F O. W.CROZIER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 5) Accountant, etc. 'Real Estate Money to Loan Office first door cast of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer. Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19 Port Perry, Ontario The Misses Emmerson, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in Port Perry. Miss Annie Farmer and her friend Miss Kathleen Miller, of Toronto, spent the holiday avith Mr. and Mrs. 8. Farmer. Dr. J. B. Lundy is attending the an- nual convention of the Ontario Dental Sariety, being held in Toronto this week. Mr. Norman Ewers and family spent the weck end at the summer home of his sister at Port Dalhousie. Miss Lillian Blong was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Read has returned home after receiving medical treatment at the Christie St. Hospital. Mi. A. E. Byers, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Purdy for. the week end. Miss Frances Mellow, of Toronto, spent the holiday with her mother. Miss Helen Vickery of Toronto, was "THE MINISTER'S BRIDE Church Ladies' Bible Class and the Sunday School Orchestra, was well attended. The old-time costumes and manners were well portrayed by 'the actors, To the older people in the audience there was no exaggeration in the picture. The characters that appeared on the stage all had their counterparts fifty years ago--Mrs. Charity, Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Crabbe and her hen pecked husband, Joe, Mrs. Betterday, Molly, Charity, Mrs. Seegood, Amos Right, Robert Spence, | Wren, Miss Smiley, and! Ephraim Green. All these were shep- herded by the placid minister and his The arrival of Mir- and her reluctant bridge- formed one of those happy which shows . that true humor is unconscious. | Jenny harrassed wife. "anda Meck | groom interludes These pictures of former days are needed, Our young people do not i know where their wealth came from, nor the simple fountains of pleasure Jo kept our parents sane and pro- rressive. FRANCIS HENRY DAVIS After four years ill health Francis Henry Davis died at his home 242 Mary St., Oshawa, on Sunday night. The deceased was, at the time of his A native of he went to Oshawa over forty years ago. For thirty-eight vears he was an employee of the Gen- eral Motors of Canada, and was pre- sented with a gold watch, recently, death, in his 72nd year. Manchester, Ont., lor his years of service. visiting with friends over the week SPOR Le | end. oo BROOKLIN FAIR A HUGE Mi. i'orbes Nasmith, and Miss D. SUCCESS Masniith, were in town for the week! The agricultural industry for which end. : Ontario County is so well noted was well represented at the annual Spring Abo Fair held at Brooklin on Monday of L 0.D. E. this week. The regular meeting of Scugog The number of entries in all bt Chapter will be held in the rooms of | classes compared favorably with - the Order on Monday at '3 p.m. June other years, and many of the popular 1st. A large attendance is requested. | ¢xhibits of horses and cattle were on | Al aries hand. ~ | ~~ ------ ee | AN MEMORIAM = HR | | BURNETT--In loving memory of| SPECIAL MUSK | Norman Burnett, who passed away on Mr. and Mrs. John Kilgour, tenor May 28th, 1930. and contralto soloists, of Oshawa Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Simcoe Street United Church, will : Sweetest rest that follows pain, | give a number of solos and duets, a | And we who loved him, sadly miss | the evening service, next Sunday, | him, May 31st, at Port Perry United] | But trust in God to meet again. Church. -- RA ~Mother, Brothers and Sisters. DIED EE at WAGNER--At Warrenton, North YOU CAN'T KILL GOD'! Carolina, on Monday, May. 25%, 197), Mrs. J. Ho Wagner in her 79th year. Bolshevists and Communists, TO Ea - Be Soviets of 'common sod, AN EVENING IN JAPAN You can murder men and women, Anglican Parish Hall -- Friday, But you can't kill God! May 20th, 8 p.m. . Short Play--Songs--Scenes from You can tear down lofty churches, Japanese Life --Views--Exhibit of You can practice crime and fraud, Curios. Refreshments in- Japanese You can burn up Holy Bibles, style. Adults 25¢., Children, 15¢. But you can't kill God! ' AR " You can force your brutal methods, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ¥ You can ply the tyrant's rod, CHURCH So 5, You can plunder, torture, murder, Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A, Minister But you can't kill God! 11 moe Wonsio Service, : 7 p.m.~-Evening Service. ---Elizabeth and Grenville Kleiser.| BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA i dn Service at 2.30 p.m. es eet 3 ee : L.O.L. COUNTY CHURCH PARADE| PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | The County Lodge, Ontario South, 11 a.m.--Taking Jesus Seriously will attend Divine Worship at St. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. John's Presbyterian Church, Port 7 p.m--Felix. Perry, on Sunday, June 14th, at 7 Prince Adbert p.m. (standard time.) Rev. Capt. W. 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. | C. Riddiford, Field Secretary, Ontario 3 p.m.--Worship Service. | West, will conduct the service. pA « Ra Brethren will assemble at the Lodge CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION | Rooms at 6.30. Visiting Brethren Trinity Sunday | welcome. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. i R. J. ANDREWS, Sr., C. M. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. i 4 G. J. MORRISH, C. Sec'y 7 p.m.---Evening Service. | | i | | ! $ § the building up of ful constitution. dorsed by thousan A safe, effective and old. THERONOID O Mrs. Orr C. Browne ~ Phone 39 A Theronoid An electro-magnetic health.appliance for the correction of illnesses, and Approved by Medical Doctors. week's free treatment) for young a vigorous health- En- ds of users. method (with one F PORT PERRY Street Port Perry The play, put on by the United WILL LIVE AT EXETER Mr. S. Yelland left last Friday to make his home with his sister at Exeter. . Mr. Yelland has been in the employ of Messrs. Jeffrey & Taylor for a number of years, but is discon- tinuing his work there. On Thursday evening of last week a large company of Mr. Yelland's friends gathered at the home of Mrs. 2 Town to bid him good-bye, and to The addresses, which explain. them selves, follow: < Port Perry, May 20th, 1931 Mr. Samson Yelland: Dear Friend,--We are drawn to- gether on this occasion, the eve of your departure from us, to bid you a kind adieu; and by the mystic in- fluence of desire to express in some tangible way our appreciation of your many kindly acts, and the interest you have manifested in the welfare of our Bible Class. By your removal from our midst, we realize our class is losing a staunch and generous friend, and we ask you to accept this pen as a token of re- gard for you, coupled with our earnest wish that it will be a lasting memorial of the splendid relationship which has always existed among us, and bring to your mind many friends and happy days spent in Port Perry. Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Bible Class of the United Church, B. N. Rundle, Secretary. | Port Perry, May 20th, 1931 | Mr. Dear Samson Yelland: Sam: We have heard with that you are leaving Port We fully understand and the reasons which are taking you away from us. We hope that your life at your home will be one of con- tinued health, happiness and pros- perity. There is a text in the Bible which we believe can be applied to you-- "I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." We have noted with pleasure your years of faithful regret Perry. honor . service as usher in the Church and as secretary of the Sunday School. What has even been more pleasing is the knowledge that in your own quiet way you have endeavoured to do such acts | of kindness, to those about you, as you felt were required. While you made | no display, your generous conduct has: its impress upon our people and | left vou will always be remembered with pleasure. On behalf of the Port Perry United | Church, we ask you to accept these little gifts as tokens of our esteem and appreciation. May God's Blessing go with you. rs eet er AUCTION SALE OF Mr. D. Corbman and others are holding an auction sale of furniture, | on Thursday, June 4th, at Mr. Corb- | man's residence, Port Perry. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. | FURNITURE | STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE Northre, SOUND | (8 Jeclric SYSTEM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 29 and 30. + "LOVE IN THE ROUGH" present him with dddresses and gifts, with Helen Jordon and Robert Montgomery, musical action play; 3 also Laurel E. Hardy in a Talking and Singing Comedy. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2, and 3. 'Walter Huston in «ABRAHAM LINCOLN" Greatest Talking, History Production. over screened. A picture of Education for old and. young. "Also "Mickey the Mouse Comedy." THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 4th, 5th and 6th. Double Bill Attraction Alice Day and William Collier, Jr., in "MELODY MAN" a great drama in singing and talking. Also Buck Jones in the "LONE RIDER" a thrilling Western picture. ADMISSION ADULTS 33c. + 2c. tax; CHILDREN 20c. Tuesdays and Fridays ADULTS 25c.; CHILDREN 1bc. SUMMER CLOSING The merchants of Port Perry will close their places of business on Wed- nesday afternoon at 12.30 during June, i July, August and September. ----()0 Oe FINE CROP PROSPECTS Reports from district representa- | tives reveal that practically all farm crops, with the exception of straw- low average yield, give promise of good returns. Warm weather and | frequent showers have brought along | spring grains wonderfully. Pasture | has made good headway, which is most fortunate as feed supplies are beginning to run low. It is almost certain that the acreage of both spring grains and new alfalfa, clovers and grasses will be much greater than for some years past. This increase, to- | gether with the absence of winter killing, indicates a large crop of home-grown feed next fall. A de- crease in milk shipments to cheese factories is noticeable, due largely to low prices being offered for cheese: While too early to make any defi- nite prediction regarding fruit pros- pects, P. W. Hodgetts, director of the Fruit Branch, states that everything ! so far is favorable. ~All classes of fruit came through the winter in ex- cellent shape and there has been a wonderful showing of blossom. With | continued seasonable weather a big [ yield may be expected of apples, | peaches, cherries, plums and other ! fruit. ------, > ------------------ If you want to haye a good laugh hear Nancy Anna Brown's Folks at | Scugog Centre Church on June 3rd. Admission 25¢ and 16e. CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE Early variety, good strong, healthy plants. 15¢. dozen. D. Corbman, Port Perrry. FOR RENT Seven roomed house on John Street. Call or phone 234. A. D. Peters, Port Perry. tL. LAWN MOWERS GROUND Lawn Mowers machine ground and repairs. Called for and delivered. S. Causley, Phone 228 Juned Interior Decorating SIGNS, SCENERY and PAINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS A. E. Morrison "CEDAR LODGE" PRINCE ALBERT JERSEY COW FOR SALE Good milker. Apply to Art. Wood- ley, Prince Albert, Ont. 1 DOG LICENCE All parties owning or harbouring dogs since April 1st, 1931, are rve- quested to purchase a Dog Tag at once in order to comply with Dog By- Law, and save other expense. May 28 E. H. PURDY, Clerk GLADIOLUS BULBS FOR SALE Good varieties--unnamed, 15c. and 25c. per dozen, according to size. Apply at Star Office The Census of Canada 1931 people. In the opening weeks of June every family and every home in Canada will be visited by a repre- sentative of the Government for the great national purpose of taking the seventh census of Canada. The census is really a stocktaking. That is, it provides the information to enable the Govern~ ment and othérs interestéd in the development of the country to formulate progressive for the happiness, comfort and prosperity of our All the information supplied is strictly confidential, and the officers of the Government are subject to severe penalty if they disclose any of the information which is given to them by residents. in the country, te any other than the Government. Futheritored it has nothing whatever to do with taxation, or military service, or compulsory school attendance, or immigration, or any such matter; and the Government itself cannot use it except for statistical totals. The Government repgencestive will pit the me gasstiin sual and it is your duty as a resident of this country to answer promptly and "truthfully. The Government is very anxious to avoid forcing anyone to Ess Toe Tucatons; Lo §t 1s mpteseod 10.0 40 10 he Sow sen where individuals may refuse. Issued by HON. H. H. STEVENS, Mister DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE -- OTTAWA NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION FOR THE VILLAGE OF PORT : FOR SALE ; White Pekin Duck Eggs, 90c setting. Phone 190 r 1-2, Port Perry. 1 POTATOES FOR SALE Good ceoking or seed potatoes. Full particulars by phoning D. E. Ianson, Port Perry 108 r 2-1 or Ux- bridge 9209. China Do not miss our China Several held at the Clerk's Office, on 'Thursday the 11th day of June, 1931, at 8 o'clock p.m., to hear and determine the sev- eral complaints of errors or orhissions 'in the A t Roll for the said Village of Port Perry for the year 1931. ; All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. The last day for making complaints is the 22nd day of May, 1931. E. H. PURDY, Clerk ea EP re Not so many years ago a man had a dream. It was considered only a dream--an impractical toy--for some time. But today that dream is an in- tegral part of our busy lives--a means of keeping in touch with events and people everywhere. It is the tele- phone. J. A. HETHERINCTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday tt io 12 a.m. Phone 268 Ft HORSESHOE CLUBS Brooklin, May 15--A meeting of representatives of horsshoe clubs from Brooklin, Oshawa, Columbus and Ashburn, was held at Brooklin on Thursday evening. A league was formed for the year 1931 and officers elected as Yollows:- Honourable presidents, W. E. N. Sinclair, Dr. Kaiser, W. H. Moore, and Dr. James Moore; president, F. McBrien; vice president, Reeve C. L. Mackey; secretary-treasurer, F. Wil- coxin; directors, D. Parrott, W. Heron, Ted Brown, and N. Whitney. Arrangements will be soon:made for dates and places for tournaments. The league is expecting an increased interest in the game this year. i p---- Myrtle Elevator Get your seed requirements at the Myrtle Elevator. A full line in stock. Enquire for prices. We also carry all kinds of chop. Chopping done every day. C. GOODE & SONS LIMITED Chas, Pilkey, Local Agent Phones: Bell 120 r 5. Ind. 3317 His Famous Reading ANTHRACITE That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. For heat, health, cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or worry, {md Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL to-day. It is economical, efficient, safe. HALON BY-PRODUCT COKE. We have the exclusive agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes on hand. - Clearing Sale. pieces to go at cost and some below cost. Ron aam¥s Always on hand to take care of your Optical re- quirements. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist FOR Gladiolus ..: GOOD VARIETIES-- UNNAMED 15¢. & 25¢. dozen, according to size. Apply at STAR OFFICE Your Eyes once gone, can never be replaced. Eyesight is the most precious of our senses. If you suspect any trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL HARDWOOD -- HARDWOOD SLABS -- SOFT SLABS TILE -- CEMENT -- LIME CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED PORT PERRY COAL YARD Truck Delivery. W. G. W. PYATT * Phones Office 94, Res." 238 , Willard's Store News CHOICE GROCERIES . The Pineapple Season is at hand and we are advised by the fruit dealers, now is the most suitable time, regarding quality and price, to get your Pines for canning. We have good Pines, the flavor and quality of Cuban Pineapple is the equal of any- thing of a similar nature the world over. " CHEF READY COOKED MEALS--per tin 18¢. These are prepared and cooked by skilled chefs, ready to heat and serve, in a variety of flavors. . Choice Meat and fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. Prime Lamb and fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. Irish Stew with fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. Pork Sausage with fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. Chef Sweet Mixed Pickles, 33 oz, large fancy jar. .......50c. Easifirst Shortening, 5 1b. pail... TB, Pure Maple Sugar, 1 1b blocks ......................36c. Fresh Head Lettuee .................... 0... L. 1B. Ripe: Tomatoes-1-Mb..... '0. ..on anil i oe - Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower and other plants, per box 20c. WILLARD & CO., C Port Perry PHONE 46 r 2_ - ~. iy 2 x ¥