PORT PERR Y, ONTARIO, THURSDA ONE © socuamon STRAND THEATRE, ASSOCIATION ® CROZIER 0. co io om mo oo Famous Readin br, Solicitor, No Port Perry, on the evening of Friday, core. y y tary d : :, Conveyancer, June 19th, 1981, in the High School J SOUND SYSTEM : Kccountant, ete. Assembly Hall. i: : : Regie | Womey io Loan) The 1ohoving subjects will be one : THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 19 and 20. first door east of Canadian Bank | S'deved: "Agriculture in Relation to Do not miss our China of Commerce, over the Observer [Ihe School", W. M. Croskery, agai} 5 CTE That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. For heat, _ Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrel, in : Office cultura] Representative for Ontario earing ale, health. cleanti ithout Lk : z . : County. "T Children to Play" : d , cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or worry, | ¢ Pave 08 Residence 19]|'1" 2 Forguson, Los. North cote || Pieces to go at cost an Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL ; roy Sit Perry, Ontario "Music in the Schools"--This subject|] Some below cost. 'to-day. It is economical, efficient, safe. C AME BACK is to be i ¥ ; Mr and Mrs. Wm. DeShane and : = roduiod by Miss Lucile HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE. We have the exclusive 3 : : + : wi ask, A.T.C.M., Port Perry. agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes layed in leading Toronto Theatres. p family, of Little Britain, were visiting Miss Ida Fallowdown, Sunderland, «A Neff on. hand with Mrs. DeShane, on Sunday. il gi ; 2 n ne, on Sunday. will give readings, and Port Perry ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, Sana Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prentiee and]String Quartette will give musical HARDWOOD -- HARDWOOD SLABS -- SOFT SLABS COHENS and KELLYS LD daughter, also Mr. Ross Prentice, of SeleStions. alia Always on hand to take . TILE -- CEMENT -- LIME ' 6 { Beton sot Sands: arn tue] Election of officers. CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED: Ar d h C parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Prentice. All persons interested in Education care of your Optical re- PORT PERRY CO AL Y ARD in oun t e orner"' Mfr. Doneld Boynton is spending» id Iie 1 sien NN quirements. Nk De DTA in singing and talking, also "Prince of Diamonds." few davs at his home hero. agua, - N. Mest, Tue very. » GW. Phones Office 94, Res. 233 a ; Miss Mary Cherie, gf Oshaws,| -- Vo... THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 26 and 27 © spent the week end with Alma Blight. Am a RRRCTION be Ben Lyon and-Jean Harlow 3 mistake occurred in the historic ; es B. 5 Reesor vas in Markham| part of Mr. George Jackson's obituary THE VENTU RE be y "»" ~ on Wednesday, attending a convention| notice in last week's issue of the Port e S n e be) : of the W. M, S. Perry Star. In recording the date of I. R. BENTLEY TEA ROOM and HOME BAKERY 5 i Mrs. George Jackson and Miss the marriage of Mr. Jackson to Miss A million Dollar picture in talking. Don't miss it. Also a Fox Patricia, are visiting friends in To-| Zula May Tonkin, it should have read Jeweller & Optometrist invite you to take your meals in their attractive sur- News Reel. ronto. 1899, instead of 1889. We regret the roundings, or to secure delicious Home Made Baking ADMISSION ADULTS 83¢. + 2c. tax; CHILDREN 20c. Miss Frances Christy, of Wellesley|®" at reasonable prices. Tuesdays and Fridays ADULTS 25c.; CHILDREN 16ec. - Hospital, Toronto, is spending a week] ------------ <o>o»r-- : - " at har home here. PARKING OF CARS ON J. A. HETHERINGTON NAPIER & BOAG, Proprietors ok os eerie ee ogee mr meme a Miss Annie Farmer iy spending & DECORATION DAY AT Chiropractor and Drugless Therapiut Phone 248, BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY week at home in Port Perry. PRINCE ALBERT 3 Wolverlsigh Blvd, Toronto 9 Mrs. Oliver Statton and Miss 1% ! No parking of Cars on the roads in a TREY W lard S tore ews Savage, of Los Angeles, Califofia, the Demetery will be Soe fon Tacsday and Sotards . n ti t the hom f th - or ose entering e es y aturday Ed d H d L b Bre nating a iy eo le ar, gate, parking is provided inside the 10 to 12 a.m. Phome 2358 mun 1n um er this : grounds just north of the gate. . : pater. ol "Tor these weing the Basserm Gate Company Limited WHY COOK DINNERS? Miss orothy avey 18 holidaying) ther is ample rki e just in- : . MR Tot Tarts, The wal Son cour Shere is wniple pecking spare fie COMING Distelbusors for Compe-Soard and Wasenite. R. Davey. For those using the South Gate|] Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Why cook dinners on hot days, when you gan easily procure a aoa o»-------- | there is more parking space and better |] 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto's tin of Lazenby's Ready Cooked Dinners? Choice and ap- ad oe? than anywhere else; just outside the|l] Eyesight Specialist, at A. M. MASONITE for the Modern petizing, prepared by English chefs, and ready to heat and COMING--Dr. F. E. Luke, Opto-| oto Lawrence's drug store, Port serve. These quick dinners contain choice meats, vegetables [rehnst, ay Savrenes re surg, No cars will be allowed in the|l Perry, Thursday, July 16th. Farm and Home and rich gravy, in favorite flavors. Per tin 18c. ork Sethy, Tnistay, July low. cemetery after two o'clock, unless|} Glasses fitted accurately. Ideal for Summer Cottages. Brunswick Sardines" ....................... 5 for 25c Ten parked as above. : F. E. LUKE & SON, WRITE US. FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES. Corn Flakes, Kellogg's ..................... 3 for 29c. DECORATION SERVICE ve ae Lying to Beamity inj keep Optometrists PROMPT DELIVERIES Borden's Chocolate Malted Milk ............. L The Anca Decoration service: at beuiry your property. ont you 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto Danforth and Main Sts, TORONTO. Grover 1133-4-5 SiTone Pe iaitrrasis easier sss nats fing 85c and 53c. Pine Grove Cemetery, will be held on| : (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) APeime IWaAVOPINE .... ceo iii odie! vide weenie . Sunday, July 5th, at 3 p.m. The House and Grounds Qommitics, | . PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH LOST T. J. Widden, Sec.-Treas. rire Sunday, June 21st-- Grey Persian Kitten, in Port Perry. TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL-- A MP AP y Sn : 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. Finder please notify Star Office. The new health drink and fonie, 27 oz. bottle ....86c. -- a. shhbB.L COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN I a en 1 Gon y ew t a y 27 i SE. A thie recent resolutions passed po . McLaren's Peanut Butter, ................. per 1b 20c. WARRINER LODGE NO, 75 LOOF, |; OTe -- il fo 11 CHURCH ference, FOR SALE Sandwich Pate ........cco.... heirs per tin 16c. The annual church service of War-| PY the Town Council are the follow-| p 0 © g Annand, B. A., Minister 7 p.m.--Some Common Virtues-- Fresh Strawberries, Cabbages and New Persian Dates . ....oovooorrnnnnn. 2 pkgs. for 26c¢ riner Lodge No. 75, 1.0.0.F., was held} "8: he Port| 11 a-m--Morning Service. Honesty. Flowers. Apply to George Raines, Bolled Wheat .......... .. . 0.0. cc. in 3 hs for 25c. in the United Church on Sunday after-] 710 give a grant of $120 to the Po 7 p.m.---Evening Service. Prince Albert Port Perry. June 25 Picnic Drinking Cups... ......... 0. 00 10c pkg noon last. Perry Band. Port | BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA| 145 p.m.--Sabbath School. . : The weather was ideal for this oc-| TO give a grant of $160 to Wel ort] Service at 2.30 p.m. 3 p.m.--Worship. FOR SALE CHRISTIE'S CREAM CRACK ERS-- casion and a large number of visiting Perey, ' Bo and Scugog Agri- : Wall tent, as good as new, size 9' 6" Have you tried them? Ric! and Delicious, ..pkg. 25c. brethren were present to join the local| ¢% "ura' y x x 12, with 3' wall. Apply at Star Nippy old Canadian Cheese ................. ...Ib 28c. lodge members. To oil certain streets as required | oypgp proN UNITED CHURCH], YOU 8re invited to the Strawberry| ogc, For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables call on us.. We make a > " | by the ratepayers. The streets oiled Festival at Little Britain, on June 24, . i The members marched from their ' Tah . to ANNIVERSARY t the United Church. Good special effort to carry a good choice stock of both. > Lodge Rooms to the Church, headed] 2¥¢: Along illa street from Qesh JUNE 28 and 29 a d e, Cal urel 00d, Supper WANTED by the Port Perry Citizens Band, and Cassimir; along Mary from Lilla to 5 anc program, By July 1st, 7 roomed house, must brethren of the two Toronto Canton| Pérry; along John Stree} from Vy Services on Sunday, June 284, on <ow@wesr------ | have two large bedrooms and 1 small, ILL RD & P Lodges in full dress regalia, street to McMillan's somes; slong ducted by Dr. T. E. Holling, of Lind-| STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE |or 4 medium size; cellar, electric light, w A CO. ort Perry The service was in charge of Rev.| Perry street from Queen to Burnham's say, at 11 and 7. On Monday, June| including four show cases, stoves,| hard and soft water, sanitary con- PHONE 46 r 2 R. T. Richards, B.A., assisted by Rev.| ¢°rPer- 3 Tut 4.| 2% sports, supper and program. See mirrors, etc. Apply to Sutcliffe &| veniences. Will pay rent in advance. T. A. Nind. Mr. Richards' sermon on| all byslaws and resolutions regarc-|,.). ¢,. particulars. Sons, Port Perry. Apply at Star Office. "Brotherhood" was greatly appre-} ing vehicles for taking reels to a fire ind EC tis LL iS tk PLrW L - mms-- ert ciated by the members of the Lodge, From he fire hall Jere » atl = who considered the address of very the uw neste. his hb inted practical value. It fitted admirably Mr. red Sesor 8 been apo; it 4 o with the times of to-day. engineer for auxiliary fire engine, with Mr. Barton McTaggart, of Toronto, Jos. Becks as Begin dered rendered a beautiful solo, during the By resolution Be wh Was OrGen service, and the choir also gave two to: cease ringing: the > very pleasing anthems assisted by emesis re SAAN mre the Sunday School Orchestra. Miss AUCTION SALE Helen Méllow, at the organ, also play-| Do not miss attending the Sale of ed two lovely numbers. Household goods at the residence of = the late W. H. Letcher, Port Perry, on Saturday, June 20th, 1931, commenc- 2 Any person who is contemplating| ing at 1 p.m, sharp. \ _~ CHEVROLET. J acting as guide this summer must ob- There is plenty of real good furni- world's tain or be in possession of a guide's| ture, rugs, springs, mattresses and all licence. Same can be obtained from other household articles to be dis- B. Gooderham, the local overseer.' posed of at this sale. Failing to comply with the rules gov-' Everything will be sold by the Ex- > ~~ PONTIAC - erning same, if caught, will be sub- ecutors of this estate. 1 fin ear te A mudeen gan, 4 Cetera] ject to prosecution. | Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers $875" to L 013 o factory. Over 40 . absorb" engine vibration, noise and road shocks. < » **OLDSMOBILE - - ? models, ing from 4% 083 to ° g 230 at Difommanes wi nce selling ac i he pricy 1 her onoid ERE Eble jo sg en og McLAUGHLIN-BUICK An electro-magnetic health appliance 1, for the correction of illnesses, and the building up of a vigorous health- ful constitution. es CADILLAC » « Approved by Medical Doctors. En- Duar 11 Zisiuis uaiishls, prging dorsed by thousands of users. the markets of Empire, Gonerd Motors of tages and value of General Motors cars. That motorists Cadithae V12 2 5,130 and up so the * Canada, Limited, is respected as a customer of ® appreciate this fact is evidenced. by the remendous ®. #1 much 2s $13000. All prices at A safe, effective method (with one importance, due to its large and varied purchases. and lasting popularity of all General Motors Products. matter of colors, upholstery and even ; ; is recogni aterial, and Pe ttl Body deen ute Cit on Ce ie : week's free treatment) for young This recognition assures the finest of material, a large actors us " arepuy- ped ns and old. quantity buying brings favorable prices. The extensive . fable and competent body of dealers all over Canada er ; purchasing activities in Canada of General Motors are who render a standardized, reliable service wherever - > 4 | Be sure to listen in to C. F. R. B. at 9 mn. (Standard Time.) ' under the direction of experienced business men. Sup- you drive. They also offer you the convenience of buy- : 2nd hear the Theronold programme lees averywhare adhire dete o spociicatiom wih ee ey : - meticulous regard for General Motors' high standa time payment plan--G MAC. They ako, every -LMoroRs | : of quality. Thus, unusual buying advantages accrue to one of them, stand back of the General Owner % "Gorward Canada" sb THERONOID OF PORT PERRY General Motors and are quickly passed on fo the public. Service Policy, which assures your complete and Covadions congress sivibing. formant ww the : 5 advan continued satisfaction. rising tide of a fresh and vigorous prosperity. And b- Mrs. Orr C. Browne They are defintely Sion in ho Suttanding = 7 =. "Sui Generel Motors pays wibiste to Canadien ochiewe- » Mary Street Phone 39 | Port Perry