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Port Perry Star, 1 Oct 1931, p. 5

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Truly good Peppermint Patties. chocolate-covered peppermint patties you like so well. S0AP-- Ee Long bars, each 19c. "TOOTH PASTE-- Vinolia Pure Castile Soap. Those 'rich creamy- Special per pound 200, Red Special 8 bars for 25¢, Colgate's Tooth Paste--Buy one ot the regular price and get one free. That i is 2 tubes for 25c¢. \ Ee A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. 7a Porat ue PORT PERRY, ONT. reasonable at all times. confidence to our store. 'Hosiery at 98c. nothing but the best. Work Boots at $2.49. Let us take your measure. Superior Stores For Quality and Service We specialize in High Class Goods and our prices are Your can send your child with We have some smart lines of new shoes for Women and Misses, marked at popular prices. show them and guarantee a perfect fit. We also have the latest shades in Holeproof and Corticelli All firsts and guaranteed. Our Men's Wear Department speaks for itself. We handle "We have a few specials in Men's Our Made-to-Measure Suits at $23.00, cannot be equalled. We guarantee a fit. ee J. McKEE & SON We will be pleased to . COUNTY OF ONTARIO TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS 'FOR ARREARS OF TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list lands now liable to be sold for e ig = of taxes in the County of On- has been prepared and is being i publishe Ton ishay in an advertisement in the tario Gazette upon the Nineteenth and Twe Twent; ty Sixth days of September, he Third and Tenth days of Tr, Copies of such list of ad- vertisement may be had upon applica- tion to me. On default of payment of taxes as shown on the said list, on _ or before Monday, the 21st day of December, 1931, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I shall, at the said hour, "at the Court House, Whitby, Ontario, Drosetd to sell by public auction the said lands, 'or such portions thereof Ph gent BN Phares | Cu er e cl 'thereon. EB. A McKAY, Treasurer, | : County of Ontario. WOULD YOU MARRY Canadian girl ~ 17, worth $20,000; Widow 36, $40,000; Widow 42, worth $70,000? Photos, description free. Mrs. Warn, 8377 W. 4th St, Los Angeles, Calif. Oct19 FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 100 acres, more or less, West half lot 1, con. A, Mariposa. 20 acres of pasture with running water, balance | in good state of cultivation. Frame house and out buildings. Small or- chard, Close to school, church, store and P.0., on county road. Apply to J. McDougall, Seagrave P.O., Ontario. S. 24 FOR RENT Furnished six-roomed house, all conveniences including electric lights, barn suitable as garage, from Oct. 1. Apply at Star Office. S19t.1. W. A. San ter : DENTAL SURG Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pm. ? Office i McKee's Shoe Store pairs Men's Rubber Boots, Ames- k Nothing better made, and it will soon be wet + and muddy. Keep your. feet dry with a pair of of Regular. 34 gular 30 Las Classic Shoes, all sizes. These shoes are ine quality kid. Feature Arch, combination fitting and Cuban heel. Regular $4.50. - FOR $3.50 4 ple Star Ammonia ....... athe De, £ a ES PORT PERRY, ONT. these 'boo FOR $3.75 Dols: # ..25c. # When Your Money Travels by Mail Send your remittance by Canadian- - Bank of Commerce Money Orders." They are convenient, efficient and. economical. The money is fully in- sured against loss or theft in transit. It cap reach only the person to whom it is addressed. Canadian Bank of Commerce Money Orders are as good as cash and are acceptable anywhere in Canada. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which is amalgamated [THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ) ye =D = DID DD DIDI DD DDIDDD Have you Biard about PYRO-TEST The FIREPROOF INSULATOR Cool in Summer ~ Fireproof all the time Warm in Winter Port' Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. - LIMITED | At Swan Brothers Port Perry - CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of * beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w a here Inst week. ' A number of members of the W. M. S. attended the Sectional meeting at Pickering on Tuesday. The Women's Association was fav- ored with ideal weather for their gathering at Mrs. W. J. Cook's last | Tuesday afternoon. After business and program were completed, games were played on the lawn, afterwards : supper was served consisting of Sand- | wiches, Cake, and | peaches and cream. PORT PERRY RINK WON FIRST PRIZE IN WHITBY TOURNAMENT The annual Fall Tournament of the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club was held on the greens of the Club last week 'with twenty-one rinks taking part re- presenting most of the towns and vil- lages in the district. Three games of fifteen end was played with the prizes going to the four teams with the highes aggregate scores. The first | prize went to D. Carengie of Port Perry, with a score of fifty-three. Ex- | Mayor Hiltz and his rink from the St. Matthews club, in Toronto, took | second place with a score of forty- FAMOUS READING Black and There sa Sg deal thats at- he Readin "ie Wea are o grateful to our 'many patrons for their choice of a good place to buy stock at the right price. Let us show you our fine display is many lines which you need when bulging, nine, and Booth, also of St. Matthews came third with a score of forty-three. The first prizes were silver water jugs, while sweater coats went to the second placed team. Electri¢ heaters went to the third, while the fourth winners, Moodie of Richmond Hill, re- ceived silver flower vases. FOWL SUPPER AT SONYA Don't forget the fowl supper and concert to be held at Sonya on Friday, October 23rd. oct23 PRESENTED WITH SHOWER The home of Mr..and Mrs. Alvin E. Hunter, Prince Albert, was the scene of merrymaking on Tuesday evening, September 22, when about one hun- dred friends and neighbours gathered to greet the bride and groom, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Webb, and to bestow on them a shower of useful gifts and good wishes for future happiness. Seated beneath an arch of ever- greens, the happy couple were sur- prised to behold before them a minia- ture bridal couple, Miss Celia and Master Mac Hope, who carried a basket containing many beautiful and useful gifts as a shower to them. After the opening of the many par- cels the bride and groom in a few well chosen words, thanked the friends for their kindness and thoughtfulness and proved their appreciation of the good wishes given them. Mr. H. Murphy, as chairman, pre- sented the bride with a nicely bound new United Church Hymn Book as a token of gratitude for the past good work done by her in the church. A few short speeches followed and all joined in community singing. Lunch was served and a social chat and lawn games followed until inter- upted by a charivari and a buggy-ride for the bridal couple. Later a treat of ice cream and a social dance end- ed this much enjoyed evening. lA MW CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST N Voters' List 1931, Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters' List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Mancester, on the 26th day of September, 1931, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at icipal ti and such list remains there for in- spection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immedate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last-day for appeal being the 17th day of October, 1931. Dated at Manchester this 28th day of September, 1931. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of said Municipality. i FOR RENT 190 acres--Nancy Miller farm-- formerly occupied by Jas. Eagleson, near Pleasant Point. Apply to Harris & Harris, Port t Perry, Side rack of truck with name | Cooper & Smith, painted on, Lost between Oshawa and Port Perry and | Pine Point. Finder notify 16 Celina St., Oshawa: Reward offered. Ah {18 PAYING 21c., 20c., and 17c., FOR B AT. You can save labor f tion. Price very Seasonatle Apply | at Stay Office. 817 tf. "SCUGOG Sunday services at the foot church were wgll attended and very much en- joyed. Rev. Mr. Totten, of Myrtle, who was a close friend of one of old pastors, Rev. J. W. Totten, was the speaker, 'We heard two fine sermons. Also the children's story "was very interesting. Our young men's choir did their best in the morning in sing- ing "His Yoke is Easy," and "I Want My Life to Tell for Jesus." The Port Perry Men's CHoir came down for the evening and sang three lovely selec- tions--"The Church in the Wild Wood", "It Shall be Glory for Me," and "Let the Lower Lights be Burn- | ing." The church looked very pretty with flowers and garden fruits. Next Sunday is Union Rally at the Centre Church at 11 a.m. Everybody come to the Rally. : Congratulations to the winners at Port Perry Fair. Our School Fair was held in the Centre School grounds on Sept. 28th. The weather was ideal, and the crowd large; people coming from Port Perry, Prince Albert and Oshawa. Exhibits were plentiful and good. The drills were fine and the program was very interesting. Each school received.a baseball, the Head School won the First Aid Kit. Congratylations to the teachers and pupils. A number of young men came out from Oshawa to play a game of soft- ball with our boys. It was a very in- teresting game, but the visitors were winners. Mr. Oliver Reader met with a ser- ious misfortune recently. He was down in the well fixing the pump on Mr. Roy Henders' farm, when the well began to cave in. Mr. Henders and his man, Mr. Lee, got him out as quickly as possible, but he had a broken wrist, some broken ribs, and a number of scratches and bruises. We are glad to report that he getting along nicely, and hope he will soon re- covery from his injuries. Quite a number from here attended the Blackstock and Lindsay Fairs. Miss Flora Miller visited her cousin Miss Myrtle Sweetman over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Samells, Edna and George, were Sunday guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy. Miss Marjorie Milner was the guest of Miss Luella Jeffrey on Sunday. Mr. N. Foster, of Toronto, is visit- ing his daughter Mrs. F. Crozier. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Allen and | Florence, Misses Della and Nellie Lee, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. Ploughman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grgnger, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Me- Kenzie, on Sunday. Glad to hear Mr. Raymond Fralick,s colt is getting better from being run into by a car while coming home from Blackstock Fair. We are all very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Arthur Dowson, and the illness of Mr. Dowson. We ex- tend the family our deepest sympathy. Miss Elva Elford has returned to the University of another term. Manchester Mrs. A. Crosier and Miss Mildred Crosier spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper and baby and Mrs. C. Gerrow and Maunsell motored to Lindsay one day last week and attended the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace attended Lindsay Fair last Thursday. Mr. Roper, of Toronto, visiting at Mr, John Masters'. Mr. and Mrs, C. Gerrow and son EYESIGAT SPE], Author The eyes in Modern Life. Optometry Feature Service. Your Eyes and Health. Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 --PHONE-- Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) 1516 Manusell visited at Musselman's Lake on Sunday. Bofn to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters, a son, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks and Mrs. F. Crozier, spent a day in Toronto last week. Mrs. F. Crozier in Toronte's on Wed- nesday attending the funeral of her causin Mrs. E. Harrison, The School Fair was held at Utica with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb have return- ed home after a week in Lindsay. Mrs. E. Barrett and Mrs. Walker attended the W. M. S. Convention in Pickering on Tuesday. Miss Marion Holtby and Miss M. Crosier and Mr. R. M. Holtby attend- ed the Agincourt Fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, F. Wells visiting with Mr. Walter Fowlie recently. Mr. John Moore of Oshawa, called on Mr. John Moore here, recently. SPECIAL PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order in early. All kinds of Dry Cleaning and Pressing done. Ladies' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry i Cleaning Process at very moderate prices. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor OverTel. Office Port Perry a ------ NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Dougald Clarkson, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Dougald Clarkson, of the Township of Reach, Farmer, de- who died on the 1st day of May, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or ceased, . before the 15th day of October, 1931, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediatelyafter October 15, 1931, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributéd among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated Sept. 15, 1931. HARRIS & HARRIS, Port Perry, Ont., Solrs. for Dougald Clarkson Octl Estate. FOR THE WORLD'S We invite applications from may not now be handling making opportunity. Write to the unders ness respo DEALER WANTED in this territory RADIO radio, or from a financially responsible man who may be looking for an opportunity to employ his time and funds to best advantage. The line is the most extensively advertised in Canada--prices are right and discounts generous. This is a real money ed giving full particulars of busi- nce, cs standing. Only financially parties will be considered. CUTTEN & FOSTER, LIMITED 302 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO, 'ONT. LARGEST SELLING a live dealer who may or

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