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Port Perry Star, 28 May 1931, p. 7

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a England to India .andria on the following Monday; to . in exactly five days, two hours, thirty- In Five Days By HARRY HARPER - (Author of "The Romance of a Modern Airway") An experience to linger in one's memory is to fly as a passenger over the great air-mail route which is oper- ated by Imperial Airways between England and India." By the accelerated time-schedule which will be in operation this sum- mer, one will ascend from London on Saturday morning and be in India on the following Thursday, having flown 5,000 miles above land and sea, with panoramas which will enthrall you un- folding themselves beneath your out:| look window. 5 It seems more like magic than re- ality to be able to leave London on a Saturday morning and to be in Alex- alight at Bagdad on Tuesday evening; and to reach India by Thursday after- noon. Yet such apparent miracles as these, the fruit of organization and of operating experience, are now being accomplished regularly as a matter of daily routine. Passengers bound for India by air assemble on Saturday morning at Air- ways House, London. Then, after sports have been examined and lug- gage taken charge of by airway port- ers, you are escorted to waiting cars and driven to the air station at Croy- don. Taking an armchair seat in one of the powerful Armstrong-Siddeley pas- senger-planes of Imperial Alrways, you ascend and sweep over Kent to the sea-coast,- passing swiftly above the Channel on your way to Paris. After a brief halt at Le Bourget, the pilot steers for Basle, beautiful views lying below--a pangrama of mighty mountains and fertile valleys. Then the city of Basle, where the Rhine makes an almost right-angle turn, is reached. "Now, for a brief spell, the airway is deserted for a sleeping car train and you are travelling throughout the night to Genoa. At Genoa you ascend and fly down the Italian coast via Naples to Corfu, where you alight that same evening. DRAPERIES MADE NEW "When we resumed housekeeping a month ago I found my a had become creased from packing. I hung them out on the line, hoping tc re- move the creases. Then I forgot them. The result was they became badly faded and sun-spotted. "I was heartsick until the. happy thought struck me to dye them, I just dyed them a deeper green, and as I used Diamond Dyes they look gorgeous and new. I have never seen eagier dyes to use than Diamond Dyes. They give the most beautiful colors--when used either for tinting or 'dyeing--and never take the life out of cloth as other dyes do." Mrs, J.F.T.,, Montreal. ---- en Geodetic Reconnaissance During the field season of 1930, the Geodetic Survey of Canada, Depart- ment of the Interior, completed the re- connaissance for an extensive tri- angulation scheme covering Georgian bay and the North channel of Lake Huron together with adjoining lands including Manitoulin Island. The to- tal area, extending from the southern end of Georgian Bay to Sault Ste I"~rie, a distance of 230 miles, whieh may be controlled by such a scheme, will have forty control points distri- buted over ah area of approximately 12,000 square miles. ty "1 think we can well look forward to the time when towns will rebuild themselves as we now go to the tall or for a new suit of clothes."--H. G. Wells, a For Distinguished 'Service . "Heroes are born, not made," we are told. Perhaps this saying is true; at any rate the men pictured above performed heroic service to the public because they had, in their spare time, prepared themselves to render first aid to the injured and were ready when the emergency arose. , Each man is a member of the staff of the Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada. The Bell Telephone Company provides instruction in first aid for all employees who desire it. Over eighty per cent. of the members of the Plant Department are qualified first aiders. The men pictured above have saved life, resuscitated the nearly drowned, bound up the wounded, or, by timely action and quick thinking, prevented serious accidents. In each case their services have been rendered not to fellow employees but to the public at large, often times at great sacrifice and personal danger. As a mark of appreciation, the Bell Telephone Com- pany has made appropriate awards to its men. Top left to right--C. W. Biggin, St. Thomas; E. Tushingham, W. S. Stirling, E. C. Merrifield, Toronto, P. E. Lacroix and C. Page, Ottawa; Bottom--F. E. Belanger, Ottawa, R, H. Manley, Montreal, G. H. Barclay, E. C. Frith, J. W. Carson, Toronto and A. Hamilton, Montreal. | A Fish Curiosity Owl-Laffs ---- AD AVhot wakes tt S0Good? phos To 2 CHOICE BLENDS = Red Label & Orange Pekoe More Poultry in Germany Now Than Prior to War Washington.--Despite ' e usual des- truction of farm crops and farm ani- mals brought about by a great war, Germany now has more poultry, chick- en, ducks and geese, than it had be- fore the start of the World War, ac- cording to a census conducted last December and made public Commerce Department, Steady increases are shown since 1925, resulting at the end of last year 87,937,300 chickens. These figures re- present a substantial gain over those obtained for 1913, when there were 5,850,800 geese, 2,086,300 ducks and 63,970,300 chickens. Imports of eggs into Germany in- creased materially until 1928, when a decline began, the Commerce Depart- ment announced. The 1930 imports were 219,908,830 dozen, about 20,000, 000 dozen less than in 1928. - Early next morning you are on.the| wing again, steering for Athens and | Crete, with wonderful views below, | and on above the Mediterranean you | alight at Alexandria. Changing again from flying-boat to | aeroplane, you obtain a fascinating glimpse of Cairo. Soon your "magic carpet" has car- ried you over the Sinai desert to Gaza. On again, fresh wonders greet you-- the round-topped hills of Judah; Bethlehem on your left; and Jerusalem' on a hill beyond, with an impressive, gwiftly-glimpsed panorama of the Dead Sea which, it has been said, "looks lke the bottom of the world" when viewed from a height of about 5,000 feet. Soon after this you find yourself over Bagdad, "Jewel of the East", and as you glide down you catch a passing glimpse of the golden domes of the Kad-i-Main Mosque, and of the narrow streets and date gardens of the city. Early next morning you are in the air again, passing over that wonderful Arch of Ctesiphon and approaching the legendary site of the garden of Eden. After this, from Basra on to Bushire, there is a rapid transition from the tropical basin of the river system to the volcanic mountain ranges of Persia. Flying via Lingeh, you reach and alight at Jask. Ascending again next day, you pass above 'mountains and vast stretches of sand, presently nearing the harbor and port of Marachi. Your air ex- press passes to the north of the town, and on to the commercial air station which lies inland and glides down. You have flown from England to India five minutes. A hundred years ago it was thought wonderful when one of the old sailing ships made a voyage between England and India in not more than 91 days. Five days as com- pared with 91 days! Or, to contrast the aerial mail with the fastest exist- ing surface transport, five days as com- pared with 15 days. Such apparent miracles are possible only with the modern aircraft, which wings its way unhindered ahove sea, mountains, for- ests, or deserts. es mf irs Street Ballads Mexican popular. ballads, the "cor- ridos," are sung in the village streets on market days by professional min- strels. They replace newspapers and keep the people informed on cur- rent events. The repertoire of the minstrel contains songs about the last inundation as well as the last murd®r, It relates and comments on. political happenings, love stories, economics. (One ballad complains against the price policy of the mer- chants.) When the corrido loses its news value it becomes subject to na- tural selection and the minstrel re- tains only those songs that appeal to his audience for their general drama- tic value. Thousands of these Songs made in the villages have never been written down, but in cities publish- ers supply the minstrels with text sheets. presents songs specially written for the occasion, such ac the Calaveras (skulls), which are grotesque verses, often imitating funeral Sermons, sung on All Soul's Day and satiriz- On holidays the minstrel| Made by the Makers of Kraft Cheese and Kraft Salad Dressing " Knights' " Meaford Flooring It's Good A fish that shoots insects with a mtr lip pem-- During the furnace-cleaning opera. drop of water is among the ichthyolog- Fate tions in a large steel works the ical incredibilities assured as scientific | Be still, sad heart, and cease repining, men occasionally had to walk aeross facts by Dr. Hugh M. Smith, former Behind the clouds the sun is shining; la plank high in the air. One of United States Fish Commissioner, | Thy fate is the common fate of all, . : them would cross it on his hands and who' recently returned to Washington | Into each life some rain must fall, it freely «se knees. from Bangkok, where he is adviser in | Some days must be dark and dreary. Foreman--Are you frightened of fisheries to the Siamese Government. --Longfellow. walking on the plank? So accurately can the little fish hurl min tt Workman--No. sir, 'tis frightened its liquid projectile that on at least "Man should be a beautiful crea- {1 am walking off it, | two occasions Dr. Smith has' seen | ture. In nature it is the male of lighted cigarettes extinguished in the | the species that Is the fine, bright. PB Health authoritie® | 1qleness is detrimental to one's | mouths of smokers on a verandah a| colored one."--Cosmo Hamilton, recommend Velvecta seit respect. If you don't think | couple of yards above the surface of for children's daily vou are living in the best town in the pond where the fish Were SWimM: | ------ eee p- diets. Tt's nourishing the world you ought to be hunting | ming. | as milk itself , , . con- that kind of a one. The fingers of | When the shooting fish sights an WwW O O 1 centrated body build. one hand are those on which all the insect that it considers a Joey candi- | ing food for old an eople in the world could be count. | dato for dinner, it quietly pokes its | I el pe ch work for the pure love of | eyes aad the tip of its snout above HIGHEST PRICES PAID | working. Late to bed and late to | water, holding its body -at an angle The Canadian Wogql, Co. Ltd. Made in Canada | vise makes one unhealthy, unwealthy | of about forty-five degrees. It opens | 2 CHURCH ST. TORONTO | and otherwise. its wide mouth just tlt slightest) -- ---- crack in the middle, and at the same James--Poor Mike was found froz- [instant suddenly squeezes its gill-cov-| | en to death in bed this morning. ers, The speeding drops of water | John--How did it happen? that shoots forth seldom fails to bring | James--He married the janitor's | down its mark. Dr. Smith states that | daughter, you know. he has even seen these fish dislodge! 0% ee «mall lizards with their water bullets. oh <> Elis Fred--Did you quit your work in| --Science News Letter, PF Fercmm---- the shirt factory, 1 saw you down a ss | j See your dealer town this afternoon. "Of both faith and science the only | Send for This f Get our prices , It's Even Better IT'S THE BEST ™ Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford Carl--No, we are making night shirts this week. Why find fault when there are BO many better things te find? dnd Dentist (to patient who is opening' her purse)--No, don't bother to pay Depends upon so many little things Upon bathroom hygiene, for instance. And there is no greater assurance of bathroom hygiene than the soft, absor- bent tissue in an Eddy Roll, tissue made immaculately pure ond safe by Eddy's sterilizing process. THEE. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL « « + = = CANADA Manufacturers of a Wide e of Quality Papers for Commercial, es sional and Domestic P NAVY" A full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue~-- 700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper. Li DNOUGHT" A big value Eddy line. Seven ounces of Sterilized creped tissue in every roll. YWHITE SWAN" A sno white Sterilized Tissue. | dustproof Rolls of 750 sheets. Also made in "RECESS" size to fit modern built-in fixtures. ing past events. --N.Y. bune. : Herald-Trk | me in advance. Patient--I'm not.: Don't worry. I) was only counting my money before you give me gas. The only business that runs smoothly all the time is a dead one drifting out to the sea of oblivion, | First Wife--Does your hasband exercise regularly? ~] Second Wite--Why, yes, last week | he was out six nights running. | Teacher -- How many people are there in this country? | Student--Er-h.h-r- - Teacher--Hurry, hurry; Every sec | ond you dilly-dally the number ErOwWS | larger. | Take care of the to-morrow; your | yesterdays will take care of them. | selves. | Southern Californian home from a vacation 'trip out of the State)-- «Ahhh! Doesn't the old bus ride nice, pow that we've got the tires filled again with this wonderful Los Angeles air \ Consider the Ant. He is so busy be breaks up other peoples' picnics. Pasgenger--Captain, there's a girl stowaway on board this ship. The Captain--Tell her to hide In my cabin. "Friction makes more heat but seldom makes light." em el ---- New Traffic Control : Tried by Soviet Moscow--After experimenting with a variety of measures--fines, printed | posters and volunteer auxiliary trafic police--to persuade Russians to Cross streets at designated crossing' in the more crowded parts of the city, local authorities have hit on a more effec- tive device. streets at a height of two or three feet, so that only an agile jumper is likely to violate the injunction against crossing at unauthorized places. --p-------- "The people are soberly thinking and that is the most hopeful sign we could bhave.'--Henry Ford. Ropes are now stretched along the |] altar is god,"--Pope Pius XI BIG COMMISSIONS to sell our Personal Social Stationery, and our wonderful value line of Per- sonal Christmas Cards. Very moderately priced. Big money-making opportunity. ART PRINT SERVICE 30 College_ Street, - - Good Bye M* Fly and all the little flies They can't get away, once they touch Aeroxon. There's something in it that has an irresistibleattraction for these household pests. A wider and longer ribbon provides a Toronto greater area, and the glue does not dry--good for 3 weeks' service. At drug, grocery & hardware stores. Sole" Agents: NEWTON A. HILL, 56 Front St. Eaat, Toronto \ y HAIR HOME-WASHED A clean scalp is a healthy une. Avoid distressing loss of hair. . . . use Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair and Scalp Cleaner, made of abso- lutely pure ingredients. dirt and dandruff. Successive washings prove its worth, At your druggist b0c, or send 10c for sample, Seven Sutherland Sisters Dept. 22, 193 Spadina Ave,, Toronto FREE BOOKe Mail the attached coupon and we will send you a copy of our new cook ok, "The Good Provider," with over a hundred delightful KEHD recipes for puddings, pies, Sx cakes, pastries, fc., & a wide variety of other things you can make better with-- STCHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED | EVAPORATED Borden Co.. Limited 115 George St., Toronto Send me a free copy of your new cook book. Ciersieeene SCIATICA Wash the painful part well with warm water; then rub in plenty of Minard's and you'll feel better! WHY FAT MEN STAY FAT "The trouble with me, and T guess | this applies to 99 out of every 100 men who are putting on weight, I didn't have the energy or *'pep" to keep it off. Lost all interest in any healthy activity and just lazed around accumulating the old pounds, until I got that * Kruschen feeling." Start taking Kruschen Salts--that's the common-sense way to reduce--bus don't take them with the idea that _ they possess reducing qualities in themselves. This is what they do--they clean out the impurities in your blood by keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splen- As a result, instead of planting yourself in an easy chair every free moment and letting flabby fat accumu- late, you feel an urge for activity that keeps you moving around doing the things you've always wanted to do and needed to do to keep you in good condition. Kruschen Salts are the up-to-date Fountain of Youth. Take one-half teaspoon in a glass of hot water to-morrow morning and every morning ~--be careful of the foods you eat-- take regular moderate exercise--then watch the p ds slide off, by the' in 6,230,400 geese, 3,886,400 ducks, and | Classified Advertising BABY CHICKS 1 BABY .HICKS--IN SIX VAR- =L 1ETIES, 9% and up. atalogues free A. EH. Switzer. Granton. On 0. TYPEWRITERS ARGAIN IN REBUILT EMPIRE tynewriters, guaranteed same as new, $25 -ash with order. Satisfaction or money refunded. Twite for Tvpe- writers. 764 St. Peter St. Montreal. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Ww EE WANT A RELIABLE REPRE- SENTATIVE to handle our pro- ducts in your _ocal district. Apply Clarence Cameron, 39 Wellington St. B., Toronto, Press On Press on and climb or linger still be low; Life is a land we can but partly know; Leagues have been travell'd, many wonders met, But the best part is undiscovered yet. --Edwin Henry Keen. iran "Spiritualists are the only people who have not religious freedom.' -- Lady Conan Doyle. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St, Toronto Harley -Lavidson Distribuiors Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles Terms arranged BLACKHEADS Don't suffer any longer from these n chtly blemishes. * Overcome them at home! Get 2 oz. Peroxine Powder from your druggist. Sprinkle a little on the face cloth, apply with a circular motion 1s will be all WASHED fon or money returned Dragging Days . and Restless Nights Lack of pep is frequently caused by clogged -up systems. Feen-a-mint is thorough, dependable yet gentle In action. Effective in smaller doses because you chew it. Modern, scientific, safe, non-habit-forming. CHILDREN CRY FOR IT-- HILDREN hate to take medicine as a rule; but every child loves the taste of Castoria. And this pure vegetable preparation is just ds good as it tastes; just as bland and just as harmless as the recipe reads. When Baby's cry warns of colic, a few drops of Castoria has him soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Noth~ ing is more valuable in diarrhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tell of constipation, invoke its gentle | } | aid to cleanse and regulate a child's did working shape, and fill you with i bowels. In colds or children's diseases, ,. vigor and tireless energy. you should use it to keep the system' from clogging. Castoria is sold in every drugstore; the genuine always bears Chas. H. Fletcher's signature. EE BVT TIA "ASTORIA A tl ISSUE No. 21--"31 | h J

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