_ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1981 THE PORT PERRY STAR mm What Port Perry Merchants Offer They Invite you to Inspect their Goods and Compare Prices. You will get good Value for Your Money. lines, with FURS--Squirrel, Galapin, Mole, Fitch, A BIG SAVING in Smart New COATS 'Sizes 14 to 20, and Coats featuring the fashion high-lights for Spring, 1931. They are in beautifully tailored, form fitting Tors at natural waist line. Some with collars, and some with plain scarf collars. MATERIALS--Broadcloths, Tweeds, Chonga, COLORS--BIack, Sage Green, Putty Biege. 36 to i uskrat. Prices: $10.95 to $29.50 Spring Millinery | Fashion's newest styles and materials, in this chic range of Ladies' fine Hats, fashioned from Backuette, Shiny Toyo, and other fan- cy straws. Flowers, feath- ers, and ribbon provide very smart trimmings. Priced extremely low. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION SUTCLIFFE After two days old, Baby Chicks should have the "S before them all the time. Lef them eat all they want of it. Thereis Rothing provided by nature or science that so fully supplies the baby chick for de health, stur and growth as does PHS Chick Starter ives phenomenal results. It isa food that is Richly digestible. It i getable and al oteins, with minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates, carefully Jronoriioned, fortified with Nopco Cod Liver Oil. Marmill Chick Starter will bring into the pullet stage with minimum loss. When they are six seven weeks od change their feed to Marmill Growing Mash grad- ually as a sudden change in diet is bad. nimal Growing 'Mash different ingredients, each one with a and correctly fy perfect tog. Marmill Growing Mash aso fortified with N im akepulletplay making poultry pay, don't overlook this 3 Ro ey Spleen. Ay Meal lanufacture ill 24 Si t, Mar: also Mar Ps Grae, ete. FOR SALE BY FRED. E. REESOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO uirements e famous oned pos Sod ver Ol from three weeks to a month earlier, and lay argerefgs. Jyou BUY FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER / Orders taken here for Langley's, Limited Cleaners Dyers Furriers TORONTO & SONS " Where People Like toShop" i ' i _ The Creamery IS PAYING 82c., 81c., and 28c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- { ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Prepristers | | SPECIAL PRICES MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats is a splendid choice. Get your erder freming done. W. T. Rodman ee ee Qur prices are greatly reduced-- tor Dry Spun thoroughly cleaned by our New Merchant Tailor Nursery Stock With the arrival of new goods there All kinds of Cleaning Process at very Now nt Over Tel. Office Port Perry i E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in this district by Benjamin Smith, iter ALBERT Hog Shelter, plete--telephone us. At Swan Brothers "The Dynamiter" The ready-cut building of many uses --Garage, Chicken House, Temporary Implement Shed, Built on the age old principles of con- struction used by our grandfathers. The garage 10 x 16 overall size, sells delivered to your door for $58.65 in- cluding hardware and glass--TRULY REMARKABLE VALUE. Deliveries effected in four hours com- Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. LIMITED Port Perry ete. 5 » 1 | A Safe Repository for Bonds or other Valuable Papers A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX in your nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is the logical place to keep your valuables for security and conveniencéé. We shall be pleased to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rates. LD DDD ED ED EDD ED =D DD THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 3 wien ts amalgamated {THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA } Be BT ---------------- CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and tamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w ii iii sii hot weather. 2D DD LD ED DD DD DD 2 SED ED ED DR DD Boule othe Sie sll Again we are trying to render SERVICE We have finished filling our new ice house with more than double the supply of former years; and are hoping to aid more homes in Port Perry to preserve their victuals in We will deliver 2 days a week during May and Sept., 8 days a week during June, July and August. needing ice on Monday of any week during these last' three months, may have same by leaving their orders in by 9 a.m. The cost for ice from May 1st to October 1st, will be determined by the size of your ice box. will be glad to give an estimate for the season, We will call on our old customers to determine their ratio of cost for this year. 5 Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. {Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry re Anyone Call 240 and we § REAL ISSUES IN EUROPE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (From Babson's Report, March 16), Of John Wesley Jones, Farmer, Fascism--Communism--Capitalism | : : Deceased. Behind all the political and eco- Notice is hereby given in pursuance nomic troubles which are disturbing [Of the Trustees' Act R.S.0, 1927, Europe today, the stage is being set Chapter 150, Section 51, that all per- for a gigantic conflict. The old na- [Sons having claims against the estate tionalistic ambitions, which made [of John Wesley Jones, late of the dersigned, on or before the 18th day of April, A.D. 1981. the said date the 'pro- ceed to distribute the Estate, ha regard only to such claims of the Executors shall then have had notice. X Dated at Port Perey this 16th day Barope an armed camp in 1914, are | Lornship of Resch he Conny of gradually breaking down. In their|on or about the Tth day of January place are new alignments based upon | A.D. 1931, are required to forward economic loyalties which are replacing | their claims, duly verified, to the un- the older national and racial barriers. of March A.D, 1981. JOHN W. CROZIER, Barrister, ete., Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors of the Said Estate. Three basic principles are at stake. The struggle will be for the survival of the fittest of these three systems-- Capitalism, C ism, or Fascism. Of course, the struggle will be pro- tracted and follow various channels. The lines may not always be clearly drawn, but clients should watch Europe from now on with this funda- mental viewpoint--that three hostile economic systems are coming to grips in war to the death. In this struggle Italy represents Fascism and all for which it militant- ly stands. Support of Italy from Germany is not of the question. The Fascist element there, under the fiery leadership of Adolf Hitler, may gain in strength as time passes. While German Fascism differs in certain aspects from that under Mussolini's dictatorship, it is essentially of the same stuff, Of course, the anti- Semitism or Hitler's group strikes a confusing note and is a throw-back to the old Prussian dislike for Jews. Further, Hitler stands frankly for de- I fault of certain government bonds and there is little doubt but that he would wipe the slate of Germany's repara- tion obligations should his party seize the reins of government. Russia, the arch priest of Com- munism, is preparing ruthlessly for the coming conflict. Stalin is the strongest man in Europe today as Lenin was before him. He has 180,- 000,000 people under the lash of the Communist system. Besides him, even Mussolini's power is pale. Despite disputes over the victory or defeat of the Five-Year Plan, we must realize, at least, its partial success. Russia is magnificently mobilizing its man power 'and resources for great con- quests. The rest of the world has shut its eyes too long to this fact. It is time we faced it. Russia may receive more -support from Great Britain than is generally realized. Long strides toward the left may fol- low in 'England if the increasing nightmare of unemployment and the general unrest of the people are not soon lessened. England may be head- ing toward a dictatorship, and it may be under some, at present, obscure left-wing Laborite. In Europe, France stands entrench- ed behind the Capitalistic system and there is little danger of this French individualism being upset within that nation. In the event of trouble, France may find the United States | once more her ally should the tent- acles of the conflict stretch across the | Atlantic. Our country today is the very bulwark of world Capitalism and with France controls the world's a Ford. You know it has accuracy. in manufacturir sincere pride in the oft Further tribute to the Leen chosen only after and low cost of up-keep. Port Perry, NEW FORDOR SED AN, $705 (F. 0. B. East Windsor, Ontario. Bumpers, spare tire, and taxes extra.) You are buying proved performance when you buy sands of miles of satisfactory, economical service. Letters from users in ev the value of its sound design, good materials and repeated phrase--*Let me tell you what my new Ford did." general all-round performance of the new Ford is shown in the repeated and growing purchases by government bureaus, by police departments, and by large industrial companies which keep careful day- | by-day cost records. In most cases, the new Ford has speed and power, safety, comfort, ease of control, oil and gas consumption, low yearly depreciation, They have found, as you will find, that the Ford embodies every feature you want or need in a motor car ut an unusually low price. Call or phone for demonstration. Carnegie Motor Sales "'M GLAD | | | BOUGHT A | | FORD" been built for many thou- ery part of the world show 1g. You sense a feeling of sturdiness, reliability and exhaustive tests covering Ont. <D@ gold, navies and territories. Although both Frenchmen and Americans like to talk about democracy and the "Peepul", yet in both countries the factory is the real "King." Thus far neither Fascism nor Communism has been able to get the slightest foothold in France or the United States. CHOICE GROCERIES, -- NURSERY STOCK E. D. SMITH & SON, LIMITED Nurserymen. Landscape Architects Winona, Ontario. Orr C. Browne Port Perry Representative ---- (All Government Inspected. MEN'S We have the best makes of Carhartt's and J. A. Haugh's. It pays to get the best. FOUND A Fountain Pen. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply at Star Office. to $2.25. Work Pants from from $2.50 to $4.50. el FARM FOR RENT 97 acres splendid loam at Oshawa Harbour, good buildings, fall plowing done, new seeds. Possession April 1, 1981. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. april 1 Work Shirts, regular $1.25 Superior Stores FRESH and CURED MEATS, PURE PORK SAUSAGE We have Overalls from $1.50 to $2.25, Smocks from-$1.50 Men's Work Boots from $2.75 to $4.50. Boots and Shoes, all selling below cost, to clear. Penman's: Underwear, to clear at prices below cost. Men's 15 inch Leather Top Rubbers, to clear at $4.75. Men's Wool Sox, regular 60c for 45c¢. All other lines at greatly reduced prices. J. McKEE & SON PROVISIONS, FRUITS, ) See hand bills for prices. WEAR Men's Wear made in Canada. Every garment guaranteed. $1.95 to $3.50. Dress Pants Men's Fine for 98c. omelrist EYBSIGHT SPECIALIST Author of FOR EVERY TYPE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office am. to § pm. Edmund Hind Lumber Company, Limited Distributors for Compo-Board and Masonite. LUMBER AND MILLWORK MASONITE for the Modern Farm and Home Ideal for Summer Cottages WRITE US FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES PROMPT DELIVERIES Danforth and Main Sts, TORONTO OF CONSTRUCTION Notice is further given that after Executors will ' Grover 1133-4-5 MelKoeo's Shes Store. e (x 8 TR = Aas EIR i EE; 2 Fr ARE