ig : Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Accountant, etc. Money to Loan jjomen frst door east of Canadian Bank mmerce, over the Observer Ra Office Office 4 one' 98 Resideroe 19j eta Perry, Ontario The Town bell has been re- ~ paired, and is ringing again. Mrs. Mellow and Miss Helen Mellow ~ are holidaying in Toronto. Rev. R. T. Richards and Mrs. Richards are spending the week at Oak Lake, near Stirling, Ont. Rev. Mr. Richards is conducting part of the study classes, and Mrs. Richards is the "Camp Mother". They are accom- panied by Miss Mary Smallman and Miss Dora Reesor. The ladies of St. John's Church were entertained at the home of Mrs. E. M. Williams, Prince Albert, on Thursday afternoon July 16th. After a varied program, consisting of readings and music by local talent assisted by Mrs. Bedell of New York, a lunch was served on the lawn by the hostess. At the close of the social hour an offering was taken, amount- ing to $12.95 and presented by Mrs. Williams to the Ladies' Aid Society. A pleasant feature of the afternoon was the presence of so many of the older members of the congregation. A very hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Williams for a delightful afternoon. Mr. Albert Glenney, of Toronto, «pent the week end with his friend Mr. C. H. Reesor. Miss. W. Law, of Markham, is holi- daying with Miss Elma Reesor. WELCOME TO PORT PERRY We are pleased to learn that Miss Nellie Spence of Toronto, has bought the house on Cochrane St., formerly the property of Mrs. T. H. Follick. Many old friends of Miss Spence will be delighted to learn that she comng to Port Perry. Mr. W. Boynton made the sale of property. Mr. Donald Boynton has been trans ferred to the Bay and Temperance St. Branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, this is a pleasing promotion. is Mrs. E. C. Kleffman and daughters, Ruth and Marion, of York, Penn. visiting at Mrs. J. Worden's Prince are Albert. Mrs. Kleffman is the grand- daughter of Mrs. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lindsay, of Boston, Mss, spent a few days of their honeymoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr. C. C. Jeffrey is on a business trip to Collingwood. He was accompanied by his son Bob. Mrs. Florence Thomson of Port Perry, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Wilfred Hooper, of Little Britian. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey are holi- daying at Gravenhurst. Mr. Harold Archer has gone on a motoring trip to the West. He made the journey to Winnipeg in a little over 35 hours. He was accompanied by Mr. Murray Williams. HOCKEY CLUB DANCE In spite of the wet weather there were quite a few folk who attended the Street Dance sponsored by the Hockey Club on Friday of last week. Among the attractions 'were the prizes offered by Walter Cook for the best old time waltz. The winners were: 1st Isaac Turner and wife, 2nd Bert MacGregor and wife, 3rd Chas. Bower- man and wife. Rain insurance helped the boys out in making a reasonable return for their work. ttl AP Ane BORN PEEL--At the Port Perry Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Peel on Monday, July 20th, a daughter (Miriam Jean); both well. reel AP Pee Be sure to attend the Canadian Legion Field Day and Picnic at Can- || nington on August 3rd. Big list of sports with gaod prizes. The 48th Highlander's will supply the music. "Street dance at night, two orchestras. etl PAP Arr me GAME LAWS Our local Game and Fishery Over- seer, B. Gooderham is now in receipt of copies of the Game and Fishery "Laws for 1931. Anyone desirous of obtaining a copy 'of same on making application either in writing or verbally, his request will be attended to. "BARGAIN PRICES Barron Large English White Dr. J. A. Mathers Receives Important Appointment. The news that Dr. Mathers was leaving town, and going to New York State, came as a surprise to Port Perry people. An opening occurred in the State Hospital Medical Staff at Ploughkeepsie, N.Y., and the position was offered to Dr. Mathers. He investigated the situation, found that it gave desirable -conditions and accepted the offer. Of course, he had to leave immediately and assume his duties. The Ploughkeepsie is a large hospital (has 4600 patients) ahd is situated on the Hudson River. We congratulate the Doctor on his appointment and trust that he and his family will find great happiness in their new home. Dr. Mathers, who succeeded Dr. S. J. Mellow, has been an active citizen. He = has taken a keen interest in hockey, beifig secretary-treasurer of the local club for some time. He was also a member of the Board of Educa- tion, being chairman of the Finance Committee for two years. In addition to his local civic dhties, Dr. Mathers was coroner. The family will be missed among their many friends. The growth and development of the boys will be watch- ed with interest. We shall always be glad to have news of Dr. Mathers and his family. .Dr. Mathers left town last Friday. Mrs. Mathers is remaining for a few days to look after the moving, and to make necessary arrangements for the transfer of the family to the United States. We wish them health and happiness. ee RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Sebert House Hotel, for one day only, on Tuesday, July 28th and will be pleased to give free examination to any suf- ferer and to demonstrate his famous appliance This appliance will con- tract the opening in 10 to 15 days and hag been known to cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully gatisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. a ------ . Double Wedding BAIRD-BRENT ROWLAND-FOSTER On July 15th, at the United Church Parsonage, Port Perry, the marriage took place of Luella M. Brent, daughter of Mrs. T. Brent and the late Mr. Brent to Joseph R. Baird, son of Mrs. S. Baird and the late Mr. S. Baird, both of Port Perry. Rev. Mr. Richards performed the ceremony The bride looked lovely in a gown of liege colored Georgette Crepe and lace with hat and shoes to match. At the same hour and place by Rev. Mr. Richards, Marion Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Toronto, became the bride of Charles Rowland, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland, of Manvers. The bride was very becomingly dressed in a gown of dark Biege Georgette Crepe and lace with hat to match, After the ceremony the two couples motored to the home of Mrs. Brent where a dainty lunch was served Amid showers of confetti, the happy couples left on a motor trip to Ottawa and other points of interest. Both couples are well known and highly esteemed in Port Perry. The best wishes of the town and vicinity are extended to them. _ On their return they will reside in Port Perry. 50 -- 100 acres HOLDEN'S REAL ESTATE 92 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, ONT. - CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Orval Stone wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy at the time of old] her recent bereavement in the death of her mother, Mrs. George Hood. ed PW Remember the Manchester Garden | Party to be held at the home of Mr. Ernest Holtby, (opposite Manchester | Station on Highway 12) fo be held on 3 July 80th. . ]] SPECIAL | PRICES on all our stock during Alterations commencing Monday, July 20 I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist J. A. HETHERINCTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd., Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m.. Phone 258 COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto's Eyesight Specialist, at A. M. Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, Thursday, July 16th. Glasses fitted accurately. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) et IP remem ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Hare of Beaverton will preach in Port Perry in the morning, and at Utica in the afternoon. There will be no evening service. mie APM terete CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m--Holy Communion 10 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong rie tN Ali ree insiien PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Waorship Service. a AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The tinder signed have received in- structions from Mrs. Killbank to sell the Household effects of the late Mrs. Richards at her late premises, Caleb St. Port Perry on Thursday, July 30. to-day. HAMILTON on hand. HARDWOOD Truck Delivery. of ANTHR ACT 1 fo| That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. health, cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or worry, Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL It is economical, efficient, safe. BY-PRODUCT COKE. We have the exclusive agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes: Por heat. ALBERTA COAL -- STEAM COAL -- CANNEL COAL HARDWOOD SLABS SOFT SLABS " _-- Hind (eg Company Limited b Distributors: for Compo-Board and Masonite. ¢ LUMBER AND MILLWORK FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION "MASONITE for the Modern Farm and Home Ideal for Summer Cottages. WRITE US FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES. PROMPT DELIVERIES Danforth and Main Sts., TORONTO. Grover 1133-4-5 TILE -- CEMENT -- LIME CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones Office 94, Res. 23% FOR SALE Nice large family size refrigerator, cupboard, solid oak book case, 2 upholstered chairs, upright piano in good condition. Apply to H. W. Boynton, Port Perry. i Ei OS ic FOR SALE Set of Platform Scales--10,000 Ibs. capacity. These scales are practically new and will be sold at a reasonable figure. Apply to John Murray, Phone 7, Port Perry. July 30 tl MI For Farms and Town Properties, see: Boynton Farm Agency, Port Perry. so tit Pei LAWN MOWERS GROUND Lawn Mowers machine ground, and repaired. Called for and delivered. S. Causley, Phone 228. july23 tt AM AM FOR SALE Four Yorkshire Sows and six Shoats Apply to 8. J. Wooldridge, Seagrave. ne riot | SCUGOG Quite a number attended the funeral of Mrs. G. Hood, at her daughter's, Mrs. O. Stone, Seagrave, on Sunday. She lived here on the Island all her life until moving--to Seagrave a few years ago. She left many friends here on the island. Mrs. G. Wilson and daughter, Mrs. C. Martin of Toronto visited her sister Mrs. W. Crozier and 'brothers, W. and J. Milner, last week. Miss Greta Foster of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs. F. Crozier. Miss Blanche Sweetman of Toronto spent the week end her with her parents. Miss Della Lee of Brooklin and Miss Nellie Lee of Port Perry spent the week end with their parents Mrs. H. Elford of Sarnia is visiting ing at the parsonage. Miss Grace Demara is visiting her cousin Miss Sina Irwin at Seagrave for a few days. Mrs. J. Ploughman of Winnepeg is visiting relatives and friends around here, we are glad to see her so well and hearty at her age of 93. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E- Fines, on the arrival of a little daughter, on July 16th, they are in the Geo. Jackson & Son Auctioneers Toronto and they are both doing fine. Congratulations to Miss I. Fralick and Miss I. Nott in getting through Normal. We wish them every success in their new work. We hear the hum of the binders cutting fall wheat, which is a good crop. And the lovely rains are mak- ing th rest look their best except hay, which some of the farmers are not through with yet. Blackstock girls visited our girls' ball team on Friday evening of last week. Score was 15 to 12 for Scugog. Our boys motored to Raglan last Saturday evening and played a ball game. The score 'was 13 to 0 in favour of Scugog. Our boys go to Port Perry to play a soft ball game on Saturday July 25, this game wll be a very interesting one as it is the last league game be- tween Scugog and Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baxter, Bernice and Mr. L. Chamberlin, all of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jackson, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark motored to Valentia on Monday to visit their sister and brother Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark. Miss Marjorie Milner is visiting her sister Mrs. C. Heayn at Port Perry for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt and family; motored from Moose Jaw to visit her mother, Mrs. MacGregor. Mrs. Wannamaker visited in Port Perry over the week end. Rev. H. Elford had charge of the Sunday evening service again, which we all listened to with great interest. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martyn and children motored to visit her aunt Mrs, J. Johnston, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams of Whithy Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, on Sunday. ~ FOR SALE 5 Range, Baby Carriage, Baby Walker Apply to Mrs. Mathers. BLACKSTOCK The following is the result of the Entrance Examinations held at Black- stock Centre: Eva Adams, Marjorie Adams, Marion Argue, Emma Avery, Elma Avery (H.), Madeline Burr, Jean Campbell, George Carter, Louise Davidson (H.), Doris Deshane, Mar- garet Earnshaw, James Allen Fallis, Glen Gibson, Ethel Glennie, Raymond Graham, James Hall (H.), Leslie Henshaw, Fredrick Hobbs, Percy Hul- bert, Winnie Marlow, Roy McLaughlin Final Clearance a at once. some price. WE WILL SOON CLOSE OUR DOORS : IN PORT PERRY | for good and for ever. Just a complete | sacrifice to turn everything into cash at | Let nothing keep you away. | ITS YOUR CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. Every dollars' worth of merchandise in this store must be closed out at WATCH FOR Chev THE rolet Truck Caravan SATURDAY, AUGUST 8th LOCAL DEALERS BEARE BROTHERS Harry McKee, Norma McQuade, Bruce Mountjoy, Cameron Oke (H.), Jack Parkin, Nora Porteous, Dorothy Stacey (H.), Ansen Taylor, Pearl Taylor (H.), Mabel VanCamp, Rlva White, James White, Dorothy Williamson, Leona Williams, 'Edgar Wilson, Mabel Wilson, Nette wi Lulu Wright. Out of 41 pupils writing at hig center 39 were successful, to thes: are extended our congratulations. Our congratulations are also exf nd- ed to Misses Mabel Argue, Dorsthy Stevens, Dorothy Proutt and Marj rie Nesbitt in successfully completeing their year at Normal School. We hope they will all be fortunate in securing schools and wish them con- tinued success. Remember the Manchester Garden Party to be held at the home of Mr. Ernest Holtby, (opposite Manchester Station on Highway 12) to be held on Thursday July 30th.. The Eighth annual Marlow Re- Union was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, N. C. Marlow, on Wednes- day, July 8th. Friends were present from Toronto, Oshawa, Bobcaygeon Lakefield and other ppints. After dinner the entertainment was started with the Pied Piper, after whom the children all flocked each receiving ballons and candy, this was followed by the races, prizes being awarded the winners, whose names will appear next week. PORT PERRY, ONT. nit iting The oldest member on the grounds was Mr, Fairburn from Lakefield. The youngest was Bobbie Philp, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Puilp; of Nestleton. During the tea hour, photos of the 3rd and 4th generations back, which had been reprinted from tin types were on display and a great deal of interest was taken in looking over the ancestors. Aftr supper Mrs. Dr. F. W. Marlow of Toronto gave the history of the Family Tree starting with the family before they left Eng- land down to the present generation. Mr. A. Fairbairn, gave an interest- ing talk on his branch of the family tree. The president Mr. Geo. Marlow made a short speech and everybody started home feeling that a very happy day had been brought to a close for another year, Mr. Donald Lambe of Lindsay is spending his vacation with Ris aunt Mrs. T. Smith. Mr. Russell Brown of Bowmanville is visiting his sister Mrs. A. Rham. Miss Helen VanCamp is holidaying with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp. Miss Agnes Whittaker has returned home from the W. A. Camp at Lake Couchiching, where she spent ten very pleasant and profitable days. mim spent tN Alster BOATHOUSE FOR SALE Apply to Carnegie Hardware Co. CR RT SR SU i CU SRE IEEE AOAC BRC REE 5 money. .The Royal Bank - of Canada CAUTION HAE nothing to do with *'get-rich-quick" salesmen--they will try to hurry you into a decision you will regret. A sound in- sestment is never in a hurry. 'Meanwhile, the Savings Department of this Work ie w wale ddd yroffarte place for your