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Port Perry Star, 12 Feb 1931, p. 5

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PERSONAL | Mr. C. V. Gilbert, of Port Perry, spent the week end at the home of ~ his mother, at Burlington, Ont. Mrs. P. G. Morrison will not re- ceive in February. Miss Norma Orchard of Newcastle, spent the week end with her parents. Miss Irva Nott, of Toronto, was home over Sunday. Miss Jean Cawker, Toronto, was home for the week end. Mrs. Brain, of Oshawa, was visit- ing her sister, Mrs. C. L. Vickery, over the week end. Mrs. C. L. Vickery has returned home after spending a month in Osh- awa. Mr. Dawson Kauffman is spending his holidays here with his parents. Congratulations to Mr. Jas. Moore, » who celebrated his 89th birthday on Monday. se GP ---- Conviction Appealed. Bail Allowed. Chief Justice Sir William Mulock, ordered bail of $10,000 for Oswald Love, at present in jail at Whitby, where he was convicted on January 20th, of theft of three head of cattle. Love is appealing his conviction. GREENBANK A tea and play will be given in the Greenbank United Church by the Ladies' Aid, on Friday, February 20. The play is entitled "Wild Ginger." Admission, 35c. and 15e. Een (@-- Ladies are invited to a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Lucas, on Wednesday, February 18th, from 3.30 to 6 p.m. under the auspices of the W. A. of the United Church. Ad- mission 25c. {> TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It has been reported that, and come to my notice, that 1 have said that E. H. Purdy, Treasurer of Port Perry, has been taking monies from the Hydro Department of this Corpora- tion. This is not correct and I deny saying anything of that nature. MADISON WILLIAMS PP CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Weeknight service Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th, services at 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. md Li OCAL YOUNG PEOPLE'S 8O- CIETIES UNITE IN PLEASANT SOCIAL GATHERING The young people of this com- munity enjoyed a very pleasant even- ing last Wednesday as guests of the Y. P. S. of the United Church, at a skating" party .in the Port Perry Arena. At the close of this pastime, about one hundred assembled in the basement of the church for refresh- ments. Mr. Harley Balfour, on be- half of the Anglican Y. P. A. and Miss Dorothea Nasmith, on behalf of the Presbyterian Guild, thanked the young people for their hospitality and the enjoyable evening. The meet- ing was concluded with the National Anthem. gh EXECUTORS SALE The Executor of John Harrison Estate invites tenders for the pur- chase of the Estate's house and lot on the East side of Crandell street, Port Perry. Tenders will be closed Feb'y 15th, 1931. Possession will be given at once. For terms, see Harris & Harris, solicitors, Port Perry, Ont. Feb. 12 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. 2 reel Ep PRESENTED WITH I O. D. E. PRIZES Mrs. W. H. Harris and Mrs. A. H. Rose, representatives of the I.0O.D.E., presented to the pupils who obtained the highest marks in eah class during "last year, the I. O. D. E, prizes. Sr. IV--Virginia Nasmith. Jr. IV--Maxine Beare. Sr. III--Vivien Wallace Jr. III--Jessie Middleton ~ I--Ellen Ploughman " 1I--Ruth Carnegie. Primer -- Grant McDermott and une Sonley, ted. in Port Perry at Bec. per or 25 pints for $1.00. Phone ANNUAL REPORT OF SCUGOG CHAPTER, I. O. D. E. The Scugog Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, have just completed one of the most suc- cessful years since their organization. They have now 53 members and the total amount of money raised during the year was $698.33. $100.00 was donated to the Local War Memorial Fund; $38.70 was spent with their Educational work, which consisted of the High School Scholar- ship, Prizes for each room in the Public School, and two pictures which were framed and presented to the Public School. A certain sum of money is being set aside annually as a Sinking Fund to make the H. S. Scholarship a permanent one. The amount of $102.78 was spent in connection with Child Welfare Work. Assistance was given in milk, bread, fuel, clothing and money, wherever needed. A shower was held for the Christ- mas baskets and nine families were remembered at Christmas time. A Girl Guide Troop was organized with an average attendance of sixteen girls. " The following are the officers for 1931: Hon. Regent--Mrs. Burnham. Hon. Vice Regent--Mrs. Purdy. Regent--Mrs. W. H. Harris. 1st Vice Regent--Mrs. J. W. Crozier. 2nd Vice Regent--Mrs G. Woods Rec. Secretary--Mrs. F. W. Brock. Cor. Secretary--Mrs. Pyatt. Treasurer--Mrs Gordon McKee Educ. Secretary--Mrs. A. H. Rose Echoes Sec.--Mrs. C. Beare. Standard Bearer--Mrs Figary Councillors--Mrs. Annand, Mrs. W. A. Christy, Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. R. Peel, and Mrs. H. Stone. ----{@p---- SCHOOL NOTES Our [Little band of Basketball players are to be congratulated upon going so bravely forth to meet the Lindsay giants. In such a spirit the spartans Thermoplae, and the heroes of the Long Sault gallantly fought their overpowering foes. We expect to have a Literary meeting on February 20th. Look for definite news concerning this, next week. : at of college life and a scream from start to finish. It has a number of very pretty specialties as well as a three act play. There is a baby pageant, two feature groups of prominent business men, one as a glee club and the other a merry flappers' chorus. Further particulars will appear in this paper in a week or so, and start now making arrangements to give yourself a real laugh. FOR SALE Three registered Shorthorn Bulls. Apply to Ben. Jones, R.R.1 Port Perry Phone 190 r 1-2. Because you kiow what you have to sell does not prove your customer knows COUNTY MEETING The annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge for Ontario South, was convened in the Orange Hall, Port Perry, on Saturday, February "gh. W. Bro. Andrews, County Master, }, sided. Every lodge in the County wi represented. The reports of the varipus committees showed that the association was prosperous in every particular. A generous donation was made to the True Blue and Orange flome at Richmond Hill. A delega- tion from the County Orange Lodge of Vest Peterboro was present and were received with Grand Lodge honors. It was resolved to celebrate the 12th of July at Cobourg. Election of Officers At the request of the County Master, Robert Reid, took the chair and conducted the election and in- stallation of officers which resulted as follows: ' Co. Master--R. J. Andrews, Sr. D. Co. Master--H. Thompson Chaplain--H. J. Johnson. Dep. Chaplains--Revs. Denny, Lang- ford and Crissall. Rec. Sec'y--G. J. Morrish. Fin. Sec'y---John "Moore. Treasurer--J. Moore Ist Lecturer--T. Semple 2nd Lecturer--B. Whitsett. Marshall---B. McKercher J. P. Co. Master--Geo. Gillespia The Co. Orange Lodge adjourned to meet at Whitby on the first Saturday in May, at 8 p.m, ed ONE-TIME MILLER CALLED BY DEATH Albert John Vansickler for 60 years identified with business interests of Tuscola county a greater part of that time in Caro, died at his home over his store on South State street, on His death was an attack of heart dis- and came suddenly. He had been in his usual health the day be- Tuesday at 1.20 a.m. caused from ease, .- it fore, caring for his feed store and CANADIAN LEGION TO STAGE | ysiness. "THE COLLEGE FLAPPER" "AL" Vansickler, as he was known The Canadian Legion of Port Perry, to hundréds of friends in the county, announce the presentation of the was born at Port Perry, Canada, great comedy "The College Flapper" May 24th, 1854, the son of Adam and at the Town Hall, oh February 25th Nancy Vansickler. His mother died and 26th. This is something entirely while he was an infant, and his father new in the way of community enter- passed away about 25 years ago at taininont, Bay City. Mr. Vansickler lived in "The College Flapper" is a story Canada until he was 17 years of age, when he went to Gagetown and there learned the trade of a miller in the Gage Mills. Since 1871 he had lived in the county of Tuscola, Mich. Mr. Vansickler was the youngest of a family of 11 children, of whom three survive, They are Robert VanSickle, and Mrs. Mary Ann Gerrow, of Port Perry, and Mrs. A. C. Rogers, Sagi- naw, Mich. Sm oom NEWS WANTED Personal and locak news items are solicited. We are always pleased to publish what is of interest and value to our readers. ing of the Port Perry Branch --dreaming . The Children of the Farm . . think- Let a . planning . future, perhaps. Savings Account shape their course. Let them look forward to what money in the bank will do. It will buy land-- stock--implements. ) Open an account for your boy and help him cultivate the habit of saving. You will like banking at the Royal The Royal Bank of Canada B. D. Henry, Manager PRINCE ALBERT end. Con RI Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery were in Whitby on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Lyle, of To- Fonte, were guests of Mr. and Mus. 'E. Lyle, last week. i , We are.sorry to report the illness of Mr. W. Martyn. Miss Lila Martyn, of Prospect, with : Miss Gertrude Martyn, over the week Mrs. Wanamaker, of Oshawa, spent the week end with her sons and their {omilies. on sleighing party wos held on Tues- da evening of this week. Messrs. Martyn, Murphy and Shunk, supplied. the teams. After the ride a hot sup- per was served in the church by the ladies of the Association. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunter have moved into the beautiful home of the late Thos. Smith. The meeting of the Women's Asso- ciation held at the home of Mrs. Murphy, was well attended, some fourteen ladies being present. Mrs. Luke took charge of the meeting. The ladies have decided to take over the expenses of the carefaking and the electric lighting. A button sewing contest was held, A light lunch was 'served. and a very Social afternoon enjoyed. eet Are et Ep Pree GREIG-KITCHEN Peterboro, Jan. 29--A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lough, 406 Mark St., when Miss Vera Kitchen, youngest daughter of Mr. John Kitchen, of Horning's Mills, was married to Mr. Gerald Greig, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Greig of Mount Pleasant. Rev. Lewis McLean, of Knox Church, Toronto, a cousin of the groom, officiated and Mr. Malcolm Latimer, played the wedding music, et eet QR Pr FOR SALE House and 4 acres of land. Apple trees, small fruit and strawberries. Land plowed. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Sintzel, R.R.3, Port Perry, Phone 102 r 3-2. . GREENBANK Mr. Blake Cragg and Mr. T. Cragg, visited in Toronto and Bolton last week, The Tuxis Hockey Team made its third victory on Eriday night, when they = defeated® Utica in Uxbridge Arena, 4-1, Ir. Bushby visited in Toronto a few inys last week. Miss Kathleen Phoenix, of Black- stock, at home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Burke, of Port Perry, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawler, on Monday. a The Young People's skating party in Port Wednesday night last. fry ai Miss C. Forsythe in Toronto a few days last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stone, Mr. and EM; Ich Stone, and Miss Forsythe, attended he wedding of Miss Edna Wallace, Sh ni SEAGKRAVE The Quadrata Girls' Club held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, February 4th, at the par- The president was in the chair. The meeting opened with de- votional exercises, followed by busi- ness and a short program. At the close a dainty lunch was served by the hostess Mrs. Green. The social evening on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson was a great success. Various g and grave, Rev, Mr. The bride looked charming in her dress of almond green flat crepe, navy blue coat, and black hat. She was ac- companied by Miss Emma Wray, while the groom was assisted by Mr. Ivan Hadwin. ° After the ceremony, the wedding diner was served at the home of. the bride's parents, after which the happy couple left for a short honeymoon to Hespeler and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Clements will reside in Seagrave. A. J. Wells A very fitting tribute was paid On Monday last to the life of the late A. J. Wells, who departed this life for the realm of the great beyond, on Friday, January 30th, at the home of Mr, Ted Broad, of Toronto. A profusion of floral tributes rep- contests were played, in which all took part, even the children were de- lighted and enjoyed the games. Re- freshments were served in abundance. A large crowd attended the dance and oyster supper on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drueaft. All report a pleasant time. ~ A number attended the oyster sup- per and concert at Sonya on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, J. Harding were in Toronto last week on business. Miss Gladys Sharp, who has spent the past couple of months with re- latives, left last week for Toronto, } where she will reside. Mr. and Mrs, A. Short, Mr. and Mrs, B. Dowson, and Mr. H. Short, were recent visitors to Toronto. The changeable weather has caused many to be confined to their homes with bad colds. Miss Alma Frise, of Gamebridge, spent the week end with her parents. The Quarterly Board of the United Church was held on Monday evening in the United Church with a fair at- tendance. The annual business was discussed and transacted for 1931. -The skating party held under the auspices of the League on Tuesday evening last, was rather a disappoint- ment owing to the weather. After a short time spent on the ice, they journeyed to the S. S. room where a meeting was held. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. On Tuesday evening the Young People's League accepted an invita- tion to visit the League at Greenbank, where a very enjoyable time was spent in games, contests, etc.' Two sleighs conveyed the party, a few others travelling by car and cutter. Clements-Hadwin A quiet wedding was solemnized at Little Britain on Tuesday, January 20th, when- Annie Maud Hadwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hadwin, of Little Britain, was mar- ried to Elwood Clements, son of Mr, a (of the late Moses Wells and Mrs. r ted the est of his friends, who were legion. He lived a life of a high noble character, which endear- ed him to all whom he came in con- tact with, old and young, rich and poor alike. Born at Myrtle, Ontario, on November 21st, 1864, second son Wells, where he lived until the age of 12 years, moving with his parents to Seagrave. He married Roxella Broad who pre-deceased him four years ago. Taking up business at Bracebridge, later moving to Coldwater, where he resided up until eight years ago, when he and his wife took up residence in California, returning to Toronto fol- lowing the death of his wife. Rev. Mr. Burless, of Toronto, had charge of the service, held at the home of his sister Mrs. R. Moase, and emphasized the example set by the life of the de- | ceased, as a story continued far down through the ages, having made the world better for his short stay with us. He leaves to mourn his loss, his only son, Fred, of New York, three sisters, Mrs. C. W. Moon, Seagrave; Mrs. Belton Love, of Lumsden, Sask., Mrs. R. Moase, Toronto, and one brother, John, of Regina Beach, Sask., and his aged mother, who has reached the age of 91 years, and who resides with her daughter Mrs. C. W. Moon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 15th, 1931-- 11 a.m.--Series on Portraits of Jesus in the New Testament. 3. Luke's Portrait. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--The Unpardonable Sin. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. A CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, of Utica, wish to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbors, for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. We Sell and Hard Coal. fuel. _ have been using, buymanship ALBERTA COAL, sizes on hand. TILE, LIME. Call at office and get a copy of "Book of Better Heating." that better Pennsylvania A safe, de- if pendable and economical If you are not sat- isfied with the fuel you good says--order a ton of FAMOUS READING COAL to-day. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, STEAM COAL, CANNEL COAL--A full supply of all WOOD, CEMENT, Recommend ABLACK BUSINESS HANDLED WHITE 2000LBs-I TON DISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON COAL PORT PERRY COAL YARD W.GW PVATT THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD TRUCK DELIVERY Phones: Office 94; Residence 233 reasonable price. Optical Specials - While they last, we have a few pairs of regular $6.00 glasses to clear at $1.75. We can supply you with glasses as well as anywhere, and at a more ~ Our Watch ard Jewellery Department i is at your service. I. -JEWELLER 'R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Take Notice REGARDING READING NOTICES. On and after Thursday, January 1, 1931, a charge of 4c. per line will be made on all reading notices by so- cieties, churches, or community or- ganizations. No flat rates for the month or year will be given. Church notices for regular Sunday services will be charged at 2%c. per line. Reading notices do not include re- COMING DR. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, able eye- sight specialist, may be con- sulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's drugstore, Port Perry, Thursday," February 19th, 1931. J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0090 IN PORT PERRY " Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 am. Phone 258 SEE BOYNTON PORT PERRY, for "REAL -ESTATE Farms, Town, and Other Properties. Patronize Your Hillside Dairy MILK & CREAM We specialize in first class service, and our products are handled in an up-to-date way. Milk--22 pint tickets for $1.00. Not as cheap as some, but sometimes cheap milk is dear at any price. GLEN OWEN, Phone 238 et will procure, EN Jor you aan A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B,, Port Perry. a lf ibr DIED At Utica, on Wednesday, February 4th, 1931, Lois Evaline Harper, In- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ports of events that have taken place. Harper, aged 6 months, 28 days. Willard's Store News being placed upon economical "CHOICE GROCERIES, & Right now, in spite of so called depression, we live in al land of milk and honey, to use the old-time expression, con- sidering the declining prices of foods, the cost of living is basis, and we prove it here: RIPE TOMATOES, ....... _PILCHARDS, ......... WHEAT FLAKES, cooks in 3 minutes, 3 ibs for 25c. POSTUM CEREAL ....................1 1b pkg. 30c. ..per 1b 25c. ..per tin 18¢c. POT BARLEY ............"............3 Ibs for 25c. SPLITPEAS ......iiinsansasiatsonssn. 3 108 for 25¢. BEANS tron hon ripen. +++ -5The for 25e. COFFEE Mountain Blend, fresh ground while you wait, fing or coarse, Per 1b 60c. . FRESH FISH BODLEY'S FANCY White High aerrerul ise. BISCUITS Sea Herring .........Tb 10c, | General assortment, always SMOKED FISH 7 and Le Digbys Fresh and in Demand. Pin Sandwich, and Milk te Delicious Per Ib 25c. ; WILLARD & CO., PHONE a8 r 2 Port Perry Local Dairy-- USE oo REY TI

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