PERSONAL "Ri. Samson Yelland has returned Lo so4n, after spending some weeks Wit his sister at Exeter. COLUNG--See F. BE. Luke, Toronto's Coble eyesight specialist, Thursday, ~ Febuary 19th, at Lawrence's drug _ _suore. dr. A. D. Peters went winter holi- daying last week, calling on his daughters Mrs. Elwood Carruthers, Glen Major, and Mrs. Geo. Beverley, Claremont, ending at Markham to see the Oshawa-Markham hockey match. Markham won 5-4. The W. C. T. U. meeting for the month will be held at the home of Mis. A. B. Forman, on Wednesday, February 25th, at 3 p.m. The ladies also purpose having a gale of home-made cooking at the Library on Friday afternoon, the 27th. Mrs. E. B. Walker, and son Tommy, of Dresden; are the guests of Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Miss Isabel Cawker, of Peterboro Normal, spent the week end at her home here Miss Jean Cawker, of Toronto, visited with her parents, over the week end. Mr. "Sandy" Fairweather, of Nor- wood, was in, town on Sunday, visit- if ing with his friends. 3 Miss Myrtle Ploughman, To- ronto, is visiting at her home here. of Mr. George Palmer, of Orillia, was home for a few days last week. The service in connection with the World's Day of Prayer, will be held in St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Friday, February 20th, at 3 p.m. A full attendance of the ladies of the town is requested. An offering will be taken. HEINTZ DEMONSTRATION at Superior Store, on Saturday, Feb. 21st. Call at our store and see this well known food demonstrated. At a recent test taken of milk sold in Port Perry, "Hillside Dairy" milk came first in cleanliness, high testing and low bacteria count, combined. Do not take chances on poor milk. Use the best. GLEN OWEN, Phone 238 ST PATRICK'S SUPPER St. John's Presbyterian Church will hold their St. Patrick's Supper and concert on Tuesday evening, March | 17th. Keep the date open. WARRINER LODGE Warriner Lodge No. 75," L.O.O.F., "art Perry, held one of the largest and best attended meetings that has been held in the district for some time, on February 11th, in the H, 8S. Assembly Hall, at which about 176 attended and witnessed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degrees conferred on five rembers of Warriner Lodge and three from "Little Britain. The degrees were conferred by Cor- inthian Lodge, of Oshawa; Eastern Star Lodge, Whitby and Phoenix Lodge, of Oshawa. Each degree was conferred in a most creditable and able manner and were very impressive to the candi- dates. There were present Bro. G. Bunker, of Oshawa, Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, also «ix present and past District Deputies as well as members from Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, Brooklin, Ux- bridge, Beaverton and Little Britain. Following the degree work lunch was served and a number of speeches were made by brethren. The brethren all left feeling that they had spent a very interesting and profitable even- ing and assured us of their attend- ance at our Ladies' Night to be held in the near future. te I NOTICE TO CREDITORS In he Estate of Nelson James Gilroy, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustees Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the above-named Nelson James Gilroy, deceased, who died on or about the Ninth day of October A.D. 1930,.are required to send forthwith to the undersigned, solicitors for the Victoria Trust and Saving Company, Admini- atrators of the estate of the said Nelson James Gilroy, their names, addresses and descriptions and full particulars in writing verified upon oath, of their claims and of the se- curity (if any) held by them. And Take Notice that after the Twenty-first dav of March A.D. 1931, the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which it shall then 'have notice, and will nbt be liable to any person of whose claims notice has not then been received. Dated at Lindeay this Twelfth day of February A.D. 1931. FROST & FROST, Temple Building, Lindsay, Ont., Solicitors for Administrator. March 12, A DANCE A dance will be held in the Town Hall Scugog, on February 27th. Ladies help provide. by its dependability, and e Oldsmobile has contributed noted below manifest even unusual value which assure e Drive Oldsmobile! Owner Service policy, and Motors' own easier payment For over thirty years Oldsmobile has inspired confidence Oldsmobile, Syncro-Mesh Transmission and the features The New OLDSMOBILE is the LOWEST PRICED CAR with SYNCRO-MESH TRAN S MI I S S 10 N Each successive In the new xtra value, to this policy. greater trust- worthiness, and nduring satisfaction. Ask about the General Motors about G M A C, General plan. Naw SILENT SYNCR MESH FERNS MISSION mits smooth, silent JH from job to second to high ...and proper DOWN-DRAFT CARBURETOR WITH NON-FLOOD CHOKE gives increased power, higher 8 speed, faster acceleration, and a back to second. greater smoothness. AUTOMATIC MANSLOLD INSULATED FISHER BODIES are warmer in winter, cooler Warm: up Sugin geicksy. und in summer, and exceptionally atall htt quiet. NEW EASY STARTING NEW QUIET SECOND GEAR * -- starter when engaged, auto- assures smooth, swift accelers- matically opens throttie to tion 8 high gear per- starting position. formance in quietness. SCHOOL NEWS A feeling of deep sorrow swept over the whole school, when we learned that Dorothy Miller, our dear com- rade, was with us no more. She was in her third year in High School and was highly esteemed by both teachers and pupils. The school, as a body, extend its heart-felt sympathy to her family. A Literary meeting will be held on Friday, February 27th from 3 to 4 pm. -An enjoyable program is pro- mised. We are always pleased to see visitors and we appreciate their inter-\ est in our school. BR I - P T HEINTZ DEMONSTRATION at Superior Store, on Saturday, Feb. 21st. Call at our store and see this well known food demonstrated. ret nn 4 pp ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PORT PERRY PUBLIC LIBRARY The Port Perry Public Library has completed another very successful year. There were 78 new names registered for membership during the year, making the total number of borrowers 930. The total circulation was 10,150, of which 8945 were adult and 12056 juvenile. The number of books in the library is 7626. The annual meeting, the second week of February saw the withdrawal from the Board of Dr. J. B. Lundy. Dr. Lundy has been a member of the board for some years, and treasurer for the past fourteen. Mr. Robert Levia is the new ap- pointee by the town council. The following officers were elected: Chairman--Mr. T. W. 'McLean Treasurer--Mrs. A. H. Rose Secretary--Mrs. Merlin Letcher. Book Committee--Mr. McLean, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Nasmith, Mr. Levia. Magazine Committee--Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Letcher. Mr. McLean has ben a member of the board for the past sixteen years, eleven of which he worked as secre- tary, and the past five as chairman. {@h---- Used Piano for Sale For quick sale--$85.00--a good in- strument at a cheap priie. Is a late upright model. Apply at Star Office. ERIE A a ISIS, FOR RENT : 200 acres 70 acres under cultivation, balancé wood and pasture. Good buildings, abundance of water, fall plowing completed. Apply to Mrs. Julianna Dewey, R.R.2 Seagrave, Ont. DL BE PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, February 22nd. 11 a.m.--Series on Portrait Jesus. 4. According to Acts. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School 7 p.m.--The Prodigal's Departure. Special music furnished by the orchestra. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Worship Service. 2 of MEMORY OF ROBERT TOWN In ever loving memory of our dear husband and father, who passed to rest on February 17th, 1928. "Tis now three years ago to-day} How swift time flies. Love's sweetest memory never dies: I miss his help, his cheery ways; With him I spent my happy days, I miss him when in need of a friend. On him, I could always depend; One of the best whom God could lend, A loving husband and faithful friend. I miss him and mourn in silence un- seen, And dwell in the memory of days that have been, God grant some day we'll meet again, In Heaven above. Sadly mised by a loving wife and son Clarence. BORN On February 12th, 1931, to Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Gibson, Port Perry, a daughter, (Ruby Marie.) ~ Both doing well. DIED MILLER -- Suddenly near Port Perry, on Monday, February 16, 1931, Dorothy Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller, aged 17 years. WALKER--In Reach Township, on Sunday, February 15th, 1931, Robert W. Walker, in his 80th year. McCLINTOCK--At Lindsay, on February 17th, 1931, William. G. Mec- Clintock. Interment will be made at Prince Albert, on Thursday, February 19. Cortege leaves his late residence at Lindsay at 1 p.m. on Thursday. DEVITT--In Cartwright Township, on Tuesday, February 17th, 1931, Andrew E. Devitt, beloved husband of Mabel Dickinson, in his 68th year. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH Rev. BE. E Annand, B. A, Minister 11 a.m.~--Morning Service, : - 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m, .|Want fo Laugh? COLLEGE| SPONSORED BY Canadian Legion, "OST No. 91, Port Perry Rat Tad DIRECTED BY Universal Producing Company | Jerry (Star Football Player) ..Leighton MacGregor George (Jerry's Friend) ............ torey Beare Nellie (Freshman Girl) ........ Mrs. Alex. Woods. Jean (Jerry's girl) ~i...... -Dofothea Nasmith Mary (Sorority President) ..Annie Farmer drick (Red Headed Fre .shman) wien sas Hugh Nind Bill (Brick's Buddy) ........ 0h. Monk (Football Trainer) Grant Robertson The Football Coach Mr. Watts Butter & Egg Man (Wealthy Alumnus E. L. McLean Prof. Gaddis (Eccentric Bachelor) ....Robt. Levia Dean Howard (In love with Prof. Gaddis) rs. I. R. Bentley Dr. Seamore (Pres. of College) A. M. Lawrence Mrs. Seamore (his wife) Miss Ida Downer Glee Club President and Cheer Leader Thomas Harris COLLEGE FLAPPERS King of the Flappers Cecil V. Purdy. Albert Cawker Vamp of Port Perry .. ..A. D. Peters Tillie the Toiler .William Oke Innocent Freshman .........c.. 00... Alec. Woods Athletic Girl... ci. oii Dr. J. B. Lundy Matilda Jane, Spinster School Teacher. .S. Farmer Powerful Katrinka ............osses B. Gooderham CHEgles J 0 Gani sey sea aaheiia George Hull Girl with Million $ Ankles ...... Chas. Bowerman Flower Girl ....cviivsvniinns Rev. R. T. Richards Clara BOW inc siravvsssnsnsntsveasis J. Weir Baby Page o.. coi iii. William Graham Beauty Winner. ,...:....'viivavunss John Hayden Miss Ontario... vie vives sons E. H. Purdy Teacher's Pet Miss Rosebud .... Corn Fed Co-ed Clinging Vine .. Campus PHrb: (tv, Javed dine Gloria Swanson ..Henry Ouderkirk Gold Digger . convo vivid The Twins. ..:.... M. Mooney and Alfred Wilkinson Bride of 1938 George Davey Jigg's Maggie Winnett Nesbitt COLLEGE GLEE CLUB ... Albert Allin .. Victor Stouffer Dr. W. A. Sangster Archie Farmer Glen Wanamaker Tom Harris Ralph Milner Eric Nasmith Jack Finlay John Farmer Roger Fred Bown SLLIRY 9omunj SSI Jopeay onewrei(] [erads oe £5 EZ g. ® 5 Ey a0 ge 88 oo 25 b>] ne g2 © = Town Hall, Port Perry, Reserved Sale at Bentley's Jewellery Store, Monday, Feb. 23, at 9 a.m. f. Show Starts at 8.16 each evening. LAPPER ONE HUNDRED Local People DON'T MISS IT | SCREAMS of LAUGHTER ha" "ad ® For a Good Cause Mae Williamson Alan Dowson Hughes Williamson Jack Cooney Bob Pickard Alan Crosier Bob Cawker Nora McMillan John Orde Bill Cawker Marion Eagleson Leo Burton Jean Harrison Grant Hunter Norma Hooey Earl Martyn Helen Crosier Elmer Lee Harriett Platten Wendall 'Statton Elizabeth Symes Bob Ewers Vera Wells Ruth Clements . Bob Carnegie Alan Smith Reid McFarlane Elizabeth Meneely Isabel Young Robena McCrae Iva Milner Marjorie Platten Marjorie Mitchell Albert Cawker Gerald McCrae Bessie Dunn Olga Lakey Mildred Prentice Iva Reynolds Lillian Kight Audrey Hood Grace Moase Hazel Jeffrey Everet Hook GIRLS' CHORUS Marjorie Pyatt Doris Suddard Kathleen Carnegie Virginia Nasmith Sylvia Nind Harriet Downer Audrey Balfour Sarah Naple Dora Reesor Jean McDermott Alma Reesor Patricia Jackson Maxine Beare Helen Anderson Florrie Figary Thora Kauffman Reta Willard Alice Hayden Doris Murray Dorothea O'Neill Georgeen Hood Mary Smallman Margaret Jones Noreen Cawker Evelyn Robertson Marjorie Real Esther Turner Enid Wallace Marion Tinsley Dorothy Balfour SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS Out in the New Mown Hay Girls' Chorus ® wo = fe} » = w > -] wd od > Q = 5 2 = Breezing Along ...........i. 500 Girls' Chorus 1 Love You So Much ..i........: Nellie and Brick Me and the Man in the Moon ........ Girls' Chorus Who's That Pretty Baby .......... Girls' Chorus Say It-Again.....«i...ovvvivviivivive Ensemble Pianiste ..:. ov ads iiian Helen Willard Wednesdy Thursday Feb. 25-26 Admission--50¢. Children 28c¢. that better Peansylvania Hard Coal. A safe, de- , pendable and economical lj fuel. If you are not sat- isfied with. the fuel you have been using, good buymanship says--order a ton of FAMOUS READING COAL to-day. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE, ALBERTA COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL COAL--A full supply of all sizes on hand. TILE, LIME. Call at office and get.a copy of "Book of Better Heating." TRUCK DELIVERY We Sell and Recommend ABLACK BUSINESS 2000LBs-/ TON WOOD, CEMENT, OISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON COAL PORT PERRY COAL YARD W.G.W.PVATT THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD Phones: Office 94; Residence 238 Tenders Wanted For construction of a one class- room school with basement, for School Section, No. 9, Reach Town- ship. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 p.m., ont Saturday, March 14th, 1931. Plans and specifications may be seen at Secretary's home, lot 16, con. 6, Reach Township. ALONZO WILLIAMS, Secretary. _-- gr gms COMING DR. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist, | 167 Yonge St., Toronto, able eye- sight specialist,. may be eon- sulted about your eyes for glasses at Lawrence's drugstore, . Port Perry, Thursday, February 19th, 1931. L J. A. HETHERINGTON | Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist : 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10, to 12 a.m. Phone 258 BOYNTON PORT PERRY, for REAL ESTATE Farms, Town, and Other Properties. a Patronize Your Local Dairy-- USE Hillside Dairy MILK & CREAM We specialize in first class service, and our products are handled in an up-to-date way. Milk--22 pint tickets for $1.00. Not as cheap as some, but sometimes cheap milk is dear at any price. GLEN OWEN, Phone 238 FOR SALE Quantity of No. 1 Hay. Apply to Chris. Nichols, Phone 189 r 3. FOR SALE BY TENDER The Executors of Nancy Miller Estate, invite tenders for the pur- x chase of the Osborne farm at Pleasant Point, Township of Mariposa, part of Lots 8 and 9, Concession A, 166 acres of first class land, with 2 large barns, pig pen, henhouse, drive shed, and 9-roomed frame house. Tenders will be closed April 1, 1931 Possession will be given March 1st, '1931 For terms, see Harris & Harris, Solicitors, Port Perry, Ont. mar26 4 - FARM FOR RENT 125 acres splendid loam at Oshawa Harbor, good buildings, fall ploughing done, new seeds. Possession April 1, 1931. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. WANTED Wanted to exchange two brick houses for farm and stock. Apply to Mike Fetchichshen, 291 St. Julien St., Oshawa. mar 12 ti FOR SALE Two cows, one due 1st of March, one due 1st of April, or two heifers, due in April. Apply to Gordon Cor- Phone 198 r. 8, Port Perry, R.R:1. mack, R.R.4, Port Perry. Willard's Store News Ieedonabie price. Sam Optical Specials While they last, we have a few pairs of regular $6.00 glasses to clear at $1.75. We can supply you with glasses as well as anywhere, and at a more Our Watch p 4nd Jewellery "Department is at your service. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST Right now, in spite of so CHOICE GROCERIES land of milk and honey, to use the old-time expression, con- sidering the declining prices of foods, the cost of living is being placed upon economical basis, called depression, we live in al and we prove it here: WHEAT FLAKES, cooks in 3 Minyies, 3 bs for 25c. RIPE TOMATOES, ch ..per 1b 25¢, PILCHARDS, ............... "taney ..per tin 18e¢. POSTUM CEREAL ..... Veale "1 1h phy. 30. POTBARIEY ................... ..3 Ibs for 25c. SPIAXPEAS conceriisininririesens Bie for Se BEANS, .................c0.00 0... ..5 198 for 25e. LEAF LETTUCE, fresh every day, bc. a bunch : : . COFFEE 4H . Mountain Blend, fresh ground while you wait, fine or coarse, ; Per 1b 60c. : FRESH FISH BODLEY'S FANCY White EN BISCUITS B.C. Feb 1 Sea erring... 1... Toe. ral my a, always ; Haddie, fh ii q d Pinca Pile Sandwich, find : Fillet ye, ay te Delici Digbys . Per Ib 25c. oe ? : WILLARD & CO.,, . Port Perry : PHONE 46 r 2