+ Sas . CR PE RGR CE yore nts & COMING--F. E. Luke, Optometrist, ~ bedfast since she missed her footing at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, on Thursday, Dee. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McKenzie and Catharine, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. SARNIA MOTOR:L°BMITED A FINE NEW ADD! N TO THE CITY'S AUTOMOBILE ESTABLISHMENTS (Sarnia Paper) The Sarnia Motors Limited is the city's newest business, which will be open to the public on Saturday. The premises are at 228 Christina street north in the building formerly oc- cupied by Sutherland's' trade-in-store. The new company will be the agent tinn SHOPPING DAYS ou tlt more days of . shopping till Christmas. Our line of dolls are dolls that will last, as they are ractically unbreakable: the Bo value mn the end. Do not be misled by an outside sales sheet that has come through the postoffice, - you can do as well at regular rices here at home. See our ine of Jewellery, Watches (Boys, Ladies, Men & Girls) Silverware, China & Ausco two-tone Ivory Toilet ware We sell the Julian Sale leather Hand-bags at mod- erate prices. Buy now and get the cream. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Stationer . for the McLaughlin-Buick and P automobiles and in conjunction with the agency will operate a 'modern ser- vice and repair department. The Officers. Samuel Hitchcock, well-known of Sarnia, will head the new company, and 'has been appointed president and general manager. He will be asso- ciated with Wallace West, Sales Man- ager, and Thomas Allward, service manager and Mrs. Allward, secretary- treasurer. Mr. Allward, who comes to Sarnia from Oshawa and Port Perry, will diréct the service and repair depart- ments. Formerly Mr. Allward was employed with the General Motors at Oshawa in the maintenance depart- ment. Prior to that time he was in Detroit with the Dodge Motor Corp. His home is at Sackville, N.S. Mr, and Mrs. Allward's Port Perry friends wish them success. ree MYRTLE Mrs. Totten visited her mother at Stouffville, last week. The cold, blustery weather over the week end reminds one very forcibly that Christmas is not the only thing that is rapidly approaching, as King Winter is widely lurking around the corner. The children who are taking part in the concert for the annual Sunday School Christmas Tree, had a practice in the Community Hall on Monday night. Old St. Nicholas, who has evidently made the best of the great financial depression 'is expected te arrive from the ice bound regions of Port Perry on some farther 'morth point and visit them at the Christmas Tree on December 22nd. A former much esteemed resident of this community died at Oshawa last week after a lingering illness, in the person of Mrs. Charles Glover. It is said that one of the finest tributes that one can pay anyone, is that they were good neighbours and this ¢an be said most emphatically of her. Where there was sickness or trouble she was always a ministering angel and in her| own kind, quiet way did much to re: lieve those who needed her assistance. Her niece with whom she lived since her husband's death some years ago, and other sorrowing friends, have the sympathy of old friends here. y In the death last week of Mrs. John Elsom, the community has lost an- other of its oldest residents. Di BORN On Saturday, November 21st, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Myrtle, a daughter-- (Audrey Joyce.) UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY December 5th, 1981 Mr. T. J. Widden, Port Perry, Ont. On behalf of the Society I beg to acknowledge with thanks your remit- tance for $106.85, being contributions 11 a.m.--Morning omsch 7 pm.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 230 a XR TET WIN We are adding a number of Jersey Cows to our herd for milk supply. which is supplied to customer without extra charge. MYRTLE Mrs. R. Chisholm and Mrs. Luery spent a part of this week in Toronto. Mrs. McComb is visiting friends in Peterboro. Mrs. Long and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harrison spent the week end at Sea- grave. There was no church service have last Sunday owing to special serviees at Raglan. We are glad to report Mrs. Oliver Lane, who has gone to Preston Springs for treatment, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham were in Toronto last week attending the fun- eral of a relative. The Committee in charge of the Sunday School Christmas Concert are busy practicing with the children. the doctor's care, is steadily improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones, of Brook- lin, and Mrs. W. Ross, of Utica, were at D. G. Ross' for Sunday. Mrs. A. Crosier was at the home of Mrs. R. Thompson, last week. from your local Branch. I 1 official receipt herewith. Kindly convey to your Collectors and Members our sincere appreciation of their generous and practical assis- tance in the work of the Society. Thanking you personally for your continued interest in our work, I re- main, Yours sincerely, C. G. Stevens, Manager ESE BADMINTON NEWS A number of the young people of Port Perry, met Monday evening, Decemebr 7th, for the purpose of or- ganizing a Badminton Club. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Hon. President--W. L. Parrish. President--B. D. Henry Vice-President--Grace Davis. Sec-Treas.--Kenneth Pearce Lookout Committee--R. G. Gemmell, Mrs. Dr. Rennie, E. Hayes, Mrs. I. R. Bentley, A. M. Lawrence, Marion Goode: We have at our disposal an excel- lent court in the gymnasium of the P, P, H, 8. and rackets and shuttle- cocks will be supplied by the Club. Anyone interested and wishing to join kindly communicate with any member of the executive committee as soon as possible, and information regarding fees, time of playing, etc., will be supplied. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Paul's Experience, 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 pm.--Jesus and the Modern Family. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School 8 p.m.--~Worship Service re SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, December 20th, 1981, in the United Church, Port Perry, at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. The morning service will was in her 88rd year and had been when going down cellar: and fell a few steps to the cellar floor, painfully | injuring her hip, about the first of October. Althought she was lovingly attended to by her family, and had constant attendance from Dr. James Moore, she never standing characteristics was her big- heartedness and hospitality in her ome, She is survived by her husband, , Mrs. Arthur Maw and delightful and interesting service. aid of Sunday School work. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT rounding distriet will be interested to 'note that next Wednesday and Thurs- day mark the dates for the annual Commencement, ist of Special singing by the Sun- day School and Primary, and an ad- dress by the minister. The evening service will be of a special character in the form of a Cantata, entitled, "The Song of the Ages." rendered by a trained" chorus of sixty singers and reciters. This is a new departure and will prove a very Special offering at both services in The People of Port Perry and sur- PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB The Port Perry Hockey Club met on December 4th in the Town Hall. An enthusiastic crowd of supporters at- tended, said to be the largest meeting for some years in the history of Port Perry Hockey. , 'After the financial position of "the Olub' had, been dis- cussed it appearéd that approximately $20 remained on hand with one small outstanding liability, The election of officers followed, ' The former honor- ary presidents were retained by pop- ular vote, namely: A. R. Wilson and Dave Carnegie. B. D. Henry and A.L. McDermott were nominated for presi- dent, but withdrew in favor of James Boe, who was elected. Mr. McIntosh was elected vice president. BE. L. Mec- Lean and Bob Harris, stood for sec'y- treasurer, the latter being returned by ballot. An advisory committee was established composed of Jno. Tinsley, B. D. Henry, Robt. Levia, and A. L. McDermott. Port Perry are grouped with Ux- bridge, Beaverton, Markham and Rouge Maroons. The grouping was approved by the club and the Presi- dent and Secretary were delegated to attend the convenor's meeting at Markham to arrange the schedule. The officers of the Club met the rink com- mittee to arrange terms for the winter. A committee was appointed to report on the possibilities of a rural league. Prospects are bright for a spirited team of local talent this season. Several newcomers to town give pro- mise of adding the necessary punch to make group 4 an interesting series. The fans can expect some real games of hockey this winter and the property committee of the Rink Company are making provision to anchor the old roof down on big occasions. Wm. Anderson was appointed as manager of the team. Mr. Anderson has had already given years of un- selfish service to the team and his "ap- pointment will meet with general ap- proval, Mr. McDonald was appointed coach, and from his previous exper- ience in organized hockey under cap- able coaching, he will prove a big asset to the team. et WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT When in' town and you are undecided where fo eat, call at the White Kitchen; and try our 40 cent meals, Lunches and afternoon tea served. | Their milk will be included in that| SCOTT'S DAIRY.| Mrs. Roy Thompson, who is under} SATURDAY, DE _ DONT BE Christmas spirit, - at 3.00 p.m. SANTA CLAUS is started from the north, and is now travelling at lightning s ed over the snow clouds, his rein top speed to arrive here by Saturday. SWEETMAN'S GARAGE. (always willing to help out in any good cause) are sending a dzcorated Santa on the outskirts of the town, and will bring him to the Band Stand at Three O'Clock in the afernoon. Now DON'T BE LATE, because Santa is-- : ALWAYS ON TIME, and he won't-have long to stay with us.. Come one, come all! Come and see Santa received by the leaders of the town . . . - ] Come and show him that we in Port Perry have the real : "NELSON'S STORE, &= Port Perry EMBER 12, || LATE C1? eer galloping at car to meet A Good Store to know L. W. Nelson, Prop. :: H. Couldery, Mgr. % Watch Us Grow Moderately Priced: Gifts Mennen's Gift Sets for Men, ontaining Shaving Cream, - Talcum, Skin Balm and Lotion ". eae Fine Quality Pearl on Amber 'Polletware. Three piece sets of mirror, brush and comb. Special price $8.00. "EH hil Op gL such well-known suthors as: p eim, Warwic Deeping, Edgar Wallace, MDa = Brice 85¢, aay in gift packages. We Have Hunt's, Neilson's, Pattersol's and Sweetest Maid. 1b pkgs. 50¢c and 60c. Ib packages, at $1.00 and $1.20. DON'T FORGET YOUR VOTES IN THE DOLL CONTEST. ses asasens ma A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. PORT PERRY, ONT. 3 i ; PORT PERRY = DEBENTURES FOR SALE S. S. No. 9, TOWNSHIP OF REACH $4200.00 at 5%. Maturing inTwenty Years For further particulars apply to, -- an x ALON Z0 WILLIAMS, Sec'y, R.R, 1, Port Perry| Aus Slams IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS : Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choloe cuts of . beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. civalan Phone in your Briers 20w _WILLARD'S Seedless Grapefty t, California roa Grapes, Naval "oranges, ' What § variety! i lia Seen snd Valentan, cach ....2 ha, fox 3c. atel Seeded, in bulk 5 a sa nnainieiny Rong ea rd aN . IR Rs mar se tae sey s wine CUT MIXED PEEL Sinan tenis ID