PERSONAL INTERESTING! To know that will not be sold to anyone until 4 p.m,, the Homemade Cooking on sale at the 1,0.D.E. rooms on Friday, March 27th Just to give everyone equal chance to purchase the delicious food. How- 'ever the rooms will be open at 8 p.m. and tea will be served until 6 p.m. by the 1. O. D. E. ladies. Do you really believe that Port Perry, is the original Bird's Eye Centre? Maybe "Jimmie" Frise will solve the mystery! Come and hear him on Tuesday, March 31st, in the -basement of the Presbyterian Church at eight o'clock. Mr. Frise will be accompanied by Mr. Sparrow who is bringing a movie lantern and will show some very entertaining pictures. Admission--26¢. and 15¢. Don't miss this interesting evening. Rev. Lewis McLean was home this week with his parents. Mr. A. Rose and family, Hamilton, were in town with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ross, of Oshawa, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gerrow, of Oshawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Nott, on Sunday. The Canadian Legion will hold their second annual dance at the Assembly Hall, of the school on Friday, April 10th. Particulars later. ES DIED 'WALKER-- Suddenly at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, March 23rd, 1931, Edward A. Walker, in his 71 st year. --eeetlf PP FURS FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE Coonskin coat, seal cap, unplucked beaver gauntlets. Apply at Star Office, Port Perry. ---- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY An open meeting of the Society will be held in the Parish Hall, Tuesday, April 7th, at 8 pm. A. F. Maries will give an illustrated talk on Roses. me et ee Foreman--Well, right? Night Watchman--Yes, I haven't done so bad for the first night. I've checked off everything, and there's only one thing missing--the steam roller. everything is all Manchester Glad to report that Mr. Harvey Dobson is doing well after his opera- tion in Port Perry Hospital. Sorry to report Mr. Joshua Dobson on the sick list. 'Mrs. F. Crozier spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace visited in Toronto. The Women's Association met at the home of Miss A. Thompson last week with a good attendance. The W. M. S. will hold their service in the church on March 29th at three o'clock. They will have Miss Effie Jamieson as the speaker. We hope to have a good attendance. Special music will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. Gimpley and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crozier on Sunday. Interior Decorator Signs, Scenery, and painting of all Descriptions A. E. Morrison "Cedar Lodge" PRINCE ALBERT . april 9 Now is the time to buy a nice home and lot. I have a big listing of town and country homes with a few acres, also good farms at lowest prices. See Boynton Farm Agency, Port Perry. 2 --_-- te ®o---------------- . PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 29th-- 11 am--W. M. S. Service. Miss Effie Jamieson, Dominion Secre- tary of the W.M.S. will be the special speaker. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--The Traffic Jam. Prince Albert-- 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School 3 p.m.--Worship Service. --------r---------------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Holy Week--Daily Service-- 10.30 a.m. and 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at these Holy Week Services. etl AIP IN ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. Lower = x. U smarter appearance . passing even that of . conception of luxurio Priced from Test the New OLDSMOBILE for VALUE n Na Pr Nu a Inspect Oldsmobile thoroughly. Compare it with any other car in its # price class. Then consider how much more your motor car dollar buys... in . . . in refinements that give an entirely new and in value increased still further by new and greatly reduced prices. Priced Em . . in performance sur- previous Oldsmobiles us and restful travel . . . at factory, Taxes Extra 85 10 ILENT SYNCRO. PAL permits smooth, silent shift from first to second to high . . . and back to second. 'warms up engine quickly and or it improved performance NEW. EASY STARTING ~starter when engaged, auto- rter matically opens throttle to proper starting position. A GENERAL Bowe Bros., AUTOAIE JAILO Local Dealers SAFTER VE 55.1, WE SERVES ARENT SB thot gives Increased power, higher speed, faster acceleration, and greater smoothness. INSULAGED FISHER BODIES are warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and exceptionally quiet. \ NEW QUIET SECOND GEAR assures swift accelera- tion rivalling formance in gear per- quishes. MOTORS VALUE Your Eyes once gone, can never be replaced. Eyesight is the most precious of our senses. If you suspect any trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists ¥63-167 Yonge St, Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ee @P---- WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETING Next Sunday morning at the United Church, Port Perry, Miss Jamieson, Secretary of the Woman's Board of] Missions, will be the speaker. Special invitation is extended to the ladies of the town to hear Miss Jamieson. ec @------ This is just the right time for buy- ing a new Spring Hat--Just before Easter. The smartest styles from Paris have brims, but many still have the short turned back front. The "Wattian" is the new shape for Easter. These are all shown in the new straws, in black and the leading spring colors. Flowers are new again, too. MRS. HALL'S MILLINERY eet PP SCHOOL NEWS The final Literary Meeting of the year wil lbe held on Friday, March 27th, at 8 o'clock in the Assembly Hall of the school. Following the custom of the final meeting, the pro- gram will include the story of the school year, as related by the his- torian, and the fortunes of the grad- uating class as foretold by the pro- phetess. Everybody is invited to be present at this closing of our literary activities for the year. Two inspectors sojourned in 'our midst for a short time last week. ea ED FOR SALE BY TENDER The Executors of Nancy Miller Estate, invite tenders for the pur- chase of the Osborne farm at Pleasant Point, Township of Mariposa, part of Lots 8 and 9, Concession A, 165 acres of first class land, with 2 large barns, pig pen, henhouse, drive shed, and 9-roomed frame house. Tenders will be closed April 1, 1931 Possession will be given March 1st, 1981 For terms, see Harris & Harris, Solicitors, Port Perry, Ont. mar26 T axe advantage of our 'quilted a couple of quilts for Mrs. R. The Strand Theatre, Uxbridge| | "Home of Clean Entertainment". Something you have been waiting "for--"Th, TALKIES" Opening dates--Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, March' 30 and 31y Zam Pitts, Jack Holt and Davey Lee in SE to-day. THE "SQUEALER" 5 HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE. an underworld story full of action and comedy, in all he and singing picture. If you can't laugh, don't come. Saturday nights. Come one, come all. Tivoli and Lowe's, in Toronto. Mouse." Ever '_." GARDEN COMPETITION FOR 1931 Port Perry Horticultural Society will offer prizes for "Garden Prizes will be of flowers, Competitions" along the following lines. roots, shrubs, or bulbs, as desired, of the values stated. Class "A""--FLOWERS--Floral Garden around the house. Class LOWERS =Garden largely given over to growing A BTABLES- Small Garden plot for home grown Class "A"-- vegetables. Class "B"'--VEGETABLES--Full plot for vegetable growing. Prizes for above--1st prize $3.00. 2nd prize $1.50. SPECIAL--Best kept grounds including lawns, shrubbery and 1st prize $3.00. 2nd prize $2.00. Prizes to garden. be donated by Mr. S. Farmer and Dr. Lundy. CONDITIONS OF CONTEST 1. All members of the Horticultural Society are eligible to enter the contests. 2. Competing gardens to be open for inspection from the 24th of May to the 15th of September. 3. All entries for the competition must be in the hands of the secretary, Miss E. Alexander, by May. the 15th. 4. Flower judging will be based on continuity and quality of blooms, also cleanness from weeds. 5. dom from pests and neatness. 2 shows on The same talkies as the Also a talking comedy "Mickey Remember an up-to-date talkie--No disappointments. ight the admission will be 33c¢. and 2c. tax, with the ex- ception §f Tuesday and Friday nights, which will be 25¢ and 15¢c. Vegetable judging will be based on quality, variety, free- on hand. HARDWOOD Truck Delivery RCI That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. For heat, health, cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or Worry, Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL It is economical, efficient, safe. We have the exclusive agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes , ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL HARDWOOD SLABS TILE -- CEMENT -- LIME PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT SOFT SLABS Phones: Office 94, Residence 233 PORT PERRY Fire Department will present blackboard (When the roll is called next Sunday I'll be there.) About seventeen ladies met on Thursday in the Township Hall and birthday. under the doctor's care. Hood. We had a nice soeial time to- | they are all better soon. gether. A number of ladies met at the Centre church on Tuesday afternoon and had a real cleaning bee. Mr. Donald Faulkner spent the week end with friends in Toronto. shape for cars and buggies. Virden, Manitoba. a few days. the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee, in honour of their daughter Nellie's Quite a number around here are We hope The roads are getting' in 'better On March 18th, Mr. Freeman Lan- sing passed away at his home at He was only sick He was born on the Is- TOWN HALL Monday March 30 BERT. JOHNSTON AND COMPANY in Sunderland and for a few week's holidays. her father Mr. R. Wallace in Port Perry, last week. land and lived here until he grew into manhood, then he went West where he married and made his home. He leaves to mourn his vacant place, his wife and eleven children, one brother Wililam and one sister Mrs. Graham of Virden, two sisters Mrs, W. Lang, and Mrs. Miss Shier is visiting her brother Mrs. Beacock and son Bobbie visited Mrs. F. Crozier spent the week end For three nights. Change of show each night. with her aunt Mrs. J. Moore, in Port L. Bone, of Oshawa, and Personal Service Dept. for in- Perry. Mrs. R. Burnham of Scugog. He has formation on Canadian Mining and Oil Stocks. Gold stocks have wonderful possibilities. We recommend SISCOE BOBJO RITCHIE MOSS MINES Services on all Exchanges Cordingly, Pike & Co. Members of Dominion Sthck Exchange 80 King St. West. EL 5096 Please send information re SCUGOG On March 17th, group No. 3 of the Women's Association, "(Mrs. Beacock, the wedding last Wednesday of their friend Miss F. Allbright at Uxbridge. visiting her parents for a week. is visiting her parents. Nellie Lee, of Port Perry, visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee over the week end. The robins are here to tell us spring is on the way. parents Mr. and Mrs. W, Crozier, of many friends on Scugog who extend sympathy to the bereaved family. He was in his 59th year. eet @ Pe WANTED Small farm to rent with option to buy, of not léss than b acres and not more than 50 acres; with frontage on lake of clear water, gradual sloping sand beach, adjacent to good roads; small clearing, balance rough and wooded: preferably with buildings. Give full particulars re fences; drink- ing water, condition of buildings, township and lot number, etc. State Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells attended Miss Hilda Milner of Oshawa, is Miss Gladys Dodsley, of Burketon, Miss Della Lee, of Greenbank, Miss Mrs. Geo. Samells visited with her RED CLOVER SEED FOR SALE sale. Henry Collins, Con. 9, lots 7 and 8, East Whitby, R.R.2 Port Perry. Ap8 Chicks, and hatching eggs. © Call and see our stock. Apply to V. H. Willis, R.R.1 Port Perry, cor. 8th con. and Prov. highway. Apr 2 Quantity of Red Clover Seed for Price reasonable. Apply to coeffi i -- -- Manchester, one day last week. I hear wedding bells in the distance, Mr. W. Crozier, of Manchester, is sawing logs with his drag saw for Mr. T. Redman and Mr. J. Demara. Miss Flora Miller is spending a few days in Toronto, and attending the funeral of her aunt. Mr. Walter Hood is visiting in To- ronto for a few days. mine Mrs. I. Rodman and her sister Miss' , TO RENT 61 Lakeview Ave., Toronto, Ont. -- -- FOR SALE condition. Phone 169, Port Perry. lowest rental and purchase price. Address replies to' Geo. H. Anderson, A Cleveland Bicycle in first class Apply to . Eric. Nasmith, EGGS FOR HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE - 'Bred-to-Lay Barred Rock Eggs for rt pee BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING Single Comb White Leghorn Baby : J. A. HETHERINGTON | hatching. Thirteen for 50c. Apply | Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 11to Mrs. Frank Franklin, Phone 175J, 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Port Perry. mar26 Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 Mrs. F. Clark, Mrs. E. Ploughman,| week end. R. Reader, visited in Oshawa over the 9 acres, suitable for market garden, Mrs. N. Crozier and Mrs. Harold Williams,) entertained their friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams. Mrs. Joblin took charge of the first part of the programme as it was our Prayer Circle, and joined with the Women's Association for this meeting. The subject was Faith. Mrs. Joblin read part of the 11th Chapter of Hebrews. Mrs. J. Milner sang a solo with the rest joining in the chorus. - After a number of prayers, and a hymn, the meeting was closed. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman then took charge of the meeting for the Association and opened it in the usual way. Mrs. Sweetman read a verse in memory of Mrs. Oliver Williams, who departed from that home over three years ago. She is still remem- bered by many friends. It was de- cided to have a maple syrup social proceeds amounted to $15. On Wednesday evening March 18, we all journeyed in sleighs to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samell's home, when they 6 roomed frame cottage, good stable, Mr. E. Strutt, of Burketon, visited and outbuildings, % mile from Port his sister Mrs. R. Brown, last week. Perry. b> On Monday evening about fifty Lamb, 29 Queen guests spent a very pleasant time at St., Lindsay. marc] $15.00 month. Apply to Mrs. next month. Particulars later. About|, 1.78 sat down to a St. Patrick's supper '| of meat pies and baked beans. The entertained the Y. P. A. The mating | il SEE OUR LINE OF STATIONERY Birthday Cards, Everyday Cards Magazines Orders taken here for any Magazines, Daily Papers, ete, Do not ¢ forgat that our Optical Department cis at your service. Charges reasonable paste on any stop, e will Shave ¢ 75. I>R.'B E N T Et E Y JEWELLER _ OPTOMETRIST Willard's Store News CHOICE GROCERIES Price alone does not determine value. of every buyer to purchase the most at the least possible cost but yet is averse to sacrificing quality for price. solution of this problem, buy at Willard's. It is the natural desire For the CHEESE-- BISCUITS-- Bodley's Pineapple Treat Weston's Fancy Mixed . Pure Lard, ..........]b 15e. Lemons, ..........doz. 30c. Bananas ..... vavs +402. 40c. Ripe Tomatoes ......Ib 25c. Pitted Dates iivad efor 26¢ xe Kellogg's All Bran. Good ripe Canadian Cheese now on the board, per 1b 30c. COHOE SALMON, Tiger or King's Plate brand, large tin 25c. Leaf Lettuce, large bunch 5c. -- FREE--One Glass Measuring Cup free with cach package of 'PLANTS --Primroses, Cinerarias, Tulips and Ferns, 0c each. - . Special per 1b 20c. ...Special per 1b 25c. cases Digby Herring, cleaned 1b 25¢ Carnation Condensed Milk 2 tins for 25¢. Tea, broken Orange Pekoe bh 49c. Brooms, good 5 sirfg, . ..39¢. WILLARD & CO., PHONE a4 r 2 "Port Perry 0 a = a 9 nid X