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Port Perry Star, 18 Jun 1931, p. 5

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ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 181 ~~ Ro T : : S i pe Ceamery Re=surface- Butter Fat. You can save labor pl shake mere ndney by send- 1516 hil 1516 A wi. . 2 Goo0n & Son, resis [ll oomavA ow. old walls and - | Closing Out Sale Continues | ceilings ~ Giving Up the Port Perry Store SPECIALR emt | | Author of with Gyproe ERE is a wallboard that does not burn, made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and 34 of an inch thick. It is used for interior walls, ceilings and partitions, ES BR ED ® | ENTIRE STOCK SOLD at MAKER'S COST y Every single article; every yard of goods; each piece of wearing apparel is now offercd at maker's cost to the pecple of Port Perry and vicinity. PRICES > W. A. Sangster MEN'S SUITS| _ penta. sureron Office Houss--9 am. to 5 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store. and Overcoats ; Our prices are grestly redweed-- With the arrival of new goods there pe & v 15 a splendid cholee. Get your order in early. As well as being fire-resistant, it has structural strength, insulation value and is draught and vermin-proof. Use Gyproc Joint Filler for seal- ing the joints between the tall, broad sheets of wallboard. LINEN LUNCHEON SETS Warranted All Pure Linen Luncheon Sets, 44 inch cloth and serviettes to match. 98c. All kinds of I'ry Cleaning and Pressing done. Ladies' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry When you are "doing over" any room in the house or adding new ones in the attic or base- horou ment, use Gyproc for walls and ceilings because oy Cleaning Process at very moderate (© you can nail it directly over the old surface. wee : Gyproc is also an excellent base for Alabastine, LADIES' NECKWEAR roe Canola) Gyptex or wallpaper. : : 5 Scarfs, Lace Collars, at practically half price. W. i. Rodman famous Gyproc is Canada's pioneer non-burning gypsum . cleaners wallboard. Ask your nearest dealer for full LADIES' BLOOMERS Merchant Tailor details and a Gyproc direction sheet. Or write ; Over Tel. Office Port Perry us for the FREE booklet, "Building and Re- Ladies' Non-Run Rayon Bloomers. While ! . modelling with Gyproc". 4 bd fey Instat doe: : --| Our many friends GYPSUM, LIME and ALABASTINE; CANADA, LIMITED fo = appreciant the seivies ie fomaus ? Paris , Onarie yi be t s giv RAG RUGS --) N Stock | Tam So Reversible Rag Rugs, well made, washable. ursery oC DRESSES . . . COATS . .. . is Size 24 inches x 48 inches, 39c. E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED SUITS... HATS ... and N IVORY ¥ Nunaerymen, Levdseane Archisew: household furnishings 4, mona ear Lo Juiavle, besides unusual things such as X GRASS MATS Represented in this district by "i I hand & Fancy Grass Mats--18 x 32 inches, 29c. ; . s.r. 8 PR INCE : neckties, gloves, handbags, { 27 x 62 inches, T9¢c. 4% x T%% feet, $1.98. A 'BenjaminSmith, IT Bi: dhe 3 : RY oS Je an gle informe on regarding 8 Sutcliffe & Sonsf Fireproof Wallboard Phone 246 ' For Sdle by : 0 ° na A Carnegie Hardware Co. Port Perry, Ont. oR Superior . Stores Enduring Insulation - - -- RE -------------- 3 ; SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE EST Good Value in Stationery-- i Our prices on all lines are marked down to meet TEN- eo ; oy A all competition on equal quality M 1 S .: A linen finish, feld-over letter style writing § Mews Work Boofs ..................... To clear at $2.79 yrt e tation tablet of one hundred pages, and twenty- bo Men's Fine Foote ap i creatine vanes to clear at jaa ; MADE IN CANADA Ye Aes ) lireiin five envelopes to match for 29c¢. 2 Men's Overalls, good weight .......... rie slsiaies aie vie J rs. Roy Spencer, of Indian River, : Rt rang ; ; i Men's Smocks, good weight _............... 0.0... $1.50 USED THE WORLD OVER Wt ot J.B. Beasts Pet BlsS'8 nels Mis Weng Lie at ne huni } Men's Wark Pants, good weight ................... $1.76 Recognized as the standard for all : L 8 | hpes : y $4.50 ] A Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm matored for 23c. y ol Men's Dress Worsted Pants ...................... ? i insulating purposes. Oi Toe Bok. : Men's Dress Blue Stripe Pants .................... $4.50 3 , : Men's Work Shirts, wonderful value at .......... ..$1.00 A pleasant gathering of the W. A. Palm Olive Soap-- 5 Men's Work Shirts, special srs essa ssssrarsnsanses 75 was held last Wednesday afternoon at ; . 3 i Men's Dress Broadcloth Shirts ................... -$1.49 the home of Mrs. Livi Tordiff, when Three cakes of Palm Olive Soap and a large if Men's Work Socke Sais Wala va vee an i veiena ski pair ge. ; iw rt or ' yn balloon for 26c. (while the stock lasts.) Men's Dress Socks ........................ ....pair 49c. s had charge of the } Boye Blue Stripe. Shirts .....:....... cc. $1.00 meeting. The President spoke a few ri x Boy's Khaki Shirts i... .. ... ici di diic aii 75 words of welcome, and thanked the ° ' ' ¥ Boys' Bathing Suits ..................c 45 YAS Lo ddr ol 5 willl Pe Morrison 8 Dru g Store Men's Bathing Suits .........i.coieiiniianis Wises 4 tillowing prigraiones given: chores Port Perry BW, - Oniario bs wy by the grandmothers; readings by Phone 16 4 J McKEE & SON Port Perry 183 Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Chisholm and Mrs. #8 Bryant; solo by Mrs. Thompson, duet 33333822232: 5 by Misses Price. Mrs. Hurlburt, who 3 Fi . Oshawa Lumber Co. lost her eyesight some years ago, sang | 8 BERRY BOXES 5 LIMITED very sweetly, "Nobody, only Mother," H 3 At Swan Bicthers and for an encore, "Put the Cookies on |## We have a good supply of Berry Boxes in stock, in pints § 4] ° me Sebi Port Perry the Lower Shelf." A bouquet of |# and quart sizes. Also shipping crates holding 27 quart § " Sending Money fo ; flowers was presented to Mrs. J. Bry-|# boxes, at 35c. each. Quart boxes are $2.00 per bundle of x ant, as the oldest: member in the(§ 250. Pint boxes 75c. per hundred. H at - ---- -- society, and also one to Mrs. Hurlburt | § RLS aw 3 : » ol Th . i : ul Distant Points. for being the only great grandmother If you raise fowl, we L an supply you with Royal E urple . § y . #8 Products, in following varieties--Laying Meal, Chick Start- i present. Refreshments were served |# or Develop: Mash, Chick Scratch Chick Grit 1 Ovst H hy ( } at the close, the grandmothers, seated | § SK I veloping Mash, Chick Scratch, Chic Tit, anc yster § i ou can send any amount of money to A at the centre table on which was a|8 "nell. i oe any point in Canada at a minimum of ® | birthday cake, decorated with candles, |# Try a bag of Reindeer Flour. It makes wonderful bread. 3 expense by using a Canadian Bank of and donated by Mrs. Jas. Dickson. A|# We have it in 24's, 49's and 98's. i ¥ 2 1 t ial time was spent. |§ : ' : + t Commerce Money Order. This method CHEAPER MEATS ch ge tendered the|f§ We have a full line of Groceries, Boots _and Shoes, # ia 18 the simplest, safest and most con- hostess and all who took part in any i ory . Crockery, ete. H 2 A. fli Yenient way to send remittances by mail Owing to the lower prices on the Live wae a ; : in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice outs of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. J F . McCLINTOCK Phone in your orders--29w rrr PORT PERRY, ONT. MANCHESTER Rp. rms Mrs. Dyer, of Columbus, was with i Mrs. Tordiff for the week end. no loss is sustained. OF COMMERCE Mr. and Mrs. Scrimage and two F Y V ti fa ich ts amalgamated 8 | children of Toronto, spent the week (THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA spd ie Sr oy or Iour acation 9 {| Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Flewell and Miss Check over this list and see what you require-- A Lumber and Builders Sup plies gig bub Dolan: 3» on Sone BATHING CAPS--We have a complete range in the sea- EE x 3 day. wi r gag : : Wait son's newest styles and colors. Priced from 15¢. to $1.00 x 1 ody . A ite, i: 3 : Wa sh We as Seen] 5 om many Baigens for Shore _-- i a a Gerrow, | || 11asol--A fine soothing preparation for swim doe e choice of a g place to buy; 8 ) ; | one day last week. . : g : . b Betty Lou Permanent Wave opp price. Let us show you our fine display of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollard and Mr.| || GYPSY CREAM--The ideal preparation for Poison Ivy, i Ny Special Prices fer a Limited Time: many lines which you need when building. i1| and Mrs. W. Kay, spent Sunday with Heat Rash, ete. 50c. per bottle. ¥ f - $10.00 Permanent Wave for $7.60 Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Qerrow, SKETOFAX--The best thing for mosquito bites, tube 35c. = phat ] P Miss A. Thompson and Miss Spof- ' . RET .5C Wave for $4.00 ee Crd ro er CAMERA FILME We Jae Sul fing of both Agfa and Marcelling, Finger Waving, Hair Dyeing, and all other lines : week, . of Beauty Culture. Sor Service and Reliability, call on . L b C Mr. aid Mis, Mages, of. Oshiaws, A 2 the oldest established Permanent Wave Shopy Sam. N . Griffen um er 0. with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace, over a aA : 2 . . : the week end. wily A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. . : ' t " Mrs. P k 0 BETTY Lov Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry J xo, toes, ss ve ren roe Rezall me 5 86 Simooe St., N., OSHAWA, Phone 2968 » : : bree Mr. and Mrs. Crosier, of Toronto, Phone 49 PORT PERRY, ONT. Far spent Sunday with Wilson Crosier. | Lm----ie on

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