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Port Perry Star, 18 Dec 1930, p. 4

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Ses a er = es Bea PERSONAL Mr. Samson Yelland has gone to Execer, where he will spent some time with his silter. Don't forget the Christmas Tree entertainment of St. John's Presby- terian Sunday School. It will be held on Monday evening, December 22nd. Admission 25c. Children 16c. Mr. Ben. Ward, School of Pharmacy, 'toronto, is visiting at his home for the holidays. ' Mr. J. F. Marshall, formerly of the St. Charles Hotel, Port Perry, died in foronte, on Thursday, December 4th. He was in his 80th year. Mr. Marshall was a cousin of Mr. A. E. Rogerson. - ENGAGEMENT Mrs. William 8S, Short, of (U.. teny, annouace the engagement ci (heir daughter, Bertha Mayriene, 0 William G. Sparrow, of Toronto, the wedding to take place early in January. Joand IN EN iy . Mrs. Jas. Carnegie Lhe death' occurred on Saturday, December 13th, of Mrs. Jas. Carnegie, one of the oldest and most beloved iesidents of Port Perry. Her ready sympathy and unselfish thought for others made her many real friends. Mrs. Carnegie was born at Farren's Point, Ontario, 83 years ago, and was married in old St. Andrew's Church, Toronto. Surviving her are four sons and four daughters--Mrs. Robert Bruce, Mrs. Howard Clemes, Mr. W. U. Car- negie, and Mr. Harry Carnegie, all of Toronto, Mrs, W. H. Flood and Mrs. N. S. Edgar, of Regina, and Messrs. Arthur and David Carnegie, Port Perry. a pt PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL The, annual Sunday School Anni- versary Services will be held on Sun- day, December 21st,dgt 11 am. and 7 p.m. A choir of over 100 voices, led by Mr. V. P. Stouffer, will render special singing. Popular address by Rev. R. T. Richards. You are invited to attend these interesting services. AUCTION S.uLE of household furniture, stoves and other goods at the residence of the late John Harrison, on Saturday, Dec. 20th. Terms Cash.' W. H. Harris, Iixecutor. Sale at 1.30 p.m. id Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St, Toronto's eyesight | specialist, may be consulted § about your eyes for glasses at i Lawrence's drug store, Port i Perry, Thursday, December 18. | nen F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. W. E. LUKE, R. O. Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Fl gin 4x20 Toronto Opp. Simpsons NaN CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, December 21st-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service, Christmas Day--Services at and 11 am. Na aN TENDERS WANTED. for the booth privilege at the Port Perry Rink. Address tenders to A. P. McFar- lane, Secretary. 8 am. EEN PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH December 21st, 1930. Special Sunday School Anniversary Services at 11 am. and 7 pm. A Sun- | day School choir of 100 voices will | lead the singing. The Sunday School Orchestra will assist. Addresses by the minister will be given at both services, Special offering for the Sunday School. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. NOTICE All parties owing the undersigned are requested to have their accounts | settled on or before December 31st, 1930. JAS. D. McMASTER, V. S.!| Veterinary Surgeon, Port Perry. Dec. 18. ) | SEEN } DANCE--Keep Wednesday evening December 31st open. The I.0.D.E. are issuing invitations to a New Year's Eve Dance. UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The annual Christmas "Entertain- ment of the United Church Sunday | School will be held on Tuesday even- | ing, December 23rd. Choruses, reci- tations, instrumental numbers; a one act play--"The Christmas Choir'-- and Santa Claus. A good social time, Tntertainment begins at 7.30 p.m. Adults 25¢. Children 15c. ESN a, ONTARIO COUNTY BOYS TAKE HIGH STANDING IN JUDGING The team of three young men re- presenting Ontario County in the Judging Competition held at Guelph Winter Fair, stood third this year, ~ which is the highest standing yet! Sl iken by an Ontario County team. | Twenty-five Counties were represent- ed in the competition and 3rd place with 2125 marks out of a possible of 2000 marks was just 66 behind the winning team from Durham County. Clarence Braden from Blackwater, who was high man on the Ontario County team with 789 marks was 2nd high man in Horse judging and 3rd nigh in the whole competition. The team marks taken in the var- ious classes of stock were: Horses 449; Beef Cattle 467, Dairy Cattle 10:4, Sheep 277, Swine 439. 2 The team members were: Clarence Braden, Blackwater, Elmer Rennie, Blackwater, John Dryden, Brooklin. In an inter-county seed judging competition held at the Guelph Winter Fair also on the day following the Live Stock Competition, the Ontario County team stood in 14th place. The contestants were required to judge oats; sbarley, alfalfa seed, potatoes, and were required to identify 10 weed seeds and 10 weeds. Wm. Salisbury of Pickering was high man on his team with 765 marks. John Dryden, tied for third place in the whole com- petition in judging alfalfa seed. The team was Wm, Salisbury,. of Pickering; John Dryden, Brooklin, Leonard McQuay, Whitby. Team marks in various classes were i sensational price of as follows: Weeds and weed seeds, | 320; Alfalfa seed 487, Oats 535, bar- ley 420, potatoes 374, total 2136. Valles to $5.00 and patent 'leather. - THE PORT PERRY STAR 4 Lil ENTIRE STOCK of BOOTS, SHOES, Rs, MUST HOSIERY, WORK GOODS, Etc. . +. ...oon......¥UIL Must Go! and Will Go!, because at these prices your dollars are so magnified, stretched, and expanded, that no truly economically minded person can resist the appeal to stock up for months ahead at the drastic savings this Sale offers. WOMEN'S SHOES Dozens of pairs of high grade straps and oxfords in calf, kid, Sizes 3 to 5%. All going at this super 0 RUBBERS, SLIPPE GO! LS MEN'S SHOES Values to $10.00, You'll find such well known lines as Slater in this group of boots and oxfords for men, at this unheard of price. Nearly all sizes. E N S LADIES' SHOES Regular Values to $5.00 MEN'S SHOES | Values to $10.00 Boots and Oxfords by such well known makers as Astoria and Fashionable styles in straps, oxfords, ties and pumps, calf, kid, and patent leather, all sizes, cuban heels, and low heels. Belmont. Not often are they offered at this price. Selling out at Men! and Oxfords at a price that will save you money. solid leather soles, almost all sizes in the group. While they last at In this group are included fancy oxfords, smart ties and straps, kid and calf with two tone and contrasting trim, high, low and all cuban heels, all sizes. ] --~---- pms A BUILDERS OF CANADA $1.98 $4.49 $2.98 UIE UR SRR CONTEST Our attention has ben drawn to an interesting Contest just launched by the' Family Herald & Weekly Star, known' ad the Builders of Canada Con- test. $3,000.00 are offered in Cash Prizes to those most successful in solving a set of interesting puzzle pictures. Straps patent leather, Sizes 11 to 2. A' list of the outstanding men in our Dominion's history is given each contestant taking part and this pro- vides a Contest both educating and profitable. At the same time the Contest is so arranged that a know- ledge of Canadian history is not es- sential to winning the finest of the prizes. Any of our readers will find it well worth their while dropping a line to the Family Herald & Weekly Star for ' details of the Contest which will be JR gladly sent to anyone interested along IV 3&4 MISSES' SHOES Regular Value $3.65 Tan and black and Oxfords, calf and rubber | $2.29 I JAS. McKEE & SON WORK SHIRTS Regular Value $1.25 YOUTHS' SHOES Solid Sizes 8 to 10%. calf, leather soles. Grey and khaki, heavy military flannel work shirts, all sizes in the lot. Super value at selling out price. 79c. Regular $2.75. $1.98 rl SARA UE RAL with a sample copy of the paper. "LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Office-- McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 Do you subscribe for Magazines? We can always save you the cost of M.O. commission, postage, etc., and generally SIX Days More! If you have not already seen our many gifts, we inviteyou to do so. We have many useful gifts in Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Leather Goods : Stationery, China, Glassware, etc. Let us do your optical work-- Satisfaction, or money refunded. . OPEN EVENINGS "L.*R.. BENTLEY J EWELLER OPTOMETRIST give an additional saving on any magazine or paper. Call and tell us your requirements. We can supply any British, Cana- dian, or American magazine. PORT PERRY STAR See KEN MAYNARD (Sat. Night only) in Senor Americano KING OF THE SADDLE. The smashing story of a man, who, single handed, thwarted the efforts of land thieves in old California! It has color, drama, action, punch--EVERYTHING!! Don't-miss it. Lucky Number Prize-- A FINE TURKEY. : Special Picture for Christmas--Dec, 24 and o5 Admission: Adults 25c. Children 15c. | PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE wmMmOI Ww Values to $6.50 This group comprises extra- ordinary values in Dress Boots, black and tan, all sizes. A chance to pick out a fine pair of boots at wonderful savings $3.49 Values to $6.00 Here are Dress Boots Calf with $2.98 LADIES' SHOES Regular Values to $6.00 LADIES' SHOES ! Values range to $6.50 Styles are the newest in ox fords, pumps, ties and straps, all lasts to fit every foot and sizes. An extraordinary group at $3.49 || $3.98 MEN'S WORK SOX A Seasonable Snap DRESS SHIRTS Regular Value $1.75 Brand new fancy broadcloth Shirts, with two separate col- lars, new shades and patterns. Men's Heavy All Wool, grey Work Sox, white toes and heels. Go on sale at bargain price of All sizes. Selling out at 29c. $1.29 PHONE 152 Port Perry + WILLARD'S STORE NEWS CHOICE GROCERIES Have you ever considered how important a part foods have to play in making the home look like Christmas. We have to offer to the Christmas shopper, fascinating delicacies, confections, luxurious foods and the choice products of many lands in the big assortment of nuts and fruits--all 3 oe make Sieeptable gifts, or for your own use. able Raisins (Malaga) ...... des neaing Lavin PRES 256, Glaced Cherries .......... roa pe McLaren's Jelly Powder ........ Mixed Nuts ............... : Christmas Candy .......... as Marshmallows ............... Ripe Tomatoes Savory Herbs, 10c pkg. Thyme, and Poultry Dressing, a Salt, Paprika, Curry Powder, 15¢. Ben Currants sy moi : ustralian ess Raisins .....\.........2 Ibs for Large Valentia Raisins ...... ; ¢ Be. : est Rice... il a NES haf Walnuts, Bordeau halves, .... per » ze. Pecans, shelled, ............i.... per 1b 90c. in the Steerer ener If you want something select on your holiday menus way of Corn, Peas, Tomatoes and Pineapple, try the Apex brand. These are hand packed foods, are delicate, tender and sweet, as only young fruits can be. Try a pound of Mountain Blend Coffee, and you will get it Fresh ground. We use an electric coffee mill, and can grind A Jou pound fine, medium or coarse, in less than a minute, --Fresh and moked Fish Phone 46 7 § er 4 RD & CO., Port Perry | a¥

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