'Residence 19j "Port Perry, Ontario 'Miss Helen Vickery, of Toronto, pent the week end with her friend, Dorothea O'Neill. 'Miss Florence Bush, $f Toronto, and r. Gordon Reesor, Markham; pent the holiday wéek end with the tter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. eesor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reesor and family of Toronto, were visiting at the home his brother, on Monday. - Mrs. Ada Vickery, and Mr. Clifford Vickery, were calling on friends on the holiday. Miss L. G. Stoner, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer for Thanksgiving holiday. lA Remember the 75th Anniversary, of | St. John's Church, on October 18th and 19th. See advertisement for 1 supper and concert on front page. BAZAAR, TEA AND CONCERT AT SALEM On Wednesday evening, October 21, the Sunshine Circle Girls, will hold a Bazaar. Tea served from 5 to 8 p.m. ! Concert will be given by Harry Wood \ } and Elmo Rich, Miss Chalmers, Mrs. 4 } Mellow, Mr. Allister Cameron. I SRE bntin, ined a EXCHANGE Good six roomed Toronto house, > € = < w Oo wd £ Z -- =) z I< »> = = > Q = Z a =F WINTER APPLES FOR SALE { Arrly, Rev. W. P. Brown, Port Perry CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Morning Service. ! Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Weeknight Service. ER a NNR PORT PERRY UNITED CHU RC H Sunday, October 18 11 am.--Rev. R. F! Stillman, of Norwood, will conduct the service 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 97 p.m.--Evening Service withdrawn in favour of St. John's Presby- terian Anniversary. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Rev. R. F. Stillman, of Nor- 'wood, will conduct the service. Ee i poor fb CHAPMAN-SOMERVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Somerville, of Port Perry, announce the marriage at their i home, of their elder daughter, Mabel Gertrude, to George Wilbur Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Chapman, of Uxbridge, on Saturday, Qctober 10, 1931. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. T. Richards. GENEROUS DONATION OF CLOTHING FOR WESTERN RELIEF Clothing to the value of $500 is being shipped for Western Relief from the Port Perry United Church. ¢ It is pleasing to note that all the donations are of good quality. This ! spontaneous response to the appeal | for clothing is one of the bright spots in community life. The railways are carrying the bales free to their desti- nation in Saskatchewan. Persons who have clothing to spare would do well fo communicate with church officials with whom they are associated, and their contributions will t be forwarded to meet the great need. LOST Wedding ring in front of Utica Store or between the store and Mr. Frank Hortop's gate, on the Sixth Concession. Finder please leave at re. Reward. ANNUAL HOCKEY MEETING e annual hockey meeting will be d in the Town Hall, on Monday, vember 2nd, at 8 p.m. for the ion of officers for the coming . All persons interested in the of the Club are asked to make effort to be present. R. A; LEVIA, Acting Sec'y. DR. W. | 8. HARPER and Polyelinie, Sy North East London FIFTEENTH Anniversary We appreciate the patronage of our many customers, and express to them our sincerest thanks. To show our appreci- ation, we are offerin any article in our Stce at greatlyreduced prices, thus giving 'an opportunity to select many useful articles for Christmas presents. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist MYRTLE STATION Mrs. Oliver Lane spent last week with Toronto friends. Mrs. J. Hughson left this week to spend a few weeks with her son in Oakville. Mrs, MacInvoy, of Marmora, was at R. Chisholm's for the week end. Mr. Clarence Harrison has been busy building an addition to his silo. The members: of the Woman's Missionary Society packed a bale of clothing last Thursday afternoon, to be sent to the W. M. S. headquarters ~ at Bowmanville, for re-distribution. , The Young People's Society have the following officers for their winter meetings: President--Miss Vance; Vice Presidents--Rev. Mr. Totten, Mrs. Harrison, Frank Manderson, Ralph Annan and Allan Downey; Tréagurér--Ruby Cook; Secretary--- Mildred Harrison. The Women's Association were guests of the Brooklin ladies last Wednesday afternoon, and spent a pleasant time. Mrs. Totten, Mrs. Tordiff and Mrs. Price, assisted with the musical part of the program, and Mrs. Hudgins and Mrs. Chisholm gave readings. Beulah Coopér "gave a pretty recitation. Refreshments were served at the close. ee DANCE AT SCUGOG HALL A dance will be held in the Town Hall, Scugog, on Monday, October 19. A prize will be given for the best couple waltzing. Everybody welcome. Ladies please provide. pr PAID Ar iinnis n PURE JERSEY MILK FOR SALE 10c. PER QUART DELIVERED. Apply to Art Woodley, Prince Albert. ----, EOP WINTER APPLES FOR SALE No.1 Ontario Apples ...... $3.00 No. 1 Spy Apples. .......... $3.50 . No. 1 Greening Apples ....$3.00 No. 1 Baldwin Apples ...... $2.76 No. 1 Sweet Apples ........ $3.50 No. 1 McIntosh Red Apples $4.50 No. 1 Peewaukee Apples ..$2.50 No. 1 Stark Apples ....... $2.26 All sprayed. No railroad worm. I. TURNER, Phone 218, Port Perry. VALDE HORTOP Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes start first week in Sept. Phone 54 Port Perry J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd.,, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 1.30 to 3 p.m. Phone 258 § October 8th. COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 | Yonge St., Toronto, eye special- ist for glasses at Lawrence's Drugstore, Port Perry, Thursday, F. E. LUKE & SON, 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN - NOTICE! Trade in your old Fur Coat on the purchase of a new garment, A liberal allowance will be made--. a written bond of two years' guar- antee goes with every coat, Persian Lamb Coats, Rus- gian fine quality, medium glossy curl skins. Self trim- med, also with Kolinsky, Mink, and Alaskan Sable at factory prices. : We Will Display \ YOU SAVE 25 to 35 PER CENT. BUYING AT FACTORY CLEARANCE. Logwood Alaskan Seal Coats, plain and trimmed with Kolinsky or any other trim- ming. with Squirrel, Fox, Self Trimming. Hudson Seal Coats--Beautifully fashioned from special quality Rice Lake pelts, Lynx, Kolinsky, Persian Lamb and self trimmings --Buy Canadian Furs at factory prices. rift A reasonable deposit will hold your purchase till required--and no charge for storage or insurance, = % A 2000 STORE TO KNOW | Beige and Black Caracul Coats, trimmed In this event you have a selection of T bree Dave Only \ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday i OCTOBER 15,:16§& 17 Gigantic Bargains in Stylish 1931 Coats. Semi-Fitting Coats, and Huge Luxurious] Collars . FROM FACTORY TO WEARER! furs that is second to none, and every coat is made in a way that promises long service and satisfaction. --examine--compare, coat value before . restyling of Fur Coats: prices till November 1st. you an estimate. house. © We'll warrant that you have never seen so much fur perhaps you'll never see so much again--sq don't delay, Restyling and Repairing , We give very special attention to the Have yours cut over and be "up-to-date." If you are unable to come to the store, a phone call will bring a representative to your Come in Special Let us give We have made special arrangements with the REGAL FUR CO., one of Canadas for t Fur H , to bring "to our store from Thursday, October 156th to Saturday October 17th, both days inclusive, a fepresentative display of their 1931 Model Coats. This firm is one of the most reliable Fur Houses in Canada. They handle only furs of the finest qualtiy and fully guarantee every garment they sell. There will be an expert furrier (a representative of the manufacturer) in charge who will be please to give you advice regarding styles, 'qualities, values. Terms and Axpangements can be made with the factory Jeprescplative, BE Featuring a A "%< 4 We Will Display Northern Canadian Muskrat Coats--newest fashions from soft, pliable skins. .- You can save from 256% to 35% at this factory display sale. \ \ s pr A large seléction of Canadian Beaver, Mink, Muskrat, Raccoon, and Kolinsky Coats, all prime pelts, at factory prices. Jacquets made up of furs of all kinds-- ' Plain and trimmed with suitable furs, oY FOX FURS ARE FASHIONABLE Silver Foxes, Red Foxes, Brown Foxes, : Black Foxes, included in this sale. NOTICE--The Canadlian Government is stopping all importing of Russian Furs which will mean a great shortage and a large in- - crease in price.. . . BUY NOW.