PERSONAL 'Mrs. S. R. Stephens, of Moose Jaw, was in town this week attending the ) 'funeral of her father, the late John C. Browne. A tea and sale of Home-made Cook- ing, under the auspices of the W. A. of the Church of the Ascension, will be held in the Parish Hall, on Satur- day, April 11th, from 4 to 6 p.m. We regret to learn of the continued serious illness of Mrs. (Rev.) W. P Brown. On Wednesday she went to Toronto to consult a specialist. Mr. Robt. Harper, of Edmonton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Willard for some days. Mr. Willard is still improving in health. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. C. Coulter, at Ottawa, on March 9th, 1931, a daughter, HOUSEWIVES--Why worry about your baking for the week-end of March 27th. The 1.O.D.E. ladies are serving tea and selling home-made cooking from three to six that after- noon. NOTE THE CHANGE The Progressive Euchre under the auspices of Port Perry Hockey Club will be held in Orange Hall, instead of Masonic Rooms, on March 20th. Admission 50 cents. "JIMMY" FRISE IS COMING A freat is in store for the people of Port Perry on the evening of March 31st, when Jimmy Frise comes to Port Perry, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. of the Presbyterian Church, to give one of his popular cartoon talks. Jimmy is a favorite in this locality, and there should be a crowd- ed house. The W. C. T. U. meeting will be held at the home of Miss Ethel Mec- Dermoft, on Wednesday, March 25th, at 3 p.m. DIED IN OSHAWA Mr. Arthur Taylor died in Oshawa on Monday evening, after a brief ill- ness. Mr. Taylor has been the weigh- master at the town scales and care- taker of the Presbyterian Church. He is survived by his widow, daughter and son. Interment was made at Oshawa, POWER FARMING CONFERENCE by Carnegie Motor Sales, Port Perry, at the Town Hall, on Friday, March 20th. '10.30 to 12 a.m. at Sales Room. 1.30 to 4.45 at Town Hall. Moving Pictures. World's Ww. C. T.U. Convention A Challenge to the Women of Canada. The World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its Con- vention in Toronto in June of this year, as guests of the Canadian W. C. T. U. This is the World's largest Woman's Organization, with branches in 51 countries. Distinguished guésts of world-wide reputation will attend .| from all the five continents and most of the countries, The President, Anna Adams Gordon of Evanston, Ill, U.S.A. whose dis- tinguished predecessors were Lady Henry Somerset and Frances E. Wil- lard, will preside over this interna- tional gathering. All the meetings will be held in the Royal York Hotel. To entertain the world-wide Con- vention is a great honor for Canada and a great responsibility for the Canadian W.C.T.U., whose acting President is Mrs. Louise C. McKinney, of Alberta. She was the first woman to sit in a Legislative Hall in the British Empire. She is ably support- ed by her excellent executive. On these women, and on every member of every W. C. T. U. in Canada, rests the responsibility of contributing $10,000 towards the expenses of the Convention--not a large sum when compared with the cost of the ma- jority of Conventions, nor a large sum for a great country like Canada. To meet this obligation, the Union has issued Bonds to the value of $10,000 in one denomination of one dollar each. The only dividends will be the realization of the development of Christian Temperance Work. These may be purchased by any one, man or woman, anxious to upghold the honour of Canada's name for hos- pitality. This is a great opportunity for the World's women to visit not only To- ronto but many Canadian cities and places of beauty and interest, and for these women to carry back to their , own countries a widened knowledge of this vast Canada. Across the Atlantic and the Pacific, ships coming to our ports late in May will bring to our shores these dis- tinguished delegates. From the United States of America, hundreds will arrive by rail. Let us unite to give them a right royal welcome. SARAH E. MABON, Dominion W, C. T. U. THE H MORE n « $3 Paros ENA Come in and bi Fender VE Behind 7 4 Jf able car under any drivin stretch, rough roads or to the slightest touch dependable car. The lo the wheel and drive it yourself. ARDER THE TEST...THE YOU'LL ADMIRE THE NEW OLDSMOBILE Test this depend- g condition . . . on smooth steep grade. Thrill to the way Oldsmobile responds with a surge of power The on the accelerator. tougher the pull the more you'll admire this nger you drive it, the more convinced you'll be that Oldsmobile, at its new, lower prices, is today's outstanding motor car investment. MESH TRANSMISSION | permits smooth, silent shilt from first to second to high . . . and back to second. AUTOMAT AAYfoLD warms up engine quickly and gives it improved performance at all speeds. NEW EASY START NG --starter when engaged, auto- matically opens throttle to OY LC NEW SILENT SYNCRO.- -DRAFT CARBURETOR orb NON-FLOOD CHOKE gives increased power, higher speed, faster acceleration and greater smoothness. INSULATED FISHER BODIES are warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and exceptionally quiet. NEW QUIET SECOND GEAR assures smooth, swift accelera- tion rivaling 'high gear per- proper Beare Bros., g position, in q La b A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE v 0 o Local Dealers "AFTER WE SELL, WE SERVE." Your Toes once gone, can never be replaced, Eyesight is the most precious of our senses. If you suspect any trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ret Ge PIANO EXAMINATIONS In the recent mid-winter examina- tions the following pupils of Miss Helen 'M. Mellow, A. T. C. M:; and A. O. C. M., were successful. Primary Grade--Virginia Nasmith. Elementary Grade--Richard Gale, Hon.; Jean Harding. Introductory Grade--Clifford Red- man, Irene Redman. Theory Senior Form--Floris Stone. Intermediate History--Nellie Allin. Intermediate Harmony--Edith Wells, Honours. : Intermediate Counterpoint -- Lois Lundy, Honours; Edith Wells.. Junior Harmony--Nellie Allin. Junior Counterpoint--Nellie Allin, Honours. All who tried were successful. et eet @ ee ee CARD OF THANKS The family of the late J. C. Browne wish to thank their many friends for kindness and sympathy shown, also the Masonic Lodge, the Presbyterian Church and Choir, for their services, during the recent bereavement. I SS DIED WILLIAMS--At Prince Albert, on Sunday, March 16th, 1931, Mary E. Shearer, widow of the late David L. Williams, in her 99th year. BROWNE--At Port Perry, Thurs- day, March 12, 1931, John C. Browne, in his 81st year. rere Eee AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. Belonging to the estate of the late C. Caleb. St., Port Perry, on Saturday, March 21st, at 1.30 p.m. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. et @ DANCE AT MYRTLE COMMUNITY HALL on Friday evening, March 27th. Music by Earl Wallace and his Sod Busters. Round and square dancing. Admission 5c couple. I "TAKE MY ADVICE" a three act play will be given in the Town Hall, under the auspices of the Port Perry United Church S. S. and Young People's Society, on March 25th. See bills for cast and par- ticulars. Em (= NOTICES TO USERS OF TOWN WATER Any person taking water from the corporation main shall pay the sum of $1.00 for one threshing tank full, making application to Chief Nesbitt, for same. Any person tampering with the water hydrants in Port Perry shall be liable to a fine of $25.00 for such interference. E. *H. PURDY, Clerk. et @ ee PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 22nd-- 11 a.m.--Moral Experimentation. (42.90! gm, Sabbath 7 p.m.--An evening and their writers. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship service. res eet @ Poe CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening service. Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Lenten Weeknight, service. rE ---- : ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ; Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A, Minister _ 11 a.m~--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Servies at 2.30 p.m. . {Bp A titled lady was once ees which was opened by a burly woman, who eyed her none too graciously. - "May I ask," said the lady sweetly, "to what party "your husband be- longs?" "Certainly." answered the woman, "I'm the party to whom 'e belongs, and well 'e knows it!" L. Vickery, at his late residence, | sok ymns for votes at parliamentary election | and stopped at a house, the door of "AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and implements, the property .of Mr. Walter Manns, at his premises, lot 23, con. 1, Reach Tp.,, on Friday, March 27. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills for par- ticulars. Geo. Jackson & So, Auctioneers. BE bh" FOR SALE Two Plymouth Rock Setting Hens, also one Billy Goat. Apply to W. Bown, Port Perry, phone 168. EL ea )"nnitnrtd TO RENT acres, suitable for market garden, 6} roomed frame Soltage good stable, dings, % mile from Port [00 month. Apply to Mrs. Queen St., Lindsay. march 26 BE a a FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 200 acres 70 acres under cultivation, balance wood and pasture. Good buildings, abundance of water, fall plowing completed. Apply to Mrs. ? Z Julianna Dewey, R.R.2 Seagrave, Ont. Ra, Sd died AUCTION SALE Thursday, March 26th, auction sale of profitable home and household furniture, property of the estate of Mrs. Sarah Balfour, Ashburn, Ont. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. WM. MAW, Auctioneer. 1 More Power 2 Easier Starting 3 New Cooling System BI STRAYED to the home of Mrs. G. A. Woods, on Friday, March 13th, a hound. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. -- PASTURE FOR RENT Good shade, running water. to J. Medd, R.R. 1, Port Perry. BT 4 New Lubrication System 10 Hot Spot Manifold 11 Heavy Fenders and Platform-- Standard Equipment 19 Sixteen Plate Transmission Brake 13 Steel Steering Wheel-- IN MEMORIAM . STANSFIELD--In loving of my dear daughter Gertrude, whe passed away, March 14th, 1930. Two years have passed away since that sad day. God called the one we loved, away. Salesman wanted to represent well known Canadian Company, to sell in | Port Perry and district, direct to the Forget her, no; we never shall, homes--Radios, Furniture, Electric As years roll by, we love her still. | washing Machines, Stoves, Cream One of the best who God could lend, Separators, Milking Machines, In- A faithful daughter, true to the end,, cyhators, etor Commissions paid A loving wife, and mother. weekly. State'qualifications and age. Sadly missed by mother, Mrs. R.| Applications eonfidential. Apply to Town, Husband and Sisters Box 56, Port Perry Star. -- op ! McGurgle--"I hear that yer auld friend Hector has marrit a thirrd wife." McGulp--"Aye mon. Hector has been a verra expensive friend. He has cost me twa wreaths and three presents in sixteen years." BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE Single Comb White Leghorn Baby Chicks, and hatching eggs. Call and see our stock. Apply to V. H. Willis, R.R.1 Port Perry, cor. 8th con. and Prov. highway. Apr 2 Famous Reading ANTHRACITE That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. For heat, health, cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or worry, Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL to-day. It is economical, efficient, safe. bh. AR BY-PRODUCT COKE. We have the exclusive agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes on hand. ALBERTA COAL HARDWOOD STEAM COAL HARDWOOD SLABS -- TILE -- CEMENT -- LIME PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W, PYATT Phones: Office 94, Residence 233 CANNEL COAL SOFT SLABS Truck Delivery UR LINE OF STATIONERY Birthday Cards, - Everyday Cards Magazines Orders taken Bete for any Magazines, Daily Papers, etc. Do not forget that our Optical Departmen is at your service. Charges reaso A NEW INVENTION 'Razor-Strop Paste By using this paste on any strop, we guaran. ee Sich 4 will ave 75 to % 100 times. ~ Satisfaction guaranteed 35c. each. I. R. BE N T LEY. _JEWELLER OPTOMETRIST iS hatching. Thirteen for b50c. Apply to Mrs. Frank Franklin, Phone 175J, Port Perry. mar26 et OP RED CLOVER SEED FOR SALE Quantity of Red Clover Seed for sale. Price reasonable. Apply to Henry Collins, Con. 9, lots 7 and 8, East Whitby, R.R.2 Port Perry. Ap3 i ---- . BULL FOR SALE Shorthorn Bull, registered. Excel- lent breeding. Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 190 r 12. REPORT OF 8. 8. NO. 1, SCUGOG. Sr. IV--Irene Heayn 87%, Lavern Martyn 81, Jean Black 73. Jr. IV--Clifford Redman 80, Jimmy Wilson 73, Eileen Reader 70. Sr. III--Oryal Heayn 85, 'Aleta Reader 76. Jr. III--Alan Carter 81, Leona Prentice 74, Irene Redman 73, Helen Colleran 67. Sr. II--Harold Martyn 88, Alvin Heayn 87, Gladys Collins 87, Melvin Henders 82, Florence Carter 77. Violet Fowler 49. ; Sr. I--Percy Collins 76, Nelson Reader 75, Edna Samells 71, Lorraine Collins 59, Olive Brown 49. . 3 New Ignition System Hard Rubber Covered ~~ See bills. : 6 Large Air Washer 14 Shock Absorbing Front Coil Spring 7 Redesigned Transmission 15 Automatic Lubrication of 8 Longer Wearing Crankshaft Rear Wheel Bearings 9 Improved Gasoline Carburetor 16 One Piece Cast Front Wheels Avy Port Perry, Ont. Rai MALE HELP WANTED EGGS FOR HATCHING Sr. Pr.--Everton Collins 62. An Exceptional Opportunity. Bred-to-Lay Barred Rock Eggs for| Pr. Joyce Reader, Ruby Brown, Gerald Colleran, Wallace Collins, Rena Fowler, Elsie Reader. W. NIDDERY, Teacher. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Wesley Jones, Farmer, eased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of the Trustees' Act R.S.0:, 1927, Chapter 150, Section 51, that all per- sons having claims against the estate 'of John Wesley Jones, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of January A.D. 1931, are required to forward their claims, duly verified, to the un- dersigned, on or before the 18th day of April, A.D. 1931 Notice is dn given that after the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to such claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Dated at Port Sexy this 16th day of March A.D. 1931. JOHN W. CROZIER, Barrister, etc., Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors of the Said Estate. rr------ AM neiretm----p-- J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 am. Phone 258 Willard's Store News Here is a partial list of good «CHOICE GROCERIES Have) you been in yet to see our new store arrangement? ing in, you will find plenty of things you need, and due to present conditions, they can be bought cheaper than ever before. values. GOLD DUST CORN MEAL ...... PURE ORANGE MARMALADE, HAND PACKED TOMATOES, FRENCH PEAS, regular 15¢. tin ........ McLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER, fresh SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, large MACARONI, ready cut .....................8 Ibs for 25c. va uveus.5 Ths for 25c. "Home-made style ....18c. "Guest Brand" per tin ..15c. ...For 10c. per 1b 19c. vans vivains rv o3 JOT 250. White Beans, ..5 Ibs for 25c. Chateau Cheese, per pkg. 19c. |§ Muir Peaches ..2 Ibs for 35c. Domestic Shortening 1b 16c. Junket Tablets ..2 pkgs 25c. Salted Sodas, Christie's 10c. be. to QUAKER CRACKELS > The new w cereal, made of wheat, corn, food value, new flavor and crispness, per pkg. .1 y EASTER CANDY NOVELTIES : A good assortment of chocolate rabbits, chicks, roosters, and eggs, in cups, mugs, Tocking B00. each etc. Prices range from WE STILL HAVE SOME OF THAT GOOD MAPLE SYRUP and oats, Dering new | WILLARD & CO., PHONE 46 r 2 Port Perry