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Port Perry Star, 2 Jul 1931, p. 4

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JNO. W.CROZIER y Solicitor, Notary. veyancer, | : Cons ete. tate Money to Loan t door east of Canadian Bank Bg imerce, over the Observer Office Phone 98 Reside 19j DECORATION SERVICE The Annual Decoration service at 'Pine Grove Cemetery, will be held on Sunday, July 5th, at 2.30 pm. The Band will play from 2.00 to 2.30 p.m. T. J. Widden, Sec.-Treas. GREEN PEAS FOR SALE 40c. per six quart basket, in your own basket. C. H. Rellett; 'Phone 256j, Port Perry. Port Perry, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer left on Monday for a trip to Regina and Banff. They are the guests of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Associa- tion and the C. P. R. They expect to be away about two weeks. . Mrs. Stainton and Christine and Kenneth, of Toronto, and Miss Maud Law, of Guelph, were visiting with Mrs. John Pickard, and family, on Sat- urday. Miss Florence Bush, of Toronto, and Mr. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Isobel Cawker has returned home from Peterhoro, to spend the holidays in town. Messrs. W. Ettey, B. Smith, A. Wilkinson, and T. Blight, of Old Eng- land Lodge No. 9, Sons of England, attended a district meeting at Whitby, on Wednesday evening, June 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milton and Miss Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milton and Miss Kathleen, of To- ronto, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Blight, one day last week. Mrs. Grace Mortimer and Mrs. Flora Bedell, of New York City, are visiting with Mrs. Fred Moore. COMING--Dr. F. E. Luke, Opto- metrist, at Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, Thursday, July 16th. Mrs. James Owen and daughter Winnie, are sailing to-day for Eng- land, to visit the former's mother, who we are sorry to say, is reported as being very ill. Mrs. A. H. Gibbard, of Moose Jaw, and Mrs. A. R. Turner, of Carroll, Manitoba, are in town visiting their father, Mr. Ham, who is quite ill, and 'are staying with their sister Mrs. W. .Real. A Pt DIED GALLAGHER--At Port Perry, on Saturday, June 27th, 1931, James Gallagher, in his 87th year. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. MOORE--At the home of her sister, Mrs. L. T. Jillard, 28 Hazelwood Ave., Toronto, Phoebe Ann, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, of Port Perry. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. STONE--At Toronto General Hos- pital, on Friday, June 26th, 1931, George Stone,.of Port Perry, in his 76th year. Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. NEW OFFICERS INCTALLED AT FIDELITY LODGE, A. F. & A. M. On Wednesday evening, June 24th, R. W. Bro. E. J. Wormington, of Port Hope, assisted by members from St. John's. Lodge, Cobourg, installed the officers of Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Bro. D. W. McIntosh, the new Master of Fidelity Lodge, was a form- er member of St. John's Lodge, Co- bourg, and was given a great send-off by his former associates. Bro. Wormington is a very efficient officer, and the brethren enjoyed very much the ancient ceremony. The officers installed were: W.M.--D. W. Mcintosh. ILP.M.--M. V. Malcolm S. W.--R. Somerville J. W.--Roy Leask. S. D.--Grant M. Gerrow J. D.--J. D. Lucas Treasurer--W. A. Beatty Secretary--Geo. R. Davey D. of C.--J. A. Hayden S. S. --W. M. Letcher J. S--T. H. Bowerman Tyler--C. H. Kellett Organist--John Smith. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, July bth, 1931. 10 a.m.--Sabbath School 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert Service withdrawn on account of Decoration service. ALFRED STEER DROWNED AT UTICA MILL POND : While returning home about noon on Wednesday, July 1st, and passing the mill pond, Alfred Steer, apparent- ly theught he would have a cool dip, before having dinner. It is thought Mr. Steer was seized with a heart attack or a cramp while in the water and was drowned. Mr. Steer is a veteran of the Great War, and held D.C.M. and M.M, titles. He came to this country sonie 13 years ago from London, England; and worked .on farms. Some two years later Mrs. Steer followed him, and for the past nine years has been farming for himself near Utica, and has made good. Mr. Steer is survived by his widow and five children, three boys and two girls. . * Magazines There will be no change in the price of magazines before August 15th. Cup & Saucer Special Reg. $1.25 and $1.00 for Oc. HANDBAGS 89c. upwards WATER GLASSES 6 for 35c. To See right see us, We guarrantee our work or your money back in our Optical Dept. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist health, cleanliness, to-day. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT C agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes on hand. ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL HARDWOOD CAR OF 'CEMENT JUST ARRIVED PORT PERRY Truck Delivery. Famous nt ANTHRACITE. That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL It is economical, efficient, safe, W. G. W. PYATT "For heat, without smoke, soot, or worry, OKE. We have the exclusive SOFT SLABS COAL YARD Phones Office 94, Res. 283 TEA ROOM and at reasonable prices. Phone 248, THE VENTURE invite you to take your meals in their attractive sur- roundings, or to secure delicious Home Made Baking We Do Catering. NAPIER & BOAG, Proprietors BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY HOME BAKERY 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, T: Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PBRRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 38 COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto's Eyesight Specialist, at" A. M. - Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, . Thursday, July 16th. Glasses fitted accurately. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto » (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.~-Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. MILK REPORTS The following report has been re- ceived from the Provincial Laboratory All Veterans are requested to meet at Pine Grove Cemetery, on Saturday, July 4th, at 3 p.m. for the purpose of attending the funeral of their late comrade. Private funeral at his late residence. Manufacturers' Clearance Sale of Dresses Don't miss seeing these Summer Dresses in Voiles, Celanese and all Summer goods, . prices. all at clearing Friday and Saturday, July 3rd and 4th MRS. HALL'S MILLINERY by ting samples of milk taken on June 24th, 1931. Dowson--1,000,000 bacteria, Butter fat, 4.4% Owen--820,000 bacteria, Butter fat 8.3%. Lambkin--39,000 bacteria, Butter fat 3.3% Scott--290,000 bacteria, Butter fat 3.5%. Milk should contain at least 3.26% butter fat. The presence of excessive bacteria in milk is an indication that the milk is poorly handled--either that it has been contaminated with dirt, has not been properly cooled and kept cooled or that too long a period of time has elapsed since milking. For the benefit of all concerned it is the intention of the Board of Health .| that: the results of the periodical tests of our milk supply be made public. Port Perry Board of Health. ANNUAL CHURCH PARADE The annual District of Cartwright Orange Church Parade will be held on the building up of ful constitution. A safe, effective and old. Be sure to listen in to C. F. R. = wn Theronoid - An electro-magnetic health appliance for the correction of illnesses, and Approved by Medical Doctors. En- dorsed by thousands of users. week's free treatment) for young and hear the Theronoid programme THERONOID OF PORT PERRY Mrs. Orr C. Browne Mary Street a vigorous health- method (with one B. at 9 a.m. (Standard Time.) Port Per 1) Sunday, July 6th, at 7 p.m. Rev. Bro. 'Newell, assisted by local clergy will officiate. Bowmanville Band to be pre- sent. Parade to drill shed, Black- stock. Everyone welcome. Byron Hyland, Dist. Sec'y. 'SCUGOG CHAPTER, 1 0. D. E. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO The Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E., Port Perry, entertained sister Chapters | A] from Lindsay and Uxbridge, on Fri- day afternoon, June 26th, at the beautiful home of the Misses Harris. The Chapter felt honoured in having the Provincial President, Mrs. Creet, and Mrs, Rutter from the Provineial Executive, as speakers. : Rutter said, it was a sort of advised to. repeat d form ; Latin. The follo are advised to repeat their r if end con- tinuing with Ma tion Course. A A ary ima Tr mallman, an "| Allan Smith. : Ta ils ta Form I French who z Sn Form II in bok who have failed in their motion, may ent Company LUMBER AND PROMPT DE Edmund Hind Lumber Distributors for Compo-Board and Masonite. FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MASONITE for the Modern Farm and Home Ideal for Summer Cottages. WRITE US FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES. Danforth and Main Sts., TORONTO. Limited MILLWORK LIVERIES Grover 1133-4-5 ANNUAL Agricultural Port Perry, Friday, July 3 MUSIC BY RUSS CREIGHTON'S ORCHESTRA 'The Hay Balers' Broadeasting over C.K.C.L. Dancing 8.30 to 1 o'c ADMISSION 50c. Street Dance Under the auspices of the Port Perry, Reach & Scugog Spectators 25c¢. Chany CHRISTIE, President. Soeiety, at lock, standard time. Seats Provided N. EWERS, Secretary Report of Port Perry High School The following students are promoted to Form II, names in order of merit. Isabel Young, Ralph Milner, Dorothy Williams, Maxine Beare, Ruth Clem- ents, Grace Moase, Marion Eagleson, Archie Crozier, Virginia Nasmith, Allin Dowson, Norma Hooey, Reta Willard, Doris Suddard, Harriet Platten, Evelyn Robinson, Bessie Dunn, Ella Mae Williamson, John Orde, William Cawker, Lillian Kight, Cath rine Ocadzuk, Vera Wells, Robila McCrea, Ross McLean, Earl Martyn, Robert Pickard, Grant Hunter and William Oke. The following Form I students are advised to repeat their year if they intend continuing the Matriculation Course.-- Robert Carnegie, Kathleen Carnegie, John Cooney, Helen Crozier, Robert Ewers, Florrie Figary, Everett Hook, Reid MacFarlane, Campbell McMaster, Roger Oke, Jack St. students are pro- moted to Form Names in order of merit. Mildred Prentice, Audrey Hood, Hazel Kight, Fred Bown, Har- riet Downer, Ivah Milner, Dora Reesor, Elizabeth es, Fred Switzer, Elmer , Philip Orde, Glen Wanamaker *, Muriel M ercher, Roy Nottingham, Mildred H ooper *, Sidn Smallman, 'Ralph Lyle, Owen Cl ohn. + The following 1 Man Croajer, Jones *, , Nora *, Eliza th Meneely John , Malcolm Timer, Terance Woods. * Black * : SEAGRAVE The Sunday Service in the United Church was withdrawn, owing to an- niversary services being held at Sonya Presbyterian Church, Sunday School in the morning was well attended. 'The choir of the United Church. motored to Scugog on Sunday evening to assist in the anniversary services there. . Seagrave welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase and family to the vil- lage. They were highly respected citizens of Pleasant Point and faithful church workers. Favored with excellent weather on Saturday, the baseball tournament held at Seagrave was not largely at- tended. Gate receipts barely covered expenses. Four teams played splen- did ball, with a few minor accidents. The Quadrata Girls' Club did a splen- did and satisfactory business at the oth, serving ice cream, sweets, pop and sandwiches. Following were the teams taking part: Zion--Broad, Sloan, Pogue, Hill, Wilson, Found,. Weston, Kitson, Rogers. ¥ Little Britain -- Aldred, Moase, Cornish, Weaver, Lyle, Seeley, Wat- son, Wickett, Cornish. Sonya--Gibson, Innes, McTaggart, Palmer, McMillan, Cameron, McTag- gart, Cameron, Rodman. bis na Ale Jive Mi Michie: and Elmer Lee i> Tadn on and = Ge Hom 1 failed in, hie In case . all Lower School students consi who hiss 2 Mark, McQhe, McMillan, Scott, Wanamaker, Keene, Stone, Mec- Millan. © Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Bailey, and Mrs. Miller, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Cephas Sleep, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor and family of Bobcaygeon, ~ the latter's Mr. and Mrs, H. Mitchell, on] . Mrs, Taylor and children are Fie for. a holiday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles and Mrs. ¥. Bellingham and three children, of To- _ronto, visiting' Mr. and Mrs.,C. W. . Collyer Directed by AL CHRISTIE From dh ploy w 3 Brandon Thomas THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY F od 3rd and 4th. Double Bill MARLYN MILLER in "SUNNY" also James Oliver Curwood's story "RIVER'S END" A Mounted Police Story - Special Comedy Attraction Charles Ruggles ooaine "Charley's Aunt" You'll roar when you see it and laugh for months afterwards when you think of it. Imagine the girls' surprise when they discover that the sweet little lady they had been embracing as "Auntie" turned out to be a handsome college youth! It's a riot--a wow! also - Mickey Mouse Comedy. Don't miss it. Played at Tivoli, in Toronto. THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN ADMISSION ADULTS 33c. + 2c. tax ; Tuesdays and Fridays ADULTS 25c.; CHILDREN 15c. CHILDREN 20c. Mr. and Mrs. L. Moase and family, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mother and sister. Master Kenneth Scott is spending a week at Pontypool with grandpa Scott. A number attended Anniversary services at. Sonya and Scugog on Sun- day. 'A number motored to Port Bols'er and Caesarea, on Sunday. Mr. Sidney Webb, of Toron'o, formerly of Seagrave, is spending a holiday with Roy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevens, son Frank and daughter Marjory and gentleman friend, of Toronto, were 'week-end guests of Mrs. W. Mark and Miss L. Mark. Miss Stevens is remaining for a week. Miss Dorothy Orchard, Miss Una Sleep, Miss Alma Frise, and Miss M. Armstrong, teachers, are enjoying a holiday at their respective hemes. Sorry to report Garfield Stone and Master Burge Green, undergoing oper- ations at Port Perry Hospital last week. They are doing as well as can be expected. * to serve you. Eo Moon, on Monday. Master Howard Bellingham will spent the "holidays here, { OILING AND GREASING AT LOW PRICES Our mechanics are dead shots with the grease gun WHEN you bring your Ford here for oiling and greasing you know the job's done right. We use the best crankcase oil and our lubrication experts are ° dead shots with the grease gun. They don't miss any- thing. You'll know that by the way the car runs. For every big and little job on the Ford, youll « find this a pleasant place to do business. Modern equipment in a clean, well-lighted shop. Specially trained mechanics. Fair prices and a sincere desire to help you get the best possible service from your car. Drop around. Wee open day aud sight CARNEGIE MOTOR SALES Port Perry, Ont. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 10th, 11th, 12tH) . = | ¥ & x= wi 2

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