke. Qn p ST PATRICK'S SUPPER AT PORT PERRY The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- byterian Church are holding their an- nual St. Patrick's Supper and enter- tainment on the evening of Friday, March 14th. Supper from 5.80 to 8. The program will consist of a three act play given by the young people of Lindsay St. Andrew's Church. The play is entitled "Apple Blossom Time" Adults 50c. Children 86c. ni mitt CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, March 9th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. Friday--7.16 p.m.--weeknight service -- {nn Your Eyes and * Our Service W. A. HARE, 8 Bond St. E., Oshawa. A CORRECT CORRECTION' If the glasses you are wearing are a proper--a comfortable--correction, you are not conscious that you have them on. A very slight alteration often changes not-comfort to comfort. If you have cause to complain that your present glasses are not comfort able, we might be able to improve ~ your correction. Ready at your con- venience. REIS 3 ------ JUDGE SAYS SAMELLS RIGHT IN HANGING "VIRGINIA SKIPPER" Toronto, Feb. 28. Second Division- al court at Osgoode Hall this morn- ing held that Norman Samells under © the provisions of the statutes was justified in hanging "Virginia Skip- ing to Provincal Constable Cecil Tay- because the dog was found off ises upon which he was habitua- } kept without a tag and not under Accordingly the court today allowed March came in feirly ls soon changed its mind ing cold blasts" of Suny that of the lion, and the one the story tells about that had a thorn in paw, at that, The Woman's Missionary * held a "piecing bee" at the parsonage on Friday afternoon and partly pieced a quilt for the society. A number from here attended the Community Club which was held at' Mr. Allie Ross', north of Ashburn on Friday night. A good time is: re- ported. Road Commissioner Mr. Ben David- son, of Brooklin was busy with his truck all day Sunday putting gravel on the slippery parts of the Highway. Mr. Harry Lane has installed a new radio which he purchased from Mr. Edgar Croxall, of Brooklin, and over which they are getting some very fine entertainments, This community was thrown into gloom last Week when it was learned that the three occupants of Mr. Car- man Rodd's car had died as results of the accident which happened north of Brooklin last Sunday. Mrs. Rodd known here, and were much beloved by all. The former was of a quiet, ness here was a friend to all. Car- man or "Duff" as he was called, was a favorite wherever he went as he everybody. Mrs. Read spent con- but on account of her advanced age sh did not go out a great deal but loved to tell about old times to callers. The sorrowing family, Ivan our post- master, Stanley, postmaster of Brook- Mich., have the deepest sympathy of this neighborhood in this their great trial. The Bible Class, with the executive of thé Sunday School, are holding a social evening at the home of Mr. Will J. Cook, on Thursday night of this week, when Messrs. George Painter and T. R. Price: will be responsible for the programme. The Willing Workers Class met at the home of their teacher Mrs. J. A. and completed some fancy work for the bazaar which they are holding the later part of this month. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. C. A. Philp and family of To- ronto spent Sunday with his uncle Mr. E. Philp. Mr. Geo. Hartry and daughter, of Toronto, called on the Misses Tewkes- bury, on Monday last. We are glad to report Miss Kath- leen Midgley is improving in health. Mr. Martyn Rennick and Miss Wil- end at the home of his uncle Mr. W. J. Martyn. Miss Etta Smith, of Scugog Centre, spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. Lou Bond entertained her friends to a birthday party last Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter also held a party at their home the same evening. Despite the stormy weather there was a large attendance at the Women's Association on Wednesday last, at the home of Mrs. Philp. Mrs, Martyn and Mrs. Luke provided the lunch. Anonymous donation of ten dollars was sent in helping the Asso- ciation to pay their share of the wir- ing of the church. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. Miss Alice Wagg and Mrs. Wagg, who have been visiting Mr. H. Wagg, of Utica, have gone to Agincourt, to spend the remainder of the' Pinter with friends there. ASHBURN Mr. McKay, of Knox College, had charge of the services in the Presby- terian Church, of Sunday. A fairly] good congregation turned out to hear Mr. McKay in the morning, but not 80 cold and windy. The congregations were appreciative ones. and Carman were especially well] kindly disposition apd when in busi-| always had a smile or a joke for| siderable time with her daughter here |' lin; Mrs. Roy McCann of Dearborn, |' Carmichael on Thursday afternoon] son, of Toronto, visited over the week |. 50 good at night, the weather being|, Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Stratford, | SCUGOG next Sunday. Mrs. J. Joblin, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. E. Clark and Mrs. C. tertain the Women's Association at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, on Tuesday afternoon, March 11. We | meat pie supper. Mr. W. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, entertained the adult Sunday School Classes at their home on Mon- day evening. They spent the time in playing games and contests, after which a light lunch was served along with ice cream, a treat from Mr. W. Samells. All had a most enjoyable evening. Mr, R. Burnham and Mr. C. Samells |' spent Monday at Mr, T. Graham's auditing some books. Mr. Sydney Jackson, of Toronto, visited Mr. R. Jackson, last week. Congratulations to Mrs. G. Samells, Luella and Ellen Ploughman, on pass- ing their music examinations with honours. Miss Marjorie Milner is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Adam Wallace is staying with Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, for awhile. Mr. Lawrence Clark was the guest of Mr. D. Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Sweetman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Sweet- man, on Sunday. Miss Vera Clark, of Port Perry, was home with her parents over the week end. Miss Reta Milner visited with Miss Myrtle Sweetman on Sunday. Mr. Edward Deer has secured a position west of Toronto. We wish him success. We welcome Mr. Walter Hood back to Scugog again. The final hockey match was well attended by Scugog people on Satur- day night at Port Perry. Quite a number from here attended Mr. J. Parr's sale in Cartwright, last week. Mr. Milton Demera visited Mr. Glen Hood on Sunday. week end with his i Master Owen Reader. Mr. T. McLaughlin visited 'Mr. C. Daniels, on Sunday. Mr. A. Black is busy sawing wood for the farmers, now the roads are so that he can get around with his machine. Mrs. W. Mark and children, of Port Perry, have been visiting her sister Mrs. C. Samells. Sorry to hear Mrs. H, Demera had the misfortune to fall on the ice and hurt her arm quite badly. We hope she may soon be better. Mr, Murray McLaren and Mr. Nor- man Shunk attended the Oddfellows' Oyster supper at Oshawa last week, and report a splendid time. Mr, and Mrs. R. Graham and Reta were the guests of her brother Mr. R. Reader, on Sunday. Misses "Eliza and Marion Stephen- son motored to Toronto recently. Mr. Geo. Lowe has been visiting in Toronto for a week. ' Rev. Mr. Elford has been having some wood bees getting his wood out of the woods. the Agricultural banquet at Uxbridge on Friday evening, it being the end of the Short Course, where their son Fred has been attending. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodsley and son Gordon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Leighton, on Sunday. Mrs. O. Reader and daughter Edna, and Mr. Roy Fowler, were guests of Services and Sunday School as usual |; Hardy, are group No. 1 and will en-}' are looking for a good time and the' Master Nelson Reader spent the| Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson attended | last week. Myrtle Station Mr. and Mrs, W. Ross, of Utica, were at J. Dickson's on Sunday. Mrs. Rancier spent part of last 'week in Brooklin. Mr. Tom Birkett of Stouffville was at J. Birkett's this week. . The Community Club met last Fri- day night at the home of Mr. A. Ross, townline. A good attendance enjoyed the evening. There was no church service here last Sunday afternoon owing to a number attending the 'funeral of the late Carntan Rodd. We extend sym- pathy to the sister and brothers on their double bereavement. In spite of the stormy night a good crowd was out to the pancake supper last Wednesday night in the basement of the church. After all had done justice to the pancakes and syrup, the following program was given: read- ings 'by Aileen Birkett and Miss T. girls and a short drama "Aunt Imogene's Visit" by Electa and Ber- nice Birkett, Neva and George Cooper, Bruce and Frank Manderson, Tommy Price and R. Merriam. GREENBANK MRS. J. BURNS DIES SUDDENLY The death occurred on February 26, -1 1980, of Margaret Leask, daughter of 'the late Mr, and Mrs, Alexander Leask of Greenbank, at Los Angeles; California, in her 75th year. Inter- ment took place at Didsbury, Alberta) on March the 4th. Deceased was born at Greenbank, She married James Burns, of Whitby, in 1878, and lived, there for a short time, then moved to Tuckersmith, and to Greenbank where they lived until 1901, when they moved with their family to Didsbury, Alta. Mr. Burns predeceased her some two years ago. Mrs, Burns spent last summer visit- ing her many friends in Ontario, leav- ing here the end of the year for her home. A short time ago she with her daughter-in-law Mrs. Geo. 'Burns, went to California where they expect- ed to remain some time. When there but a few days she was stricken with acute indigestion and passed away very suddenly. She leaves to mourn her loss five sons, Robert, George, Russell, Spencer, Charles, all of Al- berta. One daughter Florence and three boys, William, John and Graham predeceased her. She also leaves one sister Mrs. Real, of Uxbridge, and two brothers, Alex. Leask, of Greenbank, land James Leask, of Port Perry. She was of a kindly, genial dis- 'position, and her host of friends here 'have the heartfelt sympathy of this community. Mr. and Mrs. John Howsam, Marsh Hill, moved into Mr. Boe's house last Wednesday. Mr. Bushby and family moved into Miss Hattie Cragg's house last week. Mrs. Laura Leask, of Uxbridge, visited with Miss M. A. Blair, for a few days. Miss F. E. Phoenix visited at the home of Mr. C. Wren, Uxbridge, last week. The supper and play Gander the and Frances, |s visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter shonin Rogers, recently. COHOE SALMON. ......c00vieiiinnnn. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Hooper, of | MILLIONAIRE SARDINES . ............... Suinieid vietod with ber parente) MAONAIEE 8 armas Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe Luke one day CLARK'S SPAGHETTI | PB ner oS rid rin eee AYLMER CHOICE TOMATOES, 214 per fin J16e. Vance, motion exercises by the C.G.L | .| hold their monthly meeting on Wed- | pillow cases.for which three prizes UT SHRIMP, per tin. ii... SKEN MADDIE, rs = : 190. | Sx STANDARD CORN, 2's ...... : AAT Er Re per tin 14e. LYNN VALLEY PEAS, No, 2 ........ 0.000 2s. per tin 15¢. THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS RAINS HATA 2 hs for 23c. BULK DATES .. +~2:1s for 23c BABBITT'S CLEANER || "3 'tins for 25¢. COCOMALT, 8 oz. tin, cmt. ' 27s, HANDY ONIA ...... ah 3 pkgs. or 17. OXYDOL POWDER, per pkg .........ovvvuniiinmannarsnn BULK ROLLED OATS .......o0viviunnnnns eis 4 bs for 21c. SUNBRA, Der PRE. ... =. ioe o i esse fathsts nines rouns 23c. ALYMER RASPBERRY JAM 40:02. 98F vuoi ins 39¢. CHATEAU CHEESE, 1s, awe, 19¢. CERTO for making marmalade, per bottle ................ GRIMSBY SWEET PICKLES, MIXED, 35 oz. Dry Sisuning * Oshawal amndry Dry Cleaning Co.Ltd REPRESENTED Y H. H. STONE "THE STORE.FOR MEN" PRICES "MEN'S ' SUITS and Overcoats Wal eo oy Ell ER OXO-CUBES. ..i i. i ivan pinses ..4%8 15¢.. 10's 25¢.|in ear! If you want results from your hens feed "Aiken & Burns All kinds of Dr and Laying Mash. Presi done, fine ghly cleaned by our New Dyy = Clean ocess at very AYLMER SOUP oxALL FLAVORS 3 tins 26¢. Perhaps you will be needing the latest in footwear--we have it at popular prices. Also the latest shades in Holeproof Hosiery. All our lines arg sold at close prices. We solicit your pat- ronage. If we please you tell others. "If for any reason we have failed, tell us. JAS. MOKEE & SON, PORT PERRY, ONT. SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE | young ladies will serve a St. Parick's tea. There will also be a contest of The Shirley Women's Institute will home-made house dresses, aprons and nesday, March 12th, at 2.30 p.m. at will be given for: such, Everybody is the home of Mrs. Allan Moore. The invited, NOTICE On and after March 1st, this Company will con- duct its business on a'bases of Cash at time of kale, or credit of not over 30 days. On all ac- counts not paid in 30 days from date of sale 2% per month interest will be added. Interest from date of sale will be charged on all outstanding accounts if not paid by April 1st. Port Perry Milling and --- "Lumber Company] Phone 26 Port Perry. CAWKER BROS. for Choice Meats BABY BEEF YOUNG PORK LAMB i VEAL ee BELL PHONE 29w WE BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDES price --_-- W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry COMING Dr. F, E. Luke, Optometrist, 107 Yonge St, Toront's able 'eye- sight specialist, at A. J. Davis' drugstore, Port Perry, Thursday, February 20th. Don't miss this chance. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 8 TT J. A. HETHERINGTON _| Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Torotito Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 358 ABLACK BUSINESS . WV.G.W PVATT A full supply on hand of all sizes HARD COAL ® COKE WOOD. CANNEL COAL '. STEAM COAL The Port Perry Coal Yard - W G. W. Pyatt SPECIAL