TONS OeTTET] and the Top ty wad both develop at first from the nutriment in the seed. The 700ts are of equal jmportance with the! £1 puri Brees the Flor: tops." They usually exfend as far from | entine - Stunt Svens" will be put- 'the trunk as the branches. The tree!ting thelr 'uniforms of silk and depends upon the roots to provide its ~ mineral nutriment and the. moisture for the sap, which later carries life v Sivioe: materials to all parts of the at development is limited largely by the character of the soil, the.avail- 'able moisture and the extent of the feeding area. A heavy, impervious, saturated 'soil means a weak root sys- - tem, a poorly developed top and slow, unsatisfactory growth. A reasonably fertile soll with a moderately uniform supply of moisture and an ample feed- ing area makes possible an abundant root: development,.a. luxurignt top and rapid growth, All gradations are to be be seen between the two extremes. Fine Root Called Most Vital Strange though it may seem, the more vital, active part of the root is mot found in the larger parts, useful though they are as support to the trunk, but in the minute feeding roots stretching out into new soil and ab- sorbing mineral solutions and mois. ture, * The fine roots are comparatively in- efficient unless they are well clothed with root hairs, minute, delicate growth possibly a fourth of an inch in length or less, They push out from near the tips of the smaller rootlets and, coming in close contact with the particles of soil, extract a maximum of nourishment and meisture. They are most.useful in moist to rather .dry poil. ded droughts with a con- root hairs means a serious reduction in these essentials for-tree growth. In a general way the number of leaves| and the vigor of growth is proportion- al to the abundance of tiny root hairs. Protect them, One of the major evils of the closely. clipped 'lawn is that it reduces the supply of humus and brings about con- ditions favorable to a rapid drying of the surface soil, This results in a greatly reduced number of root hairs trees. It is more pronounced in wet soils, where the feeding roots are necessarily near the surface, owing to their inability to grow in saturated soll. A good root system means a good tree. Feeding produces abund- ant root hairs and vigorous trees. Drought Warning Glven Drought injury, as has been pointed out, is most severe in low, poorly ~ drained soils where the water table is _mear the surface. Even a relatively small reduction in the soil moisture means the exposing of roots, accus- ed to mear-saturated conditions, to e drying out so common in solls which are practically dry. These ef- fects also are very evident on light soils where the lay of the land favors a rapid run-off and the texture of the #oll is such as to permit the ready es- _eape of the water, In addition, there are literally. thousands of trees, many Aud while varsity clevens are wear sequent ash dry soil 'and withering | and a corresponding lack of vigor in; "piaces-on. the. field, 'while bearers secreted them- tine season, whic datos: back to the 'sixteenth century, will be ending. satin away if mothballs, - : Yes, uniforms of silk and satin-- including panchke hats--is correct. For in Florence where il gloco del calcio is as indigenous as the shade of Dante, the games is played with great formality by hardy. Joutne, who insist upon the gent) fselves in ttle tents at either end of Lthe field marking the goals their play- , one seemed to know--not even the of- on 'a golf ball--over a three-foot bar- faced. The sandy floor was studded with wooden pegs marking the start "ing position of each group of players. |" ,| Why the men broke up into groups no ficials; it was just-tradition. The object of the game was to kick, ik gh or place the ball--about the of a basketball with the bounce rier and under a wire net three feet above the barrier, both of which stretched the width of the field. It was not half so easy as it looked, for it the ball went over the wire net the tors, half a point attire dictated by the old Tuscan custom, But the calcio is a man's game despite its gile habiliments! Whether the players wear = plus- fours or plus-eights makes little dif- ference. The game, of Grecian origin--and probably. Cro-Magnon, too, for our ancestors undoubtedly kicked a bone around in playful moments-- was revived last year in Florence for the first time since 1898. Prior to that, it was played in 1739. The revival was fostered by Premier Mussolini's mandate for general sports programs through- out Italy to improve the health of the youth. And in Florence it has proved to be an attarction for the tourist. For that reaton, the calcio players pit brawn and wit un- der broiling Summer suns instead of waiting for cooler days. The events is always subject to weather conditions. There is no play- ing in mist and cold drizzles. The costumes could not staand that. Since local ' groups 'vie with each other, there is no college spirit displayed. The factional interest has a gastro- nomic basis, for the -prizé of each game is a white ox with gilded herns and hoofs, provided by the municipal authorities. This prize is paraded to the bailiwick of the winners and bar- becued. One particular game Is recalled. It was played in the Piazza della Sig- noria, the field hemmed by the his- toric Palazzo Vecchio, the Loggia del | Lanzi, the sculpture of Michelangelo, | ; Cellini and Orcagna and fine old Tus- can houses. A grand stand for the; general public was erected across from the Loggia on whose steps were 'gathered the man officials of the cal clo. These latter were also in six- teenth-century costume, for the event takes on the fancy dress atmosphere of a Beaux Arts Ball | At sundown the procession began with the tolling of the bell in the old Palazzo, a bell that once summoned the populace to arms or to a public debate. The participants were gath- ered a mile away in the Piazza Santa Maria Novella and the bell started! them marching--halberdiers in riot ous uniforms, trumpeteers, the presi dent of. the ealclo, looking for all the world. like. Dante himself with Pet- rarch's laurels on his head, his guard of honor wearing armor out of the museums;' four ball-carriers, the refer- ees, the players' drummers and trum- with thelr flag-bearen, a platoon of of them magnificent speci grow- ing in relatively shallow soil or where the drying out process is accelerated by closely clipped lawns and the con- sequent absence of the normal amount of humus. It 18 well known that agricultural . cessfully when in a rich soil. tm fe x Conifers Topping the upthrust of a mighty crag Triumphs the cypress; it must crouch and lean, Push desperate roots through fis- sures deep, unseen, Sprawl prone to humor sea gales, Yonder snag, Of trunk forked like t's antlers of a stag, Pictures the future of these noble trees When storms at last have scourged them to their knees And wrested from them that resplend- ent flag. @igantic redwoods lord it in the North A group of lonely pines the South- lands boast. Comparing e earth's high peers is little All gid the conifers--a gallant host! Here: uted, carven, in their singular Tho toy aw cyprotscs of Montéron! Eashestive Sout erops resist drought much more sucs|- --Julia Boynton Green; in "This ikke ; the Green team and finally the fatted white ox' protected by a rear guard of halberdiers. Through the old streets this proces- sion wound its way, entering the field CHILD need REGULATING? CASTORIA WILL DO ITI When your, child needs regulating, remember this: the organs of babi peters, the men of the White team |: _| will signal the news to the men on the was gaiged by the goal defenders. In the old lays, the play ran from sundown until midnight on a field lighted by flaimbeaux. Now it is lim- ited to an hour ef solid running, kick- ing and rough-housing. A well-mannered youth dressed like Petrarch and In the colors of both teams, halt white, half green, was the pallaio. or kicker-off. His sole func- tion was to throw the ball between the opposing innanzi, or runners, at the boom of a little brass cannon on the steps of the Palazzo. The innanzi, fifteen to a team, faced one another in the centre of the field in groups of fives; they were akin to our tackles. Behind them were flve sconciatori, or fronts, four datori in- nanzi, or half-backs and guarding each goal were three datori addietro, fullbacks. The calcio is a combination of foot- ball, soccer and backetball derived from the ancient Greek game of "Har pasto," which the Roman legions brought into Italy. Once the ball was .in motion, it was hotly pursued by the players, all of wham showed a sudden lack of team-work, preferring mob action. Each man did his best to make the geal himself. The ball was kept bouncing: by kicks, punches, tosses and head-butting as In soccer. The player who. corralled the ball had to "dribble" it, backetball fashion, as he ran, or kick it ahead of him. As a result of fifty-four men's con- _ verging on a bounding ball, flying feet "and fists frequently connected with faces, heads and stomachs. Despite the costumes and pagean- try, this game was played in deadly earnest. The gilded white ox was at ! stake. The Whites came from the town proper and the Greens from the south bank of the Arno. Bad blood was frequently shown, and when the Greens pulled themselves out of a los- ing streak by piling up points, the Whites "ganged" on their best play- ers, putting: a few to counting stars, But the Greens triumphed with a score of 6 to 4, more than half. of their points contributed by the Whites on faults. Then the players assemb- led before the grand:stand:in:military: formation, accepted the ovation with gallant bows in.unison, replaced the pancake hats on battered heads and started the march through the city to the starting point. The Greens led the white ox proudly, while the Whites followed with their standard furled. > an-------- - "Air Policemen" A new innovation in traffic control is now being tried in Great Britain. The "sky patrol" have several ad- vantages over the policemen in cars or on point duty. They can soon gee, for instance, the threat of a traffic block. At the first sign of one they roads--with the result that a stream of cars is diverted and a hold-up avoided, They can also report cases of dan- gerous driving or "hugging" below them--and an offender is likely to re- ceive the surprise of his life when he learns, on being brought to book, that his downfall hag been caused by the innocent-looking plane which. has late- ly been hovering oyer his head. -------- Duckett: "They say you married Nancy because her aunt left her a for- tune." Drakett: "That's a le. I'd: have married her just tho same whoever had left it to her." FASHION HINT and children. are delicate. bowels must be gently purged--never forced. That's why Castoria 1s used by so many doctors and mothers. It is specially made for children's ail- ments; contains no harsh, harmful drugs, no narcotics. You can safely give it to young infants for colic pains: Yet it is an equally effective regulator Lady Mirage EEE Little | for older children. Tho next time 17 "How to make my old short skirts conform to the new length was a prob- lem to me until I hit on this plan. 1 dropped the hems; and as the part that had been turned under was darker 'than the rest, I redyed the entire dress, after having bleached-the goods, lowing. disestiongein; the Diamond, package. laundry, digestive upset, give him th Castoria, the children's own Tr and. two re te holes burst in the Genuine Gastatia always has the «your child has a little cold or fever, or help of | or '| tablished, and during the war it was An old English sheep dog and riving for the Crystal Pal winner by all appearance. the owner, Mrs. Keith Gibson, ar- & London, kennel club show. A prize Ling Production Shows Increase Many Valuable Uses Found for Fish of Ugly Appearance The value of production of the fish- eries of Canada last year was $47,798,- 920, this total being made up of $41, 451,977 from sea fisheries and $6,346, 943 from inland fisheries. In this con- nection, and with a view to augment- ing the variety of edible fish caught in Canada, the possibility of establishing | a market for the large quantity of ling ! or burbot found in the Dominion has | been engaging the attention of the] Game and Fisheries Department of| the Ontario Government. | The ling (Lota Maculosa Le Sueur) | is the only member of the cod family found in fresh water, It is widely dis- tributed throughout the Great Lakes and Is also found in the other large lakes of Canada. Its average weight is somewhere in the neighborhood of from two to five pounds, but speci- mens weighing 10 pounds are not un- common. It may be caught in the same manner as whitefish, herring and lake trout, viz., with gill nets, hooks and pound nets. As a result of careful experiments ling has been found to be a palatable fish, and if a market can be secured after an educational campaign point- ing out its value and suitability as food, this would doubtless be the best way of ridding Canada's lakes of ex- cessive numbers of the species, to the advantage of lake trout, with which it competes directly, and of more degir- able species, such as pike, pike-perch, herring and whitefish, upon which it preys. | A Food and Fertilizer During the past few years the Uni- versity of Toronto and other centres have been making a thorough study of the possibilities of ling as a food, as fish meal or fertilizer and as a source of liver oil. From an economic view- point, of course, the use .of ling as food is the most important, and until recently the consensus of opinion on the North American continent has been against it, possibly on account of the fish's forbidding appearance. | The fact remains, however, that in Burope the ling is considered to be a | "delicately flavored fish" with an excel- | lent market, and the liver and roe have always been looked upon as de-| licacien. In the United States, through | a campaign conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries, a market has been es- \obtainable in Canadd, but as soon as the scarcity of meat came to an end no further attempt to continue the mar- ket was made. . In 1928 some interesting experi ments in the cooking of ling were made by the Department of Hoi ld and the outeom was that fried ling wag {0 Diamond juicy, and a a delicate flavor." Fish float made from boiled ling was "just as. edible as that made. from cod." Fish cakes had "a fresh, delicate flav- or and we 22. Sood os or superior to A Bebo Ble be a possibility of creating a market for ling livers. They size, being. about 10 per of the fish, Sclence of the University of Toronto, |- "palatable, tender, | These show how the livers may be prepared as soups, toasts, liver loaf, and as fillings for tomatoes, Investl gations into the effect of ling livers in dietaries, with particular regard to anaemia, are being carried on in the Toronto General Hospital. Ling Liver Oil Since ling is a relative of cod, it, was considered that the liver oil might serve medicinally as cod liver oil. Oil was, therefore, extracted, and the yield, color and taste were found to compare favofably with cod liver oil. "The prospect for iutu-> marketing of ling looks bright, and without doubt this fish can be turned into a source | Its edible of profit to the fisherman. qualities can no longer be disputed, and as an added source of profit the | liver oil might be manufactured while | the liver itself may find a profitable market. The Cinderella of the fish world, disguised because of its homely appearance, should take its proper place among the recognized profitable commercial fish." In the above words, Mr. Hugh D. Branion, M.A, of the University of Toronto, sums up the result of his in- vestigations into the profitable use of ling or burhot. [ hearing screams)--"If you don's quit beating your.child I'll call the police." 'Man's Volge (from within)--"This ain't no child, It's my wife." sorry 1 intruded." A little girl who had been left to watch the soup was presently heard to sing out: "Oh, mother, come quick, the soup is getting bigger than the pot." First Siamese Twin to S d Siam- Into house after { Passerby="0h, pardon me. I'm 50. F a gh A YORE CL) ne ann iE] pounds Novelty! gi. Zacharie, Quer 0 Egg Co. Li S ore US YOUR POULTRY I ite for quotations, ment by certified cheque. Give us a trial Highest market prices ; Immediate se Crates I Rosenfeld Poultry | imited, Montreal, ese Twin--"Well, well, well, fancy meeting you here! It's a.small- world after all" Hostess--"Are you really a bank ex- aminer, Mr, Tomkins?" Mr. Tompkins--*Yes, madam, I hap: pen to be." Hostess--""Then I hope you will have time to examine baby's bank. No matter how much we shake it, nothing will come out of it." The lack of money also is the root of a good bit of evil, Rival suitors for the hand of a modern girl often run neck and neck. There must be some difference in pills; every now and then someone gets hold of the wrong box and the undertaker is called in. Pros- perity may be just around the corner, but nobody has as yet succeeded in locating the particular corner. We have no quarrel with those who can't, but we have unlimited contempt for those who won't. Bride--"You mustn't expect me to give my girlhood ways up all at once." Groom--"Certainly not, my dear. Go Just as if nothing had happened." Nurse--"Are you going to give my patient something to slow down his heart action?" Doctor--""Yes, an elderly nurse." Mother--"Mabel's young man has taken offense at something. Have you said anything to him?" Father-- "Not a word. I haven't seen him since I mailed him last month's lixnt bill." To-day. 1 believe in to-day. It is all that I possess. The past is of value lonly as it makes the life of to-day fuller and freer. To-morrow depends upon the present--I must make good [ to- -day. It is no distinction merely to | possess money. The tribute of respect which cannot be measured in dollars is paid by our friends and neighbors to the man who honestly serves, Frank-=-"What is puppy; wz?" dog's "The beginning of a life." 'Bout the only thing impressive about a skating rink is its seating capacity. Fashion Note--Girls don't object to two-piece bathing suits as long as they don't have to wear both pieces at the same time. Young Wife--"Oh, Tom, it's just about a year since our honeymoon, when we spent that glorious day on the sands. | wonder how we'll spend the first anniversary?" Tom (gloomily)--"0Oa the rocks." One scantily-clad flapper asked a football player if the team didn't get cold trotting around the fleld without any stockings on. People who carry glass bottles never should sit on stones. It must take a lot of thought to pick a party leader that all factions of the party can't be mad at. Tom--"Well, ¥ve decided to pin my faith to that girl." Dick--*"Chavritable resolve. No woman I know needs something pinned to her more than she." Protect Your Boy F, couahs id enid From coughs and colds SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian oJ] . Cod Liver Acid Stomach Completely Relieved by Famous Vegetable Pills + the Acid ICK stomachs, sour stomachs and ing: tion usually mean excess . The stomach nerves are Too iy acid makes the stomach intestines sour. Alkali kills acid . The best form is Phillips' Jess dose on taking allowance from your father! of Seiivery: Boek howtos Johnny: lately." Manager of floor): TCH--CANADIAN BRED FI highest quality for Limediate 1 stand squarely Grandma: I was coming?" from him--he hasn't been feeling well Young Smith: saw it first." Action Avi and guarantee orller today. "Didn't: "father know "No, gran, Mother kept it i SRSBERNEN (pointing to cigarette-end "Smith, is this yours?" "Not at all, sir. You yl IL "Two severe pail me they medicine, children, usin, with the {Slewve by Cuticura QOintmen To soothe and heal burn, cuts, \ rashes and all skin irritations [ Price 25¢. and 50c. BACKACHE and could with difficulty hold myself upright, At times I had to go to bed for a week at a time, from hospital for 8 months, an: they certainly did me good, but they told rest for 6 months, away fror\ the be parted from the cluldren, not go to hospital an; Kruschen Salts and have had no trouble with my back since. Kruschen contains vital salts that 34 right down to the root cause of on Kruschen, the Sharpest ain of backache cease n become less er hig frequ twi ent, finally you hardly know what an ache or pain is. Then, if you're wise, you'll JIVE vem the possi continuing the tiny, taste- a of childhood. INARD'S| KING OF Pu LINIMENT | | | | BED WITH years ago I suffered with ns in the small of my back, I went to and could not keep giving 1:e but that I needed complete I could not 107 my ty » 1 C3) more. 1 started '--Mrs. W. Soon after you start cease, As you persevere "little daily dose' the ility of a of Kruschen every morning, a up wi bam's Vi because one harm- many times its Every Month She's "Sick Again" 00 bad! Sick again , , . doubled nice .:. awfully patient. But it was so embarrassing : : 3 738 the office koew thas he mast wel Then gi rend told bec whe to do; You need Lydia ith cramps. The boss was sa on kr to use during pron Dives os oF new