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Port Perry Star, 6 Nov 1930, p. 4

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~ Sunday, November 9th-- PERSONAL | Ex-Service Men are asked to meet at the Armouries at 10.40 a.m. sharp, Sunday, November Oth, to parade to Church. A play will be given by the Young People of St. John's Presbyterian Church, entitled "Safety First" on 'luesday, November 25th. Keep this date open. See posters. ¥ Tuck November 25th away as a special date. A play entitled "Safety First" is to be given-that eveping'at the Town Hall, Port Perry, by the young people of St. John's Presby- terian Church. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris wih re- ceive in honour of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Harris, on Thursday, November 13, in the afternoon from four to six and |. in the evening at eight o'clock. Mis. D."B. Henry will receive the srd Friday oi each month, instead of the isu as formerly. We are sorry to report the illness Mrs. Britton. At time of going to press, she is slightly im- proved. of Jos. While helping to unload a car of wood at the Port Perry Coal Yards, Mr. A. Wilkinson had the misfortune to have a large stick fall on his foot. We are glad 16 know it is improving and he is able to get out around again. re Hm TOWN COUNCIL At the regular meeting of the Coun- cil, held on Monday evening, it was decided to engage a night watchman. Tenders are asked to be in the hands of the Clerk by Friday at 5 p.m. Arrangements were madé torent an adaitional piece of land from the C. at the 'water front. 00 was granted to the LO.D.E. in paying the hospital ex- Mr. Barnett's child. ' to penses re LiLNDERS WANTED--for night watchman for the Village of Port Perry. "Tenders to be in the hands ol the Clerk by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. «. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. I S-- . RINK MEETING A meeting of the Port Pery Rink Company will be held in the Treas- urer's Office, at 8 p.m, on Tuesday, November 11th, for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. A. W. Brock, Secretary. rr 0 Ore REPLY TO MR. LUCAS To the Editor of the Port Perry Star: Mr. Lucas's| fetter ~ré¢ Canadian National Railway service for, Port Perry, which appeared in last week's issue of the Port Pery Star, was noted with interest." So far as the Council of Port Perry is concerned, it is felt that 'every means possible has been adopted to carry out the suggestions made by Mr. Lucas. The contention that he makes that the program of the C.N.R. was but the initial step in the removal of the service, was clearly stated by the deputation that waited upon the Railway Commission 'at the the was heard at Whitby; and the whole matter was carefully presented in a memorandum to the Railway Commission, both by the Council, and by several private citizens. time case If Mr. Lucas has any suggestions of helpful methods of presenting the case, his co-operation will be appre- ciated, and so far as possible, his sug- gestions will be carried out by the Council. We are quite as anxious as is Mr. Lucas that Port Perry shall be well served by the Canadian National Railway. iN Yours Sincerely, Robt. Somerville, Reeve. ree QO Oe REV. R. T. RICHARDS HONOURED As will be seen by the letter which follows, Rev. R. T. Richards has re- ceived a signal honour. We con- gratulate him upon this appreciation of his merit. Victoria College, Nov, 3, 1930 Rev. R. 7. Richards, B.A., B.D. Port Perry, Ontariof Dear Mr. Richards: I have the honour to announce that in the recent election of the repre- sentative of the Alumni of Emmanuel College to the Board of Regents of Victoria University, you were nomi- nated and elected by acclamation. i Yours truly, C. E. Auger, Registrar. . mene) Pn. \CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service Friday, 8 ~--~Weeknight service. Hockey Club was called for Monday night, presentation of fans as was expected. ~ HOCKEY MEETING A meeting. of the Port Perry There was not as large a re- While the erowd was small those that were present seemed enthusiastic and the annual business was proceeded with, The auditors report was read and the club have a balance of about $35.00 to start the season with. 'The following officers were elected: Hon. Presidents--Mr. A. R. Wilson, and Mr. D. Carnegie. President--Jack Tinsley. Vice President--B. D. Henry. Sec.-Treas.--Dr. J. A. Mathers. Advisory Com.--Messrs. R. A. Levia, Jas. Boe, and D. W, McIntosh. Manager--Ted Jackson. Coach--Guy Raines Trainer---Alex. Naple. Delegate to O. H. A. Convention--Dr. J. A. Mathers. x mel rn * It will be necessary when anyone is making purchases or making orders for the Port Perry Hockey Club for season of 1930-31 to have the same certified by both President and Sec'y. Unless this is done and same hand in with voucher the present officers shall not be responsible. J. A. Mathers, Sec'y-Treas. ANNUAL ARMISTICE SERVICE The annual Armistice Service, under the local I. O. D. E. ang Canadian Legion will be held on S@inday, Nov. 9th, in the Port Perry United Church. Service to commence at 10.30 sharp. This being 2 community service, all denominations are equally invited to attend, Preacher---Rev. E.E. Annand, assisted by 'Rev. Wesley Elliott. Sermon-- "Peace" Through Sacrifice. Appro- priate music. Collection to be devoted to patriotic relief work. ee 0 Or A trip to Florida and back in 30 days? Find out from Jack and Jerry just "how they did it, and why they couldn't look a bean. straight in the face afterward. At the Town Hall, November 25th. te GOO PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 9th-- 11 a.m.--Special Community Arm- istice service sponsored by the LLO.D.E. and Canadian Legion. Address by Rev. E. E. Annand. 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Rev. W. Elliott will con- duct the service. Prince Albert-- Worship service will be withdrawn in favour of the Community Service in Port Perry. Sabbath School will apply the paint. The Old, Old Story Produce your product, and a complete description of its values, and the material will sell itself. You can have one-eighth more in- sulation value than in any other board on the market, Why?-- Because it is more tightly compressed, will not swell or shrink, in other words stays just as you apply it. If you want a pleasing decorative scheme, two coats of paint will do this perfectly, and best of .all it does not take skilled labour to Every one say, give a man a_job. » This insulating lumber is produced only in Canada, and has been a sweeping success in every town in the Dominion. . In other words it answers the questions and fills all your requests. . "DONNACONA" Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry PORT inspiring both-to the callers, as well as those called upon. Short reports of Auxiliaries, Y.W.A's, C.G.LT. groups, and mission bands, with their problems and encouragements, were heard and discussed. The afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock, and after the usual devotional exercises, Miss Gould gave a very detailed and in- spiring report of the Provincial meet- ing. Lindsay extended an invitation to hold the annual meeting there, and the invitation was gratefully accepted. -- (ie AUCTION SALE of 20 cows and 75 Yorkshire Pigs, at lot 9, con 4, Pickering, on Friday, November 14. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Ten months Spectie" and from that time on the fun began. The Ashburn young peo- ple contributed some very fine num- bers to the program, and games and Hallowe'en contests also hélped to make the evening a success. MYRTLE Mr. Ben. Davidson and his men have been busy during the week put- ting up the snow fences for the coun- ty, a 'further evidence that winter is just around the corner. A gloom was cast over the neigh- borhood last week when.word was re- ceived that Mrs. Butterworth, who had gone to visit her brother at Brace- credit on bankable paper. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. $1.00 each. These barrels E. H. Gerrow & Sons, Port Perry. NOTICE--I, M. T. O'Brien, of To- ronto, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date; without my written order. Dated at Toronto, October 31st, 1930. (Signed) M. T. O'Brien Nov 6 18 WANTED--A housekeeper for one adult in the -country. Apply box 14, Star Office. » VEGETABLES FOR SALE Carrots, Cabbage, Potatoes, and Beets, at current prices. Orders promptly delivered. Phone 256j. - C. H. KELLETT. FROM POPPY LAND by A. O: Marshall Pray, don't forget--for there's lots of be held at 2.30 p.m. GIRL GUIDES ORGANIZE The organization meeting of the first troop of Girl Guides in Port Perry, was held at the home of Mrs. Harris, on Friday, October 17th, 1930, with 24 people in attendance. Two officials from the Girl Guide Head- quarters in Toronto were present for the purpose of instructing the troop and leaders in Guide routine, At this meeting Mrs. J. M.' Carnegie passed her tenderfoot test which enables her to become 'captain of the local troop. Since then two meetings have been held at which six girls have been trained, for patrol leaders. On Saturday, November 1st, the LO.D.E. entertained the Guides at a masquerade party which: both leaders and children enjoyed very much. On Monday, November 3rd, the first meeting of the whole troop was "held at the LO.D.E. Committee rooms at which the patrol leaders were en- patrols were organized. mates: GREENBANK Mr. R. Horne returned home last Wednesday from Little Britain, where he had been in the hospital for four months, < Miss Elsie Bushby, Uxbridge, was visiting at*her home here on Sunday. Miss Forsythe was in Toronto for the week end. Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Church next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Dyer will preach in the morning and Rev, Mr. Cragg, of Osh- awa, in the evening. A special thank offering will be taken at both services. On Monday evening a suppér will be Served in the basement of the church after which an excellent programme will be given. 2 ee) QO. LINDSAY PRESBYTERIAL A meeting of the executive of the Presbyterian W. M. Societies of Lind- say Presbyterial, took place at Wick, on Thursday, October 23rd. The meeting opened at 11 am, with a good attendance, and the President, | Miss Gould, of Uxbridge, presiding. The morning session was mainly ,taken up by the reports from the various secretaries, all of very en : ) rolled officially as Girl Guides and the | suffering yet ir Among the many who got home at last; Sightless, limbless, some of these, All striving, bravely to forget the past. Wear a _ Poppy bloom, from some crippled hero's room, Perchance--made by the self same hand That eased the wound and pain, on that shell-swept plain, Of the loved one that you lost in 1 POPPY LAND. [RR HOT SUPPER If you have a weakness for a good old fashioned hot meat pie, don't for- get the supper on Friday, November 14th, in the Schoolroom of the United Church, given by the 'Ladies' Bible Class. Hot meat and potato pie and all other delicacies necessary to pro- vide a sumptuous supper will be served. Splendid concert, both unique and interesting, will follow. Admis- sion for tea and concert 50c. A HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL On Monday, November 3rd, the young People's Society of St. John's Presbyterian Chuych, entertained the young people of Ashburn, at a Hal- lowe'en social. The visitors were greeted at the door by a "Spooky Seagrave Garage Manilla Rural Phone 2 All Makes of Cars Repaired Radio and Car Batteries Re-Charged Repaired, and for Sale Oxy-Acetylene Welding . A SPECIALTY CAS and OIL TIRES and TUBES All Makes of Plow Points others down with dreaded disease, | bridge a few days ago, had been | seized with a stroke and died soon i A ™ after, never regaining consciousness. BARRELS FOR SALE--A number of | Decensied, Whe wat To Het Sth Sour. lard barrels (40 gals.) for sale at| are | steamed out and ¢lean. Apply to had lived here for the past few years with: her son who rins south Myrtle Garage, and to make her acquaintance was a great privilege"as her high Christian character endeared her to all. Where there was sickness she was a ministering angel and never wearied of showing kindness or lend- ing a helping hand where duty called. 'Her remains were brought to the home of her daughter in Sunderland whence she was buried on Saturday in Smith's to clear. » Every article is reduded to cost price and many lines away below Come early and get your share of the wonderful Bargains. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!| J Monster Clearing Sale $12,000.00 Stock of First Class Merchandise - going to be sold, to clear out the Shoe and | Furnishing end of our Business. 7 ' 4 f i i | | en Woodville. A number of ! friends from here went back to pay | their last respects to the departed. ! The sympathy of the community goes 'out to the bereaved son here, and other members of the family in this their hour of sorrow. Mrs. Carroll and daughter, and Mrs. Spaulding, of Toronto, spent Tues- day with friends here. 2 Mr. Henry Merriam left the early part of the week for Sharbot Lake where he has secured a good position. SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE will hold a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Sinclair Robertson, on Wed., November 12. This will be the 20th anniversary of the organization of this Institute. All ladies of the community welcome. MONEY LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. Office--McCaw Block, Port Perry. TO LOAN Phone 264 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SAT Another 1930 Special Picture full never forget. Better than the IN "HEART OF heart--your mind--your soul--the capable. Special. Confectionery and drinks H. SHULMAN, and Tile, ~~ MA STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE "The Home of Clean Entertainment."' GEORGE BANCROFT, in "THE MIGHTY" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 11 and 12 Thanksgiving Special PATSY RUTH MILLER and GEORGE LEWIS Only the GREATEST of Pictures could so take you out of yourself-- and by the unfathomed depths of its emotional intensity-- bring to your Bring the whole family and enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday Lumber, Coal, Wood : We have on hand at all times a fullgline of D. L. & W. SCRANTON ANTHRACITE COAL, and Alberta Coal, the size and qual- ity as recommended by the Dominion Goyv- ernment for use in Ontario. Coal, Body Wood, and Slabs. LUMBER, Shingles -- Wood, Metal or Asphalt--, Plaster, Lime, Cement, Brick, MOTOR TRUCK DELIVERY 'Bell Phone-- ah \ URDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 7, and 8. of thrills and action, one you will book itself, also a good comgdy. A NATION" deepest feelings of which you are sold in the Theatre. PROPRIETOR ire -- Coke, Steam RMILL FEED. sons having claims against the estate of JOHN AR JAS. McKEE & SON, - PORT PERRY 'it to you. Port Perry Dominion Store SELLING OUT AT COST $12,000.00 worth of first class merchandise to be entirely cleared out without reserve. November 8th, at 9 am... Don't miss this opportunity. Right in the hard times when monye is scarce. the time and season when you need the goods.. Here we, are offering you your needs at your own price. ALIX: GILBOORD, Proprietor Sale starts on Saturday, Right in : We leave COAL COKE ABLACK BUSINESS W.GC.W Pvarr W. G, W. PYATT NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Matilda Rodman, Deceased Pursuant to Sec. 51 of Chapter 160 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Matilda Rodman, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County and Province of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 14th day of September A.D. 1930, are, on or before the 30th day of November A.D. 1930, to send by post, prepaid, to Greer & Humphreys, Port Perry, solrs. for Mary Ann Mills, A - stratrix of the estate of the said de- ceased their christian names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Administra will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part there. of, to any n or persons of w) claim or in notice shall not have been received by Greer & Humphreys at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 25th day of October A.D. 1930. GREER & HUMPHREYS, Solicitors for Estate of Matilda Rodman, de- ceased. Yao NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all per- THUR ALLEN, late of Port Perry, in the EAL AD, forward their Estate 'WOOD TILE Best grades of Hard Coal, Coke, Can- nel Coal, Steam Coal, Hardwood and Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood, Cement and Lime. A car of Alberta Coal just arrived, lump size, specially prepared for On- tario use. This is the best month to put in your next winter's coal. Phone your order. Our truck service ensures prompt de- livery anywhere. THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones: Office 94; Residence 238 WANTED--A Canary breeding cage. Must be in good condition. Phone - 164 r 1-3. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS of Albert Rees, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 51 of Chapter 150 of the Revised Statutes of ra 1927, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Albert Rees, late of the Township of Reach, in the County and Province of Ontario, Farmer, who died on or about the 28th day of May A.D. 1930, are, on or before the 30th day of November A.D. 1930, to send by Rost, prepaid, to Greer & Hump reys, Port Perry, solrs, for Annie Rees and Emma Skill Administratrices of the estate of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them, and that after he day last aforesaid the said Ad- ninistratrices will proceed to - tribute the assets of the sail ae among the rties entitled thereto having rega only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Admin- istratices will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not been ceived by Greer & Hampireys at the Ye or such, distribu gy + ated at Port Perry, . fay of November AD oe Tie 10h _ Greer ys, Box 181, P Pars: Ont., Solicitors for Ans 1 and Emma Skill, Administratrices of of Albert Rees, deceased, Eyes Examined | By the most Modern F. BE EW LUKE, Opt. D. LUKR, «© £

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