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Port Perry Star, 9 Oct 1930, p. 8

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CES ay Page Eight THE PORT PERRY STAR CARTWRIGHT FAIR PRIZE LIST " DRAFT HORSES Figure following class means number of entries in that class. Brood Mare, 2--1 J. H. Forder, 2 A. Welsh. Two year old colt, 1--H. McLaugh- lin. Foal, 2--J. H. Forder, A. Welsh, LIGHT DRAFT HORSES Brood mare, 2---Roy Ferguson 8 year old colt--A. Welsh, A. Henry Two year old colt, 6--W. C. Thomp- son & Son, Austin Beacock, Roy Fer- guson One year old Colt, 3--W. C. Thomp- son & Son, Austin Beacock, H. Mec- Laughlin. - Foal, 2--Roy Ferguson Team in harness, 3--G. H. Kerry, Wm. Darcy, Agthur Welsh. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Brood Mare, 3--M. Sheldon, A. L. Byers, Geo. Cochrane. Two year old colt, 4 M. Sheldon One year old colt, 4 A. Greer. Foal, 6--E. M. Sheldon. Team in harness, 4--W. B. Fergu- Roy Ferguson, --FE. Sanderson, Sanderson, A. L. Byers, son, Geo. Cochrane, M. Sheldon. ROADSTER HORSES Brood mare, 4--F. Sanderson, M. Thompson, Roy Ferguson Two year old colt, 5--J. H. Forder, Robt. Hamilton, A. W. Hyland. One year old colt, 2--Roy Ferguson, Geo. Cochrane Foal ,2--M. Thompson, Roy Fergn- + Son. deam in harness, 2--1 and 2 George Cochrane Single horse over 15% hands, 3-- 1, 2 and 8 Geo. Cochrane. Single horse under 15% hands, 3 : John McMillan, 2 and 3 G. Cochrane. CARRIAGE CLASS Brood Mare, 1---Geo. Cochrane Two year old colt, 2 W. A. VanCamp. One year old colt, 2=TL. Griffin, Geo. Cochrane Foal, 1---Geo. Cochrane Carriage team in harness, 2---1 and 2 R. R. Byer Smgle hor A R B Ge bik sman's Turnout, 2 Miltfin, R. R. Byers, Geo. Cochrane » in harness, 3 Lady Driver, 3--Mrs. Wes. Adams, Mrs. R. R. Byers. Trewin Bros., -1, 2 and John Me- Cofr Specials-- Bank of Commerce Cup--G. H. Kerry Royal Bank Cup--G. H. Kerry SHORTHORN CATTLE f ,2 and 3 A W. Wright Heifer, 2 Liu 2---A. W. Wright Heifer, 1 year, 3 F. E. Pugh, A. W Wright. Heifer Calf, 4--1 & 2 A. W. Wright SJ. H. Wright Bull Calf, 3--A. W. Wright, F. Pugh, J. H. Wright. Herd, 2--1 and 2 A. W. Wright HOLSTEINS Bull,1 --M. C. Smith Bull, one year, 2--E. Dorrell Cow, 7--M. C. Smith, A. Henderso R. Wall Heifer, two years, 8--A. Henderso! 2 and 3 M. C. Smith. Heifer one year, 8--A Henderson, and 3 M, C. Smith. Calf, 8--1 and 2 Henderson, 3 M. C. Smith HEREFORD CATTLE Bull,1-----N. C. Marlow Cow, 1--N. C. Marlow Heifer, 2 years, 1---N. C. Marlow Heifer, one year, 1---N. C. Marlow Calf, i--N. Marlow. Best group of three dairy cows--M. C. Smith Grade Cow, 6--R. E. Werry, J. H. Wright. Heifer, two years, b--J. H. Wright, Boar, 2 and 3 Cecil Hyde Heifer one year Trewin Bros., G. M. Marlow. Baby Beef, 7--J. H. Wright, Rupe A. W. Wright. Ww A. Henderson SHEEP--Cotsworld Aged ram, 1--F. B. Glaspell Shearling Ram, 3--1 and 2 Glaspell, 3 KF. E. Pugh Ram lamb, 3--1 and 3 Glaspell, F. I. Pugh Aged Ewe, 3--1, 2 and 3 Glaspell Shearling Glaspell Lay in saddle, 1--Mrs. G. Jackson. |3 Robins bination horse, 2--R. R. Byers Girls' Driving Contest -- Grace | H. Forder Mountjoy, Myrtle Bradley Best groomed horse, 5--Alf Henry. SHEEP-- Leicester Aged Ram, 3--1 and 3 R. W. Robins, 2 A. W. Wright Shearling Ram, 3--1 and 3 Robins, 2 Wright Ram Lamb, 4--1 J, H. Forder, 2 and Aged Ewe, $--1 and 2 Robins, 3 J. Shearling Ewe, 2--1 and 2 Robins Ewe Lamb, 3--1 Forder, 2 and 38 DDD 'Never Sell Grain on a Dull Market 2 a W. Wright, J H Forder Mountjoy, R. ~1 and 2 C. Hyde.| \ *( Calf under one year, 9--R. Werry,| e Best Calf fed on Royal Purple, 7-- shall nd ? We say positively that Colored Rib-Roll represents the greatest advancement in the roofing in- dustry in 25 years. A critical : examination of Colored Rib-Roll will convince you that it is the logical roofing to use on your home. Here are the Unique Advantages of Colored Rib-Roll Permanence--a metal roof with a galvanized iron base. Cannot warp, shrink, peel, crack, curl or bulge. Fireproof--Sparks cannot ignite Colored Rib-Roll's metal surface. Beauty--colors to match brick, stucco, wooden structures, stone or any material. Lightning Protection--Properly grounded according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Act, Colored Rib-Roll gives complete lightning protection. Economy--Can be laid right over old shingles with maximum speed. Write today for free sample of Colored Rib-Roll, together with descriptive booklet. "Put It On With PRESTON LED-HED NAILS Note the generous overlap which means a perfect joint. Note how the lead on the head of the Led- We Also Make the famous Preston Steel Truss Barns, Barn Door Hardware, Galvanized Tanks, Barn Ven- tilators, "Council Standard" Robins SHEEP--Shropshire Aged Ram, 2--1 and 2 H. Skinner Ram Lamb, 2--1 and 2 Skinner Aged Ewe, 2--1 and 2 Skinner Ewe Lamb, 2--1 and 2 Skinner SHEEP--Oxford Downs Aged Ram--J, W. Balson Shearling Ram--1 and 2 Balson Ram Lamb---Balson Aged Ewe--1 and 2 Balson Shearling Ewe--1, 2 and 3 Balson Ewe Lamb--1, 2 and 3 Balson SHEEP--Suffolk Aged Ram--Stuart Hall n, Shearling Ram--1 and 2 Hall am Lamb--1 and 2 Hall i Aged Ewe--1 and 2 Hall 9 Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Hall Ewe Lamb--1 and 2 Hall Market Lamb, Glaspell SWINE--Berkshire Boar, 4--Wes. Beacock, G. M. Mark & Son. Sow, 4--A. L. Byers, G. H. Mark Boar under 7 mths, 3 Wm. Hooey G. H. Mark SWINE--Yorkshire . C. Marlow and 2 J. A. Johnston Boar under 7 mths, 2--E. Dorrell, ). Marlow Sow under 7 mths, Johnston SWINE--Tamworth Boar, 1--Wes. Page Sow, 6---1 and 2 W. Page Sow, 4-- Vs rt A. W. Page Three Bacon Hogs, 3-- 2 Dorrell. POULTRY Rock Cock, we, 2--1 and 2 Glaspell | Welsh Ewe Lamb 4- i F.E. Pugh, 2 and 3 Rock Hen, 10--J. L. Mrs. A. L. Byers A. L. Byers Rock Pullet, 13--Cecil Hyde, J. W. 3alson & Son man, R. C. Brown W. Wyandotte Hen, 4 Jrown W Wyandotte Cockerel ,3 W Wyandotte Pullet ,3 Cryderman W. Leghorn Hen, Trewin Bros. W. Leghorn Cockerel---R. C. Brown, Trewin Bros. Trewin Bros. Balson & Son B Leghorn Cockerel, 3--1 son & Son Balson & Son W. Balson & Son Turkey Male, 2--R. C. Brown Turkey Rernele 2--R. C. Brown Gander, 6--REdgar Gibson, J. Cryderman Goose, 6- Dra Duck, -Carl Wright Bi | Gibson, Mrs. A. L. Byers. | DAIRY PRODUCE 15 hs. Butter, | Mrs. J. L. Cryderman, Mrs. Norman Taylor Ten Ibs. Butter, 9--Mrs. Jas. Parr, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. J. L. Cryderman |" Five tbs. Butter, 11--Mrs. E. Dor- rell, Mrs. Jas, Parr, Mrs. Les. Graham ! DOMESTIC SCIENCE White Bread, 11 --Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. F. Raines, Miss Mary Parr. Brown Bread, 9--Mrs. F. Raines, | Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Mrs. J. Elford Buns, 12--~Mrs. Wes. Beacock, Mrs. Jas. Parr, Mrs. E. Dorrell Biscuits, 20--Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. Wes. Beacock, Mrs. Roy Taylor Cookies, 11--Mrs. F. Crozier, Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Ginger Snaps, 5--Mrs. J. A. John- ston, Mrs. Wes. Campbell, Mrs. F. Crozier, Light Cake, 13--Mrs. R. J. Crozier, Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs. R.R. Byers Chocolate Cake, 11--Mrs. L, Mountjoy, Mrs, G. Bowers, Mrs. R. J Crozier. Graham Gems, 18--Mrs, F. B. Love- kin, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Jas. Parr. ApplesPie, 15--Mrs. Wes. Campbell, Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Mrs. R. Taylor Pumpkin Pie, 11--Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy ! Collection Canned Fruit, 8-~Mrs, F. Raines, Mrs. E. Dorrell, Mrs. F. B. ! Lovekin Collection Jelly, 6--Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin Collection Pickles, b--Mrs. Elford, Shearling Ram, 2--1 and 2 Skinner Shearling Ewe, 2--1 and 2 Skinner 5--Skinner, Robins, It does not always pay to sell grain as soon as the threshing is finished. If you have a good crop and the market is depressed see the local manager of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce and ar- range a loan until a more favor- able situation presents itself. Our manager is always glad to discuss such problems. in con- fidence. tT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which is amalgamated THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Chain RED & WHITE Stores Specials for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY RED & WHITE FRUIT CAKE fonts eeouis per. bloek 280. WESTON'S VARIETY BISCUITS --..........1 Ib pkg. lc... BORDEN'S ST. CHARLES MILK, tall tins ....... .. 2 fof 2S. FALCON BRAND PEAS, new Pask, No, 8... ti Se, RED & WHITE NAPTHA SOAP ................0.6 RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, --..1's is a. g Be: Fob a Yo GOLD MEDAL CUSTARD POWDER ........... a VACUUM CLEANED'CURRANTS Watch our advt in next issue of Star Prosperity Week Specials. AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR .................pkg. 18¢c. SWEET MIXED PICKLES, large family jar ..--......... 42e. SERV-US 5 STRING BROOMS, extra quality, each ........49¢. GOLD MEDAL QUEEN OLIVES, large jar................26c. SHREDDED WHEAT, cash and carry ..............2 for 23c. FALCON BRAND COFFEE ......::............1 Ib tin 47c. CHIPSO, large package 5. ciiieosiisiiviiinseninssinse SUNFLOWER SALMON ............ teeertine..1 1b tin 15¢. shes ess sana G. H. Mark, Sow under 7 mths, 6---~Wm. Hooey, 6--T1. Dorrell, J. Boar under 7 mths, 4--J. H. Forder, 1 Sow under 7 mths, 5-1 and 2 Page -W| Phge, E. H--Edgar Gibson, Art. Cryderman, Rock Cockerel, 10--Cecil Hyde, Mrs. W. Wyandotte Cock, 3--J.L. Cryder- Cryderman, Cryderman -Cryderman W. Leghorn Cock, 3--R. C. Brown, 5--Cryderman, W. Leghorn Pullet, 5.1 and 2 B. Leghorn Hen, 3--1 and 2. J. W. and 2 Bal- Rhode Island Red Cockerel, 3--J. W. Khode Island Pullet, 3--1 and 2 J. -J. H. Forder, R. C. Brown J. H. Forder, Cryderman. Best Cockerel and 3 Pullets, 6---E. 7--Mrs. J. Elford, Hed Nail seals the mail-hole. Preston Led-Hed Nails are colored to match. Pe Miss F. Johnston . Loaf of Bread from Reindeer Flour, : 10--Mrs. E. Dorrell, Miss Mary Parr. hy i Toronto En Re Rib-Roll for barns and out- buildings and all kinds of sheet metal building materials. tee] Products Burk Green ited Preston, Ontario v Mis. Cryderman, Mrs. Lovekin Honey in Comb,4--Miss M. Arm- strong, Mrs. Newton Taylor. i Maple Syrup,--Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt, ie F. Crozier, Mrs. Newton Taylor Five bs. Butter by girl, 2--Miss M. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PRIZES Beef Lost, 2---Mrs. L. Graham Potato Salad, 2--Mrs. L. Graham, Mrs. G. Jackson. | Muffins by girl, 3--Miss M. Elford, Miss Frankie ountjoy Drop Cakes, 3--Mrs. P. VanCamp, Mrs. W, A, VanCamp Light Cake, 3--Frankie Mountjoy Dark Cake, 6--Mrs. R. R. Byers, Mrs. G. | Newton Taylor Parr, Robt. Hamilton Bowers | Mangolds, yellow, 11---Jas. Apple Pie, 5--Mrs. G. Bowers, Mrs. Wes. Beacock, Fred Cowling R. R. Byers | Table Bouquet, 2--Mrs. A. L. Byers, VanCamp, Ivan M. Larn. Mrs. Percy VanCamp "GRAIN AND SEEDS Fall Wheat," 8--Carl Wright, J. H. burn, M. F. Emerson Tomatoes, 11--E. Dorrell, Bradburn, M. F. Emerson Mangolds, red, 5--J. J. Jobb, James Parr, W. A. Citron, 7---Miss F. Parr, Ed. Brad- GOOD QUALITY. SOAP CHIPS . ST. LAWRENCE Pure Cane SUGAR ..:...........10 Ibs 49¢c. "All Good" Fancy Sockeye Salmon 1 Ib. tall tin, 37c. 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH, any color ...............i......ti0 10e. Water Melon, 3--Ivan M. Larn, Ed.] GOLDEN SPRAY LOAF SEs saa voiR ess ven oll 380 veveese.2 Ibs for 25c. TIGER SALM era tart IT htin Sle Wright, G. M. Marlow Corn, 9--J. J. Jobb, Mrs. Wes. Bea-| EDWARDSBURG CORN SYRUP 1. tes . Spring Wheat, hard, 8--Roy Fergu-| cock, Harold Nesbitt : 2 1b tin Tie son, Wes. Campbell, J. H. Wright. Spring Wheat, soft, 6---Roy Fergu-| Ed. Armstrong, R. C. Brown :on, M. F. Emerson, J. L. Cryderman, Large Peas, 2--REarl Dorrell, Wm. Forder, Peas, small, 5--G. M. Marlow, John Armstrong, Harold Nesbitt White Oats, 9--L. E. Mountjoy, Trewin Bros., Geo. M. Marlow Jarley, H--Harold Wright, J. L. Cryderman Barley, two row, 5--J. L. Cryder- man, Roy Taylor, Alf. Henry White Beans," 7--Mrs. J. Williams, G. M. Marlow, Norman Taylor VEGETABLES AND ROOTS Potatoes, white late, 15--Ed: Arm- strong, Lari, Ed. Bradburn. nor * Collection Vegetables, FRUITS Lovekin, J L. Cryderman Nesbitt, Carl Wes. Werry, Ed. Bradburn VanCamp, Wes. Werry kin, J. L. Cryderman Lovekin, Mrs. John Williams Mrs. J. Williams, Ivan M.| Werry, J. L. Cryderman Turnips, feed, 17--Jas. Parr, John | Lovekin, Austin Beacock Elford, Austin Beacock Table Turnips, 83--Robt. Hamilton, {I Newton Taylor, Ed. Armstrong. Carrots, white, 4--Jas. Parr, New-' Mrs. L. Graham, Wes. Werry ton Taylor, Ivan M. Larn Carrots, table, Ivan M. Larn, Cecil Hyde. Squash, 9--Ivan M. Larn, Roy Fer-| Wes. Werry, F. B. guson, | Cabbage, winter; 10--Mrs. James Byers, Don. Graham, Ed. Bradburn. MR 5--J. J, Jobb, I. M. Larn, R. W Percy brat amp, Wes. Beacock. Jeets, lohg, 3--J. L. Cryderman, Newton Taylor Onions, white, 3--Mrs. Newton Tay- Ivan M. Larn - Onions, yellow, 8--Ivan M. Larn, Wes. Beacock, Mrs. J. Williams. Onions, Red, 3--Ivan M. Larn, Mrs. son, Mrs. T. Percy lor, wvekin, Percy VanCamp y St. Lawrence Apples, Lovekin Fred Cowling | Werry, F. B. Lovekin | Lovekin, J. L. Cryderman table, 15--J. L. Cryderman, | {VE Roy Taylor. | Hamilton, Wm. Forder kin, Wes. Werry, J. L. Sweet Corn, 16--W. A. VanCamp, 5--Mrs, N. Taylor, Ivan M. Larn, F. B. Lovekin Spy Apples, 6--Wesley Werry, F. B. Golden Russets, 8--F. B. Lovekin, Baldwin, 4--Wes. Werry, F.B. Love- Mann Apple, 4--Cecil Hyde, F. B.|ONE--1 Ib Calif. SEEDLESS RAISINS ........... Talman Sweet, 11--J. L. Cryderman, F. WwW. Brock & Son Potatoes, red, 2--Mrts. Newton Tay-| Wesley Werry, F. B. Lovekin Stark Apple, 4--Wes. Werry, F. B. King Apple, 4--Wes. Werry, F. B. Wealthy Apple, 18--F. B. Lovekin, 6--Wesley 18--Ed. Bradburn, Werry, Cecil Hyde, F. B. Lovekin Ale Xander Apples, 9--J. Armstrong, Colvert Apples, 4--Wes. Werry Greening, 5--J. L. Cryderman, Wes. McIntosh Red, 3--Wes. Werry, F. B. Fall Pears, 11--F, B. Lovekin, Wes. Winter Pears, 7--Wes. Werry, Robt Collection of Apples, 5--F. B. Love- Cryderman LADIES' DEPARTMENT . Baby Bonnet, Knit, 3--Mrs. F. Stin- Princess Soap Flakes, per pkg. 19¢. READY CUT MACARONI, 10 oz. packages aa desi 108. QUICK QUAKER OATS, with china . werrenss.. pkg 37c POT OR PEARL BARLEY +. ...v0xss0snsessss2 Tbs for 15c. BIG FIVE CLEANSER (The Big Nickels Worth) . .....pkg. 5c. Snow Apples, 8--F. B. Lovekin, P. Choice Qual. Pumpkin, No. 21, tin, 10c ONE--1 1b Print JEWEL SHORTENING ~ ALL FOR ONE Ih bug RED & WHITE FLOUR. ........... * AB. - Ben Davis, 5--F. B. Lovekin, Wesley A RR Port Perry Phone 48 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes ' HUGH CAMPBELL Introducing The New Baby Bonnet, crochet, 1--Mrs. F. Stinson Baby Bootees, 2--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs, Grant Jackson Baby Dress, fancy, p--Mrs. Wesley Campbell, Mrs. Austin Beacock. Tea Towel, 6--Mrs. F. Parr, Mrs. F. Stinson Bedroom Towel, crochet trim, 7-- Mrs. A. L. Byers, Mrs, W. C. Sonley Buffet Set, colored, 7--Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Percy Super-Screen Grid Super-Colortura Dynamic Speaker A New Motif in Cabinet Design 298 COMPLETE WITH TUBES Baby Jacket, crochet, 1--Mrs. F. Stinson Baby Jacket, knit, 2--Mrs. F. Stin- son, Mrs, AL. McDermott * Bedrooms Slippers, 4--Mrs. F. Stin- son, Mrs. I. Whitfield Bedroom Towel, emb., 9--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Percy Bath Towel, med: 9--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Percy Guest Towel, 6--Mrs. G. Jackson, Mrs. R. E. Mountjoy EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of 3 The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 PHONE 1516 Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) I --------------t Bloomers, fancy,' Ta T. Percy, Mrs. Percy VanCamp (continued on page five) Er -------------------------- J. A. HETHERINCTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 SPECIAL PRICES MEN'S 'SUITS aod Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the stretchers. rete grille; at top. Make it your radio! Phone 130w Think of it, the New Majestic Models for 1931 are 50% more sensitive. .. 35% more selective . . . than ever before ! eful hboy with sh Ini de Highboy wi aped front has seven Tuba four screen grid tubes. Handsome legs i. 105C See it al our store today! BEARE BROS. "After we'Sell, we Serve" "Port Perry, Ont. of goods W. A. Sangster [us DENTAL SURGEON . Office Houvse--9 a.m. to § p.m. Office over' McKee's Shoe Stere. The Creamery IS PAYING 82, 8lc., and 28c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor - and make more money by send-{ . ing your cream to the 2 . FORT PERRY SREAMERY A. GOODE 2

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