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Port Perry Star, 30 Oct 1930, p. 8

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oN, SA CIR PERRY mn a few weeks. Refreshments were served at the close of the gathering. A number of our W. M. S. workers wept to Mount Zion last Tuesday atternoon to hear Mrs. Gillespie, a returned missionary from Japan. They report a very interesting and profitable meeting. Mr. D. G. Ross had the misfortune to fall from an apple tree, while pick- ing apples, and sprain his wrist. ssa siemens \Y al ~N SCUGOG Next Sunday is Quatterly meeting in the Centre Church, at 11 a.m. and Head Church at 7.30 p.m.. There will been visiting with her son here. Our choir goes to Nestleton next Sunday evening. Master Herbert Sweetman . and Miss Lillian Fralick took their school prize trip on Tuesday. They had a good tite. A'number of the ladies came to the Township Hall last Tuesday after- noon and quilted a couple of quilts. They had a nice social time together. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hickson and daughter, Miss Underwood, of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Dobney and daughter, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, on Sunday. Quite a number went to Prospect from here with the Young Men's Choir on Sunday evening. Mrs. H. Fralick visited in Toronto last week. \ Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Ora and Bobbie, of Port Perry, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, on Sunday. Miss Zella Hope visited with Miss Grace Mark, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demera visited in Oshawa one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, and Doro- thy, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, visited in Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beacock and son Bobby, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dusty, at Greenbank, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice and Leona visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hood, at Pinedale, on Sunday. Miss R. Reader visited her nieces Mrs. C. Mackie, and Mrs, F. Jeffrey, in Oshawa, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow, of Port Perry visited his brother Frank, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones, Lorna and Evelyn, of Brooklin, visited her sister Mrs. E. Lee, on Sunday, Miss Blanch Sweetman, of Toronto, Miss M. Hewitt, of Midland, Miss E. McKinley, of Port Perry, Miss Mary Carter, visited with the Misses Aileen and Marguerite Sweetman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Currie and daughter, of Woodstock, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Graham, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sintzel and son, of Toronto, visited his parents on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinley and Mrs. J. Raymes, of Port Perry, visited on : Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Demera. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells and Mr. Walter Samells, visited with Mr. and Msr. H. Samells, in Oshawa, on Sun- day. Misses Florence and Elva Elford of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents at the Parsonage. Miss Elva Capsticks, of Janetville, visited with Miss Stella Raymes, on ay. Mrs. Pettitt visited her sister Mrs. H. McKinley, of Oshawa, on Sunday. Miss Greta Foster, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. F. Crozier, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark and Mr. Jackson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, of Valentia, on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Desson, Miss Cunningham, Mr. Dowson, Edna, f W.| Florrie Parr, were in Lindsay on Mon- Mrs. John Johnson was a visitor re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mra, R. Cronk, of Pickering, also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Salem, She is now at homle again. Miss Rilla Windrim and her father Mr. Geo. Windrim, of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Chas. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamb and family of Lindsay, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb. The annual plowing match of the South Ontario Plowmen's Association was held at the farm of Mr. Dyer, a mile north of Brooklin, last Saturday. We were glad to see our Mr, John Medd win some of the prizes. Quite a number from here were in attend- ance. Our anniversary services will be held on Sunday, November 23rd, with Rev. M. Irwin, of Oshawa, as special speaker. Mr. Frank Johnsons sale of cattle will take place on Friday, October 31. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crozier and son. Archie were Sunday visitors to Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow and Mansell were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice, on Scugog. Pleased to know Mrs. F. Crosier is improving nicely after her operation and will soon be able to leave the hospital. Rev. Mr. Newell, of Blackstock, was the preacher at our church last Sun- day, and gave a splendid sermon. The attendapce was good. Our town hall was "wired for electric lights about three weeks ago and was connected on Tuesday, all ready for the use of the Community Club who are to pay part of the expense. Mr. Frank Johnson is ill at time of writing, but we hope he will be better in a few days. Mrs. Coultis is a visitor at the home of her daughter Mrs. Harvey Real, at Greenbank. There will be no church service in our church next Sunday owing to an- niversary services at Raglan. Mrs. Coultis has been visiting for a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Langmaid, of Oshawa. Dr. aud Mrs. Smyth, of Montreal, visited at the home of their cousin W. F. Walker, last week end. On Friday evening about twenty- five relatives of Dr. and Mrs. Smyth spent the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker. 000m BLACKSTOCK The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute will be held at the home of the President Mrs. Leslie Graham on Wednesday after- noon, November 5th, at 2.30. The meeting will be in charge of group 6 with Mrs. J. Strong as convener. A full attendance is requested as Mrs. J. R. Cooper, of Orono, District Pre- sident, is expected to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin and family of Enniskillen, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey. We are glad to welcome home Mrs. S. Jeffrey from Toronto and to know that she is gradua being restored to health ang h. Mr. and . Osmond Wright and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Ross, spent Sunday with relatives in Midland. Misses Givenieth Marlow and Helen VanCamp spent the week end at the home of the former's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. Heaslip, of Janetville. Mrs. Wm. VanCamp, Mrs. Levi Me- Gill, Mrs. Howard Bailey and Miss day last. Owing to the most unfavorable con- dition of the weather on Friday even- ing last the Weendante at the picture - . show in the Town Hall, under the auspices of the A.Y.P.A. was very small. However the pictures were good and we are expected to be tavored with more in the near future. Mark your calendar for the chicken pie supper and bazaar. to be held in armouries on Friday evening Nov. 7, under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Church. Miss Gladys Dodsley spent the week end with her parents, on Scugog. Mr. John Ruthledge, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives in the village. We are pleased to know that Miss Crissie Deacon, who is suffering from the effects of a recent stroke is doing as well as can be expected. The October meeting of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held at the home of Misses Annie and Effie Wright, with a splendid attendance. | The meeting opened with devotional exercises followed by a business ses- sion which consisted chiefly of ar- rangements for the annual bazaar to be held in the town hall on December 5th. The program was in charge of the "white group" and consisted of readings by Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. H. Hooey, Mrs. C. Marlow, and Miss M. Elford. The meeting closed with the serving of lunch. Mrs. John Reynolds is visiting with friends and relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moase were visitors to Port Perry on Monday. Mrs. Wallace Thornton spent Sat- urday in Lindsay. Mr. and. Mrs. Claude Groves and Gloria, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Loy Rogers. Mr. Gordon Sweetman, of Port Perry, called on friends here over the week end. Dr. Leggett, of Toronto, Monday, at Port Hoover. 'Mr. A. E. Hall, of Lindsay, was a visitor to the vicinity recently. Mr. Carman Rogers, of Port Perry, spent spent the week end at his home here. |. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stokes spent Sunday with Eden friends. A number attended the sale of farm stock and implements at Mr. Lane's. Miss Ada Kitson is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Owen Sweetman. Mr. Ross Goodhand and his mother Mrs. I. Goodhand spent Saturday in Lindsay. Miss Florence Robertson attended the fowl supper at Victoria Road on Tuesday night. A number attended the Dumb Bell Show in Lindsay on Thursday night. The Public School Inspector, Mr, Jennings, made a visit to the Public School on Thursday morning. Miss Rosetta Wooldridge returned home after visiting friends in Oshawa. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Sweetman, on Thursday afternoon. The meeting opened with the President Mrs. Norman Jacobs in the chair. The Aid sang hymn 66, and Mrs, Maxwell offered prayer. The Bible reading was taken by Miss Rosetta Wooldridge* Twenty-one members answered the roll call. Ar- rangements for supper to be served at the convention at Zion, on Novem- ber 14th, were made. . It was decided to change our Aid to Women's Asso- ciation. A programme consisting of a piano duet by Mrs. Stuart Hall and Miss Velma Hall; a reading by Miss McFarland, instrumental by Mrs. F. Stokes, readings by Miss F. Roberton, Miss Helen Thornton and Mrs. Nor- man Jacobs. Meeting closed by sing- ing. Lunch was served by Mrs. F. Western, Mrs. Thornton; Mrs. W. Stokes and Miss E. Western. The next meeting will meet at Mrs. W. Thornton's in Nov. Proceeds $5.00. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moase, of Little Britain, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moase. Quite a number of farmers are busy drawing out buckwheat to Sea- grave, as Mr. Harding is loading an- other car. L Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Heatlie and Her- man, of Toronto, are spending a few days at Port Hoover. Friends are sorry to hear Mr. Silas Jacobs is not as well as usual. We all hope him a speedy recovery. Many were present from here at the First United Church re-opening service in Lindsay, on Sunday. The beautifully 'decorated church was packed for all services. With two exceptionally fine sermons, the one in the morning by Rev. Dr. W. H. Sedgewick, of the Metropolitan United Church, Toronto, and the one in the evening by Rev. Dr. R. Roberts, of Sherbourne Street United Church, To- oronto, beautiful floral decorations and appropriate music by the regular choir directed by Mr. C. J. W. Taylor, organist, the First United Church, Lindsay, passed through the first stage of its re-opening after the ex-| tensive and carefully planned re- modelling of the whole church, which took place during the summer. Rev. Dr. Holling, pastor of the church, opened the church, and for the morn- ing service Dr. Sedgewick took as his text "Jesus Saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." In the evening Dr. Roberts spoke on "And hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things in the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all." Of special note was the baptism service conducted in the church at 4 PORT STAR ----_-- . RE Ra = * J. Stone, Mr. F. Notion, all of Torontq, > ; o'clock in the afternoon by the Rev. Myrtle Station 75M 7 Jotion, shof Toronts Te ,t"°t === | Dr. Holling, when six children were Mr. and Mrs. Fenn, of Toronto, Fines, on Sunday. / ; baptised. 3 were at T. R. Prices' for the week | Mr. George Lane and Miss Tressa 2 : | "Miss Cora King, who is teaching end. : Fowler visited in Oshawa on Sunday. ; ; ] school at Dunsford, spent the Week ut © Mrs.' R. Long is with Sea rave Mrs. W. Dodsley, daughter Gladys, | . fn end at her home here. tients this week. #"® | and Mr. Venning, motored to Orillia | |[] The Business of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall and son Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey motored | on Sunday to visit her parents Mr.| [fj Ou [J] Alvin spent the week end with her to Hamilton for the week end. and Mrs. Littler, who have been ill; [i] Agriculture H parents Mr, and Mrs. T, Broad, at To- A number from here attended the but we are glad to hear they are [] : 0 ronto. Thank Offering services at Prospect | feeling much better. ; fl Farming is more than an occupation; it is a fl Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wooldridge last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A, Prentice visited in highly commercialized business which re- | motored to Bowmanville on Wednes- Mr. Wolte, of Toronto, has had a | Oshawa one day last week. | | quires careful planning and thoughtful ex- f day. number of men building a swimming > - f ecution. Bountiful production is necessary I] «Mrs. Horace Ripley and daughter tank at his summer residence here. MANCHESTER i but much effort is wasted unless the business [}] Ruby have returned to Oshawa after Mrs: J. Bright, of Hamilton, has fl of disposing of the year's output is properly in spending a short time with her ben visiting with her son here. The Community Club will hold its [] managed. In conducting the business of the [] mother Mrs, James eo, The W. M. S. held their regular | opening meeting in the Hall on Fri-| |[} tarm the Canadian Bank of Commerce can 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Varcoe, yy meeting last Thursday afternoon at|day evening, October 31st. You are| | 0 Day 2 rominent snd Jsctul past. o Cones H salied Lio friends in this vicinity on the home of Mrs. T. R. Price. In the requested to come prepared to pay 0 ¢ 4 hurstay. absence of the President Mrs. R.|your membership fee so that you will f between bank and the farmer builds a more i 3 Thirty-five or forty of She Lindsay 'thompson took charge of the meeting. | have an undisputed right to vote for| |b prosperous community. LL Kiwanians and a Habe o es Readings were given by Mesdames | the officers for the coming year. We | [] motored to Little Brital - oy Chisholm, Hudgins, Harrison, and the | hope to see all the members and a |} E CANADIAN BANK [] 'night, where the weekly ] Wauly Study Book was taken up by Mrs. | number of visitors of last year pre- [|] 0 luncheon was held in conjunction e Graham. A vocal solo was given by | sent.-- We will be glad to see you. [) OF COMMERCE [ the Athletic Association of Little Mrs: Harrison, and an instrumental | 'The Club meetings were very inter- [} With whol is smaigaman h Britain and the Women's Pusbionte. by Mrs. Leury. It was decided to re- | esting last year and we hope to have i" ( THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA J | The luncheon was in charge o e | peat the pageant given last year,| them better this year. J ! Agricultural Committee. About 60 invited guests--business men and tarmers from 'Little Britain were also in attendance, and the function proved to .be highly successful in every de- tail. The speaker for the evening was Rev. W. J. Johnston, Toronto, a gentleman who has addressed Lindsay Kiwanians on two occasions during the present year. Rev. Mr. Johnston was in fine form and gave a very in- spiring address on "The Pillars and Perils of our modérn civilization." The dinner was held in the Commun- ity Hall . An interesting feature of the even- 4 ing was the drawing for two booster prizes, which were won by Messrs. S. |; Wooldridge and Norman Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sloan, of Little Britain, visited with™ Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jacobs on Friday -after- noon. The Zion Choir was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Stokes on Friday evening, after al short practice. All joined in playing progressive -crokinole. The winner for this was Miss Ada Kitson. A flower contest followed, -also an age contest. Lunch was served. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stokes for opening up their home for the choir. Mrs. Stokes ex- pressed her pleasure in having so many present and invited them back when they were in need offa good time. eet ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, 'and Mrs. Malcolm MeMillan, Seagrave, a the engag of their only daughter Velma Agnes, to Silas Ralph, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Reynolds, of Seagrave, Ont. The marriage to take Place early in November. - Moderate Prices Pleasing Printing Prompt Service Port Perry Star RED & WHITE GOLDEN SPRA 3 cakes CALAY Red & Whi FALCON or FRAN PINK SALMON .... FALCON COFFEE. PRUNES. Good size. Tate. tin 9c. i2...:1 1b tin 17c. Fess. . .4 for 25¢. .1.1b tin 47c. +2 Ibs for 25c. ~ 19c Ib. GOLD MEDAL MINCE rr wor matu MOLASSES Nar EAT dimatureds ve 2 Be for 35 GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX ...................1 Ib tin 29. FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 12 oz. jar ...........23c. BROCK'S BIRD SEED ........ iiennaskninessa lI phe. 19. Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. jar 37c. LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS, medium size .............2 for 19¢c. AYLMER SOUPS. Any kind except chicken ..........tin 10c. H.P.SAUCE .......... Vaaiinavaias vows «PE bottle 28e¢. TIGER BRAND CATSUP. Large bottle .i....... Ves ovsive 00, POCKET MATCHES.. ... .«.2 Ibs for 35¢. Fry's Cocoa, 1/5 Ib. tin -oii, JAVEL WATER. Large bottle .......................10¢c. FALCON or LYNN VALLEY CORN ................2 for 25c. CLARK'S SPAGHETTI. 11h tin ............,.....2 for 25¢c. CANADIAN WHITE BEANS............. .3 Ibs for 25¢. 5 1b bag RED & WHITE FLOUR, and 1 1b pkg. JEWEL SHORTENING ,............... for 37c. F. W. Brock & Son © ' Phone 48 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR - FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latést styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL MARKETING GEESE should be used in plucking, the dry The time to prepare geese for [Ir steam methods being recommended market is when the weather turns |for the reason that the feathers are cold in the fall. They should then be | particularly valuable, bringing as taken off pasture and those selected | much as 60 cents per pound. The for market should be placed in small | groqsed bird should be rubbed over R-1-S-KI Topay, the lure of easy profits induces many to run the risk of financial disaster--to-morrow, the vision of : wealth may be rudely shattered. What will the future hold for you?--a comfortable balance in the Bank or vain regrets for hasty action. b You will like at the Royal. au ec The Roval Bank of Canada | BD Ho Mane Ing your cream to the > WE war rl Dovaet d ris with a damp cloth and set aside to penty cool." The twelve-bird box makes a clean. They should be fed heavily on |, whole corn, the best medium for the desirable market package. fattening of geese, and about two --Ont. Dept of Agriculture. week's heavy feeding should fit them a for market. Twenty-four hours be-i 1 a LETHE EIE cee. fore killing geese should be starved, J. A. HETHERINGTO N Care| Chiropractor and Drugless Thera; 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargraye 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 SPECIAL PRICES MEN'S 'SUITS but given plenty of water. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. PHONE Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) ° 1516 1516 ' Ww. A. Sangster 18 EAYING 15, Ste. und 8. to Butter 'ou can save and make more money by send-| CREAMERY

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