s Pp Fancy Runners and Scarfs at , Faney Bath Mats, in pretty '$1.19 to $1.50. 98¢c. Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Necklaces of Bluebird and $1.35. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of John Harrison All persons having claims against the estate of John Harrison, of Port Perry, deceased, who died on the 19th | day of November, 1930, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 8th day of January, 1981, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after January 8th, 1931, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the @ parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated December bth, 1930. HARRIS & HARRIS, t| Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for John Harrison Estate. Beautiful Bath Towels,. made of good hea cotton, at 22¢., 39c., 43c., 59¢c., and 85. ..89¢ and 98¢c Fancy Linen Towels at from ... Ladies' Fancy Silk Underwear, 89c to $1.25 Ladies' Fancy Trim Flannelette Night Gowns Ladies' Heavy Bath Robes, $2.95 and $3.95 Ladies' Fancy Boxed Handkerchiefs, 49¢c. to ORT PERR CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE. Only a few shopping days left. HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, from... . Dolls for the kiddies. ......... 39¢ to $1.98 Rattles for the babies ........ 15¢ and 19c. .39c¢. to 98c. SLE 0s Bahy Teddy Blankets .,..............79%. designs and Baby Pepperell Blankets REE 55¢. eves $1.89 Baby Wool Sets--jacket, bonnet, bootees, 18¢, 25¢., 50c. Pearl, $1.00, SUTCLIFFE & SONS " Where People Like to Shop " Prince Albert Miss Irma Porteous, who is with her aunt Mrs. Ferguson, of Epsom, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs, E. Lyle. Cedar Creek School is holding its Christmas concert on the evening of December 19th. An excellent concert of music and dialogues is being ar- ranged. Mr, Arthur Bond has returned home after spending the summer in the city. Mr. William Vance of Purple Hill, has bought the Wilson property on the new road recently occupied by Mr. Lyle and has moved in. The Prince Albert Sunday School Christmas entertainment will be held on Friday evening, December 19th. A Christmas cantata js being pre- per set $2.59. Baby Voile Dresses ................. $1.50 Baby Knitted Jackets from .. Baby Feeders and Bibs at Men's Fancy Sox at ........... 49c. to 98c. Men's Handkerchiefs ......... 25¢ and 50c. Men's Fancy Scarfs Men's Lined Cape Skin Gloves 1 98¢ to $2.95 TA $1.35 and $1.98 ..pair $1.98 pared, Miss L. Leask, who teaches music in the school, is training the children. Mr. E. Lyle and family have moved into Mrs. Vickery's house which was formerly the parsonage. a TO CORRESPONDENTS Those wishing to compete for the prizes for 1930, will kindly have their year's budget in as soon after the 18th of December, as possible, in order that the: prize cheques can be mailed before Christmas. Editor. Nae COPY FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK Owing to Christmas coming on Thursday it will be necessary for all correspondence to be mailed on Mon- day, as it is our intention to have the Port Perry Star mailed on Wednesday of that week. ---- 'Seagrave Garage, Bell Phone 921 5 All Makes of Cars Repaired Radio and Car Batteries Re-Charged Repaired, and for Sale Oxy-Acetylene Welding A SPECIALTY CAS and OIL TIRES and TUBES Clarence Chambers Proprietor CHRISTMAS 3 CARDS 'We have never had a finer selection of Personal Groohing Cards. I will be delight to see them. ~ be done by calling oa the office; if you "ve in own. I hone SL Atwater-Kent Radio The RADIO with the GOLDEN VOICE You'll enjoy the . . . GOLDEN VOICED ATWATER-KENT for what it brings you in melody and song, in drama, in lecture, and in sport. You'll marvel at the quick, easy tun- ing all the way across the quick vision dial . You'll thrill with the leasure of the per- Feo ted Tone Control . . bringing out bass or treble at will. You'll be proud of the digni- fied beauty, rich col- oring, exquisite finish of any model selected. a a upto 8a no been pri rs Listen in on the Atwaier-Kent Radio hout, over CKGW, every Sunday night al 9.15. {sho 2 ---------- WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY TH i Phileo Baby Grand Radio IT" CLEAR, SWEET, POWERFUL never make it ashamed in Gi eA ly is limited--so order early. Price; complte with tubes, $99. 50 aon GLADLY GIVEN. popular winter resorts are' quickly and comfortably reached via Canadian National and connections. Choice 'of , interesting routes. Costs are Ygeassnable, Jd sent 30 the alifo p going or returning the Canadian route via Vancouver and Victoria. FLORIDA Ask an t of Ni Rail Ask any Atent of Canadian National Railways MARRIED At the United Church parsonage, Port Perry, at 2.30 o'clock, on Satur- day, Miss Jessie Lansing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Lansing, to Mr. Elwood M. Tripp, son of Mr. Alton Tripp. The bride was beauti- fully attired in pale blue lace with hat to match. The young couple were attended by Mrs. R. Hooper and Mr. Melville Lansing. Nae Myrtle Station The annual meeting of the W.M.S. is being held this Thursday afternoon | at the home of Mrs. D. Luery. The election of officers will be held. The annual Sunday School enter- tainment and Chustmas Tree will be held on Firday evening, Dec. 19th, The children are preparing a good program, Miss Lois Tordiff spent the week end at Mr. W. Dyer's, at Columbus. Mrs. J. Devitt has closed her home and is spending the winter at. the home of D. G. Ross. 'Mr. Stuart Cameron left last week for Durham in Western Ontario, to do some contract work. Miss Ruby Cook spent a part of last week with her sister in Toronto. [ MANCHESTER The Women's Society met on Fri- day, Dec. 5th, at the home of Mre, Arthur Crosier, with a splendid at- tendance of members and visitors. Following the opening exercises, the business was transacted. The matter of getting a play from Oshawa or elsewhere for January, was discussed, but it was finally left to a committee of Miss Barrett, Mrs. A. Crosier and Miss Spofford to deal with. The elec- tion of officers then took place and resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Spencer; Vice President, Mrs. Wilmot Walker, Secretary, Mrs. Mitchell, Treasurer, Miss Thompson; Pianiste, Mrs. Crosier; Parsonage Committee-- Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Thompson; Sick Com., Mrs. F. Lamb, Mrs. J. Dobson, Mrs. Munro; Flower Com., Mrs. F. Lamb, Miss Barrett, Mrs. Johnson. The hostess served lunch at the close. Mr. Sydney Rowen, who had spent" a week at the home of Mrs. has returned to Toronto. The W. M. S. will meet on Friday, December 12th, at the home of Mrs. Howard Dobson, Miss Mary Walls, of Toronto, was a week end visitor at the home of her sister Mrs. I. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Winnicut, of Toronto, and two children, Kathleen | and Joan, were visitors at the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mitchell. Miss A. Barrett spent a day in Toronto this week. The Community Club dance held on | Tuesday evening was a decided sue- cess, Barrett, Young Airman In Grave Difficulty Little Ted is going to be an airman some He has a picture book full of ay lan pictures, and also an airplane which he wistfully tells you {8 down in the basement, broken. Although he is only seven, he seems to know already that there ig a big difference between him and® other boys he he ie shouting and playing out on the And, Indeed, there ik The ont nurses and the doctors at the Queen Mary Hospital are doing their best, and hope to re- store the wasted iunye to hoalth and vigor. Children are very susceptible to consumption, but nine out of ten can be saved if taken in Sime work requires the re many, many friends it th is tor in usefulness Your agsistunce Is gre ' oh This tion of Erow 21 Lr ir Ro FOR SALE--Nanny Goats in kid. Cheap. Apply to Walter Bown, Port Perry. Phone 168. t.f FOR SALE--3 Registered Shorthorn Bulls. Apply to Ben. Jones, Port Perry R.R.1, Phone 190 r 1-2. %r. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St. Toronto)s eyesight specialist, may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, Thursday, December 18. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. W. E. LUKE, R. O. Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St ELgin 4820 Toronto Opp. Simpsons PPP PI to be sold at remarkably low Ready-to-wear, Boots, Shoes cleared at cut prices. our merchandise and prices. Men's Fine. Socks 15c. and see for yourself. Port Perry Dominion Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS Selling Out--Good selection of all kinds of Christmas Gifts of all kinds of Drygoods, Men's, Ladies' and Children's It will pay you to call and look over SPECIAL Flannelette Blankets, large double-bed size, regular $2.49. Boys' Rubbers, leather tops, not many left Men's and Boys' good black overalls Boys' and Girls' Stockings 18c. Many Bargains in the store that are not mentioned. Come ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor prices. Also a good selection Rubbers, and Goloshes, to be Sale price $1.95 price 3%. Store open evenings. COAL COKE -- | ABLACK BUSINESS DLED WHITE aslo a W. G, W. PYATT WOOD TILE Always a full supply on hand of all raquired sizes of Coal, Coke, ete. ANTHRACITE. We sell and recom- mend Famous Reading Anthracite Coal. Mined by the world's largest Anthracite producing organization-- a uniformly clean and well prepared fuel. COKE--Hamilton by-product coke, in large nut and range sizes. ALBERTA COAL--Size and grade recommended by the Government for Ontario Use. Cannel Coal, Steam Coal, Hardwood Slabs, Hardwood, Soft Slabs, Cement, Lime, Tile, ete. Phone your order to-day. THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones: Office 94; Residence 233 Play Safe There is still time to insulate before extreme Winter weather starts in. One of the greatest menaces to health and pocketbook, in the cold weather, is an uninsulated attic. We have two types of insulation, one for the "Easy-to-get-at" places, and the other for the most difficult places, both are absolutely efficient. We solicit your enquiries. Port Perry 183 3 Oshawa Lumber Co. LIMITED At Swan Brothers Port Perry Do you subscribe for Magazines? We can always save you the cost of M.O. commission, postage, etc., and generally .|give an additional saving on any magazine or paper. Call and tell us your requirements. We can supply any British, Cana- dian, or American magazine. PORT PERRY STAR COAL and WOOD December will soon be here with its low temperatures and howling winds, so don't be caught without a good supply of coal on hand. We sell the D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, which is the standard anthra- cite of America. High in heat units, high fusing points, which means less clinkers, and low in ash and moisture. Also Alberta Coal and Coke. Hardwood slabs, Softwood Slabs, All sizes kept in stock. and Bodywood. LUMBER We have just received a carload of lumber and in order to turn it over quickly we are offering it at a very low price. If you want to build an implement shed, or a poultry house, there is no need of waiting until spring for low prices as we have them right now. MOTOR TRUCK DELIVERY Bell Phone--73 W. FRED E. REESOR, Port Perry You Need a Planing Mill? WHY! When you ask us for a special sized sash, a short piece of base-board, or an odd design of casing, in order to complete the alteration job you are doing and get the material made to match the trim you now have, We have the machinery to make it for you- charge two prices for this work. at par with all other ception; accurate and--we do not Our prices on all materials are mber companies and our policy is no de- and satisfactory service. Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night - Port Perry LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN 2 Office-- McCaw Block, Port 1'erry. Phone 264 Sos Pea te Oy