PERSONAL © Among the holiday visitors were: Miss Frances Mellow, of Toronto, ~ with her mother, Mrs. B. L. Mellow. Miss Florence Bush, of Toronto, and Mr. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor, over the week-end. Mrs, Claude Vickery, Helen and Clifford, of Toronto, were the week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Neill. Miss Dorothy Ney, of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Ney. Migs Grace Cawker and Miss Isabel Cawker, were at home from Peterboro Normal School for the week-end. Th i Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, ¥ o was in town for the holiday. Mr. Glen Collacutt, was visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Collacutt. Mr. Grant McMillan and lady friend, and Miss Grace McMillan' and gentleman friend, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McMillan. Miss Jean Cawker, of Annesley Hall, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cawker, for Thanks- giving. Miss Olive Gerrow, Miss Dorothy Davey, and Mr. John Davey, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. ! Miss Laura Ingram, of Toronto, aad Mr. M. L. Ingram, of Montreal, were at home visiting their mother, Mrs. N. Ingram. Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, was in town for the week end. Mr! and Mrs. Harry White, of Cold- water, were in town on Sunday. The Ladies' Bible Class of Port Perry United Church are holding a Hot Meat Pie Supper, on Friday even- ing, November 14. Supper served at 6 pm. | At 8 p.m. a concert will be given in the church. Everybody wel- Admission 50c. ; come. Miss Hazel Jeffrey underwent an operation for appendicitis last week, and is recovering nicely. A Turkish Maiden in our Do not fail to see her. As Elmer says "She's a dream--and she has the Peachiest eyes." Town Hall, Nov 25. Midst! November 28th, for an illustrated lecture, on the Passion Play, held during the past summer at Oberammergau, Germany, This lecture will be given under the Reserve Friday evening, auspices of the Young People's So- ciety of the United Church, by Rev. E. Crossley Hunter, B.A,, of Toronto. Further particulars later." Miss McBride was visiting her sister Mrs. Forman, recently. Miss Myrtle Ploughman, ronto, at home for the holiday. Miss Laura Mark and Mr. Clifford Mark, of Toronto, were in town visit- ing relatives and friends during the week end. Miss Annie Farmer spent Thanks: giving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; S. Farmer. Do not, thiss the "Safety First" at the Town Hall, Nov. 25th -- Funny? -- Well, it is just abounding in mirth-provoking situa- tions. sparkling farce, re OO Oe A young mother who has to provide for her two small children by her daily work desires a quiet home where the children may be looked after dur- ing the day: she to be with them over the night. Cannot afford to pay usual boarding rates, but is willing to do her best. Some kind hearted widow or small family can render a real ser- vice here, Address«Box A, c-0 Port Perry Star. nian BIG GAME HUNTERS Among those who secured licenses from this district to hunt deer, were: P. B. Palmer, Art. Sweetman, George White, W. J. Henders, Dr. C. Henders, Jack Carnegie, Chas. Heayn, Robert Heayn, H. Franklin, Clarence Hood, David Carnegie, Earl Beare, Peter Raymer, A. E. Spencer, Syd. Weyrich, Grant Carnochan, Howard Carnochan, Gordon Spence, Ernest Spence. : re QQ Ores WANTED--A housekeeper for one adult in the country. Apply box 14, Star Office. of To-|. Editor of Port Perry Star: I have noted a letter in your last week's issue, by Reeve Somerville, in reply to mine of the previous week, copy of which appeared in your valu- able paper. I notice that he makes the statement that so far as the Coun- cil of Port Perry is concerned that 'every means possible have been adopt- ed to carry out my suggestions. Might 1 ask Mr. Somerville to be specific and state in thé press just what means they have adopted. He further states the whole matter was carefully pre- sented in memorandum to the Railway Commission both by the Council and by several private citizens. My un- derstanding is that there was not one member of the Council met the Rail- way Board at their Whitby meeting. The matter, as I understand, was dealt with exclusively by Mr. Farmer, Mr. Reesor and Mr. Sleep, of Sea- grave, and not a member of the Coun- cil could be persuaded 'to attend. The reason I discuss this matter further is that it is of vital interest to the citizens of Port Perry and whole surrounding country to have the Rail- way kept in operation. The freight service at the present time is quite adequate, but the passenger travel is practically nil on account of no ser- vice. My suggestion would be 'that the Council, in conjunction with the other centres of municipalities in the ter- fitory affected get together and joint- ly take up with the Railwdy=Board matter with a view of giving us a proper Toronto passenger service, JAMES LUCAS. ---- Qe SCHOOL. NEWS We regret that we neglected to in- form the public of the Literary Meet- ing on November 7th, However, we promise to announce the meetings in the future, and take this opportunity on behalf of the school, to invite any and all to attend them. The Literary Meeting held on Fri- day afternoon set a high standard for the meetings which are to follow. The president, Hugh Nind, made a short speech and Dorothea O'Neill read the minutes of the last year's meeting. Iva Reynolds gave .a recitation which was much enjoyed by everyone. Eric Nasmith, the editor of the school Fpaper read the first edition. Two Armistice numbers were given by boys of the school, dressed in uniforms. One of the main features in the program was the address of the Rev. T. A. Nind, the honorary presi- some dent. The meeting was concluded by a selection played by the school orchestra. Last week the Girls' Softball team played a close game with Uxbridge, when the score was Uxbridge 13, Port Perry 12. Examinations loom up in the near future but we all enjoyed a care-free Thanksgiving and came back on Tues- day with the contented expression of those who have had a holiday and a good dinner. The Commencement Exercises of on December 18 and 19. Watch for later notices regarding this event: ee QO ree THE ARMISTICE SERVICE The annual Armistice Service under the direction of Scugog Chapter of the I. O. D. E. and Post 91, Canadian Legion, was held in the United Church on Sunday morning, November 9th. There was a large attendance. The service was conducted by Rev. Wesley Elliott, (in the absence of Rev. R. T. lichards), and a very appropriate ad- dress was given by Rev. E. E., An- nand, minister of St. John's Presby- terian Church. Miss Helen Mellow presided at the organ, The Veterans marched to church, headed by the Port Perry Band. A new Honour Roll, appropriately decorated, was made by Mr. Mitchell; and the ceremony of honouring the departed soldiers was carried out jointly by Mrs. W. H. Harris, repre- senting the I. O. D, E. and Mr. F. Mitchell, representing the Canadian Legion. This community service is an an- nual event of real value in Port Perry and is greatly appreciated. ------000---- Get your Christmas Greeting Cards at the Star Office. A good selection of very dainty Sy | BORN DENSHAM--To Mr. and Mrs. Perey . Densham, on November 1st, 1930, a girl THE PORT PERRY STAR "The old, Old Story Produce your"product, and a complete description of its values, and the material will sell itself. You can have one-eighth more in- sulation value than in any other board on the market, Why ?-- Because it is more tightly compressed, will not swell or shrink, in other words stays just as you apply it. If you want a pleasing decorative scheme, two coats of paint will - do this perfectly, and best of all it does not take skilled labour to apply the paint. Every one say, give a man a job. This insulating lumber is produced only in Canada, and has been a sweeping success in every town in the Dominion. In other words it answers the questions and fills all your requests. "DONNACONA" Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or ial Port Perry | mas Greeting Cards at the Star! Port Perry High School will be ned] 'Perry Rink Company has been post- | can be raised with profit. WILLARD' S STORE NEWS CHOICE GROCERIES We are ready with the New Fruits and necessaries for your present and Christmas baking. Ready with the same old quality of goods at the new and attractive prices... Ready to give your order prompt and courteous attention at any- ( time. COOKING FIGS, choice quality ICING SUGAR. ................ hime, 3 Ibs for 27c. CURBANTS, ion irvntinnidt od bdovin dhahied™s per Ib 15¢c. BORDEAUX WALNUTS, 12's ...civiuviinsanadTiaiiies Ib 55¢. CALIFORNIA LARGE SWEET PRU NES "hehe bre 2 Ibs for 25c. SEEDLESS RAISINS, Choice New Australian, 2 hs. 23c. WHITBBEBANS ..... «i ci oi ain dikaintivmes 5 Ibs for 25c. CANNED TOMATOES 2 for 25c. CLOVER HONEY, 5 Ib pail .. NEW CALIFORNIA BUDDED WA LARGE BRAZIL NUTS... ..c.. cco calitea ees per 1b 30c. SPANISH ONIONS ............. ii Eh des 3 Ibs for 25c. FRESH LEAF LETTUCE: ...... iced nain assassins sine 5c. HADDIE, KIPPERS, FILLETTS, COD FISH HEINZ SOUPS, Cream of Tomato, Pea and Celery CANDIED PEELS, English Chopped Mixed... . Ib 25¢. WILLARD & CO., Port Perry PHONE 46 r 2 ; Fm tome an mr insane} wr BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! | Monster Clearing Sale $12,000.00 Stock of First going to be sold, to clear out the Shoe and Furnishing end of our Business. Every article is reduced to cost price and many lines away below Come early and get your Shage of of The wonderful to clear. Merchandise Bargains, al Pi, JAS. McKEE & SON, : er PERRY AUCTION SALE of 20 cows and 75 Yorkshire Pigs, at lot 9, con 4, Pickering, on Friday, November 14. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Ten months credit on bankable paper. Wm, +Maw, Auctioneer. NOTICE--I, M. T. O'Brien, of To- ronto, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date, without my written order. Dated at Toronto, October 31st, 1930. (Signed) M. T. O'Brien Nov 6 18 HOG AND MILK COW SALE--F. M. Chapman, of lot 9, con. 4, Picker- ing (4 miles West of the Whitby- Lindsay highway) is selling brood sowsy young boars and 650 shoats, and 26 cows and heifers, at his farm on Friday next, November 14th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp. The cows are better than the aver- age herd in butter, fat and most of them are fresh. Terms--10 months' credit on bankable paper bearing six per cent. per annum interest. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE--Mr. John Wilson, lots 18 and 19, eon. 10, Cartwright, on Thursday, November 20th, 1930, his farm stock and implements: No reserve. See bills for terms. WM. MAW, Auctioneer. You can get your name and; address printed on your Christ-{ Office. mf) (Praia RINK MEETING POSTPONED The annual meeting of the Port poned to Tuesday evening, November 18th, at 8 o'clock, in the Treasurer's office. OQ ee PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 16th-- 11 am.--Our Task 2.80 p.m.--Sabbath Shool. 7 p.m.--Where Do You Belong? Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School 3 p.m.--Worship Service The minister will be in charge of all worship services. en {Ome RAISED 2,000 TURKEYS In its effort to promote the profit- able raising of turkeys, the Ontario Government established a turkey farm in the County of Norfolk. The object was to show that birds of this variety The ex- periment has proven quite successful. This year more than 2,000 turkeys were hatched and raised on the farm. H. SHULMAN, STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE "The Home of Clean Entertainment." The patrons of the Strand Theatre, at Uxbridge, are surprised and delighted with the high quality of the pictures shown. See for yourself. You'll be pleased. Popular Prices. Port Perry Dominion Store SELLING OUT AT COST This Sale is finding Seat favor with the public. All through the store excellent bargains are offered. ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor ABLACK BUSINESS (REE AN PROPRIETOR A short time ago one thousand of them were sold at 30 cents per pound. Turkeys can be raised and sold pro- fitably at a much lower price than that demanded about Thanksgiving and Christmas. en) reer NOTICE--The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted . by his wife, Elizabeth Smith. Signed Sidney O. Smith, Box 8, Prince Albert, Ont. nov 20 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, November 9th-- o 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m --Evening Service .- Friday, 8 p.m.--Weeknight service. J eee LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Eto, Sh i hd LOAN. an ernment for use in' and Tile. Lumber, Coal, Wood We have on hand at all times a. fullyline of g D. L. & W. SCRANTON ANTHRACITE COAL, and Alberta Coal, the size and qual-. ity as 'recommended by' the Duiuinion. Gov-' Coal, Body Wood, and, labs. = iy LUMBER, Shingles -- Wood, Mot Asphalt--, TE Lime, 'Cement, RM ILL for ital of Ma {Norio 10 crebIToRs NOTICE TO CREDITORS - COAL COKE WOOD TILE Best grades of Hard Coal, Coke, Can- nel Coal, Steam Coal, Hardwood and Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood, Cement and Lime. A car of Alberta Coal just arrived, lump size, specially prepared for On- tario use. This is the best month to put in your next winter's coal. Phone your order. Our truck service ensures prompt de- livery anywhere. THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G, W. PYATT Phones: Office 94; Residence 233 a ministratrices will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the sail deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been'given as claims | above required, and the said Admin- ,| istratices will not be liable fer the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by Gréer & Humphreys at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 1st day of November A.D. 1930. Greer & Humphreys, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for Annie Rees and Emma Skill, Administratrices of Estate of Albert Rees, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George Marlow, Senior Of Matilda Rodman, Deceased Pursuant to ih of lia 15 Revised i gigs. i i R. 8S. 0, 1927, Chapter, 150, Sec. 51. All persons having claims against the estate of Geroge Marlow, Senior, Retired Farmer, late of the Township of Cattwright, in the County of Dur- ham, , who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1930, are here- i notified to send to the undersigned solicitor for the executors, on or be- fore the 13th day of December, 1930, full particulars of their claims. After sail ae. the assets of buted amongst those en- Yilod the thereto, having regard only to Dated at ad P : 1030 erry, November 11, J Fursuant to Sec. 61 of NO. W. CROZIER, Barrister, otc... Statutes of Port Ree, Solicitor for the Ont r for the \