LADIES' HATS MUST BE CLEARED OUT : 29¢. to $1.69 MONA BIRD'S FACTORY YARN V4 pound skeins 23c per skein Superior Stores SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Our prices on all lines are marked down to meet all competition on equal quality Merys Work Boots .................... To clear at $2.79 MensFine Boots .......................} to clear at $3.25 Meh's Overalls, good weight .............. cil $1.50 Men's Smocks, good weight ........... 0c 000000 $1.50 Men's Work Pants, good weight .............cihvu0 $1.75, Men's Dress Worsted Pants. ........... cc. onenvansn $4.50 Men's Dress Blue Stripe Pants ..............000vn $4.50 Men's Work Shirts, wonderful value at ............ $1.00 Men's Work Shirt; special... ci. viiiniviie 75 Men's Dress Broadeloth Shirts .-....:....ccvivinass $1.49 Men'sWork Soeks ........ 0... i iva ee, pair 25c. Men's Press Socks-......... if. ii ianiaeais pair 49c. Boys» Blue Stripe Shirts .......... .c cain ieava $1.00 Boy's Khaki Shirts .......... nr 15 Boys Bathing Suits ..............o alvin cin 75 Men's Bathing Suits. ........... cic iiiiiiiiiiires 89 J. McKEE & SON Sending Money to Distant Points. 70U can send any amount of money to any point in Canada at a minimum of expense by using a Canadian Bank of Commerce Money: Order. This method is the simplest, safest and most con- venient way to send remittances by mail in 'the Dominion; if the mail'goes agray no loss is sustained. ey THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which is amalgamated THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Por Perry Dominion Store ygoods, Ready-to-Wear, Boots, Shoes, | » 2 ers, and Running Shoes. We are _ overstocked with goods to th "and we must unload our stock. "In order to do this, we will sell our goods regardless) f of cost. GREAT BARGAINS for Saturday, June 20th. "CH DOW N, AND SHETLAND WOOLS 2 Balls for 29c. MEN'S COLLARS 3 for 25c. Real Bargains in Voile and Ra ym Crepe Dresses. The smartest styles. All sizes ANDALUSION, season's newest and } TEN-TEST Building Board Gyproc Shingles & Roofing Lumber, Lath Doors & Trim Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. LIMITED At Swan Brotheis 3 Port Perry CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your Srders--20w y ed doors, |} Call in and see for yourself. PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE. Phone 177 * SN TR TA TE Te Lumber and Builders' Supplies {| We are grateful to our many patrons for their choice of a geod place to buy; stock at the right price. Let us show you our fine display of many lines which you need when building. E---- | i | | | | Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. | P hone 240 Day or Night . Port Perry. {i Benjamin Smith, XH Look Here Men! Men's Felt Hats ....... $1.89 Men's Tweed Caps, 69c., 95¢. Men's Linen Hdkfs. .....19c. Men's Leather Belts 19c., 29c¢, Men'sTies ...... ..; 29c. Men's Work Sox 19¢. and 29¢. Met's Braces .......... 39c. Rugs Reversible Jute Rugs, accord- ing to size, from 69c¢. up. Reversible Rag Rugs, accord- ing to size, from 39c. up. Grass Rugs, according to size, from 39c. up. The Creamery IS PAYING 21c., 20c., and 17¢., FOR Butter Fat. You can save labor | and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & BON, Proprietors Nursery Stock | E. D. SMITH & yo LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in this district by i PRINCE The Eyes in Modern Life _ ! Optometry Feature Service Your Byes and Health Eye Cure and Bye Strain. TCLIFFE & SO ~ 3» GIVING UP PORT PERRY STORE <a Entire Stock Must Go Regardless of COST PRICES LOWER "All Wool Auto Rugs, in fancy plaid 3 only at $2.49. {.adies' Suits All Wool Knitted Suits, pullover style in shades of Sand, DAE NM TE RRR : BUY NOW | twit i Es {inen Luncheon M €ns Sets Fine quality linen Luncheon Sets with Serviettes to match. For less than cost price. From 49c. to $2.49. \ . Suits Never before on record has this store offered such values in men's suits. Grouped in two lots only. $9.95 and $17.95 ~~ ' Children's Spring Coats Martha Washington Porch Dresses Children's Tweed Coats from 2 to 12 vears at less than Tub Fast, smart styles, half cost. sleevs, long sleeves and sleeve- [| o---------------------- less. $1.39 and $1.89 MISSES COATS EC 7 Coats left. Sizes ALL WOOL BLANKETS 16 to 20. Values to Double Bed size in fancy | $17.80. Tweeds and Plaids. Comes in Rose, Gold, roadcloths. A real Blue. Only $2.95 bargain at $9.69. Auto Rugs{l/ Good Value in Stationery-- A linen finish, fold-over letter style writing tablet of one hundred pages, and twenty- five envelopes to match for 29¢. size Also a note writing tablet of one hundred pages with twenty-five envelopes to match for 23¢ Palm Olive Soaps Three cakes of Palm Olive Soap and a large balloon for 25¢. (while the stock lasts.) Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry tw Ontario Phones 16 1516 PHONE 1816 Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) he. P rist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of " CSE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store. Ru CLEANERS Canada3 4 DYER ; A foo - = cleaners Hy) Dresses Exquisitely dry=cleaned $1.65 $1.85 $2.35 ® Dyeing slightly higher Sutcliffe & Sons Phone 246 JUST * THREE PRICES Plus 16¢ ration ne Way Trans - BERRY BOXES We have g good supply of Berry Boxes in stock, in pints and quart sizes. Also shipping crates holding 27 quart boxes, at cach. Quart boxes are $2.00 per bundle of 250. Pint boxes 5c. per hundred. 35¢ If you raise fowl, we, can supply you with Royal Purple Products, in following varieties--Laying Meal, Chick Start- er, Developing Mash, Chick Scrateh, Chick Grit, and Oyster Shell. Try a bag of Reindeer Flour. We have it in 24's, 49's and 98's. It makes wonderful bread. We have a full line of Groceries, Crockery, ete. J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. 33 Boots and Shoes, For Your Vacation Check over this list and see what you requirg-- BATHING CAPS--We have a complete range in the sea- son's newest styles and colors. Priced from 15c. to $1.00 Tlasol--A fine soothing preparation for sunburn 35¢. and 59c¢. GYPSY CREAM--The ideal preparation for Poison Ivy, Heat Rash, etc. 50c. per bottle. SKETOFAX--The best thing for mosquito bites, tube 35¢. CAMERA FILMS--We carry a full line of both Agfa and Eastman films at standard prices. 0 A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. The Rexall, sore Phone 49 PORT PERRY, ONT. ' CoE re Sr SN Rr TR ie a A Nl A PN MT TRAST Fee rb, + Ep