$1,015 at factory, taxes extra. Over 40 points of rubber in sulation in the chassis absorb engine ;vibration, 'noise and + road shocks. « OLDSMOBILE » 6 models, listing from $1,085 to $1,230 at factory, taxes extra. Includes such ad . engineering refinements as the 3 famous Syncro-Mesh transmis- : sion and Down-Draft carb ) » McLAUGHLIN-BUICK N the building of General Motors are performed with the neatness and 22 models, listing from $1.290 cars, there is no compromise with skill 'characteristic of Canadian 'work- Ji [10.2600 at factory, taxes quality. If a part fails to conform men. Direct results are smooth perfor- ay re a Towle | to specifications, in either substance or mance, quietness, dependability, long MeLoughiin-Buicks again end | . dimensions, it is rejected. General life and unusually low prices. Gauge - again, Motors has modern plants, up-to-date . 'these qualities for yourself. Your dealer e CADILLAC » machinery and equipment, and every will gladly furnish a car for demonstra- Over 50 models available, known facility for progressive manufac- tien at your convenience. He will also ranging from the Cadillac v-8 | ture. Materials, both raw and finished, explain. GM A C, the economical fime- 4 33589, Jathe Cadilacy s2 are for the most part obtained from payment plan, and the General Motors oh i vith custom bedie, | ~ reliable sources within the Empire, and Owner Service Policy, which gives com- for $15,000 and more. All uniformity in quality is assured through forting assurance that the outstandin prices at factory, faxes extra. the watchful care of skilled in values of any General Motors car wi » . Craftsmanship is of high order, tasks endure. ! AG Ne] lei Lack In The claified peges of your teiephens book wader Oumsral Motors Con" Tor savas ot oe emma" GN-29.30 MOTORS . " | GENERAL MOTORS CARS HAVE OUTSTANDING VALUE | 3 te : a . 45 : > Superior Stores ||| Have you heard about SCHOOL DAYS will soon be here. PYRO-TEST Now-is your opportunity to 'secure The &. Footwear, while our Sale is on, at FIREPROOF very LOW PRICES. ~~We will continue our Sale as long as we are INSULATOR here. We intend to be in our new quarters by Sat- ~ urday, the 29th of August.. : Cool in Summer Warm in Winter derful bargains in Summer Foot- : : wear CIN PACT. IN ALL LINES! In order to Fireproof all the time be able to get our stock in, WE WILL SACRIFICE! J. Mc & N Port Perry 183 = Oshawa Lumber Co. : ns LIMITED When Your Money || At Swan Brothers Port Perry 1] Travels by Mail ] cs oone fl (CAWKER BROS. Bank of Commerce Money Orders. to ' x They are convenient, efficient and THE economical. The money is fully in- sured against loss or theft in transit. It 'can reach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable anywhere CANADIAN BANK | DD =D DDD} -- CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice outs of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w Lumber and Builders' Supplies We are grateful to our many patrons for their _ choice of a good place to buy stock at the right price. Let us show you our fine display of - many lines which you need when building. fen nte RL te 240" Day or Night Port Perry '| were unable to render any assistance 1 Phbtie"Port Parry 116. | * | DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m, to § pm. | i Office over McKes's Shoe Store Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley and family visited Tyrone friends on Sun- day. Mrs. Schyler Porter and daughters spent the week end with friends at Scarboro and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keller, Detroit, visited at Mr. Bert Duff's on Sunday. A number from here rushed to Brooklin on Sunday evening when the word came that Mr. George Brown's home was on' fire. Unfortunately they in saving the contents of the house, as everything burst into a mass of - ZONITE--A powerful nou-poisonous germ destroy SPECIAL DEAL infectant and deodorant. Price FORBAN'S PASTE, large, also 60c.. be - While the deal lasts you can have one Zonite and one large Forban's Tooth Paste for 69¢. Ng "EVERGREEN"--A non-poisonous insecticide. A one oz. bottle makes 5 ons of . It kills plant lice, ef alon Drain, wc less to man and will not injure tender - y FOUNTAIN PENS--Special values up to $8.00. New price $1.50. AIR-WAY MOTH CONTROL for your air-way. 78c. can. . 3 3 M Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry te "te Ontarie : Phone 16 : filmes when the coal oil stove ex- ploded. i Mr. Ivan Rodd and Mr. Arthur|g@™ Maw have been assisting with grading operations on the town line. : The traffic was again very heavy |§ for the week end on the Highway. It is unnecessary for the people of this community to travel very far in quest | § of a summer resort, as those who are | § seeking a quiet spot away from the |§ noise and bustle of the busy thorough: | § fares have only to visit the Glen |H Hudson Farm with its winding trout |§ streams and pretty pebbled driveways |§ bordered by evergreens and the more : sturdy trees of the forest to be con- | 8 vinced that here, indeed, the com-|§ bined hands of nature and man have | § made an ideal spot for any 'kind of |§ sport. > ---------- DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS / A number of re-conditioned De |§ Laval Cream Separators. Priced | § reasonable. All makes of separators | § repaired. Apply to Thos. Hyland, Authorized Agent, Burketon R.R.S3, aug? 5 Gd dea { oCliaY a un EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The eyes in Modern Life. Optometry Feature Service. Your Eyes and Health. Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 --PHONE-- Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) 1516 pre School Opening PEACHES Qur shipments of Peaches from Grimsby will be along shortly. We handle nothing but the best canning varieties, and you can be assured of best expect to have Plums. quality fruit, if you place your order with us. PLUMS AND GRAPES We expect to have Plums and Grapes as soon as they are ready and will be pleased to have your order. We have a full line of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, etc. J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. im - - NEY, i TIA rr September will soon be here and with it the opening of a new School Term. At this time we take pleasure in wishing all students a pleasant and successful school year. We handle a complete line of school supplies, including High and Public School Text Books, Note Books, Scribblers, Art Equipment, Fountain Pens, etc. What: you don't see, ask for. What we haven't in stock, we'll be glad to procure. rw map ey A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. ae Rexall sur PORT PERRY, ONT. oR uy acs E rates (7.00 p.m. iy ) * are comsiderably than day rates on "any- one" calls. Nitta ries (8.30 ) am,