WN Sag? SUNNY FROCKS . Vat dyed Sunny Frocks made from tub fast prints a reliable manufacturer. 0 styles and neatly made. All sizes. On sale at $1.00 each. LADIES RAYON ~ BLOOMERS Rayon Bloomers, well made, good quality, A real bargain for 49¢ pair. Rayon Bloomers, service weight "quality, lace trim, at 89c. pdir. | * Non-Run Rayon Bloom- ers, medallion trimmed, at 98c. pair. MARTHA WASHINGTON HOUSE DRESSES give good service. Always reliable. Made from tub fast print, fit well and good styles. $1.95 Each. PORT PERRY, ONTARI), THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1981 4 What Port Perry Merchants Offe . They Invite you to Inspect their Goods and Compare Prices. You will Sm Organdies Beautiful Organdies are now being shown for dresses, and your wardrobe will not be com- plete without an organdy dress. Lovely Printed Organdies, fine quality and charming pat- ~ terns, at $1.35 per yard. Plain Organdies in White and colors at 50c. per yard. PIQUE Printed Pique for summer en- sembles. Good quality and neat patterns and designs at 49¢ yd. Ladies' Gloves Ladies' Silk Gloves with cuff, good quality silk, and neatly made, Per pair $1.15. White Washable Chamoisette Gauntlet style, per pair 95c. Washable These come in Beige shade only. Per pair $1.95. Ladies' Purses Ladies' Leather Purses, well made, good substantial clasps. Why be without a purse? 98c. Capeskin. Gloves. get good Value for Your Money. EE -- LADIES' SKIRTS Ladies' Covet Cloth Skirts, pleated in inverted box pleats. © Button trimmed. Comes in shades of Navy, Brown, Green, and Black. At $3.95 each. SILK HOSE Good service weight silk hose, full fashioned. Come in' all the new Spring shades--Grain, Wing, Gun- metal, Aero, and Ivory. A real hose for $1.00 pair. CHIFFON HOSE Full fashioned, service weight. Comes in shades of Domino, Wing, and Aero. The Creamery IS PAYING 325c., 24c., and 21c. FOR! Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your ¢ to the PORT P Y A. GOODE & BON, Proprietors Pontiac "My dear, kept you awfully late!" "Oh, no matter, my fairly through traffic." we've slides ~ SPECIAL PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are tly redueed-- Nith the arrival of new goods there gtr ill pbb MEN'S WORK SOX Men's good heavy cotton work sox, will stand good hard wear. Price 25c. pr. Men's Wool and Cotton Sox. A very serviceable sox well .made and good value at per pair 30c. WHITE ANGORA WOOL Per % oz. Ball, 35c. SUTCLIFFE & SONS Phone 236 Superior Stores A few Suggestions in Spring Footwear Black Kid Gore Pumps--Something smart and new for Spring. A fitting. Sizes ranging from 4 to 71%. Black Kid Plain Seamless Pump, high heel. for afternoon and 'evening wear. 4 to 71%. New Spring shades in Holeproof Hosiery. 1 We also have a number of new lines in School Girls' Shoes --Black Kid Gore Pumps, and Brown Strap, fancy trim, and a number of Specials in Oxfords and Straps, to clear at Ranging from $2.95 up. very low prices. A few specials at $1.98. Men's Work Boots, from $2.79. to $4.50. We carry the well known Hart Shoes for Men and would be very glad to show you these lines. Men's Overalls, special $1.55. J. McKEE & SON Just right AA and A fitting. Sizes Heavier weight, $2.25. Edmund Hind Lumber - Company, Limited Distributors for Compo-Board and Masonite. LUMBER AND MILLWORK FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MASONITE for the Modern Farm and Ideal for Summer Cottages . FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES PROMPT DELIVERIES TORONTO WRITE US Danforth and Main Sts., no loss is sustained. Sending Money to fl Distant Points. YOU can send any amount of money to any point in Canada at a minimum of expense by using a Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Order. is the simplest, safest and most con- venient way to send remittances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray "THE CANADIAN BANK ~~ OF COMMERCE ~ [THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA } Home Grover 1133-4-5 This method PORT PERRY Get your order in early. at HR hy cleaned by our Ni Cleaning Process at very prices. 4 W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry Nursery Stock E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in this district by etm | BenjaminSm iF, Tinos LIMITED At Swan Brothers Service Our truck is ready to deliver your orders. No matter how small the order we will gladly de- liver on the job for you. Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. Port Perry Buy conveniently through GMAC, General Motors own time payment plan. Be assured of satisfaction by the liberal terms of the General Motors Owner Service Policy. PONT a fine car, a modern car, IAC a General Motors Value Forward with Canada! Prove your confidence in to-morrow by buying today h The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy hs better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb atreduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. [1516 PHONE Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT, (Opposite Post Office) day with her parents. Miss Beatrice Smith, of Niagara-on- the-Lake, was the guest of her mother Mrs. L. Smith, over the week-end. Other guests were Miss Moyle, of Frankford, Mr. Flyndal, of Smithfield and Mr. Knapp, of Stockdale. The Softball match played between the entrance class girls of Port Perry and the girls o fthe Prince Albert W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Moure--9 < May Flowers an Have you seen any yet? We have --both May Flowers and flies--So get ready for screen time and have us give you an estimate on your window and door screens, screened-in verandahs, B he : I" Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. | { Phone 240 Day or Night Port ff THE PLAY AT PRINCE ALBERT On Friday night of last week the "Count-on-Me" Class of King Street United Church, Oshawa, gave their popular play "Mrs, Tubbs, of Shanty- town" Everybody who saw this play was pleased with its fun and good sense. Mrs. Tubbs takes her part particularly well. d Flies and especially | ------... . 1 Prince Albert Mrs. Gilson and Mrs. Dunn have. { come from London, Ont., to visit their brother Mr. Thos. Turner, who is very ill. While here they are making their 4 'home with their sister Mrs. Snelgrove. ' Messrs. Gordon and Sidney Burnett of Oshawa, also Mr. and Mrs. Pratt, of Oshawa, were in the village on Sat- Perry 5 School, some of whom were junior girls, and played last Friday after- noon, was won by the visitors by the score of 20 to 14. rt pr MYRTLE Mr. George Painter left via C.P.R. on Monday night in charge of two cars of Government cattle, consigned for Winnipeg, and other Western points, Rev. and Mrs. Simpson, of Wood- ville, visited friends here last week. > > Harold R. Archer Motor Sales . Port Perry, Ontario P2336 PRICED FROM sg75s at factory, Taxes Extra of their late uncle Mr. Will Burnett. Mrs. Aggie Fisher, of Toronto, is Mrs. James Warren, Oshawa, is| visiting at the home of Mr. Jack spending a week or so with her sister| Kirkham. Mrs. John Warren, looking after the omelr fixing up and renting of her home 000 here, BITS OF HUMOR EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Miss Gwen. Ettey, R.N., spent Sun- Auther of Back at Last The door of the chief's office swung open and a tall, cocksure looking man lounged in, despite the efforts of two clerks to stop him. "Well, old boy," he said, patting the chief on the back, "how are you after all this time?" The other turned round and stared at him in amazement. "I'm a self-made man," continued the stranger. "You don't remember me, do you? No, I thought not. But twenty-three years ago, when I was poor and ragged and out of work, you gave me a message to carry." The chief found his tongue at last. "Well," he snapped, "where's the answer ?" * - » A party of volunteers was taken to the shooting range for the first time. The men first fired at a target five Mr. Bill Heron, of Brooklin, was pressing hay for some of the farmers | here last week. A very heavy electric storm passed over here on Sunday. No local damage was reported and the rain will do un- told good. Mrs, Gruer, Who was holidaying hundred yards away, and not one hit it. They were next tried at a target two hundred yards away, and still everyone missed. They were at last tried "at one just one hundred yards off, with the same result. "Attention!" thundered the drill drill sergeant. "Fix bayonets. Charge. with her brother for a few days, has returned to her home in Whitby. Miss Sarah Davidson, of Whitby, | visited her cousin, Mr. Edward Mole, | on Sunday. > ! Mr. Jas. Lawrence has gone to To-' ronto, to take an National Air Service course. | urday, arranging about the property It's your only chance." S. 8. Teacher: "Now, Maise, what does it mean to bear false witness against one's neighbor?" Maise (aged six): It's when nobody ain't doin' nothin' and somebody goes and tells it."