A rdnisis iii hi oF Vite Ors SBoyetnina) ami It ors ues Toros brace the Joeming, myriads of minute organisms, both animal and vegetable, which abound in varying degrees in "or he Burmese. of the sea, writes | enger in this article in the London Daily Telegraph. It has recently 'been realized that|- 'the nature and abundance of this lite | n the ovement of food -fishes, Sspectally CA co-operation of survey ships, trawlers, and merchant vessels, efforts are now being made to study foo plankton areas exhaustively. A markable contrivance, now under- soln Jie special tests if the North Sea, can- collect a complete record of the plankton 'met with in the coursg of a 400-mile journey. The appliance re- semble 'a large kodak film, the two spools being towed behind the ship. A film of gauze slowly unwinds off one 8pool and packs itself on the other, which is continuously exposed. The exposed portion is automatic- ally treated with formalin as it re- volves upon the drum. Back in the laboratory an investigator has only to pass the used negative of a "con- tinuous plankton recorder,' 'as the ap- aratus 18 called, beneath his circo- cope to appreciate the wealth or poverty of infant herring food in any given area at a particular time of the year. FP bas an important bearing upo . Schooling of Fish The recently issued Annual Report of the Marine Biological Association contains an account of the experi- ments made by Mr. G. M. Spooner on the "schooling" behavior of fish. The species chosen for observation was the sea bass. It was desired to as- certain the behavior of individual fishes, and experiments with mirrors proved that members of & school re- act to their own reflections, sight be- ing apparently the main, if not the sole, factor which keeps a school to- gether. A long series of midnight observa- * tions made at the Zoo aquarium eluci- dated the fact that fish which normal ly «travel in well-compacted shoals split up during the period of rest, keeping close to the tank floor, every fish separated from its neighbours and facing a different point of the com- pass. A brilliant light cast suddenly upon the fish at once united the shoal, which "fell in" with almost military promptitude. Bird's Curiosity Naturalists are constantly deploring " the devastating effect of progress as applied to the wild, and regard the machine as the greatest enemy of Na- ture. The animals themselves some- times take a different view of the situation, as was amusingly demon- strated recently on two islands, Santa Rosa and Don Martin, off the coast of Peru. These islands have for cen- turies been the chosen resorts of a species of cormorant, whose vast de- posits of guano caused it to be rigor- ously protected. Lately, however, caterpillar tractors were introduced to clear the guano, and the birds, so far from being scared, evinced such curiosity that work was rendered almost impossible and the "time saving" machine was forced to move at a snail's pace in the midst of a trimphant procession. Mice Under Light Many people we know turn day in- to night, and vice versa, either for pleasure or work, Dr. M, S. Johnson, of the University of Minnesota, has discovered that if a mouse is kept in the dark by day and in the light by night it reverses the natural rhythm of its life. The mice in the experi- ments were put in cages hung on rub- ber bands and so connected with the recording apparatus that any activity on the "mouse front" was at once set down. By turning on the light at night the mice had sixteen hours' wakefulness, and slept for eight hours during the day time. As the result of prolonged training, the mice, when they returned to normal conditions, kept to their new way of life. meine ---- World League to Assist Bolivia's Health Service _Geneva.--Public Health Commis- sioner Bilbao of Bolivia has complet 'ed arrangements for the League of Nation's collaboration in the reorgan- i of Bolivia's public health ser- v While Bolivia's general plan of pub- lie, health reorganization covers six differe.t points, it is only on three that the league has been asked to lend th co-operation of its technical ser- Vises ; Bi ea: designed "0 form the nu- eleus of a public health service; serra. athay. of the Siapuiion > Slt' in vian tropical and su rons third, the participa- 'of Bolivia's re- sources as 0 So cinchona, . . a Bolivian plan for the reorgan- on of fits 'health service includes ther points--the creation of a Gh on 'health service, the reor-! ganization of the Bolivian hospitals Smit of service of epidemiological and information. % t will like you, teol made by the makers of Kraft Cheese and Kraft Salad Dressing The best of women make mistakes, @ For a rarebit at I but it's too bad that ¥e 'husbands a ante Signo * sisip ol LEE 0 ¥ "5 should be required to eat them, Al & =a of a 'unch- ache 88 hich, whole ra. statistician says that we have enough ; Fe # ~~. .0|coml:tgilast 7,000 years. What does ment and ie. co fredy. he mean by "we?" A great many animals laugh, says a scientist; and, Of course, a great many people give them good cause to. | belongs to the fear of getting caught, 'We are learning to have faith in ma- chinery because. it has furnished a foundation for human progress. The man who thinks and is silent usually has more friends than the one who speaks and thinks afterward. - Looker On (to man who had just rescued a drowning girl)--"It was grand of you to drive from that height, fully clothed, to effect such a magnificent rescue." The Hero (snarling madly)--"That's all very well,'but what I want to know Many Diamonds Used In Industrial Ways Diamonds are almost invariably classified as a luxury, but almost never as an important factor in in- dustry. Yet, approximately, 15 to 20 per cent. of the value of diamonds mined yearly are of industrial use. They are at times called "indus- trial diamonds," and so named be- cause v.' some flaw of color or consti- 'ution that prevented their being cut and polisked for decorative use. Some of these stones are used as cutters and polishers of more precious diamorcs. The "industrial diamond" is changed to powder form and mixed with olive oil. Jt is then smeared upon a soft iron disc revolving at 2,600 revolutions per minute. The diamond to be cut and polished is 'aid and weighted down and the wearing action of the diamond dust eventually creates a gleaming facet upon it. By means of diamond draw-plates or dies, all types of metal, including the tungsten filament of the clectric lamp, can ie drawn finer than human hair. Mining engineers employ the diamong, drill. This is a circular tube, steel bit or crown, set with diamonds. Such drills are of great service in cutting out a elean core which can be brought to the surface for determina- is who pushed me in?" Londoners Later Risers. ip Old-Timer Declares After clipping tickets at. London Bridge Station for fifty years, "Old Bill," ag his friends call Mr. William Baldwin, is retiring. "I should think," he sald to me, "that I've clipped at least three hundred and fifty million tickets in my time, not counting look: ing at thousands of 'seasons' every day. In fact, to punch 20,000 tickets a day is a mere nothing at London Bridge. The thing I notice most now- adays 1s that people seem to get up a lot later than they used to do. Our rush hours used to start about five or six in the morning. Now we're never really busy till eight o'clock."-- London Tit-Bits." . Harrison--"I hear your daughter Edith marred a struggling young man." Thompson--""Well, he did struggle, but he couldn't get away." -- Here's some riddles. We simply got to get them off our system. Are you a riddle fan?: 1, Why did the hen go across the road. 2, What goes all day and comes in at night and sits with its tongue out? 3, Why did the man the road from his house? 4, When was milk the highest? 5, Who wore the big- gest hat in the war 6, Why did the cow go over the hill? Answers--1, To get on the other side; 2, Wagon; 8, To put his car in; 4, When the cow mrt fl -- jumped over the moon; 6, The man ; that had the largest head; 6, Because Chinese Cave she couldnt go under. Dwellings Found Wrong Label: "A spoonful of water contains 270,000 potential horse power," says a scientist, That isn't water. Peiping.--Posgible habitations of Chinese cave dwellers have been un- covered by a Chinese expedition at Changteh, in Honan Province, accord- ing to reports received here. Several deep pits containing bones and earth- enware were excavated. The find con- firms the statement of Mencius, the Chinese philosopher, that early Chi- nese peoples "made 1ests for them- Claude--""I'm groping for words." Alma--""Well, you don't expect to find them around my neck, do you?" "Well, at any rate," an old married Conscience gets | a lot of credit for good morals that, put his garage on the other side of} ¢: First, the training abroad gus 'malaria commis- |. ripe Fama selves in the highlands and in the lowlands they made caves." r,s tion of .the nature »f the strata. These drills can be forced to a depth of more than 4,000 feet and it is said there is no rock or stratum which the diamond has failed to penetrate. German Girl Students Of the 132,000 students in German colleges and universities, about 18,500 are women, according to the latest available data. Seven girl students in every twenty are working for doctor- ates in philosophy, Medicine comes next in popularity, with 24 per cent. followed by natural science, with 18 Young Wife: "It's too bad--you bring me to a restaurant and now you read the newspaper." Husband: "Pardon me, darling! Walter, an- other newspaper," ome ems: "I am more Interested in increasing people's income _ than in worrying | per cent., and political economy, with over thelr expenditures."--Herbert|11 per cent. Slightly more than 1 per Hoover. cent. are studying theology, " Knights' " Meaford Flooring 's Good Even Better IT'S THE BEST me Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaford See your dealer Get our prices Banish he Fly EROXON The Longer and Wider Fly Catcher . That Will Not Dry Aeroxon is freeing thousands of Canadian homes from the dangerous disease-bearing fly. This handy spiral fly catcher is coated with a specially pre- pared glue, fragrant end sweet, which will ea dry or lose its attractiveness to flies. Ask for Acroxon at any drug, grocery or hardware store. It is the fly catcher\with the push pin and the « wider and longer ribl u--%od for three weeks' service. AEROXON FLY CATCHER Gets the fly every time Sole Agents NEWTON A. HILL, 56 Front Street East, Toronto CLIMAX BUG KILLER NO WATER 0 CARRY. STICKS LIKE GLUE TO LEAF. REQUIRES FEWER APPLICATIONS. STIMULATES THE GROWTH, INCREASES THE YIELD. | A DEALER IN EVERY PLACE. GENERAL CALCIUM CORP. LTD, TORONTO man told the writer, "It is better to have loved and been bossed than never to have been loved at all." Summer is a time when people try to keep out of the sunshine they wish- ed they were able to afford last win- ter. Who remembers the old fashion- ed love songs that didn't sound like the wail'of a lost soul? The devil isn't go #mart; think of him trying Job's patience with boils when be might have tried taxes. You can't al- ways tell who is burt the worst by who yells the loudest. A bob-tail bull in fly time is in no worse fix than a bald-headed man in the same time. It's queer," a little heat on the feet may cure a little cold in the head. Late hours end in early morning, The girl who uses a lot of lipstick often leaves a good impression when she kisses. Some hotels rate high and others have high rates. The last thing in the world a man wants is a manicure. Now is the time to buy good farms from pessimists. The easlest person for a man to fool is bimself, and the hardest is his wife. | The girl who elopes may be letting her emotions run away with her. The hottest days at the beach are the first tan days. Stolen Kisses are the sweet- est, but the other kind taste pretty good, too. A typical American is one who yearns to be rich without work- ing, thin without dieting, and wise without studying. Business has so far improved that it is now able to take nourishment. Patient (angrily)--"The size of your bill makes my blood boil." Doctor (calmly)--"That will be $20 more for sterilizing your system." A man boasts that he raises a lot | more flowers than his wife does, yet | devotes less time to the job. He grows dandelions, age I didn't tell lies." Hig Son--"How old were you when you started, Dod?" Find Healing Springs Under Cologne City Cologne.--Boring here for coal have uncovered flowing gold--not oil, but medicinal waters. Experts report that springs found directly under the city contain water of a higher medicinal value than those of being particularly rich in carbonic salts, 3 The curative springs, which were located 1,200 feet beneath layers of coal, 'are flowing at such a rate that 'they could be used to supply the city's water needs. Th emunicipal- ty plans the erection of luxurious, bathe in the hope of attracting 'tourists and health seekers. Curiously enough, the first an- 'sountement of the discovery was | made on Ak re nt Cologne 1s' | noted as-n C ag oe ctieal joker: | mo Sted ce whatever was attache: i mt ey mb ! ties 'na 3 ie SL n | convincing the press and publio that the ive springs really do exist. Dad--""When I was a little boy your, some of the world's best known spas, , | ~The Little Old Woman There was a little woman whose hands '° 'were worn and red, And Jong Ago the beauty of her youth- * fol days had fled, For 'she had suffered sorrow, and she had suffered pain, \ But after these had left her she learn- ed to smile again, And out she'd come with dainties for , the children in the street Till it seemed where'er she wandered there were young ones Jyetnd her feet. She hadn't any money; she was never | gaily dressed; She had a shawl and bonnet which she called her Sunday best. Ald it you gave her something, in a little while you'd see Some other person strutting in that bit of finery, And she'd give this explanation if you asked the reason why: "I thought she ought to have it. She's 80 much worse off than 1." No one.ever seemed to notice that her hands were coarse and red, That she wasn't good to look at no one ever heard it said, And the smartest of her neighbours who appeared to know it all Never spoke a word In censure of her bonnet or her shawl. So take this truth for granted: a sweet and tender smile And a heart so brave and kindly never do go out of style. --Edgar A. Guest, respi minis Airships London Morning Post: There is only one respect in which these cumbersome machines have so far proved superior to the aeroplane, and that is in the radius of flight, But this factor is of little import: ance for inter-Imperial communica: tions, since the aeroplane can over- come thls disadvantage by means of relays. In no other régpect has the airship shown the least pronrise of competing effectively with the heav- fer-than-air machine. The best policy for this country, therefore, is to sell the R-100 for what {it will fetch, to scrap the rest of the equip- ment, and spend our money on more profitable departments of aeronautl- cal research. that In discussing a question mor re liance ought to be placed on the in- fluence of reason than on the weight of authority. 2 : + "No operation is so Insignificant than his best."--Bruce Barton. Large Illustra ed catalogue i! new and rebuil bicycles fro $10 up. Motor cycles, Boats Or tboar. Motors Hains tation pald. Write to DUKE CYCLE AND MOTOR :0., 625 Queen Street W.. Toronto, FREE BOOKS ON CHILD WELFARE ele Franspor HERE are many ideas that will provea 0 to mot er and baby. Sound F authority on feeding, clothing and tak- ing care of infants and young children. Tables of weight, growth and development. We will gladly mail the books to you free, bis receipt of your name and address. Bagle Brand aE Mi 1 Lk The Borden Co., Limited CW-10 115 George St., Toronto Gentlemen: Please send me a REE copy of your Baby's Record BE eR haty Welfare Bouk. Name..ooesssssrossnes Praises Famous Vegetable Pills For Indigestion "Having been troubled with Indigest- fon and Sick Headaches for several months, 1 was recommended to try | famous Pills. After the first dose | was made aware of their very real | nicyalve "Miss M. Cro; n. Dr, Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ali vegetable and have a very Jekiulte, velusbls tone | action uj the liver. . . exa t | i end {Gost pation, Rey, iliousness, H lon ete, a ay emplex- Gardoners, Farmers, Horticulturists | | King BugKiller The Quality Product Insecticide, dis- tinguishable by its three-fold pro- perties, Bure Death Insecticide, Plant Fertilizer and Plant Protector against Blight and Disease. Your selection of King Bug Killer for your Insecticide will insure you the greatest results at a minimum cost. Have your dealer supply you. Demand King Bug Killer, No substl- Bb tutes «Write for particulars, IH CALI PROGUCTS "CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT. ISSUE No. 24--31 o : 1 that a man can refuse to give it less Stanze Things A most interesting man to talk to} Is Mr, Bertram Thomas, who has just | returned to London frome a long tour back any amount of things for the Natural History Museum at South Kensington," he said, "including a new butterfly, a new lizard, and sev eral new grasshoppers, And I've seen natives baking live locusts in glowing ashes and then eating them, and oxen and camels being fed on sardines! I've seen fakirg sleeping on beds of | spikes and others who hold thelr arms | straight out till they become paralyzed --all as part of their daily religion. It's a queer world once you go ex-| ploring."--London "Tit-Bits." { --y A Little Circle Each one of us 18 bound to wiike) the little circle in which he lives better and happier; each of us Is bound to se that out of on small | circle the widest good may flow; | each of us may have fixed In his | rind the thought that out of al single household may flow influe nces | that shall stimulate the whola com- monwealth and the whole civilized world.--Dean Stanley, at heed sass Virtuous Fear There is a virtuous fear which Is the effect of faith; and there is a vicious fear, which is the product of doubt, The former leads to hope, as relying on God, in Whom we believe; the latter inclines to despair, as not relying on God, in Whom we do net believe, Persons of the one char- acter fear to lose God; persons of the other character fear o find Him,--Pascal. | of exploration in Arabia. "I've | L Rep RosE ETER acne Beha ge hos Classified Advertising BABY CHICKS 1 BABY CHICKS--BARRED A I 'cks, Anconas, White and Brown Leghorns, 10c each. Assorted, 9%¢. PUL= ETS six weeksk old, 65c. Catalogues. A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ont. REMNANTS -| ] EMNANTS--3 LBS. PRINTS, $160: 2 lbs. Silk, Velvet or Cretonne, $1. Agents, dealers wanted. A. McCreery Co., Chatham, Ont. Girls of Today Are Not Wild Winnipeg. --"Girls to-day are not wild--they are wonderful," Mrs, H. D. Warren Chief Commissioner of Girl Guldes in Canada, told members of the Women's Canadian Club here. "lI hear many people say the mod- ern girl is wild, said Mrs, Warren. "She is not. She is honest, and speaks her mind, openly and frankly, a thing that is charming and genuine. I think the girls to-day have in them the making of wonderful citizens." An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with, --Thomas Fuller, "It is our dreams that the body makes itself aware of our mind "-- Dr. Carl Jung. WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd 2 CHURCH ST, TORONTO Kennedy & | Menton 421 College St., Toronte Harley Lavidson Distribu.ors |, Write at once for our bargain list of used motorcycles, ferms arranged. J shampoo Regularly = b CUTICURA SOAP Precede by Applications of > CUTICURA OINTMENT Zoo 25¢. Ointment 25¢. and 50c. ealness Head Noises RUB IT IN BACK OF EARS ~ INSERT IN NOSTRILS ~ PRICE $1.25~AT ALL DAVGGISIS Excellent for Temporary Deafness and Head Noises when due to congestion caused by colds. ANY CHILD Wwe can never be sure just what Boo TSR TROVE Fe vee NEURALGIA A good application of Min- ard's, according to Sirestions, just ai the spot". You'll find thet you 9, © get wonderful relief! MINARD'S RG OF pak 2 rer makes a child restless. but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegelable [isparation, and not the slightest arm in its frequent use. As often as your child has a fretful spell. is everish, or cries and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Some- times it's a touch of colic. Some tines constipation. Or diarrhea -- a_ cone dition that should always be checked without delay. Just keep Castoria handy, and give it oromptly Relief will follow very promptly. if it doesn't, you should cali a ohysician. FATHER GETS UP FIRST Tells How He Kee * 1 have a family of six--four boys, two gitls--ranging from 23 to 12 years of age, and a delicate wife, and four years ago it was owing to a sickly household that I took matters in my own hands, Their foods were not relished, and to take medicine was like administerin punishment. For four years now have regularly used Kruschen Salts about four or five times a week, unknown to i of my family or wife to this day. get up first always, and I put half a teaspoonful of Krus- chen in the teapot or coffee-pot, and they all have their first cup therefrom, I what was a sickly household four ,» 1 am glad to see now a ay of » of using about Sal If only more were as cdreful about their dren's internal cl ness as about their external Cleanliness, ps the Family Fit faces, | fusion Sts i chiaabie at 38 4 3 fr er Br errr oo 7 ' Ei Es a E : : ; be » fy 1 at (a TR,