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Port Perry Star, 13 Aug 1931, p. 5

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HIS week, test the outstanding value - ' contained in every General Motors car. At your convenience, a car of the size, price and body type you pre- fer will be brought to your door, by your 'General Motors dealer, for you to drive and inspect. You can then see the many points of beauty and mechanical de- sign which are made possible through association with General Motors' world- wide organization. You can appreciate those special features which adapt the cars to Canadian road and climatic conditions. And you will be shown how the car is manufactured in Canada, by skilled Canadian workmen and, for the most part, of material purchased within the Empire. General Motors issues with every car, a generous Owner Service Policy which states the exact service to which an owner is entitled--and which _ holds good at any of the thousands of General Motors dealers throughout North America. Call your dealer today. If you wish, you may buy economically on time payment through GMA C. « CHEVROLET » 14 models listing from $810 10 - $640 at factory, taxes extra. : popular car In Canada. « PONTIAC » 6 models, listing from $875 to $1,015 at factory, taxes extra. Over 40 points of rubber in- sulation in the chassis absorb engine vibration, noise and Hh * road shocks. « OLDSMOBILE » 6 models, listing from $1,085 to $1,230 af factory, taxes extra. Includes such advanced engineering refinements as thy famous Syncro-Mesh transmis sion and Down-Draft carbu- retion, McLAUGHLIN-BUICK 22 models, listing from $1,290 to $2,660 at factory, taxes extra. More than 8 out of 10 McLaughlin-Buick owners buy McLaughlin-Buicks. again and again, « CADILLAC » Over 50 models available, ranging from the Cadillac V-8 * at $3,520, to the Cadillac V-12 at $5,130 and up to the Cadil- lac V-16 with custom bodies for $15,000 and more. All prices at factory, taxes extra. 7 SA Look In the classified pages of your book under "G | Motors Cars" for address of the nearest dealer GENERAL MOTORS CARS HAVE OUTSTANDING VAR GM28-30 £ Port Perry Fair Friday & Saturday September 18-19 "The prize List for Port Perry Fair is out and copies are being mailed. If you do not receive one, call up Mr. 'Norman Ewers, at Phone 201, Port Perry, and he will gladly mail one. ¥ Remember the slogan "Show what you grow: - Share what you know." This is our Fair, and it should receive the support of every citizen in this com- munity. ~ Myrtle Station Mr. and Mrs. daughter, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Davis, of Port Huron, were with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm, for. last week. Mrs. J. Devitt returned to her home this week after spending a month in Uxbridge. Miss McFarlane, Tillsonburg, was with friends in the village last week. Mr. Stuart Cameron was home from Grand Valley for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beadle, Toronto, Miss McFarlane, Tilsonburg, Mrs. Hubbell, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. George White and daughter, and Mr. Grant, Lee, Greenbank, were with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Miss Rilda Cooper, Mr. Ed. Cooper, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dickson, Mr. Hunter, all of To- 'ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Holman, of Ashburn, were holidaying at Mr. Jas. Dickson's last week. Superior Stores | MOVING SOON Having purchased the store now occupied by Sut- .cliffe & Sons, we will take possession about Sept. 1. We intend carrying the same lines we have now, with a few lines added. We take this opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage, trusting to be favored with a continuance of the same at our new quarters, To save work in moving our stock of Shoes and Gents' Furnishings, Men's Work Shirts and Over- alls, we will sell at prices never heard of before in Port Perry. « . See large bills for prices. J. McKEE & SON --. When Your Money | Travels by Mail Send your remittance by Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money Orders. They are convenient, efficient and ..economical. The money is fully in- sured against loss or theft in transit. It can reach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable anywhere TREND ESO DD Have you heard about PYRO-TEST The FIREPROOF INSULATOR 'Cool in Summer Warm in Winter Fireproof all thetime Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. : . LIMITED At Swan Brothers Port Perry CAWKER BROS. - CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of 'beef, veal and lamb atreduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w | Lumber and Builders' Supplies QEED DD sith We are grateful to our many patrons for their choice of a good place to buy stock at the right ; RK price. Let us show you our fine display of many lines which you need when building. = 'Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. | ; Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry Myrtle Elevator Car of Salt, Car of Oats, and a Car of Barley just arrived. Binder Twine for sale. All kinds of chop on hand. Prices right. MYRTLE ELEVATOR Phones: Bell 120 r 5. Ind. 3317 BARGAIN PRICES on Tom Barron Large English White Leghorns and O. A. C. Barred Rock pullets, 4 weeks old, 30c. 6 weeks old 40c., 8 weeks old 60 cents. Prices for older pullets and selected yearlings on request. We guarantee safe delivery. Order now, later on prices will be higher. KINGSWAY HATCHERY Petersburg, Ontario. -- sme everest mse A REASONABLE PRICE will buy one of the choicest properties in this district--solid brick house, electric light, five acres of excellent truck garden land, good milk busi- ness, eight good cows, four heifers, four sows--with enough feed for the winter, Good stabling and buildings. Apply to A. Woodley, Prince Albert, or 456 Logan Ave. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alfred Steer, R. .8. 0, 1927, Chapter 150, Sec. 51. All persons having claims against the Estate of Alfred Steer, Farmer, late of the Township, of Reach, County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the First day of July, A. D., 1931, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the First day of September, A.D., 1931, full particu- lars of their claims. the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst those entitled there- to having regard only to claims so filed. Dated at Port Perry, July Twenty- eighth, A.D,, 1931. Joseph Denny, Barrister, R. R. 4, Uxbridge, Ont. Solicitor for the Executrix. There are more entries for. the Sixth Marathon Swim at the Canadian Na. last year's event. Interest appears to be world-wide and the largest galaxy if ' of national stars in history will gather at Toronto for both women's and men's sections, Friday, August 28th, and Wednesday, September 2nd, re- spectively. Sunderland 'Legion Street Dance, Wednesday, August 19th. 48th High- landers Band. Broadcast C.K.G.W. 6.55 p.m. (fast time). Roth Eaton Cup baseball games August 19th at Sunderland. Street Dance at night, jo Highlanders Band. FORBAN'S TOOTH PASTE, While the deal lasts you New price $1.50. Port Perry te SPECIAL DEAL ZONITE--A powerful non-poisonous infectant and deodorant. Price 60c. large Forban's Tooth Paste for 69¢. "EVERGREEN"--A non-poisonous insecticide. A Z. bottle makes 5 gallons of spray. It kills plant fog. plant lice, leaf rollers, cabbage worms, ete. It i less to man and will not injure tender plants FOUNTAIN PENS--Special values up to $3.00. AIR-WAY MOTH CONTROL for your air-way. 75c. can. Morrison's Drug Store Phone 16 germ destroyer, dis- large, also 60c.. "i can have one Zonite and one «le Ontario Frank Gilroy and : of Omensville, Mr. and" Mrs. George 3 After said date || tional Exhibition than there were for! BERRY and quart sizes. E2888 08 00s8sessssssaretsnstossssssssssss Sevees Seve Try a bag of Reindeer Flour. We have it in 24's, 49's and 98's. We have a full line of Groceries, Boots and Shoes Crockery, ete. : J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. Sevesssres Steeesies BOXES We have a good supply of Berry Boxes in stock, in pints Also shipping crates holding 27 quart boxes, at 35c. each. Quart boxes are $2.00 per bundle of 250. Pint boxes 75c.- per hundred. If you raise fowl, we can supply you with Royal Purple Products, in following varieties--Laying Meal, Chick Start- = Developing Mash, Chick Scratch, Chick Grit, and Oyster ell. It makes wonderful bread. ' able odour and will not burn economical to use. home. 32 oz. $1.10. Phone 49 It is quick, sure and lasting in action. 1 gallon $1.75. Stockaid Animal Spray Here is a preparation that we can sincerely recommend for spraying cattle, horses, ete. Has no objection- the animals hide. It is very Half gallon 90c. ~ Fly-Tox The most popular and best Fly Spray for use in your This year at new low prices. 8 oz. 45c. 16 oz. 65c. Fly-Tox Hand Sprayers, 40c. ---- A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. The Rexall Store PORT PERRY, ONT. HAS IT HAPPENED TOYOU ? by P.C.1 Time: 5 Sunday. dl Place: Kingston Road, 15 miles out' of Toronto, coming west. . about half a mile of cars moving very _ slowly and more "cars joining the procession every minute. Brakes screeching, horns honking, heads thrust out of windows. I flashed up to the head of the line and got him with the goods. 10 miles an hour he was driving. I steered him onto a wide spot off the road and I told him . . . .. plenty!!! Says I, "How do you know there wasn't a doctor in that line going on an emergency call?" "Anyhow, what's the idea of hold- ing up several hundred people just because you want to dawdle along 'ill Church time?" Funny thing was he didn't realize he was doing wrong. they never do. Didn't know he was insulting every other driver p.m. PURCHASE OF FERTILIZERS Fall wheat growers have learned that fertilizers are valuable in in- creasing the yield of this crop in the way of producing better growth in the fall, followed by less winter kill- ing* and quicker start in the spring. Earlier maturity and improved qual- ity of grain have resulted. Ferti- lizer requirements should be care- fully estimated in advance and ord- ers placed in plenty of time to permit delivery prior to seeding dates. Collective purchasing by farmers or groups of farmers will aid materially in obtaining minimum prices. Car lot orders can readily be arranged and a substantial saving made. Growers should arrange to pay cash. * Time prices are always high and farmers are well advised to save high rates of interest wherever possible. Pur- chasing economy without loss of ef- ficiency should be the watchword of all crop growers and live stock pro- ducers at all times, ome! EYESIGHT SPECIALIST & Author of The eyes.in Modern Life. Optometry Feature Service. Your Eyes and Health. Eye Cure and Eye Strain. on the road of that. But I'll bet he will give others a little consideration hereafter. If he doesn't well, for his sake, and the sake of all the rest of us, let's be hopeful. cf ; DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS A number of re-conditioned De Laval Cream Separators. Priced reasonable. Apply to Thos. Hyland, Authorized Agent, Burketon R.R.3, Phone Port Perry 111r6. aug2? they don't think | 1516 --PHONE-- Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) 1516

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