b | i 3 £ ! PERSONAL Among the Toronto visitors, who _ spent their Easter holidays here were: Messrs. Douglas Lucas, Benjamin Ward, Clifford Marks, George Marks, Forbes Nasmith, Ivan Wallace, John Davey, Douglas Nasmith, Gordon Howard, L. G. Hall, Misses Dorothy 'Davey, Irva Nott, Jean Cawker, with relatives in town. Mr. E. R. Dunk, of Edmonton, was in town over the week end, the guest of his sister Mrs. W. H. Harris. Miss Grace McMillan and friends were visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McMillan, during the holidays. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Brighton, were in town over the week end with Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Taylor. Miss Frances Christy, of Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, was visiting her parents for a few days recently. Misses Grace and Isobel Cawker of Peterboro Normal, and Misses Helen and Marion Cawker, of Toronto, were recent visitors. Miss Laura Ingram spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. N. Ingram. Miss Olive Gerrow, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. Glen Owen, during the week end. Miss Florence Bush, of Toronto, and Mr. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, were the guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Misses Norma and Laura Orchard are holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Orchard. Mr. Frank Gould, of Warkworth, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hayden, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. King, and baby, Miss Hilda King, and gentleman friend, Mr. and Mrs. King, all of To- ronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Palmer. Miss Helen Vickery was a week end guest at the home of her friend, Miss Dorothea O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis and Miss Grace Davis, have returned home after spending some months in Florida. Mr. Nelson Baird and family cf Oshawa, visited with friends on Sun- day. Ex-Reeve G. W. Wilson, and Town Clerk A. P. Graham, of Markham, were in town on Saturday. Mr. A. F. Maries and daughter Betty, were visiting with friends in town, on Tuesday. Miss Neva Currah, of Omemee spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Currah. Mr. J. M. Lascelles, Toronto, spent the 'week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Currah. Rev. C. H. and Mrs. Elliott, and daughter Mrs. Campbell, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. Ted Jackson over the week end. Miss Elsie Henderson, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. Arthur Brock for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McTaggart and sons, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClintock. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collacutt, of Toronto, and Mr. Frank Collacutt, of Ottawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClintock, on Thursday. PRESENTED WITH GOWN A pleasing gift to the Session of St. John's Presbyterian Church was made by Mr. James Paton, of Toronto, (a brother of Mrs. Wilkinson.) The gift, which was a Geneva gown for the minister, was much appreciated by the Session and congregation. COMING--See F. E. Luke, Opto- metrist, about your eyes at Law- rence's drugstore, Port Perry, on Thursday, April 30th. A tea and sale of home-made cook- ing, 'under the auspices of the W. A. of the Church of the Ascension, will be held in the Parish Hall, on Satur- day, April 11th, from 4 to 6 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Noble and family, of Whitby, were visiting her sister Mrs. Stewart Collins, for the r holiday. . Geo. Beverley and Miss Norma of Claremont, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.°D. rs. A. D. Peters, Samuel Jeffrey, Port Perry, ined at a~tea Thursday after- at the Vinoy Park Hotel, in Florida, in honor of s Mrs. William T. Dix, of O matter how *C, {8 Tetest _avaitabh Directori . Everybody Shifts Cxpertly ana Silently with Mclavenuin-Buick:'s Syncro=Viesh a driver you may be, MecLaughlin-Buick's Silent Syncro-Mesh transmission enables you to shift gears more quickly, more easily and more quietly, for the gears will not clash. Driving is safer, too, for when the need arises you can shift from high to second gear instantly. As a feature of all McLaughlin-Buick Straight Eights, the Silent Syncro-Mesh transmission is making better drivers of fine-car owners--of more than 50 out of every 100 motorists who buy eights in McLaughlin-Buick's price range.* Twenty luxurious models, from $1,290 to $2,900, at factory, Oshawa. The advantages of the GMAC deferred payment plan, and the protection of the General Motors Owner Ser- vice Policy are available to every purchaser. isagisteations supplied by Might Owing to their popularity, the present models of 1931 Laughlin-Buick Straight Eights will be continued through- My 2 out the eo summer and fall. Che Straight Eight by Mic AUGHE IN -IBUECES A GENERAL a MOTORS VALUE M1820 H. R. Archer Motor Sales PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, TUNE IN FRIDAY NIGHT ON "CANADA ON PARADE" The guests of Mrs. Jeffrey were: Mrs. W. H. McCaw, Mrs. A. J. Davis 4nd Grace, of Port Perry; Mrs. Edgar Lytle and Mrs. G. H. Wilson, Lindsay, Mrs. C. E. Beach, Cornwall, Miss E. McCaw, Mrs. James McGregor, St. Petersburg, Mrs, Blount, Everett, Mass.; Mrs. William Jeffrey, Mrs. Geo. Arlackle and Mrs. Luke, Toronto. et A social meeting will be held in the basement' of the United Church, on Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the W, A. Ladies and gentlemen invited. Silver collection. Program at 8 o'clock. MR. OUDERKIRK MOVED TO [TORONTO Mr. Ouderkirk and family who have resided in Port Perry for the past year have moved to Toronto. MR. AND MRS. CAMPBELL TO MOVE TO TORONTO Mr. Morley Campbell, who has sold his property in Port Perry to Mr. Jno. W. Crozier, is making preparations to move to Toronto. Mr. Crozier takes possession this month. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, who have been good citizens of Port Perry for many years. We wish them every happiness in their new home. MR. GOODERHAM GOES TO SUNDERLAND The house in which Mr. Gooderham (the game warden) is living, has been sold by the Estate of the late Mrs. John Leask, to Mrs. E. Howard. Owing to the scarcity of available houses in Port Perry, Mr. Gooderham is moving to Sunderland. We are sorry that he cannot stay with us. LEASK-PHOENIX On Saturday, April 4th, at 710 Coxwell Ave., Toronto, by Rev. J. A. Miller, Kathleen Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phoenix, Greenbank, to Mr. Roy H. Leask, Seagrave, son of Mrs. Leask and the late William H. Leask, of Port Perry. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. William Nesbitt, of Toronto, on Friday, April 3rd, 1931, a son. At Port Perry, on March 26th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lascelles, of Toronto, (nee Roxana Currah) the gift of a son. CHURCH OF THE "ASCENSION School. 8 7 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 12th. 11 a.m.--The Supreme Test. 2.30 p.m.--Sababth School 7 p.m.--The Eternal Question Prince Albert-- 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.Worship Service. JOSEPH BURTON DIES IN MANITOBA Mr. Joseph Burton, of Virden, Man., died on Sunday, April 6th, 1931. Fun- eral service will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Walker, Man- chester, Reach Township, Saturday, April 11th, at 2 p.m. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. LAWN BOWLING CLUB The annual meeting of the Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club, will be held in the Treasurer's Office, on Fri- day, April 17th, at 8 p.m. Bowlers please note the date and be present. A. P. Ingram, W. A. Christy, President. Secretary apr 16 ALARM CLOCKS Now is the time you need an alarm clock to get you up. See'our stock. $1.00 to $4.50 Guaranteed. Watches In pocket watches we have them from 95e, to $25.00. Wrist watches from $1.95 to $11.00, on hand for Gents Ladies' List Watches-- $6.50 to $18 Our iy Department is always at your Service. I. R. BENTLEY COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto's able eye- sight specialist, at Lawrence's drugstore, Port Perry, on "Thurs- day, April 30th, . E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto : (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.--Morning Servic 7 p.m.--Evening Servic€. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at, 2.30 p.m. Interior Decorator Signs, Scenery, and painting of all Descriptions A. E. Morrison "Cedar Lodge" PRINCE ALBERT april 9 J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist "34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0090 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 28 SHEER rh Myrtle Elevator Gét your seed requirements at the Myrtle Elevator. A full line in stock. Enquire for prices. We also carry all kinds of chop. Chopping done every day. C. GOODE & SONS LIMITED Chas. Pilkey, local agent, phones . Chas. Pilkey, Local Agent Phones; Bell 120 r 5. Ind. 3317 Port Perry Picture House SATURDAY, APRIL 11th, 1931 will present "THE SPIRIT OF YOUTH" A love story that gets under your skin--between a boy who's human and prone to forget and a girl who's tender and 'understanding. Dorothy Sebastian and Larry Kent make a splendid team of young lovers. Usual prices afternoon and evening. -- ee @ PP AUCTION SALE Monday, April 18th, farm stock and implements, the property of Charles Taylor, lot 4, con. 1, Reach Township. No. reserve. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers Tuesday, April 14th, farm stock and implements, belonging to Robert Kerr, west half lot 2, con. 2, Mariposa. Farm leased--No reserve. Geo. Jackson & Seh, Auctioneers _ ---- a FOR SALE 100 acre stock and dairy farm near Highway, lot 8, con 13, Reach. Good buildings, running stream, plowing done, 50 acres seeded. Possession to suit purchaser if sold immediately. Act quick, this will not appear again. Also seed goose wheat. Apply to LJ. Tomlison, R.R.1 Seagrave. COW FOR SALE A first-class family cow, 6 years old, part Jersey, due to freshen in two weeks. Apply to F. W. Bradley, Phone 209 Port Perry. HIGHEST TEST In the recent milk test, my sample secured the highest test having only 6000 bacteria per c.c. as compared with 1,000,000 in another sample. The percentage of butter fat was also highest being 3.45. Jeweller & Optometrist April 3rd, 1931. = Signed, . STEPHEN LAMBKIN, Port Perry. THIS WEEK MEDICINES 85¢. Mineral Oil ..... 2 for 86c¢. 25¢. Hydrogen Peroxide 2 for 26¢. 1 50c. Hydrogen Peroxide 2 for 51c. '$1.00 Rexall Blood Purifier 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Rexall Beef, Iron and Wine, 2 for $1.01 50c. Vapur ..... ve...2 for lc. 50c. Milk of Magnesia 2 for 51c. 50c. Rexall Bronchial Syrup 2 for 5lec. $1.00 Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Cod Liver Extract 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Emulsion of Cod Liver 0il 2 for $1.01 $1.25 Rexall Agarex 2 for $1.26 $1.00 Antiseptic Solution : 2 for $1.01 25¢. Meloids 2 for 26c¢. STATIONERY 15¢. Writing Pads 2 for 16¢. 25c. Writing Pads 2 for 26c. 35¢ Writing Pads 2 for 36c¢. 10c. pkg. Envelopes 2 for 1lc. 15¢. pkg. Envelopes 2 for 16¢. 35c. boxed Stationery 2 for 36c. 50c. boxed Stationery 2 for 5lc. RUBBER GOODS $1.75 Hot Water Bottles 2 for $1.76 ' Phone 49 TS A. M. Lawrence - - » Thursday Friday Saturday 35c. Baby Pants 2 for 36c. 10c. Blank Band Nipples 2 for 11c. 59¢. Rubber Aprons 2 for 60c. 15¢. Adhesive Tape 2 for 16c. 35c. Adhesive Tape 2 for 36c. SUNDRIES 15¢. Powder Puffs 2 for 16c¢. 75¢. 1b roll Absorbent Cotton 2 for 76¢. 25¢. Roll Absorbent Cotton 2 for 26¢. 25c¢. pkg" Sterile Gauze 2 for 26c¢. 25¢. Tooth Brushes 2 for 26c. 35¢c. Tooth Brushes 2 for 36c. 50c. Tooth Brushes 2 for 5lc. 75¢ Briar Pipes 2 for 76¢c. 15¢. Wash Cloths 2 for 16¢. $1.25 Shaving Brushes 2 for $1.26 10c. Goodform Hair Nets 2 for 11ec. 75¢c. Playing Cards 2 for 76c. TOILET GOODS 50c. Jonteel Face Powder 2 for 5lc. 50c. Jonteel Face Cream 2 for 51c. $1.00 Duska Face Powder 2 for $1.01 75¢. Duska Face Creams 2 for 76¢. $1.00 Jasmine Compasts ; 2 for $1.01 50c. Jasmine Lipstick 2 for 51e. 50c. Jasmine Rouge 2 for 5lc. 10c. Egyptian Palm Soap 2 for 1lc. 150. uysicin's s 's and Surgeon's $1.00 Rexall Hair Tonic 50c. Lavender Brilliantioe 2 for 5lc. 35¢. Emulsified Cocoanut Oil 2 for 36c¢. $1.00 Quinine Hair Tone 2 for $1.01 35¢. Rexall Shaving Cream 2 for 36¢. 50c. Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream 2 for 5lc. 50c. Mi31 Tooth Paste 2 for 51c. 35c¢. Klenzo Tooth Paste 2 for 36¢c. 25¢. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste 2 for 26¢c. 50c. Almond Cream 2 for 5lc. 50c. French Balm 2 for 5l1e. CANDY 60c. Assorted Chocolates 2 Ibs. for 61c. 75¢. Box Maraschino Cherries 2 for 76e¢. 35¢. 1b Molasses Kisses 2 Ibs for 36c. 5c. Assorf{ed Chocolate Bars r 6c. 2 fo $1.00 Box Assorted Chocolates 2 for $1.01 35¢c. Ib Humbugs, 2 Ibs for 36¢. 35¢. Ib Horehound Drops, 2 Ibs for 36¢c. The Rexall Druggist as PONY PERRY, ONTARIO 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Bankruptcy Act. In the Estate of Oscar E. Gilroy, Surviving Partner of Gilroy & Son, on behalf of Gilroy & Son, of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, and the Province of Ontario, Authorized Assignor. Notice is hereby given that Oscar E. Gilroy surviving partner of Gilroy & Son on behalf of Gilroy & Son of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, did on the First day of April, 1931, make an authorized as- signment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that O. E. Lennox, Esquire, Official Receiver, has appointed The Victoria Trust and Savings Company to be Custodian of the Estate of the Debtor until the first meeting of the Creditors is held. Notice is further given that the first meeting of the Creditors in the above estate will be held in the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario at Osgoode Hall in Room 185 on the 17th day of April 1931, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with us before the meeting is held. ' Proxies to be used at such meeting must be lodged with us prior thereto. And further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent Trustee. And further take notice that if you have any cldim against the Debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such.claim must be filed with us or with the Trustee when appointed; otherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto without regard to your claim. Dated at the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Sistorta, this 7th day of April A.D. 198 THE VICTORIA TRUST AND SAVINGS. COMPANY, 89 Kent Street, ) Custodian. Lindsay, Ontario. 'WORK 'WANTED Young woman wants house work by the day, or house cleaning. Apply to Mrs. S. Wakeford, Port Perry. Famous Reading ANTHRACITE That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. = For heat, : health, cleanliness, without smoke, 'soot, or worry,| Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL ; to-day. It is economical, efficient, safe. 5 We ha othe suilusive BY-PRODUCT COKE. e have bt HAMILTON agency for this high grade Canadian Coke Nat on hand. - STEAM W ALBERTA COAL -- HARDWOOD -- HARD E OF CEMENT JUST i 1 3 | oa FORT PERRY COAL L YARD Strand Th Theatre, Osbridge Ont. Northern-Electric Talking System Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, April 8, 9 and 10. LUPE VELEZ in THE STORM Nature herself in her most tempestuous moods was no wilder than the passions that toyed with two strong men and a beautiful girl snow-bound-- What a STORM of unleashed emotions. snow. What a STORM of killing What a STORM of thrills staged i in the great outdoors! BIG SPECIAL--Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, April 11, 13, 14. Scotland Yard with EDMND LOWE and JOAN BENNETT Most daring of all adventurers, hunted, threatened, never a moment when he might rest--yet he found time to woo and win a beauty from an- other's arms. ADMISSION: Adults 33c. + 2c tax. Children 20c. Fridays and Tuesdays--25¢ and 15c¢. (except holidays) Willard's Store News CORDING TO GRADE. 'CHOICE GROCERIES BUY YOUR CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AC- EVERY LABEL STATES THE GRADE--STANDARD, CHOICE OR FANCY. Standard is the lowest. Choice the next and Fancy the best. The best is not only the most satisfactory, but finally the cheapest. true maple flavor. 5 Ib sacks, fresh in, 25c¢. "Preparing meals cause no perplexing frowns, when you con- sider these delectable goods. PURE MAPLE SYRUP, a good Canadian Product, with the MARMALADE, now no longer a luxury, but a necessary ad- A dition to every well balanced meal, in jars from 18¢ to 30c CANNED FRUITS of dependable quality--Pineapple, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Plums, DELICIOUS SANDWICH SPREAD, Kraft Tasty - Relish, ~~ Sandwich Paté, Boneless Chicken, Heintz Peanut Butter. WHOLE 'WHEAT. FLOUR for muffins, Biscuits, Bread, "MARVEL" COOKING BRAN, 3 1b bag . GARDEN SEEDS--We have a large assortment of both Steele ~ Briges'; and Rennie' s Seeds, and English multiplier Onions SPR, | tessa 'WILLARD & CO., PHONE 46 r 2 Port Perry .2 for 16e¢c. for $1.01 ' PERE : - en ¥ SE ig >