.and Sunday School on Sunday. chicken business, this summer. Hig : THE PORT PERRY STAR" ~~ | -- re EE a = Suh = Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgins, of T d Fi es ZION Toronto, visited the former's mother,| 1 FAA® igur : Mr. Ellis Hill is spending some time in Lindsay relieving his brother, Mr. Marvin Hill, whom we are sorry to say is ill with diphtheria. Ger Hazel Bradburn has returned to her home at Janetville, after spend- ing the past two weeks in this vicinity. Mr. Stuart Hall made several trips to Toronto during the past week with truck loads of livestock. Mr. Fred Western and Lloyd were business visitors to Lindsay on Thurs- day. Mr. Edgar Western motored to Toronto on Tuesday. A number from here attended the sule of Pure Bred Cattle in Lindsay on Wednesday. Miss Evelyn Thornton spent the week end the guest of her friend Miss Lizzie Day, of Valentia. Mr. Stanley Sparks spent Thursday in Toronto. + Mr. George Eggleton spent Sunday at his home at Grasshill. A very pleasing event took place when Mrs. Mary Rodd celebrated her 91st birthday on January 20th. She was born in Newmarket in 1840 and came to Little Britain in 1880. The ladies prepared a 12 pound birthday cake, having 91 candles on it. Mrs. William DeShane attended the door and had each one register and a dainty buffet lunch was served to 75 guests. Mrs. Garfield Heatlie served the lunch, and Mrs. A. Prosser poured the coffee, assisted by Mrs. W. Heatlie, and Mrs. Sparks. Mrs. Rodd had the honour of having her birthday announced over the radio. She received congratulations and gifts from relatives and friends from all over the province, including one from her cousin, President Hoover of the White House, Washington. Mrs. Rodd is still enjoying good health and is able to keep her own home, read, and knit lace. - Her many friends wish her many more years of good health. Miss Helen Thornton visited with her friend Miss Meta Hall during the week end. Mr. F. A. Reeds, Daily Post, Monday. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Jackson, which was held at the home of her daughter Mrs. Charlie Kennedy, of Little Britain, on Friday, January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hardwin and son, of Peterboro, motored up on Sun- day and spent the day with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. I. Goodhand. Quite a number attended the church We have had a real good crowd out the past few weeks, glad to see. The boys on the 2nd line played a friendly game of hockey on Saturday with the boys on the 3rd line, the boys of the 2nd line winning. Unfor- tunately Mr. Gordon Broad had the misfortune to fall and break one of his ribs. We are all very sorry and hope him well again soon. Friends are sorry to hear Mr. S. Jacobs is not in the best of health. We hope Mr. Jacobs will be feeling better again soon. Mr. Ellis Hill, of Lindsay called on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodson, also El- mer and Newton, and Miss Olive, and Mrs. Hodson, Sr., spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Loy Rogers. Mr. George Stokes, Miss Ellen Stokes, and Mrs. Norman Jacobs were visitors to Lindsay on Monday. Mr. Loy Rogers is busy these days sawing wood with his sawing machine down on the 1st line. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Gillson and little Dorothy spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Loy Rogers. Messrs. Lorne Smith, Wallace Os- borne and Carman Rogers, were among those who attended the. dance at Oakwood on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Acton, of To- ronto motored down and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Short. Quite a number attended the play at Little Britain on Thursday night, put on by Sunderland talent. Mrs. Joseph Dowson returned home after visiting her daughter Mrs. P. Kennedy at Little Britain. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, J Wilkinson (nee Myrtle Rodman) on the 'arrival of a fine baby girl. MYRTLE ey - Mr. Percy Smith, who has been en- gaged with Mr. Bert Duff, left last week for Dundalk. Mr. Roy Parrott, of Kinsale, has been supplying this heighborhood with fresh fish. Mr. H. Fuller, of Oshawa, has of the Lindsay was in this vicinity on which everyone is 'moved into the cottage, south of the village, and intends going into the Mrs. H. Hudgins, the earlier part of the week. The Bible Class held their semi- monthly social evening at Mr. J. A. Carmichael's, on Monday night. The President, Mr. Geo. Painter, presiding. After the devotional exercises, group singing was enjoyed. Mr. Robert Chisholm delighted the gathering with a vocal number which was heartily applauded, as was the duet by Mr. and Mrs, Beacock. Games and music were indulged in until lunch was served when the usual business was transacted; was decided that in the future the first half hour of each evening would be taken up with Bible study. Mr. J. E. Beacock taking the first lesson. A violin selection by Mr. J. A. Carmichael brought the happy gathering to a close, when a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the host and hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. Bert Duff. MANCHESTER The Sunday School held their an- nual meeting on Monday evening, the following officers were elected: Supt-, Mr. John Johnson; Asst. Supt., W. Crosier; Secretary, Dorothy Roper; I'reasurer, Dolly Rees; Librarian Mansell Gerrow; Organist, Mrs. Chas. Gerrow; Bible Class teacher, Miss I. Spofford; senior boys' class teacher, Mrs. Wright Crosier; senior girls' class, Mrs. Lloyd McKee; junior boys' class teacher, Mr. Wright Crozier; Infant Class, Mrs. Leslie Lamb. The assistant teachers are Mrs, Jas. Mit- chell, Mrs. Chas. Gerrow and Dolly Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Wallace visited on Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace. Mrs. T. Smith, of Burketon, spent a day last week with her mother Mrs. F. Lamb. Mrs. Pichard, of Collingwood 'was the guest of her daughter Mrs. James Masters, for a few days. Miss Ada Masters with Mr. and Mrs. John Masters. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Spencer on Wednesday, Feb. 4. The Community Club met in the hall on Thursday night with a good attendance. A congregational meeting will be held in the hall on Thursday Feb. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F. Lamb. "EPSOM Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wilson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashton. Miss Philp visited over the week end with her parents at Sunderland. Mr. Lloyd Pogue visiting with friends on Scugog Island. Mr. Harold Scott visited with friends in Toronto recently. Miss Erma Porteous visited with Prince Albert friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Munroe have moved-to the farm lately occupied by the late L. A. Scott. Mr. Wilson Rogers, of Gormley, visited recently with his brother Mr. Walter Rogers. Mr. Sam Anderson, of Uxbridge, called on Mr. Fred Ashton one day last week. The Prospect Ladies' Aid were en- tertained by Mrs. T. G. Webster on Wednesday of last week. They had a good attendance and an enjoyable afternoon. Mr. Nord Gilroy with relatives in Lindsay for a few days last wek. Mr. Chas. Munro at Mr, H. Frank- lig's on Sunday. r." Eldrid Phair with friends in Prospect on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashenhurst of Ux- bridge, and Mr. R. M. Holtby, of Port Perry, with Mr. Geo. Smith on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Burnsell Webster with Mr. C. Webster, of Uxbridge, for the past week. Mr. Edward Conlin is drawing home wood from the 8th concession of Reach. Mr. Hervey Smith with Mr. Geo. Smith on Sunday. Prospect Minstrels are going to Brooklin on Friday night of this week under the auspices of Women's Asso- ciation. -------------------------- ast J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless- Therapist 34 Walverleigh- a. Phone Hargrave 0990 10 to 12 am. Phone 268 Should be Watched We see by the papers that the estimated deficit in Dominion finances |i is to be $100,000,000. That's a lot of money. In accounting for this deficit the Conservatives naturally say that it is the result of the bad administra- tion of the Liberal Government, The Liberals in turn say "We ggve you a good budget and had you lértuns in office there would have been no'gdeficit. but probably a reduction in the To neither of these statements can b added Q. E. D. proof of responsibility for such a heavy deficit is not going to be easy to fix. What is much to the point at the present moment, is not who caused the trouble this subject will require constant scientific and non-partisan investiga- tion. prejudice or preconcede ideas to de- cide what shall be the policy of the people. Speaking from the citizens' point of view, it would seem that any government will have to turn many sharp corners in order to meet with ever changing economic conditions that will face the people of the world during the next few years. Here are a few figures that were brought to this office by one of our subscribers. He has made certain statements as to the meaning of these figures. It will be the business of our political lead- ers to find out if these statements are correct. In the month of December the im- ports for Canada were reduced $24, 000,000 over the month of December, 1929; and in the same month of 1980, the exports from Canada were re- duced $22,000,000 over the month off, December, 1929. If this result has been obtained by reason of the extra duties on the Can- adian importations, then it is a fair influence to say that our extra tariff has destroyed a profitable business of $22,000,000 a month, so as to build up an unprofitable business of $24,- 000,000 a month, which could not ex- ist unless many millions of dollars are paid by the consumer in. extra taxation. The sooner the tarie is tant but how con further |i trouble be averted. The fact is that |} We cannot jump at conclusions I i these matters nor can we allow party | |i What Port Perr A gold plated Ever} ; Razor . with two blag! pkg. of shaving cream, all for 50c. Kepler's Cod Liver Oil, with extract of Malt. A splendid winter tonic. In two sizes. VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP, 5c per cake or 8 cakes for ai STANDARDIZED COD LIVER OIL of definite Vitamin A and D potency......,............per bottle $1.25 Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Ontario Phone 16 ANNOUNCEMENT The Price of Bread is Reduced to EXO _X E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. re-appointed the better it will be for '| the country. We are not at all con- cerned as to who shall compose this commission so long as we have a fair minded investigation of. tarics, ac- cording to the facts. Never have we so much needed this investigation as we need it now. BR PUBLIC SCHOOL CARNIVAL The Port Perry Public School are holding a carnival at the Arena on Friday evening, February 6th. See bills for particulars. SCUGOG The Y. P. A, held their social in the Township Hall last Wednesday even- ing. A very interesting programme was given. The first was the reading of 95th Psalm by Miss Zella Hope. A review of the last meeting was given by Mrs. Geo. Samells and Miss Myrtle Sweetman. Mrs. Geo. Hood gave a blackboard talk on the Book of Exodus. Several instrumental selections by Mr. L. Sweetman, Mr. Percy Jeffrey, Mr. Stewart Mark and Mr. Ray Milner. A selection by the young men's choir. Lunch was served. And in all a very enjoyable time was spent. Proceeds $6.60. Our young men go to Port Periy Skating Rink every Thursday night for a game of hockey. They are to play Prince Albert in the near future. The sun shone so bright on Monday, | the old bear will have to den up for a few weeks yet. Miss Della Lee is spending a few) weeks in Greenbank with Mrs. James Dusty. Owing to the condition of the roads, Mr. Wilson did not get here to de-| liver his message to us on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter will enter- tain the Women's Association at their home next 'Tuesday: afternoon, Feb. 10th. An evening program is being prepared. Come and enjoy this even- ing. Glad to hear Miss Ackney is better and able to be back to her school duties again. Mr. W. Milner of Toronto is visit- ing relatives for a few days. ~~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ] IF Ww. Brock & Tow Chain RED & WHITE Stores {6c. for Standard Leaf Specia s for' THURSDAY, FRIDAY, § SATURDA FREE-- 1 cake of Palmolive Soap with3 colic; 24c. MUFFETS. . Bails vans waves ss snes 2 pligs. for 23e. FALCON COFFEE Wilt alae ll RL BEST QUALITY COCOA ............cvivnenenn... 1b 10c, OVALTINE ...... ci ou. us vis .Small 50c. Medium 75c. I Cloverleaf Salmon =i All 3 for 79c. CANNED FIGS, Skinless and seedless «+... tin 15e. PEAS, Falcon Standard Quality, No. 4 ..............3 for 25c. RED & WHITE SOUPS, any flavor .................2 for 2lc. BEAVER BLUEBERRIES, for pies ..:.:. .....per tin 18¢. Chipso or Oxydol, large pkgs. each 23c. AYLMER CRUSHED PINEAPPLES, (2's) ...........tin 24e. AYLMER LOMBARD PLUMS, 2's in heavy syrup ......... 16¢. HALLOWI DATES, fresh stock ........... ve...2 Ibs for 21c. QUAKER CRACKERS, .......... ia a . .per pkg. 1l4e. Pancake Flour, Aunt Jemima 15¢. QUAKER OATS, family size ... vasa Be, GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar ......29¢. ROLLED OATS, fresh milled ...................6 Ibs for 23c. STAR AMMONIA Saas Ceara Seis ris ces 3 for 156, J » Crown Corn Syrup (5's) per tin ~~ 34c. CALAY SOAP .........-.. Cievsnr dives verae.s.3 for 28¢. IVORY SOAP FLAKES | "ead vieesoas..per pkg. 10c. RED & WHITE SODA WAFERS . vereeens..2 pkgs. for 25c. CROWN TEA, exceptional value ...... versa anaes per ib 396. 25c¢. Jam, red Plum, 40 oz. jar F. W. Brock & Sen Port Perry LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Office--McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 : Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once Have you seen the beautiful dishes we are giving away absolutely FREE. If not, call and see them. Everybody may participate, and you can have your share You will always find a full line of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, etc., -in our Store. Try a bag of our REINDEER FLOUR. It makes beautiful bread. JozF. McCLINT OCK PORT PERRY, ONT. [|] 3 0! 1... * 9 3 ¢ s Sybilla Spahr's Remedy 'This 'Preparation has proved its worth in the treatment : of 'various throat diseases. ' 1t'is a twenty-six year's tested and- proven remedy of uick action. Powerful, yet harmless, even for the aged or or small children. pa it to the test. i aa .. Price $1.50 per bottle. Special This Week i 50¢ bottle of 1 REE with every we: Tie of Mita oh AM. LAWRENCE, Ph. B. * i : 4 Th: Recall Benga... "2 Phone 49 . icin ont. It is'sold on'a money-back guarantee. 'Give it a trial and' Blosth Wash, shoes. HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Dominion Store ANNOUNCEMENT To raise money, about $5,000 of winter goods (men's, ladies' and children's underwear, and many other lines) will be cleared out at less than cost. Come into our store and see the many bargains for yourself. ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor SATURDAY SPECIALS Gluten Meal & Shorts FLOUR aturdays you our Choice Pastry Flour at on a 24s, and Jou cay our at $3.25 per 100 lbs., at any of the following places: : Superior Store, Port. Perry Willard & Co, Port Perry F. W, Brock & Son, Port Perry The Raglan Mill 3 Br MeClintor; Post Jum C. W. Lakey, Utica : 1-3 Wilden, Pure Petry Peter Raymer, Prince Albert