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Port Perry Star, 14 May 1931, p. 4

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~ Real Estate JNO. W. CROZIER! . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Accountant, etc. Money to Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer ? Office Office Phone 9 Residence 19 Port/Perry, Ontario PERSONAL The "Minister's Bride" extends a hearty welcome to all, on Wednesday, May 20th. Word was received this week that Rev. W. P. Brown, who is at Clifton . Springs, N.Y., is much improved in ealth, since his treatments there. He opes to be home soon much stronger. Mr. V. P. Stouffer was the guest of Mr. J. C. Graham of Guelph, while attending the Children's Musical Edu- cation Demonstration, held the first day of Guelph's Annual Musical Festival. A PLEASING SERVICE The musical numbers rendered by the Oshawa Ladies' Quartette at the evening service of the United Church were much appreciated. After the service the members of the quartette and friends were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris. Mrs. William Real and son Grant spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W, Milton and family, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Blight. Mr. John Davey and Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller and family, of Sunderland, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hortop. THANK YOU Mr. James Read wishes to thank the members of the I.O.D.E. for their kind remembrance. . Mr. Read is in Christie St. Hospital, where he is undergoing a thorough medical ex- amination. rt Pee SPECIAL SERVICE The Young Men's Bible Class of the United Church, Port Perry, will sponsor the musical service in the evening of Sunday next, with a male choir, assisted by the Sunday School Orchestra, Nee LOST Ocean Blend account book, between Norman Lyle's and town. Finder please leave at Star Office. AY Paine: CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Thursday, May 14, (Ascension Day) Anniversary Service at 8 p.m. The Rev. H. F. Woodcock, Rector of Christ Church, Toronto, will be the Preacher. ee S. 0. E. CHURCH SERVICE Old England Lodge, Sons of Eng- land, are holding their annual church service at the Church of the Ascension on Sunday, May 17th, at 3 p.m. The nembers of the Society will meet at "the Lodge Room, at 2.30 p.m. and parade to the Church where Rev. Mr. Nind will address the brethren. OL. i LL TENDERS FOR PASTURE Tenders in writing for the use ot the Port Perry Fair Grounds as cattle pasture for the season of 1931. N. EWERS, Secretary, a or DOG LICENCE All parties owning or harbouring dogs since April 1st, 1931, are ve- quested to purchase a Dog Tag at once in order to comply with Dog By- Law, and save other expense. May 28 E. H. PURDY, Clerk PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 17th-- 11 a.m.--Why Pray? 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Special Service sponsored by the Young Men's Class. Male Chorus and Orchestra will lead tie singing. Rev. C. D. Daniels, of Sunderland, will preach. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Worship Service. i CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m~--Morning service. 3 pm.--Sons of England Annual 7. 45 Pp. m.--Weeknight Service. NOTICE TO. RATEPAYERS Parties wishing to have their street oiled or Calcium Chloride applied this season, will be required to notify the Clerk not later than Monday, May 18. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. EPP eee. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS FOR SALE From May 12th to June 8th at $12.50 per 100. After June 8th $10.00 per hundred. Apply to Mrs. Fred Raines, Phone 189 r 4, mayl4 T------e----------------___ Reserve May 20th for the play" The Minister's Bride." Full of fun, wit, wisdom, and literary quality. | | ------------------------------------ ee ------------------------------------ A young man appeared as the de- fendant in a breach of promise suit, and annoyed the judge by his levity in his replies. "Sir," said the judge severely, "you will please discontinue your joking re- marks. You may court in jest, but you cannot jest in court." ------000-------- FOR SALE Jersey Cow, 9 years old, fresh, milk testing 5-8. Jersey cow, 2 years old, milk testing 5 point 2. Both cows free from T. B. and in good condition Apply to Dr. McMaster, Port Perry M14 ee Oe PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE presents "Carry On", an exciting drama of naval adventure with Moore Marriott, Trilby Clark, Pat Ahearn, Cynthia Murtagh, Alf. Goddard, and Johnny Butt, British artists, British Warships, and a British story, make "Carry On" a film that will arouse your patriotism while it completely enthralls you. THURSDAY, MAY 14th, at 8.15 p.m., and SATURDAY, MAY 16, at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. SPECIAL--On Saturday, May 16th, Johnson Entertainers, of Blackwater, will give a program of Comic Songs and Sketches. Popular Prices--25c¢ and 15c. F. E. Merrick. TENNIS A Tennis Club is being organized at the old Town Hall Court. Fees, to anyone wishing to use the court, are set at b50c, payable to Miss Virginia Nasmith. It is hoped that schedules will be drawn up and that the coming season will be a success. Any information with regards to the I..0. D. E. tennis-net formerly used, will be gladly accepted. --wee---- NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION FOR THE VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY. Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Village of Port Perry will be held at. the Clerk's Office, on Thursday the Hh day of Juke, 1931, at 8 o'clock p.m., to hear and determine the sev- eral complaints of errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Village of Port Perry for the year 103% 2 All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. The last day for making complaints is the 22nd day of ay, 1931. '0 . H."PURDY, Clerk CLOSING MEETING The closing meeting of the Young People's Society of the United Church was held on Tuesday evening. Rev. C. D. Daniel addressed the meeting. He discussed the creed which should guide a young person's life. He told the story of a fine young soldier who died during the Great War. He had on a.slip of paper this creed--*"I give my body to the ground, my soul to God, and my heart to my country." Mr. Daniels thought this creed might be modified to read: "I give my body to my work; my soul to God; and my heart to my home and country." A pleasant social hour was spent and refreshments were served. The Y. P. S. will resume services in September. fl MP A DIED COWAN--In Cartwright, on Thurs- day, May 7th, 1931, Margaret Cowan, aged 81 years. AMP eremrriirei DIED ; WADDELL--At Port Perry, on Tuesday, May 12th, 1931, Rachael Stonehouse, beloved wife of James G. Waddell, in her 86th year. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John Boys and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for their kind expressions of recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. The Minister's Bride" will hold a reception in Town Hall, Port Perry, ECA ay eonendars May 20th, Come anges sympathy and loan of cars in their Brilliant Performance... Refreshing Style vis Moderate Price ! fine car performance, smoothness, speed and acceleration... LOWER PRICES GREATER VALU ness of equipment. lts reasonable price makes it easy to buy . easy to own. See the Durant 6-14. Drive it. Match it against Durani Sux-Cylinder Standard Sedan Model 6-14 E Durant 6-14... a quality six. . gives you fine car safety and handling ease fine car comfort, appearance and complete- .. low upkeep cost makes it any car in its price class. © BUILT BY A CANADIAN COMPANY CONTROLLED BY CANADIAN CAPITAL DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO (LEASIDE) CANADA DURANT A GOOD CAR STANDARD GARAGE CHARLES COOPER PORT PERRY CLAREMONT Ladies' Bicycle (Cleveland), in good condition. $10.00. Apply to Thora Kaufman, Port Perry. -- Perens SUIT COAT LOST around Port Perry, blue grey suit coat. Finder please leave at Star Office. FOR SALE Buick car, 1928 model, in good shape. | Apply to Star Office. --_------- FOR SALE 5 Yorkshire weanling pigs. Apply H. L. Mitchell, Lot 21, Con. 11, Reach Phone 247 r 3-3. FOR SALE Milk fed home-made lard, 18c Ib. Phon 107 r 1-4. ee @p------ S. 8. SOFT BALL LEAGUE The Sunday School Soft Ball League held its annual meeting and the teams for this group are as follows: Port Perry, Scugog and Raglan. CT FOR SALE Refrigerator, good as new, nice roomy space for food, oak finish. Ap- ply Wesley Boynton, Port Perry. ------ PP CONCERT IN AID OF THE BLIND r.. Trneer, Blind Organist of King Street United Church, Oshawa, is to put on a concert in the United Church, Port Perry. The net proceeds of which are to be given to the In- stitute for the Blind. This entertain- ment, which will be given on the 27th of May, will be of first class character. It is being sponsored by the United, Presbyterian and Anglican Churches, and the I. 0. D. E. ' Keep th date open. 00 Oe The "Minister's Bride" is the name of a very refined and humorous play to be given in the Town Hall on the evening of May 20th. A large cast of characters from the Ladies' Bible Class and the 8. 8. Orchestra of the United Church are presenting this popular play. This is a delightful story of rural life forty years ago, with all its charm and simplicity. The story is woven around the mar- riage of the country minister who re- Naple Fruit Store Specials Bananas 25c. up. Pineapples 25c. ea. Oranges 20c. dozen, and up. New Carrots, Strawberries, Apples, Grape Fruit 3 for 25¢., New Cabbage 100 up : All kinds of fresh fruit in season GCOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE Northern] SOUND | WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 13-14 Double Attraction INTERNATIONAL PICTURES, LTo," Jean Bennett & Harry Richman in "PUTTING ON THE RITZ" in musical, singing and talking picture in colors. Something different. Also a great comedy sensation--Not a War Picture-- "NOT SO QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" Sew your buttons on tight be- fore attending this showing. 2 shows. Come early. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 15 and 16. Molly O'Day and Edmund Burns in "SEA DEVILS" Double Bill Attraction with "NOT SO QUIET ON THE . WESTERN FRONT" "Sea Devils" is a picture for every type of audience. It has proved to be successful by all music, singing and comedy. Come and see this. 2 shows on Saturday night. Come early. MONDAY AND TuEspA YAU Virgini Valli and John Hollan "GUILTY" sleep in the armchair and emitting A CHANGE OF TUNE Grandpa was having his after lunch sounds that might easily have come from a cross-cut saw. As father entered the room, he saw little daisy twisting one of Grandpa's vest buttons. : "What are you doing ?" he whisper- © Glasses Regular $8.00 glasses, +; with case, for $4.50 Glasses repaired and adjusted at reasonable charges Increase your Shaves with New Invention Razor Strop Paste We have a few Pen and Pencil sets to " clear at reduced prices I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Jas Myers, Lot 16, Con. 4, Reach, on Tuesday, May 12th. No Reserve--Farm Sold. Geo. Jackson and Son, Auctioneers. Your Eyes once gone, can never be replaced. Eyesight is the most precious of our senses. If you suspect any trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) A great Court picture that will grip your heart swings, -in all talking drama. Also technicolored Two Reel Comed, and a curiosity reel 2 Lage bar FREE with each admission ADMISSO ShecD 83c. 4 2c. tax; CHILDREN 20e. Tuesdays and Fridays abuLirs 26c.; CHILDREN 16e. 'FURNITURE WANTED Furniture and other. articles for an Auction Sale. If any to offer leave list with D. A, or Jack- y Dougald Clarkson Estate--farm stock and chattels, on , May 21st, 1931, at-1 pm., on Lot 21, Con. George son, not later than May 16th. Charges reasonable. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE | I 18, Reach. JOG sure farm fered tor 1 | ed. Daisy." "I'm not disturbing im, Daddy," explained the.child. "I'm just trying to tune him in on something different from what he's been giving us." * * x you hadn't your fare, did the conduct- or make you get off and walk? His friend--Only get off. He didn't seem to care if I walked or sat down, * % » ant, Rastus?" Rastus--"Ah jes' had a logical 'quainance wid him, Yo' Honah." Judge--"What do you mean by a logical acquaintance?" Rastus--"Well, us both belong to de same lodge." oF er ------ "Housekeeper Wanted Reliable woman for. house- work wanted. Apply to Mr. Ar- bourne, R. R.3 Uxbridge--1 mile south of Greenbank, on highway east side of road, Phone 51 r 5. ee Bp -- J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 288 a oo» FOR RENT House and good garden in the vil- lage of Prince Albert. Would pasture cow if desired. Immediate possession. Apply to R. A. Savage Port Perry a . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For sale or exchange of equity, in attractive, bright fully modern, well located home in Oshawa. Phone 371W Oshawa. . BC } FOR SALE Shorthorn Bull, registered, splendid breeding. Apply to Ben Jones, R.R.1, Port Perry, Phone 190 r 1-2. x pe Myrtle Elevator Get your seed requirements at the Myrtle Elevator. A full line in stock. Enquire for prices. We also carry all kinds of chop. Chopping done every day. C. GOODE &' SONS LIMITED Chas. Pilkey, Local Agent Phones: Bell 120 r 5. Ind. 8317 frm health, cleanliness, NLS to-day. on hand. HARDWOOD TILE -- CEM PORT PERRY Truck Delivery. W.G.W. P That better Pennsylvania Hard Ceal. Famous Reading ANTHRACITE For heat, without smoke, soot, or worry, Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL It is economical, efficient, safe. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE. agency for this high iis Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes We have the exclusive ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL HARDWOOD SLABS SOFT SLABS ENT -- LIME CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED COAL YARD YATT Phones Office 94, Res. 233 Willard's Store News many of the following articles GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX RINSO WASHING POWDER . STEEL WOOL . BROOMS, good: value at BRASSO, tin . BATH BRICK POWDER, ley MOP HANDLES, each ... With a $1. purchase of any ho Fruits and CABBAGE AND HOUSECLEANING | SPECIALS For the clean-up, polish-up campai not get in your stock at:these attractive prices. 3 INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP and.1 Cake CALAY SOAP, 25¢. give REE one 10c. cake of Monkey Brand scouring soap. LEMONS, 'ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, BANANAS, PINE- APPLES, RIPE TOMATOES, HEAD LETTUCE, NEW i : PICNIC DRINKING CUPS 10c. FER DOZEN you will be needing , during the next week. Why 11h tin .29¢: svi a ees per pkg. 10c. - svx10¢. . 20c. faves use-cleaning requisites, we will Vegetables CAULIFLOWER. > WILLARD & co., PHONE 46 r 2 ' Poyt Perry "You mustn't disturb Grandpa, Judge--"Did you know the defend- : Inquisitive Man--When you Soi E

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