"Anniversary of St. 8 n Church is changei toa i 18 and 19. Mrs. Robert Town, and son Clarence - and family of Whitby, spent the week end in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. Beverley Smallman has return- ed home from Copper Cliff, where he has spent some months. Mrs. E. A. Walker is visiting with friends in Stouffville. Mr. Vernon Nott was in town last week. He is living at Varnie, Ont., Grey County. It is eleven years since Vernon was in town: since that time we have had hydro, cement rpad and a new school. Naturally: Mr. Nott sees considerable improvement in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nott are farming at Varnie. Mrs. Ada Wickett, of Whitby, is visiting with friends in town. rel POP eee : DIED At Port Perry, on Wednesday, September 23, 1931, Sarah McMillan, beloved wife of Arthur Dowson. (South Bend Tribune) Mr, and Mrs. Norman Stewart, 1145 Belmont Ave., are celebrating the 60th anniversary of their marriage to-day in their home. A family din- ner will be given this evening, which will be attended by all members of the family residing in this vicinity. | Mr. and Mrs. Stuart wére' married' in Uxbridge, Canada, Sept. 14, 1881 and. were the parents of 10 children, eight of whom are living. Six daughters became graduate nurses, three of them in Red Cross service during the war. eet Pe. HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Wednesday, September 30th, the High School Field Day will be held at the Fair Grounds. The students guarantee a lively program of field contests, beginning at 10 a.m., and lasting throughout the day. About 3.30 p.m. we are arranging to have a ball game between Sunderland and the home team. Winners at this meet will compete in the inter-school meet between Bowmanville, Whitby and Port Perry, to be held at Alexandra Park, Oshawa, on October 7th. ----, EPP. ROAST CHICKEN SUPPER AT = RAGLAN The Ladies' Aid of Raglan United Church are holding a roast chicken supper on Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, followed by a concert given by the Niddery Sisters, Mr. Jack Parker, Mr. R. Martin, Master Jack Martin, and Mr. H. Nicholson. Adults 50c. Children 26c. APPLES FOR SALE Fall and Winter Apples, 20c. basket. Bring your basket. Fall apples now ready. Apply to Rev. W. P. Brown, Port Perry. ------ POP. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 8 p.m.--Sunday School. : Harvest Festival Services at Brook- "lin. x fl e----------------- W..CT. U. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs, S. Farmer on Wednes- day afternoon, September 30th, at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison of To- ronto, visited with Mr. and Ur. F. Crosier, recently, Mrs, Geo. Prentice, of Port Perry, with her bother, Ww. Crosier, eon Sun- day. » Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward and daughter Joyce spent Sunday at Mr. C. Cook's. Sorry to report Mr. + Cooper under the doctor's care. "We hope he may soon ecover. The Woman's Missionary Society held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Murphy, Prince 'Albert. Mrs. Bascom of Whitby, gave a very interesting talk. All report a very pleasant afternoon, , Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb have gone to Lindsay with their son for a few days, and will attend Lindsay Fair. Miss Viola Mitchell has returned to Buffalo after spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper motored to King on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Masters of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Masters. Mr. Rabbie, of Manilla, has bought the store formerly owned by Mr. A. Crosier, and will take possession in October, 2 Mrs, Hart, of Uxbridge, visiting with her brother Mr. N. Crosier, Mr, V. Crozier of Toronto, at home over the week end. 'UTICA NEWS Married in Uxbridge on Friday, Sept. 11th, 1931, by Rev. Mr. Owen, June Swinson to Bruce Taylor, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mrs. Jas. Swan returned home on Sunday, but is still confined to her bed. Died on Saturday, Sept. 19, 1931, John Jackson, aged 26 years. Mr. Jackson made his home, since a boy, with 'Mr. Henry Davis. He had just | returned from threshing about two o'clock and. getting his clean clothes from the house went to the creek, south of the barn to bathe, but as he was subject to epileptic fits, it is be- lieved while in one he smothered in the mud. Mr. Davis was attending Port Perry Fair at the time. On ar- riving home at dark, Jackson could not be found, he went to the creek as \he knew he was in the habit of bath- ing there. When the coroner arrived he said he had been dead some hours. Interment took place at the Upper Cemetery on Monday. There is some talk that the School Fair will be held here in Memory Hall instead of at the school, Mancester. Sorry to report Mrs. John Medd was operated on a week ago, but pleased to say she is doing fine. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hortop in To- ranto on Tuesday. Remember the Presbyterian An- niversary on Sept. 27th and 29th. The Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Sharkey, B.A., will be the preacher, assisted by Uxbridge male quartette and Ashburn choir. The young people are preparing a play to be presented some time next month under the auspices of the Girls' Bluebird Club, to provide lumber for an open air rink. The players held a corn roast in Mr. Mervin Christie's field on Monday night after practice, An enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Andrew Bentley, of Grand Forks, Mich., is spending this week with his parents here. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Bentley celebrated their 656th wedding anniversary, it was also Mr. Bentley's 78th birthday. The first Sunday in October will be Rally Day at the United Sunday School. Everybody come. Miss Annle Christie returned to Cleveland last week. Mr. Norman Ballard had a very Don't miss seeing "Amy from Arizono" at Utica, on Tuesday even- ' ing, September 29th. This is a good play, promising plenty of laughs from beginning to end. See announcement elsewhere in this issue. - VALDE HORTOP Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Port Perry ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ie Presbyterian Church, on' September 27 and 29. 'services--11 a.m, and 7.30 Rev. Bev. Norksan Sharkey, from Uxbridge Gin moming choir at night. ful sale t Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs! Chas. Webster and daughters with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey on Sunday. Mr. Henry Gibner returned home last week. ------------ > ---- -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 27th-- 11 a.m.--Special Rally Day Service for Sunday School and Congrega- tion. Sunday School Orchestra will assist in the service. 7 p.m.--Subject: "Life ig, Like That" Prince Albert . Rally Day Service at 2.30 p. m. DR. W. S. HARPER 'Physician and Surgeon © and Trinity University, Toros "have, ever been able to present to our customers. Glassare--Bovls, Cake Plates, v 2 pic Tu nt, apres, $1.29 22 piece {Tea Sets, Oriental, $1.98 > 7 pe. Berry Ses, English China, China, $1.19 . 32 piece Dinner Sets, English as China, $4,15 - Cups & Saucers, Derby Coloring x 59c¢. Cups & Saucers, variety colors 39%. Teapots, 4 designs, _ 49c. Sherbets and Goblets, etehed crystal, each 39c. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist on Sin Seta Baa : J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m.. Phone 258 COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167" Yonge St., Toronto, eye special- ist for glasses at Lawrenee's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, Qctober 8th. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists * 163-167 Yonge. St, Toronto | (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) et A em PORT-PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Worship Service. ? 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. i tM GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH At the morning service of Green- bank United Church, next Sunday, Miss Louiza Mayowma will speak of the work of the W. M. S. This lady is said to be a most interesting and instructive speaker. AL ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 8.16 p.m. reer tl IP Pee APPLES Mr. John Pollack has purchased my orchard and will fill orders at the fol- lowing prices, delivered in Port Perry, payment on delivery: McIntosh Reds, First, per bbl. $5.00 Spies, Firsts, per bbl. ........ 4.50 Spies, Seconds, per bbl. !..... 2.76 (no raliroad worm) Tolman Sweets, Firsts, bbl. .. Greenings, run of orchard, fine quality Orders to be left with Geordie Me- Millan, Phone 91. Greenings and Me- Intosh will be picked about 28th and orders for these should be given at once. "Delivery will be made after later pickings, and purchasers may rest assured of splendid quality. This announcement is made because of numerous enquiries received by me. Oct. 1 H C. Nasmith mie en MARRIED . On Wednesday, September 23rd, 1931, by Rev. R. T. Richards and Rev. E. A. Annand, Marjorie Isabel Lucas, 4.00 of Mrs. Reon t,he oi Su" Graduate of Trinity 'Medical College al BA, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |; > Yr o% our thot hts to needed; and, our Stock down top ette Blankets; feel | line of Winter Unde Cheerie Dad, who ta nowing fi CITY PRICES. We Toe. PER 79c. MEN'S i Sele COMBINATIONS Just right for present wear _ GARMENT WELL WORTH $1.25 BOYS' SIZE the same quality material--for only 49¢. Children's Flannelette PYJAMAS: 35c. 'BLOOMERS, Children's F lannelette 15¢. COMF ORTER BATTS 79¢., 39¢., 190. | watcnl|" .-- FOR -- Next Week's ADVERTISEMENT We are going to have something that will crowd our store to the doors. 2 that has the new / French Heel Full fashioned and delustered, A regular $1.25 Hose that we guarantee. Our Price Only in every way. 79c. colors and Millinery Special Ladies' Good Qualty Felts, in the latest Fall Shapes, daintily trimmed - with siart quills, 'Our Price p Only ty feathers, ete. All $1.39 sizes. Cha icte "Gloves. ~ 390. 89c., 790. aH A GOOD STORE TO KNOW L. W. NELSON, Proprietor QUEEN ST., Ln Phone 234 PORT PERRY H. OOULDERY, Manager y WATGH us GROW ; BLACKSTOCK Between four and five hundred in- terested spectators attended the School Fair on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Teachers and pupils deserve great credit for the interest shown and fine work done, Five out of the nine schools in the township took part in thé parade, namely, Cad- mus, Blackstock, Archer's, Mahood's and 'Cedardale; the four not taking part were Caesarea, Purple Hill, Devitt's and Egypt. The Egypt pupils shared in the exhibits but were too few in number to take part in the parade. Col. Snyder, the Inspector, spoke very strongly 'on the matter, saying that any school section finan- cially able to take part in the schooi fair and not doing so should be thoroughly ashamed. The singing bv the pupils improves a great deal from year to year, due no doubt, largely t» the instruction they receive each week from Miss Ward, their singing teach- er. The prize list will appear in a iater issue. Another game of girls' softball was | played on Friday evening when the Blackstock girls played a return game at Hampton and Jost by a score of 8 to 6. Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and Miss Mabel VanCamp, spent the week end in Toronto with tives, Mr. nad Mrs. F. Waldon. © Mr: R. G, Lamb and sons Donald and Jack Mr. W. Betts, of Lindsay, |" spent Sunday at. the botne. of Smith © Miss 'Helen Waldon has poturnod , 'home to Toronto ates a month's holi- James Lucas, of Port Perry, to George | : Malcolm Rennie, M.D.C.M., eldest son Q was played but the Blackstock boys steadily lost until the final score re- sulted 17-5 in favor of Bowmanville. On Friday, September 4th, Mrs. J. Whitfield, wife of the late John Whit- field, passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. John English, at the age of 86 years. The deceased spent the early part of her married life on a farm in Cartwright, moving from there to Port Perry where she and her husband still continued farming. Sometime later they moved to the West where they again took up farm- ing at Swan River. There Mr. Whit- field died and Mrs. Whitfield returned' to Port Perry where she kept store until she came to live with her daughter in Cartwright. The de- ceased was a life long Anglican, al- ways an interested and willing helper in anything pertaining to her church. 'The funeral service was held on Sun- day, September 6th, conducted by Dr. C. Whittaker, assisted by Rev. F. W. Newell, B.A., B.D., and the remains were laid to rest in St. John's ceme- tery. She leaves to mourn her loss two daughters, and two sons, Mrs. John English, Burketon, Mrs, Frank Rodgers, Whitby, 'Mr. Nelson Whit- field, Port Perry, and Mr. Teasdale Whitfield, Burketon, Two sons Loujs and John, predeceased: her some years ago. They very large funeral attend- ance and lovely flowers testified to the held The pallbearers were Messrs. | John, Ted and Nelson Marlow, Tsaac love and. esteem in which she was |, then invited into the house where they were treated to ice cream and cigars by the groom and a gocial time of music, singing, ete. Death again entered our midst and on Tuesday September 8th, Miss Crissie Deacon passed peacefully away at her home "Caesarea Court". Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Deacon, and was born in 1867 in Cartwright where she spent her whole life. Deceased was. in a motor accident over a year ago and since then has suffered ill health. - A few months ago she underwent an operation which revealed a disease of a very serious nature and.of which she 'was a patient sufferer until dsath brought a welcome relief. Miss Deacon was a life long member of St. John's Anglican Church of which she was a faithful and consistent member. She was also. a member. of the Women's Auxiliary. for a number of years. She wak of a quiet unassani- ing disposition, and 'with her bright little smile and warm hospitable nature made for herself a large circle of loving friends. The funeral service was held at her home on Thursday, 10th inst., conducted by her rector, Dr. C.'E. Whittaker, and the remains laid to rest in Caesare's cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. and John Proutt, Wm. Beacock, Jos. Forder, L. Lansing and Jas. Brookes. 'her loss one sister andor ) ee] Mr, Harry, both it home, One brother Miss Kate and | High School for the purpose of se- curing their first class certificate. Mr: Bernie Hooey has returned home atfer a pleasant motor trip to Hamilton, Grimsby and Niagara Falls. Mr. Seagar, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, and Mrs. Luke, attended the Sunday * School meeting of representatives of. the Sunday Schools of Reach, Scugog - and Port Perry, held at Greenbank, last Monday night. Some fourteen schools were represented. As next Sunday is Rally Day the Church and Sunday School services are combined and will start at 2.30 p.m. The September meeting of the Man- chester Auxiliaty of the Woman's Missionary Society, was held last ursday at the home of Mrs, H, R. Murphy. There was an unusually large attendance of ladies both from Manchester and Prince Albert, as a special speaker, Mrs. (Dr,) Bascom « f- Whitby, was present and gave an in-/ structive and earnest address on the help given by the missionaries to the poor, sick. and under-privileged .child- ren among whom they labour. She also presented a system of raising 'the Auxiliary's yearly objective. Mrs. Dobson gave a piano solo. Lunch was then served. - The. collection taken amounted to between six and seven. dollars. Mr, Saegar and Mr. and Mrs. Loi. Bond 'motored to the Naga fruit chi 8 iain last week PRINCE ALBERT ay £